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April 07, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-07

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at l


VOI. XXXV. No. 142







Upper House May Try To Replace Cuts
In University Demands, Is
Lansing, April 6.-Without discus-
sion and without a dissenting vote the
House tonight passed the University
of Michigan appropriation bill carry-
ing $1,300,000. No attempt was made,
to even partially restore the figures
to the original request of more than
$3,000,000. The 'amount designated
would expend $900,000 for a museum
and equipment and $400,000 for land.
The bill now goes to the Senate,
where it is rumored some endeavor
to secure increases will be made.
The House, speeding along for an
early adjorunment so the members
might attend a counter attraction in
the shape of a boxing match passed
half a dozen other appropriation bills,
by attaching the affirmative roll call.
They included the Michigan Agricul-
tural college building and improve-
ment bill calling for $1,041,000, the
maintainance and operation bill for the
same institution with a total of $520,-,
00'0, the department of public safety
bill providing $90,000 for the construe-
tion of barracks of the state police
and the Newberry State hospital main-,

Ann Arbor's Mayor'

Photo by Rentschler
* Robert Campbell.
The treasurer of the University
,yesterday was elected by Ann Arbor
Republicans ft fill the office of mayor
of the city for the next two years. He
ran uncontested.
Ufnopposed,I Universlty Treasurer Polls
1,869 Votes; Bursley
Chosen Alderman
4 Robert A_ Cm b nhell. treasnrero f the

Kellogg, Weeks, Wilbur, and Hoover
Confer; Representatives
Not Yet Named
Washington, April 6.-American
policy regarding arms traffic control
are being worked out in detail through
inter-departmental discussions at the
State department which will continue
until just before the delegation sails
for Geneva to attend the international
conference May 4 under the auspices
of the League of Nations.
Broad aspects of the instruction to
be given the American delegates al-
ready have been considered by Secre-
tary Kellogg in conference with Sec-j
retaries Weeks, Wilbur, and Hoover,I
and the continued study is expected
to produce detailed proposals for such
modifications in the tentative conven-
tions to be considerated at Geneva asI
are deemed necessary to bring it into
closer harmony with American policy.
The delegates, who are yet to be'
named by President Coolidge, will be
assisted in Geneva by expert advisors
including army and navy officers of'
rank, representatives of the commerce
department and authorities on inter-
national law and practice.
The tentative convention was draft-
ed to make effective projects of arms
traffic control originally proposed in
the St. Germain agreement which
proved unacceptable to several powers,
including the United States. The new
proposal is confined strictly to con-
trol of the arms traffic and the invita-
tion to the Geneva meeting was ac-
cepted by the Washington government
on that basis.
Hahn Wins Mile-
Hicks Takes 2d
Over Joie RaY
Detroit, April 6.-iWillie Ritola, run-
ning in a special event1of a. two day
athiletic carnival here made a show
of his field in the four mile run, win-
ning in the slow time of 20 minutes,l
2 seconds. le lapped all his oppon-
ents, local runners, at least four times.
Lloyd Hahn of Boston and Joie
Ray, Chicago, also had trouble with
the small track, the easterner winning
in 4 minutes; 37 7-10 seconds. Hicks I
of the University of Michigan was sec-

Roesser, '25, Will Represent Student
Body; Faculty Representative
Not Yet Chosen
Regent James O. Murfin, '95L, of
Detroit, has accepted an invitation to
deliver the principal address at the


