. UND~AY,' ArR.II, 5, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAG'g THIRTEEN a) + I Alusic and Drama + L Michigan's Bar By James Sprowi r° There are big days ahead for the Michigan band; it seems almost cer- tain that their long worry over in- sufficient funds is at an end. For A~r. Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the University, who has worked with the band for several years, has deC- veloped a plan which will put that or- ganization firmly on its feet. And now Mr. Campbell means to carry Ms plan into effect. Michigan's band is not such an old rganization; yet ever since its origin it has been cramped by lack of money. No one is absolutely, sure when the band first started, but-we do know -that ever, since 1900 there has been some such organization on the carn- pus. For many years it was very ir- regular, consisting for the most part l of a group of studenits wio gatheredl before the bigger football games to' play during the contest; they had no' leader, no rehearsal, no uniforms. And they often broke up before the1 game. was over: it was rather the shadow of a band. But in 1913 a definite organization was,,hbrought abou: a campaign 4.mong the faculty and students raised Sbarely enough money to buy forty- five uniforms. But it was a start, and .,h~t same year 'saw the first uniform- ' ' d Michigan band. 'This was a nov- eity among Western universities, such a novelty that, its appearance pro- le duced a profound impression on the .2Harvard field. Other universities , w~oon followed in Michigan's footsteps, and, after a hard campaign, more uni- forms were secured, so that a band of sixty pieces could be assembled on tLe field. ___ tireloo Clb resntsj1 It is expected that the school Hare foo Clu Preentsbuilding and theatre which was pro- ~d beriXIe3 Pi'~~r ake ~ alevided for the establishment of theD- VIpartment of the Drama, by Edward S / I IHarkness, Yale, 1897 of New York ( I_______________________________________________ City, will be reay for use, at the be- sprtthsi el avey st(Editor's Note: The following ar- Professor Baker's course in play ginning of the second term, in Febru- plan. Lke the Union 2nd tl a Ath-, tile concerning Professor Bakers producing will deal with fundamental designed by Clarence IT. Blackall, of letic association, the band will be able curriculum in dramatics at Yale Uni-I principles such as relation of producer the firm of Blackall, Clapp,. and ;7 ~vriyi epitdfo h udy to plan on a definite amount each vstyi.e-rnedfo teSndy to pay, author and actor, and to the Whittemore, o Boston, Mass, provides year; and since the suppo~rt. for the Fi1 March 29, Issue of The New York complementary workers in settings, for a theatre, having the stage and band must in the end come from the Times.) complete equipment, and a seating * * * ~~costumes and light. Groupings, move- cpct fapoiaey70 h students, this is surely a painless way. cpct fapoiaey70 h So. with all financial worr ies left Yl nvriyofcashv e ment, emphasis, speed, rhythm, di5, workshop will contain a model studio, beid h hn a egnanwi cipline, and organization will also be lighting, property and carpenter progam.It illbe~eaf'& ' gve t~e enty anouced thecouses studied, and simple practical problems shops, scene dock, scene painting loft, studen ts wiconcer wthortgiete .I drama to be given beginnings next fall leading to charge of production in the csuesuia~ y om hr charge. This spring a ntaber of pro- I.-Geound erceh erctiomoflPofessrI rehearsal room will be undertaken. will be two rehearsal rooms, one with will gi venngGeoge Perc Baerforerlyof iar Ths cursewil beope toadvanced a stage and small auditorium, beside grams wil b gvenlin Ithe eeigy ~s ard. Students registering for Pro- * with the I 'andl playing from a stand "'rp" fesor Baer'scourses il aean o rfsinlsueto yseiloffices, class rooms, dressing rooms, near theThisgcourseForoanshourlfroll bopportunity fornthe study ofedram eih+'lckeeyrnie- ~permission: to undergraduate seniors etc. In this completely equipped seven toeili ococ eer from the actual writing of plays to the ofteUieriy rtIseilsu plant, the students of the drama will (lyngt" ocet ~lh ieI *4.~I' eal fsaig n dents. It is prerequisite to the course have unsurpassed facilities for carry- wihseilnmer oaditrs,<". ,~+...~~ms ope. in advanced producing, in which prob- ing out the work in the various nmessn by the Varsity Quar- . ldn tg ihig, stage antrsy, em in difficult producing will becuss tetneu orbers ughp yteGr'ale . 