PAGE NINE TUESDAY, APRIL 7; 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ............ GRIDIRON KNIGHTS WRITHE UNDER ANNUAL PANNING Flames Shoot and Hot Grate Glows While Sharp Satire Grins at High Dignity T1 GRIDIRON BANQUET By Emery P. Wall An evening of care-free enjoyment, a few hours of levity, a disregard for things sacred, an opportunity of mak- ing capital of the idiosyncrasies of others, and no chance of coming through unscathed-that in a word is Michigan's annual Gridiron banquet. Fun makers have found the occasion suited to their needs. The fun makers are those who, obeying that axiom, "A little laughter now and then----" have condescended to step off the high and mighty places lopig enough to take the prescribed tonic. The Gridiron banquet is one of Michigan's many near-traditions. It is the stripling among famous dinners. the juvenile among classic functions. The Gridiron banquet is only in ;.s third year. But two others have pro 4:eeded the one scheduled for OJis evening. On a theory similar to that which states that man's life is not reckonedf bV how long he lives but rather by how much lie lives, however, the Grid- iron 1.anquet claims prestige among the school functions. Two year, of (ridaion banquetting have been as at core, the contention is.