Cap Night Speaker

Photn by Ri nchlr

Cap night ceremonies on May 15.a 0
Regent Murfin is one of the prominent I hegent James 0. Murfin
Mr. Murfin will address the Cap
lawyers in the state of Michigan and Night ceremonies in Sleeny Hollow on
judge of the probate court in Detroit. Mlay 15. In addition to being a Re-
At the annual Cap night gathering gent of the University, he is one of
last year, Edwin L. Denby, '95L, a the prominent lawyers of the state
class mate and close friend of Regent land probate court judge in Detroit.
Murfin, gave the main speech of the Regent Murfin will also give one of
occasion. the principal addresses tonight before

tenance and operation bill, with $353,- University, was elected mayor of Ann
106 next year and $369,210 the follow- Arbor on the Republican ticket in the
ing year. ( annual spring elections yesterday, re--r
? ceiving 1,869 votes. The Republicans
1 c ubmade a clean sweep of other city of-
.T r fices, being unopposed, and appeared
W iIl Publish certain of the one county position at
Other city officers elected were: Ben-
jamin P. Woodbury, president of the
council, with 1,887 votes; Isaac G.
"The Brief," first yearbook of the Reynolds, city clerk, with 1,893 votes;.
TLawyers' club, will be published some- Herbert W. Crippen, city assessor,'
time during the month of May,Ken- with 1,898 votes; and ilohn D. Thomas,
neth G. Prettie, '25L, managing editor justice of the peace, with 1,879 votes.
of the publication, announced yester- On the ward ticket, Joseph A. Bur-
day. The book will contain from 80 sely, dean of men, was elected alder-!
to 100 pages, and will deal with the man from the sixth ward on the Rep-
functions of the club both as a dormi- ublican ticket, with a vote of 215I
tory and as a lawyers' club, stressing against Oscar J. Campbell, of the En-!
the latter. It will be largely pictorial. glish department, who received 57
An article by Dean Henry M. Bates votes.
of the Law school will be devoted to Both local propositions on the bal-
a discussion of the purposes and plans lot, were accepted by the voters, the
of the club. It is planned to make the bond issue of $50,000 to build a bridge
club the law center of Michigan, to over the Huron River at Fuller street
which prapticing lawyers may come winning by 1,493 td 721 votes, and the
for study and research work. Prof. Jackson street annexation proposition
E. R. Sunderland of the Law school, winning by 1,696 to 508 votes.
who has recently returned from Eng-r At a late hour last night indications
land, will compare the Michigan Law- were that Jay C. Pray, Republican,
yers clb wih Eglih ~lw rsi-would ')e elected judge of probate on
yers' club with English !law resi- tecut [e vr lret
dences. An article will also be de- Wthe county ticket, over Herbert 1).
voted to the architecture of the build- ing obtained a lead of about three to
The history of the club to date wi one, with a little over half the town-
be included, giving accounts of the ship heard from.
prominent men who spoke or were
entertained there during the year. One rnrnIG
section will be given over to seniors En thL NI E
in the Law school who reside at the
club. The yearbook will also contain
pictures, by sectior(3, pf all ,those i o II I uT UusIT
living at the club.
Much of interest to alumni will he
Much f ineres to l 11be 1r. W. M. Skiff, manager of the
included, it is said, and- many orders engineering department of the Nat-!
have already been received from einl Lamp works of the General Elec-
alumni of the Law school. Sale of theti To mpawy, thera lec-n,
publication will be extended to sen- Itric company, at: Nela Park, Cleveland,
txOhio, will be in room 274 West Engin-
iors in the Law school not resident inbuilding today for the purpose
eringb t
at the club, as well as to those who inevwngsuntitrsedn
make their residence there. ( h iin fithartniinrn ipl rt


Regent Murfin practiced law in De-
troit with the firm of Bowen, Douglas,
Whitin, and Murfin from 1897 to 1908.
From 1901 to 1903 lie served in the
state senate and from 1908 to 1912
was judge of the circuit court in De-
troit. In 1920-21 he was president
of the Michigan State Bar association.
Judge Murfin, in addition to serving
as a member of the Board of Regents
of the University, has always been one
of the most active of the alumni body
and a constant participator in Uni-
versity functions. He has a wide
spread reputation as an orator of great
power and ability.
William D. Roesser, '25, business
manager of The Daily, will represent
the student body on the program,
which has been arranged for the May
evening when the freshmen of th'e
class of '28 will discard the official
garb of their order. The speaker who
will represent the faculty has not yet
been chosen but the committee in
charge expects to make the announce-
ment in the near future.
The Student council committee,
which is in charge of all arrangements
for the ceremonies is headed by Robert
Hunmmier, '255.
All plans for the annual spring trip
of foreign students which will take
place during spring vacation will be
discussed at 8 o'clock tomorrow at a
meeting to be held in Lane hall. More
than 25 students are expected to corn-
prise the group this year, which will
visit five of the leading cities in the!
state for the purpose of studying the
industrial, educational, and munici-
pal life of America, Carlton Wells of
the rhetoric department will be leader
of the group.
Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand
Rapids, Lansing, and Flint will be
visited this year. In each of these
cities, the members of the delegation
will be housed in American homes.
At the meeting tomorrow a program
to be presented on several occasions
during the trip will be practiced by
the foreign students. The trip will
cost each member not more than
$12.00, it was announced by Mr. Wells.

