PAGE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1925 I L University Women -A- How The Faculty Women's Club During Its Four Years By Liiis K. Wagner . The founding of the Faculty's Wom- en's club in 1921, in Ann Arbor, es- tablished a means of social contact among the wivesofsthe faculty mem- bers of the University and afforded them opportunities for meeting the women whose husbands were connect- ed with the various departments. Since the. founding, new sections have sprung up within the club it- self, which have supplied the mem- bers ,with many activities. These neNN branches have broadened thescope of the interests of the members and allowed for participation in, special- ized fields cf activities. The club first met in October, 1921, at the suggestion of Mrs. M. L. Bur- ton. Wives of the deans, the adminis- tration officers, and of the faculty members of the rank of instructor and above, and women members of the faculty ,were invited to attend the first meeting, at which a committee was appointed to draw up a constitu- tion, and nominate officers for the club. The organization was to be similar to the one at the University of Minnesota, of which Mrs. Burton had been a member. On December 10, 1921, the constitution was accepted and the following officers elected: president, Mrs. M. L. Burton; vice- president, Mrs. H. M. Bates; secretary, Mrs. Emil Lorch; treasurer, Mrs. Franklin Shull. The chairmen ,of the four standing committees were as fol- lows social, committee, Mrs. E. D. Dickinson; house committee, Mrs. Edson Sunderland; program commit- tee, Mrs. Bradley Davis; refreshment committee, Mrs. Peter Field. Meet- ings were held .every month, either in the home of Mrs. Burton, or at such places as the ~Wichigan Union. 'During the first year, four sections were formed in the club. The athletic section was divided into various parts, according to the sport indulged in, These were the tennis, hiking, swim--# ming, and gymnasium committees,I with Mrs. R. H. Curtiss as general chairman. Hikes were taken almostI every week during the spring, and I tea was served after each hike. I The members of the club who werej interested in. dramatics formed two sections of play reading. One sec-; tion met on Monday evenings and the other on Tuesday afternoons. Mrs. U. B. Phillips was general chairman. The nursery section was the fourth one formed during the first year. Mothers of children from two to seven years of age met once a month, and an -authority on some phase of child care and development spoke at the meetings. Discugsions followed the talks. A (lay nursery for the chil- iren was held on the second floor of the clubhouse, when that was estab- lished in the spring of 1923. The chil- dren could be left there every after- noon. Stories were told by the mem- ber in charge for the afternoon, andl "tea" was served. Toys and games ;upplied further diversion. Mrs. A. H. .loyd was chairman. In March 1923, the clubhouse was }pened to the members.HThis was ormor'ly the University Health Ser- vice at 226 South Ingells street. When the health service quarters were moved to its present location, the women undertook the remodeling and decoration of the llouse for the clubf ourposes. The second floor was used for the day nursery, with the excep- ion of the studio room, which was 'ised, by the art section when it was formed during the second year of the club's existence. The downstairs con- sisted of a large cloakrgomn rest room, card room. tea room and kitch- en. These rooms were so arranged and joined that they could use for large meetings -and teas. The fur- niture was given by the members of the club. All the work in redecorat- ing was done by the women. The in- terior was harmonious, restful and attractive. Cretonne drapes weref hung at all the windows. The chair .backs and seats, had bright slips on them. Pillows were arranged on the davenport. Books, magazines, cards, victrola and records, and ,a piano were supplied for the recreation of the members. The dishes harmonized with color scheme of the tea room. Leon Makielski. of the college of ar- chitecture lent many of his canvasses for placing on the walls. Mrs. Emil Lorch was active in the remodeling of tire clubhouse. The art, music, and garden sections were organized during the second year. The members of the art sec- tion are interested in every form of hand craft. Sketching, modeling, and wood blocking are among these crafts. Many phases of music are studied by the members of the music section The interest is