THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 7. 1925 -110 1001 " \ I __ .fem. 1, t. ::ice " ,Ilii iii ,' , , iiiiiia . A m i uw i° / w r 3 f s E ""., . ... s y a Fisher IHalls DETROIT MEET J IshDa y Dlt s .. .IS. BOOST Bowlers Take Second Title !SINE COACHES TO 14HfI P ~lIflAITHi iic~i 3 ,V III! , i t L'L.9 C ,/n j'' ail'. _' _.._.._. = 'w UHAII MANY 5Ii Coach Fisher yesteraay discontinued the regular daily baseball gamte of Team five, or six innings, and substituted a workout that would give the teamn practice as a unit. With the excep- tion of the pitcher, the team, in the LED field looked similar to last seasons ED Varsity. . track Wilson was at his old position at to;first base, Ryrholm at second, Captain A. U .Dillman at shortstop, and Haggerty ight. at third. The outfield was composed getroit of Coleman in left, Bachman in center, arious and Stegar in right. ,Red Cherry did irn toall of the work behind the plate; and Bet toHovey did the hurling. The remainder e the of the squad took turns at bat, and n. At r ran the paths as if in a regular game. sched-while the team kept to the field the will whole afternoon. Coach Fisheid ex- I events.pects to make one or two changes in the lineup of the regulars today. g erio, Jerry Benson one of the mainstays on the hurling staff of last season hasi o ini-not practiced since the latter part of maey last week, due to an illness at his s has home. Coach Fisher does not expect t and the star right handed to return untilt ooked just before the team leaves for the spring trip. aking bard, pole vaui't and as he consistentlyS Rein- clears 12 feet six inches he is sure to Wi RIA AI i [ U 131Y 1 U t 1111 U L U Maintaining its lead throughout the I 11 LLI1 llU I O1ILU _season, Michigan's informal bowling Six Out of Seven Stite Titles Taken team, intercollegiate champions of .'lan 3Iost Pretentious Programii In By C (ntmidates For last year, again won premier honors history Of Spring Grid Varsity in the intercollegiate league. The Il- Trining linois bowlers finished second, withI EXPECT BETTER SEASON De Pauw in the third position. A ROPER TO COME HERE post-season series of nine games willI Prospects for a successful campaign be played between the Wolverines and Plans have been completed for Illinois at a later date. It is yet un- G spring football which will start April in the 1926 wrestling season were con- decided whether to have the series 121, immediately after spring vacation. siderably brightened when six local take place in Chicago or as a regular I According to the program as outlined matmen representing Ann Arbor won telegraphic match. the. practice will be more complete six of the seven state championships In the final match of the regular and fully organized this year than in the Michigan A. A. U. mat tourna- league, played last week with Syra- ever before. ment held Saturday in the city Y. M. cuse, the Michigan bowlers won two Nine coaches will have charge of 'C. A. out of three games. The scores of thg candidates during most of the Wrestling at Michigan has been slow this match follow: time, while seven will be on hand in getting started, but Coach Barker Michigan ..........878 856 954 throughout the season. Director Field- is hopeful of a better season next Syracuse..........947 835 923 ing H. Yost will spend some time on year. The team that represented the Michigan's victory has been largely the field with' the nien although Coach Wolverines in the Western wrestling due to the fact that the team is well E. E. Wieman will be in actual charge. association this past season, showed balanced and boasts of no individual The other mentors will be Jack Blott, lack of experience, having only one stars. The individual honors for high Duke Hayes, Dick Barker, H. O. veteran on the squad. With the ex- average in the league were won by Steele, and "Butch" Slaughter. These ception of Goldstein, star heavyweight, 1J. A. Campbell of De Pauw, with 188 men will spend every afternoon on the who will graduate in June, Coach for 36 games, While W. H. Johnson, field. Barker will have the same aggregation Illinois, was runner-up with an av- Coach Bill Roper of Princeton and intact next year. With the additional merage of 187 for 36 games. one of his assistants will arrive in i 'rNN IS Tommorrow will be the last day entries fo' the all-campus tennis tournament will be accepted. Due to the fayt that neither menc omposing the freshman or Varsity squad will be allowedl to compete, anyone else who has -layed ennvi at all is urgedl to enter. (Cuis will be awarded to the wVinne'rs and medals will be given to the runners-up. Lither call 2268 or When you write home Ffor money, use Fountain Pen Ink report to the Intramural office by \\eclne day afternoon. Te entry list for the all-campus horseshoe touirnament both doubles anI singles will also close Wednesday afternoon of this week. Every player is urged to enter as there are no eligibility rules and no eliminations glue to experience or ability. Entries can be made by calling 2268 or by reporting to the Intramural office at Waterman gymnasium. RFAD TE (CLASSIFIED ADS, l GUARDS' CA NEW I COLLAR freshmen material that made such a The final league stand favorable showing the championship-W meet Saturday, the Wolverine squad Michigan ...........28 ing ke, -Douglas, Shipman, Koplin and 1 win this event. In winning the event will nave added strength to cope with Illinois Bishop. Both Hubbard and Wittman in the Cornell meet, Brooker did 13 the keen competition of the Big t en. De Pauw.. are entered in the 50 yard dash and Ifeet and 1-4 of an inch', iust three Russell Baker, star flyweight of the Syracuse .... can be counted on to take first and eighths of an inch from, the world's Conference will be available again Yale......... second place in the order named. record of 13 feet and 5-8 of an inch next year, acting in the capacity of Navy ........ Hubbard is one of the fastest starters held by Brownell of Illinois. team captain. Doster, who lost the Rensselaer in the country and is rentarkably Reinke, one of the most capable half state 115 pound championship to Dick- speedy in the shorter dashes. He tied milers in the country is entered in erson, former Ames sensational grap- It is nearly the world's record for the 60 yard his favorite event and will undoubtedly aple on a close decision, is also con- able Bryant dash in the Cornell meet and was a take first. In winning the hal'f in the sidered a strong candidate for the land at field b rth . .. ....25 . .22 ..... 20 15 24 years si first played hockey, and follows:t L Pet. 8 .7771 11 .6971 14 .611 16 .555 21 .416 28 .222 23 .083E nce Miss for Eng-I she still consistant performer in the 501 throughout the past indoor season. Wittman was close on to Hubbard's heels at the Cornell meet and he too is a great dash Oman. Snyder and Walk are entered in the invitational 50 yard high hurdle event for colleges and are looked to as point getters. Both these men made excel- lent showings in the Cornell meet and are favored to repeat their per- formances tonight. Voelker is the! sole entry in the invitational 50 yard high hurdles and he can be counted 3 on to breast the tape among the win-l ners. He won his event in the recentI dual meet in excellent time and it is< highly probable that he will repeat I his performance tonight.1 Captain Brooker is entered in the4 Conference meet, Reinke 'ettered his ert. remains one of the fir st choices. er own record for the track and if he In the bantamweight class Karbel, international "cas" number 29 and shows the form he has been 'showing captain of the 1925 team, will return only S. H. Shoveller and J. H. Bend during the past indoor season he is for his third year of competition. Nag- nett can beat this number. bound' to cop first place. elkirk, winner of the }all-freshman I Douglas, -Koplin, Shipman and Bis- bantamweight title, Simpson, and War- Sully Montgomery, former Centre hip, an able aggregation of quarter rick, will be only the reserve material college football star, now a candidate' milers will run as- a mile relay in the on hand in this class. I for heavyweight pugilistic honors, is refay event for colleges. Maynard, who made great progress yeipu g ilisc hnrs is- durig te cosin weks of te pstgreatly encouraged over his ring abil- __________________during the closing weeks of the past Iity following his recent (defeat of Dan One of the sensational features of season, will be the outstanding can- Bright of England. the present billiard season in Eng- i didate in the lightweight class. Teop-B-_ghtof__nglan_. land was the recent 'run of 214 made fer, Kailes, both from this season's READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS, by Arthur Groundrill, a one-armed team, and Watson, star freshman light-C player and referee. He had struggled weight, will bid strong for the posi- for years to make 200 in public play, tion. and, while he had attained these fig- ures in practice, this was the first time he achieved the feat before a Read the W ant Ads ( crowd. H ickey-Freeman Clothes Famous for Comfort Style A SPECIAL and enduringo adNEWSP. Good Looks SPR $1.00 7GC. Bright Colors in wide strip MWAGllfR&kCO MAIIYmen's neckwear for spring Jor me'7n7, &ce 1 14q showing at $1.00 and up. (MAIN F SAnn Arbor to work with the Michigan candidates during the spring vaca- tion at Princeton while Director Yost will leave for the Tiger School next week where he will coach the Prince- ton footballers while classes at Michi- gan are suspended for the annual recess. Besides the regular coaches, all of the football "M" men will be given work instructing the greener men. The Varsity letter winners will be given small groups to work with, the coaches regarding this system as being as beneficial to the regulars as to the inexperienced athletes with whom they work, as the questions that come up will give the "M" winners considerable practical experience in the details of the game. Candidates for the practice session will meet tomorrow night for a dis- cussion of plans and announcements by the eocahes. Patronize Daily Advertisers - it pays.-Adv. j51 Owa .° /A) n , 'Ic 1 1 ..... DANCING Wednesday Night at Granger's mm , s a: - .. ; .. i t 1 ;i t SHOWING )f ING TIES up f i i I ## I i I i i { ' I k r i I 1 { i And every Wednesday, Friday .and Saturday Night Music by Bill Watkins and His Granger Eight . E1 )es are MOSS fashionablin You will find a special FLOOR) d --, II 111111 1111111 111 !11IIII1111111fII I Mi li 41111,ill l11tui t]11111111,1-Illiuif I I IIIIII IIII1 llill l Itnt lIIi11a I uI111t I HII I HHi1.111 TYSON SHIRTS- he new colored long point collar shirts have just arrived- Watch our win- for the new showing. Priced $2.50 to $5 TINKER & COMPANY lulli di N tfl ~..LAIL