the annual Michigan Gridiron Knights'
banquet at the Union.
Will Decide Disposition Involvingi
Government Payment Of I
'Plane Royalties
Washington, April 6.-Division as to 3
what disposition will be made of
claimis in involving government pay-
ments of airplane royalties prior to
the formal ending of the war in July,
1921, will rest with Comptroller Gen-
eral McCarl under an opinion by At-
torney General Sargent. The posi-
tion the comptroller will take in the
matter which involves around $400,-
000 and affects several aircraft manu-
facturers will not be determined, it
was said tonight, until he had an op-
portunity to study the opinion which-
was made public today after being I
resubmitted to Secretary Wilbur.
Under this opinion the navy and war
I departments may enter into contracts
with the company concerned, confering
payments of royalties on airplanes in1
the future, and it is understood they
will proceed with that course.
In so far as back payments are con-!
cerned it is regarded as probable that1
I the comptroller general may refer all1
items ir dispute to the court of claims,
or hold hearings and request of Con-
gress appropriation sufficient to cover
payments ordered.
Chicago, A pril 6 .-wo champion
collegiate swimm1ing teams are among
the nine schools entered in the nation-
al individual swimming championship
meet to be held Friday and Saturday
- II

Newspaper men, well-known politicians, campus leaders, and others
nationally and locally famous for being in the public eye, will gather at
7 o'clock tonight at the Union to receive a roasting over the coals at the
third annual Michigan Gridiron Knight's banquet. Since its inauguration
here two years ago by Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic
fraternity, the banquet has become an annual event of considerable import-
xnce at the University.
Regent James O. Murfin of Detroit will be one of the principal speakers
of the evening. He is one of the foremost lawyers in the state and is
l judge of the probate court in Detroit. E. P. Lovejoy of the state forestry
commission will also give one of the
feature addresses of the program. Mr.
FRENCH CABINET CRISIS Lovejoy has written maany magazine
PREDICTED WITHIN WEEK articles upon the subject of forestry,
and he is one of the most prominent
Paris, April 6.-A French cabi- and active members of the Michigan
net crisis cannot be avoded Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters
S more than a week longer, polit- which held its annual meetings here
ical observers predicted tonight, last week.
becauseroftescorfdictdagngt' Edwin L. Denby, '96L, who had pro-
bcauste oe rrcolaietragig mised to be present at the banquet this
methods of a general overhaul- year has wired that he will not be
ing of the French cabinet, able to attend because of urgent busi-
ness requiring his presence in Detroit.
He sent his regrets saying that the
"banquet offered a sure prospect of
a good time."
Paul Watzel, '24, who acted as
HOLD] CONFERENCE toastmaster at the banquet last year
will serve in a similar capacity to-
night. He carried away the honors
last year by the clever manner in
HERETHIS WEEK which he called the names of those
unfortunate persons who were to be
Presbyterians Will Gather, Starting roasted.
Thursday, In National Mimes of the Michigan Union will
Conclave present a skit which will also cause
many persons to squirm in their seats.
It will make a number of prominent
EXPECT 300 DELEGATES figures upon the campus the butts
of fitting jokes and razzing. The
More than 300 delegates, represent- cast will include Charles Livingston,
esberian student organi 27L, Willard Spanagel, gen-
ing titeeri ynetuentleg and e Davies, 27, Charles Higby, '26,
tions in the majority of college and E. W. Brownbridge, '25, H. L Bright
university centers in the country, will '25, D. E. Johnson, '25, Richard Elliott,
meet April 9 to 12 in Ann Arbor in '27, Rusell Gohring, '27, and Carl
the first national Presbyterian Student Trempf, '26.
conference under the auspices of the Adin , tr.
ioa rsyeinYugPols Adding to the general razzing which
local Presbyterian Young Peoples' is promised for everyone epitaphs,
