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April 07, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-07

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received 1 ) the Assistnt~ to tho P-eseient until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays
volume i TUESDAY, APRIL. 7, 1025 Number 14:1
University Women-House Presidents:
All signing out slips for :March must he in the office of the Dean of
Wo ne .A before, sprin g. vacat~ion
Jean iltmilton, Pean. of Aomen.

Juioer Enginers:
Assembly this morninfig at 9 o'clock in room 34S.

A. 0. Lee.

Education DP130:s
Education D130O (The Teaching of Latin in the Secondary Schools) will
meet Tuesday evening, April 7, instead of Wednesday evening, April 8.
WV. L. Carr.
Enaglishi 3--P1uhie Speaking for Engineers:s
The regular week~ly assembly will be held Thursday, April 9, at 7 o'clock
in room 348 of the west Engineering building. Chairman, Mr. W. M. Mac-
Arthur; speakers: Messrs. 1.14. Matheson, W. R. Thompson, C. A. Mertz, C.
H-ungerford, R. F. Smith, R. S. Heym, 0. D. Mosher, V. D. Metcalf.
Rlph L. Lindeinuider.
Examination in Glacial Geology:
This examination in Glacial. Geology, will be conducted Tuesday night,
April 7, from 7 to 9 o'clock in roomf 217 G, Natural Science building.
Frank Lei crelt.
geograpiy 156:
There will be no lecture today. Other meetings this week as usual.
P. E. James.
Sociology 51:
The thesis are due F'riday, May 1. No change of topic will be accepted
later than Friday, April 10. R. H. Holmes.
College of Pharmacy:
This morning at 9 o'clock, Dr. Frank B. Kirby, Sales Manager of The
Abbott Laboratories, of Chicago, will address the class in Pharmacy 2. All
interested are invited to attend. C. C. Glover, Sec retary.
Students of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering:
On Tuesday, April 7th, Mr. W. M. Skiff, Manager of the Engineering de-
partment of the National Lsmp works of the General Electric company at
Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio, will be in Room 274 West Engineering building
for the purpose of interviewing students, particulary juniors, who may be
interested in training at Nela Park for the lighting business.
University Section Society of American Military Engineers:
Michigan Section S. A. M. E. will meet at the Union Tuesday, April 7,
at 8:00 P. M. Professor Hoad and Major Carpenter will address the meeting
on "The Duties of an Engineer in Times of Peace and War."
Paculty members of the section are cordially invited and urged to at-
tend. W. Victor Owen, Secretary.
Notice to all Membets of the University:
Mail addressed as, follows: 'care of the University of Michigan" has
been delivered to the office of the Secretary, room 3, University hall. It
will be held 'until April 11, and should be called for at once giving date of
this publication, I. e. April .7. This list will not be reprinted(. MAIL
Ann Arbor Senior Club President Hugh Jameson
E. K. Janaki Anmal

Lntesday in Room 151 of the Chemistry building on I he sii)Ject "The Chemz-
istry of Cell Respiration." All women interested in chemistry are invited
to be present. Selma dueller, 1President..
A tlinlti(nl )cmorial Priz'e(Cntest:
Students iiterested1 inlthe AtkinlsonI'Memnoriatl Prize e.st carei'e V-
quested to s.ce Mr. Crock-cr Tuesday at 4:00 o'clock, room 205s, ithail.
William C. Dixon, ('cntesl _Director.
1 "She !Hoopusto Coniquer" :
As the next program in t he series of Play Production Play, Oliver
Goidsmith's five-act comedly''She Stoops To Conquer" will be l~resilntod on
Nvernedayevening, April 8, at 8:00 o'clock in universitv hall. : nominal
aitluissioii will he (charged for those not holding tickets for th e :e ie,4.
Military Ball (Comsmittee:
'There will he a meeting of the Military Ball committee in room ,,02, of
the sVnion at 7:15 to'clock tonight. lt. 1P. 1ri~gts. Secretary.
tclclp; i:
The prog ram for this even-Irg calls for discuission of whether ,Fchigaui
shouldi follow Oli vet College ini adopt ing t he "Oxford cut" sysoni~. Some
very imtport ant huwces is to lhe t ramnsacted
icharid Ford.
J LetWre (Curse lUshers:
Mn who have been act ig as ushers at the' programas on t h oratorical
associationi course are asked to usher at t he -World fliers lecture Thumrsday
evening. Please report at 7: 30 o'clock a:4 usual, w ea ring bad:,e.'T'here
will be no further notice in the bulletin. Itichard F~ord.
Spanish Club :
The conversiat ion class wil meet at 7 o'clock tonig: in room 301 of the
Library. 14. 1)oiiiortijian.
Junior Research Clb:
Thue regular meeting will be heldl on Tuesday, April 7, at 7:30 o'clock
in room 162 Natural Science building. The following p~apers will be pre-
"The Prairies of Gleometry" by Prof. Norman ff. Anning.
"Visual Contrast" b)y Mr. Carl R. Brown.
An invitation has been received from the Research club for our mem-
bers to attend the annual memorial meeting which will be held on Wednes-
day, April 8, at 8:00 o'clock in the.Natural Science Building auditoriumi.
A. Lindblad, Secretary.
Patronize Isaity Advertisers - it pays.-A4Iy.

