N SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P AGE ELEVEI~T WHITE SOX CAN COUNT ON LITTLE NEW STRENGTH Collins Faced With Difficult Problem As Lineup Keeps 1924 Form ! WHEELBLOWER FIN Bambino Stirred By Qi (An Interview By Muggsy blowerh inself.) Whee- Zowie! The ball 'went sailing'into the azure blue atmosphere, nestled against the sky line, then described a sudden arc as it hurtled through the golden sun- shine of the romantic South, the play- ground of Robert E. Lee, Booker T. Washington and other figures fabled in song n and 'story. Babe Ruth did it. His mighty bat; propelled the leather through the zephyrs of the Dixie air and a mighty roar of applause rose from the seven small boys of color who watched tomthe fence. It was one of th.e Bamnbino'smighty swats and he was, about to slide into second as the right fielder, coining in on the dead run, took the sphere off his shoestrings just behind first base and caught Ruth for a double play, once for hav- ing had his fly caught, the other time! for having been tagged. Babe came ambling to the bench just as the writer got out his Lefax for the interview. "Whew! he grinned. "Old Bob certainly made a spectacular play then. His executiotawas perfect.'' He drank noiselessly from the de-! canter placed on the bench for the use of ,the players, then applied Mennen's Men's Talcum (it doesn't show) to his swarthy features. Much refreshed, he turned to. the writer.. "I rather suppose you wish an in-1 terview with me, do you not?" I ad- mitted that such were my designs on! him and he continued. "Well, you know, you chaps are qer-. tainly an annoyance, because you un- derstand from my articles and fropi hearing me talk that I hate publicity. i It nauseates me. The roar of the crowd! Faugh! I care for none of that. I am essentially a modest mor- tal, and to have my name emblazoned1 hither and thither in this buzzing uni- verse is extremely distasteful to me, II can assure you. However, the in- terests of the public must be con-' sidered." « Here Ruth sighed and his eyes softened as he let thenm wander acrossI DS RUTH PROFOUND GIBBONS-TUNNEY BOUT OUTST ANDING estion "What Is Man" Match June 12 Should Be Seasof (adirner the ball park into the blue mists be- One of the greatest fights of the ney is nOl lose Uo I mii j i pwr yond. Suddenly he started. year should r ult when Tommy Gib- and drive, and his attack wil b "Do you know," he said musingly, bons of St. Paul and Gene Tunney" to a severe test when he brings it "yon mist strikes me as being particu- Amciericn light heavyweight champion into play against as worthy a'nan as larly a lopos to our piresent discus- meet at the Polo Grounds June 12 Gibbons. sion. Let us take as a hypothesisth- for a 15 round bout. According to past contests, the two suppoition that that panorama be- Tunney's somewhat empty title will ien are very nearly equal. Gibbons fore us is life, with all its little vils- not he at stake as the men will battle defeated Georges Carpentier, the once- situdes, its petty pleasures andIirk- at catchweights, whicli will bring great Frenchman, decisively although some sorrows. You observe, of course them into the ring at any weight that he was unable to stop him. Tunney that the mist covers that which lies they happen to strike after their train- put the handsome one out after a fast beyond. Well, verily, such is life. ing p eriods are completed. Gibbons fight in which, the French boxer took What do we, poor pusillanimous clay, will nrobably outweigh the ex-soldier, something of a beating. However, know of what lies beyond the mist but the difference in poundage be- this does not give Tunney an edge of, that covers the future. Aye, what do tween the two men will not be great any importance. Carpentier had a we know?" enough to detra't from the contest, temperamental nature along with his Here the Sultan of Swat fell into The battle will bring together two fne lighting equipment, and the trim- silence-a sort of reverie.. His hear- men 10ho are not Ony among the ring he took from Gibbons probably ily-lidded eyes were half-closed. He best in their division in the world, was a severe shock to his confidence was dreaming, thinking, wondering but who present more or less con- as well as his temperament. When with all