society. The program will include which have been reped o eah
speakers of national prominenceaebe prepared for each
speaersof atinalproinece, man of prominence, will be read by
Practically every Conference school these unfortunates as their names are
will be represented by delegates. called by the toastmaster. Another
Several. eastern colleges, including a feature of the program will be the
large delegation from Cornell, will be presentation of several numbers by
represented. Universities in the west- the Midnight Sons' quartet.
ern section of the United States, in- prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politi-
cluding Oklahoma, Nebraska, and cal science department, last year's
North Dakota, will send students. The winner of the engraved "oil can" which
only section of the country which will is awarded to the person connected
not be represented at the conference with the University who is selected
this week will be the extreme western as the most suited to receive the
states on the Pacific coast, symbol of oil spreading, will make
In addition to the representatives of the presentation of the same token
Presbyterian groups, every other de- to his successor. Although' many
nomination is expected to send nation- rumors are being spread about the
al fraternal delegations. This is the campus as to the identity of the man
first conference of this description who will be accorded the honor this
which the Presbyterian ch'urch has year, th'e name of that worthy person
ever held. The purpose of the meeting will be kept under cover until the
is to study how the Presbyterian actual presentation takes place.
church can be more effectively Christ- Due to the many late invitations and
ian in national and international ques- acceptances to the banquet, it has been
tions. announced by the committee in charge
At 8:30 o'clock Thursday in the that tickets which have not been sent
Union, the night of the opening day in the mail may be secured at the
of the conference, a reception has been door tonight.
planned for the delegates. The Girls
Glee club will sing several selections
and the Presbyterian Players, Under,
the direction of Robert Henes n, IWOL FY0
'26, will present "The Trysting Place,"
a play of Booth Tarkington. All stu-
dents are invited to attend this recep-
tion to meet the delegates.

"Smiling" Jack Harding, one of the
EW Lsi EGION six world fliers who made the first
ILi LL U OS U WILL circumnavigation of the globe, in col-
laboration with Lowell Thomas, of-
HOPE ING.MEficial historian of the trip, will narrate
the story of the famous aeronautical
One hundred prospective members achievement of the age, Thursday,



50 yard dash won by Coaffee, I. A.a
* C; second, Hester, Universiyt of Michi-

' f

gan; third, Scholz, New York; time 5j
2-5 seconds.
880 yard run won by Dodge, I. A.
C; second, Hester, University of Michi-
gan; third, Scholz, New York; time 5
2 minutes 7 2-5 seconds.
One mile walk won Uy Frigero,#
Italy; Foster, Detroit, second; time
7 minutes 8 1-5 seconds.
Running high jump won by Weeks,
University of Michigan; second, Jones,
I. A. C.; third, Kurtz, M. A. C. and
Doherty, City College; height 5 feet
11 inches. -
Chicago, April 6.-A fund of $25,000

Thionville, April 6.--Two French
army planes collided 2,000 feet in the
air. Both pilots were killed.
OurWeather Man


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'Research Club To
Honor Scientist
The annual memorial research
I meeting of the Research club, to be
held in honor of Thomas Huxley, will
take place at 8 o'clock tomorrow in
Natural Science auditorium. Papers
will be read by Profs. E. C. Case of
the geology department, and R. M.
Wenley of the philosophy department.
Members of the Junior Research
club, Sigma Xi, Women's Research
club, Gamma Alpha, Phi Sigma, fac-
ulty members and all others interest-
ed are invited to attend.
Inspector Finds
No Fire Hazards
Satisfactory conditions in practical-
ly all University buildings have been
reported by I. W. Truettner, of the
buildings and grounds department,
who last week inspected campus
buildings for fire hazards.
Fire hose and extinguishers were re-