\Vit.l t he ir':cfli. I '(lcse of a new
quart i-xpeciro e'o;. e.tral Adam nHal-
gar Ltd., of i oidon, Enhgland, the
physics d(eprtmlent hais now a pr'ac-
tically comlete equipment for re-
search and experimental work in
sletroscopil \' ord ing to Prof. R.
A f. Sawyer. ot .the phtysics (lpart ment,
the departmnris' 'ow a ble to carry
n pr'actica liy all work possible inl
thnis fie'ld. The IP firfni~ which the
epctrescope was- bou ht , is the larg-
est optical manuiactutring concern in
En gland(.
TIhe new splectroscope is able to
photowgraphi all visible lines of the
spectra and also nn invisile rays.
beginnin g w ithi the inmira-red ray and
'progressing, to the leiitra-viol et ray~.
This new a'niara ta, is four times as
lacge as allv other spectr oscope in
the physics depili'tli'bet, and can be
used. to phlol ogi iiph the shorter rays
of the spectra. Thei physics doepa p1.-
menat has five spectroscopes in use at

Veter ns M a t will be able to ps the ex:armi~atioun
for the Reserve Officers' corps. _ap-
# plications and information on this sub-
A ttend Camp ect can he had fr om Capt. Tooni C.

#Veterans of the WXorldl war are to
have an opportunity to qualify for aa
*commission in the Reserve Officers'
corps through attendance at the Citi-
zenl's Military Training camps. Trhe
War dIepartment has recently an-
nounced a change in regulations
Swhich will permit the attendance of
these men in the Blue course. C. M.
T. camps. The age limits for the Blue
course are 19 to 31 years.
The C. M. T. C. in the Sixth corps
area for the Blue course, will be held
at Camp Custer, July 23 to August
21, in conjuction with the regular
summer training course for young
in en who have had no previous mili-E
tary training. These courses include'
transportation expenses, equipment,
and medical attention.{
Through attendance at this course,l
World war veterans will receive 301
days of training that will refresh

1'101211 atthe 'Armory.
W.oA.A. Gives Rules
For Poster Design
In order to bring out the sir nific-
ance of Lantern Night the committee
wvishes that some formh of a lantern
design be usedl for the posters for thie
WV., A. A. contest. The posters must
have no wording other than "NV. A.
A. presents Field Day andl Lantern
INight at Palmer Field on May 19."
Every woman on campus is eligile
and is urged to try out for this con-
test and all contributions must be
handed in at the office of Miss Ethel
IMcCormick at Barbour gymnasiumn,
before Friday, April 24.
I .a



AdvertIsers --


- done in our shop
Razors Ground and
_ Honed.
~Safety Razorc
Blades SharpenedJ
216 E. Washington W
~Telephone 2964-M

Quick Service

Good Work

just as long as we do
cleaning and pressing
will have a smile on
f ace.



328 South Main St.
Phone 644
Read the Want Ads

Notices to appear in this column n'must'
be left in the box at the Daily office
providled for !nat purpose be fore 4
o'clock preceedinP tbt day of issue.
USDY9 :00-un ior engineers assemble in;r
room 348, Engineering, building. I
1 :30-5:04-Ann Arbor Art asssociat ion
exhibit in the west gallery of Alum-
ni Memorial hall.;t
15.-Physics ('olloqluiumm meets ill
room 1041, new Physics building. i
Prof. J. M. Cork speaks on "Some
Physical Properties of Metals by X-f
7:00- -1ichig-an Gridiron Kuighlts' t
banquet at the Union.
7 :00-Conversation c(lass of the Span,.I
club meets in room 301, Library.
7 :1-Hilitary bil(cmititeeuteecis
Sin room 302, Union.
7 :0-11r. Fred G. Novy addresses Iota}
Sigma Pi on "'The Chemistry of Cell
Resipiration.'' in room 151 of the>>
Chemistry building.
s :0Oh'oieil"u si tidenrts going' :n the
Spring vacation trip ,through Mich-1
igan, meet in room 302, i'aiversity
' :tk- icigsin Ne tiou, 8. A. J3,1., .
meets at the Union.
1:040-i Arlbor Art1associati onl
Iexhibit in the west gallery of Al- i
umni Memorial hall.
8 :00- Annual miemoril inieeling of
the Research club in the Natur111al
Science auditorium.
8 :li0-"S lie Stoops to ('"on tl fier," pre-
senited in University hallI
Dr. 'Fred G. Novy, p~rofessor of brie-