the power of his massive in- trasts in the matter of style. Gibbons h-a met Tunney, he probably entered tellect. Then the silence was again is the ring artist of the day, probably the ring with less assurance than in broken as his solemn voice boomed being the most scientific tighter in his former fights, with the result that forth like the bell in the tower of the the world. In addition, his punch he was easier meat for the American. little old red brick church in that rates among the classic wallops of Whether this was the actual case or sleepy southern hamlet. the existing crop of heavies. He is not, Tunney's more decisive victory "I wonder---I wonder what the fu- fast as lightning and his defense is over Carpentier does not tell much ture .holds for me, for you, for all of r-markable. with regard to the outcome of the us. Man--what is man? The eternal Tunney, not quite as rugged as Gibbons fight. question!" HIere his voice becamel Gibbons, is more flashy. On his good Both men have been outpointed by suddenly charged with the emotion nights he is equal to the best of them. Ijarry Greb, the Pittsburgh windmill that was stirring him. He has science and also is strong on who is world's middleweight chan "Aye, what is man? Which of us the, defense, but is not as good as pion, but this also tells little. Gre. can answer tlhat question? Nay, Gibbons in either of these requisites. although far from .a great flghti', do- 'tis not for us, poor souls, to know. H e is agg-kessive and forces the fight- feats many men who are rT ! a!h-ad It is for that Someone who lies be. ing at all times. It will be interest-I of him in the ability, due to hi.:wierd yond this sordid reality to answer. ing to note the reaction when Gibbons style. Gibbon's most impressive work Egad, could ie but know. How our meets a man who carries the fight to: this year was his six-round kockout lives would be shaped differently! him. Dempsey, of course, did so, but of Kid N-;folk, the colored .ar. In Renad Boccaccio's "Decameron" and Tom was able to keep his feet this t Tom, showed dl kinds of observe the deep, intensive idea un- thwrughout the 15 round scrap. Tun~ pun' i well as his cumomary sci- derlying it.. There was a man who -- e .d craft. had some inkling of what it meant. 'undestand that I cannot afford to Gibbons will go into the ring wit' Ah, would that I, incapable being, mis.; the inspiration derived from at- an edge in the matter of experienc were blessed with' some such degree tonmp ing to unfathomn its mystery." but he is nothing like a hs b> i of intellectual power. But, nay, 'tis scmething akin to a tear appeared Well over 30, he seems to have ja hit not all of us who are so blessed." in ecrner mA his eye. his best stride and his work is bett r Evidently considering the interview than ever before, due to his clean liv- closed, the mighty man drew from his A small boy ;'ne up to the bench. ing and regular habit. Tunney is con- side pocket a copy of Elinor Glyns "1Mr. Ruth," he said, "Manager Hug- siderably younger, and newer to the "Three Weeks" and fell to pondering gns' compliments, sir, and would you game although he has seen enough over its well-thumbed pages. I asked care to take your turn at bat, sir? action to give him an idea of what him about it. Tossing the eager lad a shilling, the it is all about. All things con. idered, "I wouldn't be without it," Ire said great personage arose. the two boxers should put s one, as he gazed fondly at the little volume. I "The roar of the crowd," he mutter- of the better bouts of the y h, "It contains so much that I do not ed musingly. "Bien, c'est La vie!" match being an absolute "r ?rI.'"'. 