not confined to voice, but includes piano and instruments. i\senibers of the garden section meet duri:ig the flowering seasons and visit the gardens of various people. Dur- ing the winter months, talks are given at their meetings on different species of 1owej s and their habits. Indoor growing of flowers is another phase of their interest. In the fall of 1924, a bride's section was formed, for those who had been married less than a year. This sec- tion is not represented in the board meetings, as less than ten members are enrolled in it. In the fall of the year, a reception is given to welcome the new members to the c ub. The new members stand in line with the president. Every inonth general meetings are held, at which a special ?rogram is given. The various sections meet every two or three weeks. At the monthly meet- ings, special programs are given by the sections at different times. The Tuesday afternoon dramatic section, the music section and the art section have given programs during the past year. During the fall months, a large sity branch. The house was donated H aS Grow n '; ,e -cu-ortisue.Tedown sairs remains essentially the same as before the remodelling for the school. The meeting and activities f Existence Here are cIrried on in the rooms as pre- viously. Few of the other clubs for bridge party is usually given for the faculty wives at other universities members and guests. The annual have clubhouses of their own. meeting takes the form of a luncheon The present officers of the club are: in May. The meetings of the sections president, Mrs. M. L. Burton; vice-l are often open to the whole club. The president, Mrs. Shirley Smith; secre-. Monday evening dramatic section en- tary, Mrs. Arthur Wood; treasurer,l tertained for the Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Orlan -Boston. Chairmen of the dramatic section in March. standing committees are; house, Mrs.- I The club house is now being used D. Td. Bronk; refreshment, Mrs. Hught by the Merrill-Palmer School of De- Iheeler; program, Mrs. Evans Hol- troit for the hiousing 1' its Univer- iorook; social, Mrs. W. P. Smeaton. "PEACH" RULES FRUIT FESTIVAL Miss Palmer Of Florida Chosen As The Queen Giving "It" Its Just Due l love they bore our sex; inspired to feign ignorance that I might suc- i eedl? Thee was one; he wore ' a shiny coat but there was mischief in his eyes. He sought diligently for a mistake in my work and one day in By Ruth Rosenthal mur they were silent. Some had been j teureek room he fouit. ureatut It was the.little insignificant two my classmates in High School." blunder! I had failed! Now women letter word "if" that really opened the This i~s Alice Boise 'Wood's story of would never be admitted to the uni- barred doors of the University of her first class at the great University versity. Did I fail? Have you noticed Michigan to women. "If" Vassar col- where there were only men. From any women there?" lege for women only had not had a that day on she struggled hard to keep In 1869 the friends of co-education very poor department of Greek in its up the pace. 11er love for her Greek >I ed1andfindefaco-eduatiyn early ays, Alice Boise Wood, daugh overcame whatever fear and timidity prevailed and in the fal of that year tearlyfdayslcRoisenWodethdahereenwomen were officially recognized in ter of James Robinson Boise, then a the uresence of so imany hostile m the classrooms of Michigan.. Alice professor at Michigan, m-ight have inspired. Her reward came when' os odhdc'uaeul ae lbeen sent to Vassar and women's Mrs. JoHn Lawrence of Ann Arbor the Way and ihaspite oeers to pro presence in classrooms here may have called her "The Entering Wedge from been forever barred, certainly long 1Women." It gave the only woman pective women entrants to stay at deferred. student at the University, who even temen enter u nte an Alice Boise Wood tells of her first then attended without authorization, continuedto enter until their pres- attendance of classes at the Univer- the courage to go on. ence at the university no longer seem sity in a contribution to the women's Very few of tie professors approved ed odd, or their recitations in the issue of the 189j6 Inlander. "The story of women in the university. The ques- classrooms unusual. I have to tell you is a simple one" tion was much discussed by students, says Alice Wood, "it is that of a instructors, newspapers and even the Lincoln MacVeagh: The Dial Press, young girl who loved Greek, who pur- State Legislature. Alice Wood studied announces