-expects clear weather with rising
trmperature today.
Dear Jimmie:
Of course your old sophisticated,
Blas6 Uncle hasn't been running
around with co-eds, tho it is being
done. I am certainly overjoyed
to hear that one ofnour CLASSI-
PIED ADS sold so many of those

should be raised to procure data as
to whether athletics are beneficial or
harmful to women, Dr. Margaret Bell,
professor of physical education at the
University of Michigan, today told
delegates to the women's division at
the National Amateur Athletic federa-
tion in conference here.
Scientific information dealing with
the amount and kind of athletics most
beneficial to women is entirely lack-
ing, the speaker asserted.
Dean Reports On
Honors Meeting
Dean John R. Effinger of the literary
college delivered a report on the re-
cent Honors course conference which
he attended at the University of Iowa
before the monthly meeting of the col-
lege faculties yesterday afternoon.
Dean {'fling~er delivered a paper on the

at Northwestern university.
Washing ton university, St. Louis,
m9SQUF~~ ~~winner ! of tie Missouri valley swim-
MASQW '~ WLL PRSENT ity, winner of the Western Confer-
Snte title, will compete. Yale univer-
iate loop is being urged by alumni
Masques, the women's dramatic so- here to send her team west. Prince-
ciety, will present a bill of one-act ton, runner up, in the eastern cham-
plays at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Sarah I pionship meet, and the natators from
Caswell Angell hall. This will be the the United States naval academy,
second program which the organiza- ( Columbia university and the Universi-
tion has presented this semester. The ties of Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, and
program will include "The China Pig" Chicago complete the entry list.
by Evelyn Ernig and "The Masque of
the Two Strangers" by Lady Alice Glee Club
Egerton. The cast includes many Tck s u
women who are well known in campus l ikesThursday
dramatics; among them are: Margaret
Geddes, '26, Vera Johnston, '28, Kath- I-___
erine Piece, '26, Evelyn Murray, 27, 'Tickets for the Glee club concert, to
aind Alberta Olson, '26.y, be given Monday, April 20, at Orches-
The performance will be open to the tra hall, Detroit, will be placed on
public. sale from 1 to 5 o'clock Thursday at
iI-TT~ir Al hnc whn hnldl tie k


Nashville, Tenn., April 6.-Vander-
bilt university defeated Indiana's
baseball team here today, by a 14-9
score. At no time did the Conference
team, which is on its annual southern
trip, threaten the lead of the Com-


tie UnIon. All t ose w n oi aLicK
ets to the concert will be admitted to
a dance at the Book-Cadillac hotel,
which will follow the Glee club con-
Three famous orchestras will play,
it was announced last night.
Carpenter Will
Address Engineers

have been mailed invitations to attend
the open meeting of the Irwin Pries-
korn post of the American Legion'
which is to be held at 7:30 o'clock to-
morrow night in the Armory. All of
the present members are requested to
bring the service men that have been
assigned to them as new members to
the meeting. Refreshments will be
The projects which will come up
for discussion at this meeting are:
Memorial day plans, poppy sale, mem-
orial road, and Boy Scouts.
Bouchard Arrives
Safely In China

April 9, in Hill auditorium. The "high
spots" of the trip will be visualized
with several reels of motion pictures
taken along the line.
Not only will the various thrills and
catastrophes of the flight be narrated,
{ but. also there will be included discus-
lions of the reactions of natives in
far-off corners of the world, receptions
in foreign countries, and the signifi-
eance of the history-making achieve-
ment. The lecture is not included on
the Oratorical association program.
Admission charges will be fifty and
seventy-five cents.
Indiana Announces
I r- 0 r. T _ z"

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