0 1 5 e p j~ - C F. fdGE "(31501-tC4 'F. Kt=- ZAVIS By Norman E. Brow n If Eddie Collins, baby manager of the big leagues, does anything with his White Sox children this season it will be through the medium of in- jecting morale, harmony and the "ol'j pepper", as the ball players say, into his men and not through the injection of any new material. Davenport, Steengrafe, Ted Blanken- ship, Gorham Leverette, Ted Lyons and two rookies, Ken Ash, and Fore- man. .he'll always keel) his noodle up. And he is going to get heads-up baseball out of the Sox crew. Rolbertson and Faber are named first for the simple reason that much depends on the showing of these men. The veteran Faber, who suffered from a split bone in his pitching 1 -_., .... .._. ._. .....,m..._,.. . ._., . ._.... .,... .e ...... - _ g. ...,.. .., . .r For, as the Sox wind up their train- arm last season, says he is set for ing at their Shreveport, La., camp, abig year. Robertson, who was worth theme is every indication the team will ,little to the club last season after a. line up about as it did last year-even brilliant campaign, says he is back to the always uncertain shortstop ; in his early form. If these two birds position.get going good they'll .not only help This being the case one can get a itthe morale of the club but the stand- better slant on what Collins has done ing also. with the team by watching them under Ray Schalk intends to catch 100 championship play than in sizing or more games this season. His in- them up in workout sessions and I tentions are good. If he finds that the am delaying my opinions on the sue- winter hasn't slowed him down too cess of Collins until that time. much lie will be a big help to Collins. Once more Harvey McClellan seems! If h6 falters "Buck" Crouse will have to have the shortstopping job for the to fight it out with George Bischoff, old reason -that the club bosses have Texas League backstop, for the berth. dug up none who is better at that This despite the fact that Bischoff is a position. Ike Davis, American Asso- newcomer and Crouse has been in ciation infield star, will step into that j training a couple of years to fill Ray's berth eventually, however. That's shoes. one good bet. Butler, Wichita, Kan., Now, there isn't much here to rave star, is the third candidate for the job. about in the way of a ball club. But Sheeley, Collins and Kamm complete Collins has reason to believe that he the infield as before. The one other can whip this material into a better youngster with the team who seems ball team than the one that represent- to threaten any of' the regulars is ed the Chicagoans last season. Johnny Clancy, first baseman obtain- For the reason. ed from the New Orleans club.. . The team was a disorganized one Bobby Barrett, general utility man, from the start last season. 1or a has gone over to the ranks of the out- time no one knew who was managing1 fielders. He may get a chance to the team. Then the Soviet idea of a show if Harry Hooper, veteran gard- triumvirate was tried, with Ed. Walsh, ner, is asked to devote most of his Johnny Evers' and Collins trying to For This Week's E Chapter Meeting A Suggestion- Spring vacatiton is a good time to have those odds and ends about the house taken care of. For example, why not send all your winter bedding here to bl launderedl? It would mean that when you return you could put all the extra blank- ets and comforters away until next fall - and then they would 'e fresh and comfort- able, reA"l t'p he used. Another thing, too--the cur- tains in your house Probably XCEL LENT L AUNDRY WO R K AT FAIR PR ICES ti" i z; ,. i . ;. f 7 Q4/ r E 01 *J\7L1( 3 e' I imme to coaching duties and Maurice Archdeacon fails to recover from a, bruised foot. As it looks, now, how-I ever, Mostil, Falk and Elsh will do tihe gardening. The pitching staff is composed of Faber, Robertson, Cvengros, Mangum, get something started. That idea fizz'led. Eyers was made manager. By that time the players didn't care whether tsIe season lasted two days or 'two years. The only man who kept his head up was Collins. _.r:.a r need laundering. Spring va- cation is a good time for that, too. Send them here, for our equipment is adapted to handle During the month of 4 April you can buy a Hoover electric vac- uum cleaner for only X3.25 down. Balance in 10 easy payments The. Detroit Edison nmrtar T cu{tains most efficiently. process is very simple. The Your curtain is measured when it comes in, washed, -dried by air, and then stretched to its normal size. No hooks or pias are used in this' process, no -. tears or rips the result. Surely this suggestion is one to take advantage of. Phone 2076 Time to Prepare for Spring Vacation Are your clothes ready for your trip home next week? Take inventory, and see exactly what you want laundered, then phone us and our driver will call. We furnish two-day service if necessary. 11 I 11