WEDNESDAY, APRIL S, 1"5 THE, MICHIGAN D AILJY WEDNSDA, ARIL , 125 HE ICI-IGA DALYPAGE ':IP.E __... Y L The Campus TIoday's questioni : Should an at- tenipt be made to bring a good stockI company here at least once a week? W1here asked: University hail. 1"he answers: It. A. Hoffman, '26E,j --"T think good plays should bed booked at least occasionally, as they .form a means of dramatic instruc- tion and appreciation." Geraldine Schubert, '28,-"Tliere -sehould be a good stock company here every week, becuse that might take aiway the attraction of the movie." C. A. Johnson, '28,-"I think this attempt should 'be encouraged. Al- most any student would enjoy seeing a good play at least once a week." Helen Best, '26;-"Yes, I think that a really good stock. company would be appreciated by the student body." Alice Callender, '27,-"I think that thie Bonstelle company from Detroit would be a splendid stock company to~ bring here frequently. We surely do need better plays." General Electric Offers To Train SeniorEnier In accord with the general policy, of the General Electric company toI pirovide a means for further special- ized training for engineers desiring it, W.M.: Skiff, manager of the electrical engineering, department of the Na- tional Lamp works of the General Electric company at Nela Park, Cleve- land, Ohio, was in Ann Arbor yester- day interviewing electrical engineers for the purpose of giving information to those students interested in obtain- ing further, training for the lighting business. Mr. Skiff, in interviews, explained the opportunities offered an~d the desirability of training atj Nela Park. The Nela Park lighting laboratories, according to Mr. Skiff, are the larg- est lighting laboratories in the coun- try, and facilities are offered there in research work and practical appli- cation of engineering training, which cannot be obtained so easily else- where. Instruction in lighting is of- fered at Nela Park in conjunction withy the regular work carriedl on in the laboratories. Patronize D)aily Advertisers -- it, ppys,-Adv. Alumni News lie ;-etordlG(. Fitch, '03,~ is prey;ii cii of the Ta coma, Washingtoni, Bar asso- ciation. On the Board of Tru~t ees are to 1)0found thle namies of Charles W. Johnson, '14I,, and Edgar N. Eisen- hower, '141, Simon .J. U mlfinger, 4,1 9-'2i1,has been adlmitt ed 'to the 8;' r in the :slut e of New Jersey, and1(1is5no w Ven < ,C( in the practicee oA lawx in Newark. I Dr. Eliza Mosher, '75MV, wa:- recent - ly honor-ed b~y a ha ncuut tendered by fifty organizations in Brooklyn, New York. Ile thas been practicing for more than half a century, *Winifred ('aine, '95, (M~rs. :Tames Maclay) is in charge of lpart-t ime stl- dent empilloymen t at Tleachers' college, Columbia university, Ncwv York. Thonnas F. AI;.-,onal, '1 7I, ha;; been a admittedl to the law firmt of Spencer and D~onnell as a partner. The seiot' p~artner, Mr. Spencer, is the United States senator fromt Missouri. The firm is located at St. Louis. Harvey WV. Goddar(d, '12, M.'S-.F. '15, is appraisal confleree, corp)orationi audlit division, income tax unit, IT. S. Bureau (A Internal Revenue, Wash- ington, D. C. -- IiWill Lead Militia Studens - eachers m- Artists and Return :*o~p pand up This special 1925 excursion rate, offered to travelers in our improved third class [Tourist Section]l, New York to South- ampton and return, places an enjoyable and profitable trip to Europe within the reach of all For a few dollars additional, passengers may proceed via Cherbourg or Hamburg. Person- ally conducted tours in England, Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland and Italy at inclusive rates of $325 upward may be arranged. Investigate new 2 Make your reservations early I For further information apply to 17i'011UNITED ERCA LNE BUR'~MEICAN LIN DANCING TONIGHT AT GRANGER'S" And every -Wednesday, Friday and Saturday NightsI Music by Bill Watkins antI His Grang-er Fi *, ;t 1 CRANCE MY w{ i 1 -M en ,n n1 ,O 0fl a] guarJ [armories ofl (> s. in tlt . Il-.nsmsnta, it Drugs__ Kodaks I in in( an A. commit tee of the classn.; f ('51, L , hol.. 1.I ha t ;j (a'4!te ('is. eluding Earl Love joy, presides I,, I u~~Uee sl i il -, tA Ii 81 ad Arthur E. Fixel, secret ary, bav ;a ic,'!en1 "a'I 4 1 e f Olr~' to Owb .ae preliminary arrangeni s .,fer (Ii hi