the publication of another sued her study into forbidden do- Horace and Livy, and studied hard. "find" worthy to rank with Cress- mains; and about whose quiet path Professors who had at first doubted well's "Journal" and Burrough's hurtled the throbbing questions of a came to look to the one woman in the "Memoirs" in "From a Pitman's Note restless age. I remember vividly an class to solve the knottiest problems. Book" by Roger Dataller, a coal miner event which occurred at the close of Alice Wood questions on one occasion, himself, and the descendant of genera- our last public Greek examnination in "Were these noble classmates for the tions of coal miners. the high school in June, 1866. Our teacher Prof. Lawton stood near his IgIINglldl|ll11:1111111tl11t11111 1 I 1 I1111!I I desk; at the right stood Dr. Haven president of the University of Midhi-e = gan, at his left my father; before w him Dr. Havens son andm fatfather's one hand on the shoulder of young Haven and one upon me; and gazing earnestly at Dr. Haven said in im- Iassioned tones, "And your son can !=Specially prepared Barbecue is served o but my daughter cannot." at the Barbecue Inn.It's good and sat- When in September I went to col-arg lege, where no women's foot was isfying-Stop by and try one of our known, for my first freshman recita- l tion, I stole hurriedly from the back Sandwiches. I door of our home. I ran down the path and hillside trembling in alarm.- In a little room beside my father's classroom I left my hat and shawl; The Barbecue Inn then waited, with emotions never to be forgotten, for the roA, of the ad- vancing tread of my dreaded class-4uP- W mates. Would they howl and hiss as2 44 South State Phone 2948-W men had howled and hissed Jex Blake at Edinburgh? The door opened..- 'hey entered. Save for a little mnr- ° .0./ld",. ./". "Jd. '. . " ",BJr0./.o"./". ",i. ..e". ' ' ". ",. . "./.s'. "l. ", pa1D,+P". ',/", , "«e ,/.P./.. .al CL'r00 I. Easter fferings : -- A "peach" is queen of the second annual fruit festival at Miami, Fla. She is Miss Harvey Mae Palmer of Homestead, Fla. It pays to come down town, pays in the large variety to select from, pays in the 'quality standards maintained here, pays in the 'lower prices because of the larger volume of sales. StrikingValuesIThisWeek N iH s OPEN TODAY o take home- Every girl's wardrobe must contain a few of these distinctly collegiate touches, else how will the home folks know she's away to school ? 9:30 to 1:00 4:00 to 9:30 Sport a $Coats $29 m 0 to $4 Chic SilkGowes$10 New Slickers $~,0-- Owr New York buyer picked up for us a smuall lot of tine Euuneble Suits in the new shades. No two alike. All crepe lined find. dresses "ad embroidered, which wp offer at $16 to $ia under price. The leading maker of Sport Coats in New York sold us his sanples, -high class garments of which no more of these beautiful cloths could be obtained. Exclusive styles. Sixty-seven new Silk Gowns are placed on sale this week at this very attracmtive rice. Afternoon and dancing frogJs in :crepes and prints. Value everywhere, $2v. Slickers in the popular yellow and other colors. You'll want one when you see them. Better grades if you want them. NMILK, CREAM, BAKED GOODS j COLD MEATS Complete Strck of Groceries College Grocery 516 E. William Phone 686-J Cordovan Sport Jackets Extremely sportsy and yet ex- ceedingly practical are these individual jackets. In the most beautiful color shades obtain- able, they are only $6.75. e " " 1 " 'AP T HE MILLS COMPANY 118 Main Street The Shop of Satisfaction 1i A' MARTIN HALLER NA 11 112 East Liberty St. Whittall Rugs are excepti mestic rugs' They areI ' . reasonablyp the TEPRAC in 6x9 size. We know the -. - _them for year onally beautiful do- of oriental design. honestly made and priced. For example c Wilton sells at $68 Ii i I! 41 1 l I I i fancy weaves and colors at $1 .25 up. Sport.Hose to Match Smart beyond words is this harmonizing com- bination of jacket and hose. And so sensible for these early Spring days. In varieties of If Novelty Handkerchiefs Milk is not a beverage . . . . " O ® ," ~.r+' Where but in a college town could such a delightfully dif- ferent assortment of dainty handkerchiefs as this be found? They are here in an endless variety of irresistibly unusual shapes and styles. It is the best all-around food. "Just Jersey" milk is the cheapest form of animal food, for the 'money, that a householder can buy. Order from your grocer or call se rugs. We've handled rs. They are good rugs! I T hp fnkinnae 1 1 _ I II