Democrats Oppose
Roosevelt Drive
Washington, April 6.-The move-
ment to revitalize the democratic or-
ganization, launched recently by
Franklin D. Roosevelt, of New York
and Senator Thomas J. Walsh, of Moni-
tana, has encountered serious oppo-
IMost party leaders, both in and out
of Congress, have frowned upon the
plan outlined by Mr. Roosevelt, and
indorsed by Senator Walsh, for an:
early gathering of the chieftains of
democracy to set up a militant nation-j
al organization to function in and out
of season.
Annapolis, Md., April 6.-Hazing is
not considleredI willful neglect of duty,
o)" impiroper conduct at the United
States Naval academy at Annapolis,
according to ad(ecision of the Depart-
ment of the Interior. A pension was
grantedI to William 11. McGregor, a
inidlshiIpman, who was seriously injur-
ed by hazer's last June.
try of Cell Respiration." All women
interestedl in chemistry are invited to
be present.
Makes Autos Go 49 Miles
On Gallon of Gasoliner {
An amazing new de-
vice has been per-
fected by James A.
May, of 7025 Lacotah
Bldg., Sioux Falls, So.
Dlak., that cuts down
gas consumption, re- '
moves all carbon,


*Edwin Dailey
Da VIO L. Beers
Robert WV. Bartlett
E. W. Brandes
Tlugh Chalmers, Jr.
Ruth K. Y. Cheng

Nal Thien Kannasut
Yo Kawvamura
Alexander L4. Montgomery
J. ferry

Greeting Cards for all
Occasions at
0. 1). M OJRIRILL S,
17 Nickels Arcade.
The Stationery n'& Terfr\1.iter Store.
Overcoats, and
Shoes, Higthest
cash price paid.
Telephone .2601
I120 Fourth Ave,


- -,

Henry Deslnberg
Gerald Dykstra

Oran L.. Raper
Bernice M. Rettig
Mary Ii. Ross

SMARTLY dressed men in the
style centers of the world know,
there is no substitute for a Stetson.


Woo Yi 'rang

Mar'tin Ga"rber QI
Alathew M.Gordon

Pres. of Student Government
Waldemar Walter
Ployd V. Winner
Shirley 11. Sun ithsi Seeret ary.

Styled for

young nmen

2amen H-ughiey

Physics Clloquium:t
The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon
in room 1041 Nw Physics building. Prof. l. M. Cork: will speak on "Some
l'bysival Properties of, Metals by X-Rays." All interested are invited to at-
tendc. IH. 31. Randu~all.
Gr rduiite Students In Chemical Engineering':
The regular monthly luncheon comes Tuesday, April 7, in the Seminar
room of the East Engineering building. Allr~ed 11. While.


Iota Sigma PI:
Dr. Fred G. Novy,
gienic, Laboratory, will

Professor of Bacteriology and Director of the Iv.-
give a lecture before Iota Sigma Pi at 7:30 o'clock


teiology and dtirect or of the hygienic prevents spark plug ~..:.~
laboratory, wil give a lecture before trouble and overheat- -
Iota Sigmia Pi, honorary woman's ing. Many cars have ~f TI .
made over chemcalescintyaagal<,0 rcloc to- ca1soa OW
oin..Ayo ecnisalli tC .in five minutes. Mr. May wants agents and i
night in room 151 of the (ChemistryI offering to send one free to one auto owner in
building on the subject, "The (ienuis-' each locality. Write him today. _____________________________
*Book Bargains
* ur BargainCounters
ar*rsee admdamr t
tractive each day with new books
Offers a highly desirableW
In sales work of the highest order to Senior men who wish to make
a permanent business connection.
- Our representative wili be in this city for two days only in the near _ p

r ®" ". I'll. r3 '. +' '. / '. '1d. I. J': . ', J~ 'd ! '. '/ ' ' J. 'J~. / '®/ '/.J. 1l. I 'I , I ' ' 0 '.1. I "~~ ". d '. / ' . /d "1


The most popular instrument on
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Perhaps you have some doubt
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We have banjos low enough in
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You may- purchase on our Eix-
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