PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE ICHIAN DILYTUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1925 RBBI ADDRESSES SUNDAY SEVC Starts Drying Gulf !Minnesota Field Will Be Ipoe Minneapolis,. April; 6.-LImprove-1 ments costing $120,000 will be made at tNorho field and the University of! Minnesota stadium this spring, it wast announced today. Northrop field will be increased by one third and provi- S~ons made for three football grid- irons.t More than $100,000 will be expendedI on the stadium, where it is planned was given at J o'clock Saturday to place sixteen squash racqgiets, eight morning. hand 'ball courts, two indoor tennis! The name of the winner will be an- ,courts;: anti boxing and wrestling nlounced this week. Rho Chi, honor- quarters. ary pharmical fraternity, offers this prize of $10 to the freshman in the. Thiree Compete In pharmacy school who has maintained l rj a igh verae inhis studies and has Pharmacy Contest -won the competitive examination. Only three freshman pharmics took ~ ~ ArlI-ny3 e the omptitie eamintio forthecent of the students of the College of the omptitie eamintio forthethe City of New York belong{to their Rho Chi scholarship prize which un. .... .. . LINDE NSCHMIT T - APIFL & COO ANN ARBOR'S LEADING CLOTHIERS "Exclusve-But Not Expnsive. 29S AI T OVE~R 12CO AlTTEND Dr. 1 o~ui NMin , rabbi of Sinai rTem- ple, ('hicagom, in his ii(ldrv-, Sundaty at t he Llnivei'siy seirice in Ill aui- tor'iumi si rc;4se(l th'e act that hone st doubt is ira:as(et to a religious thinker and ought not to be condemined or (clcl. "Trhe honest doubter has 'more faith than- Ihebeie; he must h;ave, ito his posit ion is far more iutin4 enetabl ad harder to zin i intrin, thlan ! lthaof0the beli v,' s;aid 1W. Iitlan. More I hlii 200 )r(i~a11ld( the serviece. pecia I u ice jd rthe direction o ili i1166 landl.hea d of the vocal dc?: aiil fi i te IDetroit In 4titute of Musical Arlt, was iarrangedl for the occasion. A quartet from Temple Beth-El, lDet roit, sang; several selections. Charles Jolly of D~etroit, sang a tenor solo and Mrs. M1. E. Silverstein and H-owlandl rendered a duet. In his introdugtion, Dr. Mann stated that the doubter or disbeliever actually had more laiithIi barn the faiithful per- son. To prove, this. statemient, he gave the position of the (doubter on the three questions of existence of .God, free will, and immortality. If onie does not believe inl the existence of Cod as the creator then necessarily he must be lieve in thle atoulstic or~ chance theory of (creat ion. To b~elieve this theory takes much more faith than the believer ilossesses, according to Dr. Mann. In a similar way, 'he discussed the (doubter's attitude on F~eatizring r '. Pear Admiral F. C. Billar d, oabt guardI service commandant, has l)e iun his assignment to "dry up" the coast- line of the Gulf otf Mexico. T1ile con-. traband liquor traffic alohng the gulf! coast has been increasing month by month. freedom- of the will andl immortality. "In every case the disbeliever believes; s(nmething which is hiar ler to believe andl more untenetable thani that of the! believer. Therefore the (doubter is a' believer to a greeter extent than the; faithful." Rome, April 6. -Official :annimumice- ment was made today of the resigna-! tion of General Di Giorgio as Italian war minister. For N ovelties-« In the short time that we have been established in Ann Arbor we have not- only become well known because of handling the justly popular Conn Instruments-things new and novel in the line of music have aided in making our store so popular with the students. For the latest-in anything for. band or orchestra, in sheet, music,. records, etc., you can feel certain that they are to be found: at the Conn Music Shop. See our new line of Ukeleles and, Peter Pan Phonographs 14 Nickels Arcade jII GWARMOLTS, DS C= Chiropodist Orthopedist 707'N. University Ave Phone 2652' STEIN-BLOCH Smart. Clothes MICIIAELS-STERNI' Value-First !Clothes. High Grade Furnishings "-'S pH IN THE NEW ,_UNION POOL AND TJ-JEN TAKE o A RUB DOWN WITH ONE OF TH-OSE NICE N NEW TOWELS. THEY ILL ALWAYS REMAIN E SOFT AND WHITE BECAUSE THEY ARE BE- ING LAUNDERED BY THE 1 2KYER AUDR 8 627 South Main Street Insist on Kyer Serv'icec i It _ _ _ _ _ - - . R__ Cleaners - 111 ~HIWE 1)O AL FOR AND1IN~O DHIXII Wne 628. Phone------7Z-8 E. STEIN - VOR~EJ RIe ad "The Daily "Classified" Columns (TIypewriter Ribb~on) for all makes 1 of 11 Y IP L -AV RI T UI{.IS andt O)FFICE " A 11l11TIAN CE S !et'lig, Repirin 1g 1and Cleaning a Seily 0. 1) oU n1 it -I, L , 17 Nickels Arcade. A'visit Ito our store wxill c v)I ice you flint we have many articles with which you caln ljoy youi IC O with mforc pleasure and comfort. Sonic of the tems arc: C1 'IL' S Al , J(rY O L ;i f Rr 4 'Ii -l OLLE GE YLE S ARE TN'G MEN'S 5 '4 NPOIRT J,"'ACKETS \TYES" NSuaede etser r ryand W0o1 Plaids Br adley tand. I Sweaters -om Wye Sport Coats and Slip - Over Breeches and Sport Suits For Riding, I-iking nall I Outing Wear and in large assortment of Materials. Iz -_ - a ISM ERS r . In 'ch~ow or Green for Ladies, Men and Boys Golf IH ose, Sport -?nW lJWoolSoicks, Puttees, Leggings, Hiking Shoes, Army Shoes, Water Proof'a ili: lt Moccasin Pack Shoes for Ladies and Men, at interesting Price's. C. 1).'V/? d Arii y AAI Pm),ct P1id Shirts', Poplin and Khaki dress and work shirts, work Wrucs ocul Id coverall suits, underwear, etc. ane a> s uo o bbes% and Ar1myBlatnkeits The new short coat5,th tko or three buttonswide sleeves, notch lapels, low pockets~loose back and the wide trousers 'These details of collegeify le are, accurately expressed in opYrighe1925 The House of 1(uppenbeuiggr rf l2 GuM 1'~ 'A a 1p1Frniture, Cots, Stoves, Grills, Kppe:;nheim r GOO"D CLOTH E ii' iversacks, Canteens Spact e n ciimnhiuw,:,It I a few of the mra-y Rte ms ini our stocks. Anticipate your war~s early, thereby aoiding the week-end rush. Now 1-6 .#nI %up II w +a .., .. A - A l r.