'Itm design, producingpgaty taken up by Professor Baker. The Courses in the drama will be open club. .o perhap by theGirl's lee ' ftechnique of the drama and dramatic technique of the Drama is also an ad-to students of both sexes, over the age chit. criticism. According to the Univer-vne ore Patc nwi i vofncedtcourse.chPracticet inlwriting jNext fall a grer t stiiden t '"ublee" : 'sity's announcement, there will be long plays will obsixten.vEnchin tiint wilubeee will be held in11i11 a uditorium, if, fourteen courses offered in the Depart- which wisoben oly oen i Liourse.qie twunshosaeengvn mentof isaopen onlymtoeseniorstwho age, education, aniHotline of previous Mr. Campbell's plan, sie (carried i I" ~.', ' Daa TemreeeenayIhave completed the course in produc-wot iamteur ir'o f y thouh inwihe!rstdntmyI courses include forms of t he Drama; i ng with distinction, or who have had of in rs fte hare uh anyo take hart withvoutcost. iHere the, M...I and history of stage design ich~jteat fte harsc spo band and Mimes, the Va rstlyr and til c,.., are required of all students, and stage aneuvln1ore cnco te ein anysee dl~. ihig h dacdcusscm Seven of the courses offered in the acting, and playwriting, and in add- D epartm ent hors.raml arenopen.by. I n isomplaywittinge theoryiandeq uic- acts toehaudrai ee, ,tl p l"s Qe jt~er? ice oflaywstag ig, advyancd pstgespecial permission to undergraduates ments stated in the description of the act totheaudenc, he estact lie o sagedes~gu adancdht ad- of the University. They include the courses in which he wishes to enroll. they can niece together; it. will be .~.,.*. design, advanced stage liging, ad. jF courses in forms of the drama, play- A candidate's qualifications must be inomleasy, entertaining it .ill b vanced costume design, dramatic S~. ..~.Icriticism production "and advancedI writing and producing, given by Pro-j sufficient to satisfy the Chairman o "refatlwa r ihgn.jhfble "We al;soa ya1X production, pageantry and the tech- ( fessor Baker; and the courses in theI the Department that lie can success- al Mchian jbile.."Whe eve~T iue f de drmahistory of the stage, design, practice taflly follow the course in which he act has been uresented the students!.'qeo h m. and theory of stage design, stage registers. Upon the successful com- in the. audience will vote their choice. Professor Baker, who has been ap- lighting, and history and practice of petion of the entire course, in the for the best, and afi er the ballots pointed to the Chair of History and csuedsgwih wl e I Dprm tofra ,ceifaesf haveostumecdesign., whichgwillabeointDepartmentuofoDraraacertificates of havebee conte. 1.10 rgaizatioi I he echiqu ofDram, wll erv ascharge of instructors who are experts accomplishment will be awarded to whose act diew the rms,.I votes will Director of the University Theatre, in their fields. . regularly enrolled students. receive a trophy. This it may hold j.* and Chair man of the Department of until the next conceit. is given in they iDrama in te School of the Fine Arts, following spring of which Everett VI Meeks is Dean. But this is not all which Mr. ('amp-.IIe will personally conduct the courses . bell undertakes to do; he believes, in forms of the Drama, playwriting that the men who give so much of I lproducin g, advanced proucing, andl their time to the band should(1 receive, the technique of the draufa. Instru- some recompense beside the charms tors will e appointed to have charge andi sweaters given now. Each man I ~ .- of the courses in directing, lighting would be given credit in tihe liver- scenic design, and costume design. sity for his work, say one hour a ~ rnRvr h ac h ed n eaerei Ia b h The course in playwriting, conduct- semester or one hour a year. It i twenty-sevenith annual production of the 1151 esfoot club of Wisconsin. the !__ed____yProfessor_____Baker,___will___treat___of hardly unreasonable. Then the band' show, which is a parody on Scott's fa ous inovel, will be prnieeted at Or- h eaino h lyt h oe Ichestra hail in Detroit on Aril 10. E . Noi tier Shuter director of :imes andh hrstio ry;the p ri t tnciples ofASO s o l h a e a ( e s o n t r p a y a ,a n s h t s o y t h p r n i l s o T HS PNGwith th e fo o tb a ll te a m , p e rh a ps e v e n (us h s d r c e h W s o s n c u h s y a .a a p at o n, po tt in g , s tru c tu re , c h a ra c - two, though no more than that. The l terization, climax and suspense, dia- AT GRAGE 'S new financial system will allow this, certs without charging for admission. "For the third sucessive month,"! logue, and the making of scenarios. as well as other trips to other cities and to mike the band attrac;tive to the Retail Bookseller for March notes, three plays will be required of each during the holiday's for concerts stdnsW!a liil opa.u " The Little French Girl' by Anne! student: an adaptation in one act, whicl} will p ay for themselves. . Douglas Sedgwik. heads the list of, an original one-act play, and a play Ml% Campbell'-pronoses to lift the' 1s a big program', but as fi'. tirhil) fiction, and for the second successive] of at least three acts. Consideraole Granger's A cademy offes. a peasnt fiaca1udnfo h hudr bell said, "1 will take it to tile Beards month heads the list of books of all time will be devoted to discussion of retreat for those seeking recreation in the of the band, to give the students con- of Regents to put it thog,." kinds" "The Little French Girl" has th.le manuscripts written by the class, form of dancing. The cool Spring even- now gone over the 200 thousand mark. and to supplementary reading. _ I fl makep dancing a real leaiie. Acid But progress continued at a rapid pace, so that in a few short years our band was as fine as any in the West. In size others surpassed us, but in ab- ility we had no peers. An entire new ,set of uniforms, the finest of any col- l jege in the country, was purchased in 1922 by the Regents, together with the Athletic and Band associations. But ;for definite, reasons the size of the band was not increased beyond seventy-five; at this number only men scholasticaly eligible' and of one year's residence would be permitted to, play;: while. all second .rate mu- sicians could be excluded. This ac- .,counts for the remarkable personnel of Michigan's band. So the band came to be a compact ,and, wieldly unit of the very best mu- sicians; but still they were troubled' by financial conditions. Just now the fifteen hundred dollars realized from the auto show has squared things away, but in spite of such erratic help the band seems to run most of the tim~e with its head under water. But soon the whole program will be, changed;. there will be no more begging; for money') there will be no more admission concerts. This old financial spectre which has squeezed the band for so long will disappear. One of the ways in which Mr. Campbell intends to provide for the suppiort, of the band is through a defi- nite annual payment from; the Ath- letic association. It would be hard to say just what share the band plays in making Michigan spirit boil at the football games; but we do know it is ' no paltry share. What, would we think of a game without the band? The thrill, which makes every man stand and shout himself hoarse when the band steps its way across the field with capes flung back, would be gone. Without the band, any game would be a pretty, cold thing; and there's no sentimentality in that. When we think of this we do not wonder that Mr. Campbell plans to have part of the --money for the band come from the Athletic association. Tharp ;a, n tnel reasonfor denying~ U. of MA Jewelry i 'Beautiful and new in . design andciworkmanship andai fns.Our line commands the attention and admiration of those who like lovely things in jewelry. JEWELERS 304 South Main St. ................."........................"............................. ......... .-....o... ed to the pleasure evoked by the cool evenings is the simplicity and hominess of the academy in general. Every little detail in the way of making Granger's more attractive and more comfortable is carefully carried out.. es, .. , d You can have a taxi handy just whenever you want one. And it will take you any place in Ann Arbor-flat rate, 35c per person. Call 4 5 Dancing every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights. Music by Bill Watkins and His Granger Eight Taste for Spring of course this Spring weather makes a difference in what you like to eat, and you'll find the change reflected in our menus. Try our Sunday dinner, andi you'll come regularly. rk GRAGES CA)EY4 the band its share of the gate re- TwywU3 iN ____ "w But if this money will not cover : expenses during the year, Mr. Camp-. State at Monroe C bell will .resort to. a second method w " for securing funds. Every student, as Day and Weekly Rates -.11 he registers, will pay with his tuition ;(r 1 t fifty cents which will go to the band's° rQOZD R Do t AcosIoS.i....~ R eo 22 Sa 4 0 A LARGE DETROIT CONCERN. OffYou will find a place that = OP O T N T_ serves real steak dinners. Drop Inslswroo h ihstodrtaeio e wowiht ae-in and try one toight. -M1 IM 'w -v-= MI - -- TH SI O ,A S M LEC S O°-OM. Our representative will be in this city for two days only in the near - 1~~'- 1T C Cornwell -n Coal -- Coke Scranton, 0. A&ff. and Pittston Antracite, per ton .$14.95 Solvay Coke. 10.90 " 0 " Genuine No. 3 Pocahontas Egg and Lump . . .9.50 West Virginia and Kentucky Coal IFO,