PAGE SIXTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1925 Churches (Continued from Page Fifteen) held at 10 o'clock, and the German service at 11 o'clock. The subject for the services will be "The Mind of Christ." At 7:30 o'clock an illustrated lecture on "The Passion Play of Oberammergau" will be presented as an introduction to Holy Week. * Congregational Church Easter Music will be furnished by the chorus. Reverend Jum.p will preach the sermon on "Crowning theJ Truth." The North Side Church group will meet at time Church at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. Howard McCluskey will speak to the high school federation at 4 o'clock. At the student supper and fireside chat, Lawrence Conrad of the rhetoric department will speak on the tonic of "Why I Wrote My First Novel". The motion picture service will feature Patsy Ruth Miller and Dustin Farnum in "My Man". First Methodist Episcopal Church A special Palm Sunday service will{ be given this morning at 10:30 o'clock.I Five student Bible classes are held each Sunday at noon in Harris hall. The anural pre-Easter supper will be held at 5 o'clock, after which an Easter drama "Judas Iscariot" will be* presented by the Wesleyan. players. The congregation is requested to at- tend the University service at Hill auditorium at 7:30 o'clock. be held at 10 o'clock. Miss A. Nees will have charge of the student club which will meet from5:30 to 7:31 o'clock. The topic for the evening will be "Capital Punishment". Con- firmation of the adults will take place at the evening service, which will he a Y P.S. reunion service as well. The sermon topic will be "Ever Faith- ful." The Unitarian' Church Curtis W. Reese, of Chicago, the leader in National Federation of Re-: ligious Liberals and secretary of the Western Unitarian conference will de- liver the morning sermon and also ad- -dress the student's union at 6:30 o'clock. Zion Lutheran Church The Bible study hour will be fol- lowed bythe morning sermon at 10:30 o'clock on the topic "Personal Purity." Albert Boehringer will be the chief speaker at the student meeting on I "Crimes of the Tongue". The subject of the evening sermon will be "Good or Evil". Special Lenten services will be held Good Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, and evening at 7:30 o'clock. Holy Communion will be held Friday evening as well. Church of Christ-Disciples The pastor will speak this morning on "How Strong was Samson?" The noon student class is taught by Pro- fessor A. L.Trout. The young peo- n ' a'o eni h n nd 1,n r i ll ho I~rr r rrrI r~r r da estra. ° IIll'0 n qmpmft IILIL xg's tnt HERE IS THE PROCRAM sei s0 Otfluri a intin nli 4I Trinity English Lutheran Church held at 6 o'clock. Mr. Lionel Crocker, Confirmation service will be held instructor in public speaking, will ad- at 10:30 o'clock. The serwon will be dress the young people at the Chris- on the topic "Continuing Steadfast". tian Endeavor meeting. The congre- gation will join the University serv- nice in Hill auditorium at 730 o'clock t flowship hour and forum isbbi Louis . Mann "Crimes of the Tongue." The leader weeRbiLusL anwl for the 'meeting is Albert BoeL ringer. speak. '26. "Honoring Our King" will be the' title of the evening sermon. Holy °17 Week services will be held Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Tat'h the avere of or men eoi - nights at 7:30. 4tei HOO TO HONO T E IR MAKtER"Dc r o ouTr St. Paiuls Lutheran Church Not old in stores. No capital or experience reqirOMPA -'"-1ChigSrt Bldhco. A Kussian baritone who has excited a great deal of favorable comment in Detroit is the feature of the program. Mr. Kozakevich will be remembered as the prince with the charrngp VOICe in the "International Night" entertainment which was recently presented by the Cosmopolitan Club. l Phil 0aoc Childrens confirmaon service will _ 154 v....Mau a..-& oua4. vnn.agv M. - -w w w w w [EASTER CANDIES ' % i- y I; ( I I I Novelty Easter Boxes Easter Basket s, 10c-$2.00 Animals Chocolate , ; , , , . ti I I I } f ' ) 4' ti ti j ti ' I ti With his "Six of Diamonds" will play several popular dance numbers, including utnusuaI ana ingement-s they have developed for 'puiblic presentation. Junior iris' Play The song, "Love Only Thinks of Today," will be presented with the six leads from the production: Dorothy Waldo, Mary Van Buren, Dorothy Ogborn, Margaret Wilkins, Mary Lou Miller, and Edythe Rhinevault. The "Little Co-ed Dancer," from the first act, will be presented by Dorothy Krause and Charlotte O'Brien. From the second act, the Spanish tango dance, which drew numerous encores in the original run, will be performed by Willa Belle Harper and Charlotte O'Brien. Three )Yost For the novelty saw and a tin music he procur part of dipper. res from the program, George Westcott, ' Those who have heard Westcott these instruments is amazing. '26, will produce announce that arrangements wN Po, ulaa music from the quality a of 6elections from the some Howard worked Vise, up for '25, publi( and Stanley L c performances. -ewv,3 '26, will dance vhich they have of the Chocolate Eggs-Various slies There will also be a short one act play presented. Our parcel post will take care of your delivery NIONDAIY EVEN N I GOES, APRIL 6th Special Easter Candy, loc Koddly Bunnies Animals Dukes, Natural AT EIGHT O'CLOCK IN HILL A UDITORIUM Tickets on sale on the Campus Monday and at the Book Stores ADMISSION 50 AND 75c MacOaerm Id Next to Arcade Theatre This Space Moe Sport Shop Arbor Fountain and Betsy Wahr University Book Stor Cr aham Book Stores Art Marquardt Contributed by Mrs. H. B. Merrick Ross Shop Dey Studio> e Carl Bay Spedding's Studio Jacobson Benefit Student Friendship Fund 4 1A OME ....['kliaern Iiun nmethinn i~~iuanI We hope you have a pleasant 0 .