I PAGE EIGHT ___THE MICHIGAN DAILY ------------ SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 112 . I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by tl'e Assist; nt to that P'erzient until 3:30 p. mn. (11.30 a. mn. SaturdaXA Volume I SUNDAY, APRIL I5, 1i Sumber 141 I i i sing. and Frlint. The parf'y will leatve .Mondav, April 13, and will return to Ann Arbor Saturday noon, April 18. Total expenses wil be very little over M$2. 00. Further information may be obtained by calling the underCIsigne~d at 2287WV, or by comning to the pre-trip meeting Tuesday evening. April 7, at 8 P M. in roorn 302 University hall. (Carlton F'. Welks. WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to ajpear in this column mvust ,e' left in be i,ix fj h>e DiOy offie pro1 dhtr -amt purpJose before 6 o'lck i-:r >f"p'e " . te cI..y'of issue. Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The next regular meeting or the literary faculty will be held 'Monday, April 6, at 4:05 o'clock, in room 2225 Angell hall. In addition to regular biusiness a report on the recent Honors Courses conference at Iowa City will be given. Johni R. Effinger. General Library :, Students having In their possession books drawn from the University library are notified that all such books are due Monday, April 6, on account of the impending spring vacation. Wmi. WI. Bishop, Libraria n. I will not be in my office at the Health Service April 6 to 11. Mar'garet Bell. Advisory Committee on University Extension Service: There will be a meeting of the Advisory committee on University Exten- sion service in the office of the Extension division, Room 12, University hall, on Monday. April 6, 4 P. M. W. ID lleiiderson. Ann Arbor Art Association Exhibit: There will be an exhibit of Paintings and Drawings of Grand Rapids women artists, in the West gallery of Alumni Memorial hall, from Sunday, April 5th, to April 112th, inclusive. The exhibition will be open week days 1:30 to 5:00 P. M., Sundays 2:00 to 5:00 P. M., and Thursday evening, 7:30 to 9:30 P. M. Free to University students. WV. P. Lomhba~rd, Pres. Notice to all'Hembers of the University: Mall addressed as follows: "care of the University of Michigan" has been delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Hall. It will be held until April 10, and should be called for at once, giving date of this publication, i. e. April 5. This list will not be reprinted. MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRtSSED TO STREET AND NUMBER. James Alterizio fUnicersity Serie: j tniversity Service, 1H111 auditorium Sunday 7 :30 o'clock. Speaker: Rabbi Louis L. Mann of the Sinai Temple of Chicago. Subject: "The Doubter's Faith." Service is open to all. 11,. P. RhlodeR. Philosophy 10, 41, 105, 173: I ,;hall be unable to meet my classes and lectures on Tuesday, 'Wedlnes- (lay, and Thursday, April 7, 8 and 9, and on Tuesday, April 21. 1 have also to piostpone my seminar arranged provisionally for Monday evening. April 6. F. F. Carilt. Studenits of Electrical and .11echianical Engineering: On Tuesday, April 7th, Mr. W. Mv. Skiff, Manager of the Engineering de- partment of the National Lamp works of the General Electric company at Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio, will be in Room 274 West Engineering building for the purpose of interviewing students, piartic~ulary juniors, who may be interested in training at Nela Park for, the lighting business. Uiversity Section1 Societyv of Amierican Military Engineers: Michigan Section S. A. MW. E. will meet at the Union Tuesday, April 7, at 8:0O0 P. M. Professor iload and Major Carpenter will adldress the meeting on "The lDuties of an Engineer in Tihnes of Peace andl War." Faculty ilmeber01of lie sect ion are cordial11y invited andi urged to at- tend. IV. Victor Oweb, Secretary. Seniors and (iratdiate Students in (henmisty and ('hemical Enginteering~: M~r. C. A. 1.1111, Chief Chemist, of the C onsolidated Glas company of New York City, will be in room 2028,. least: Engineerinig building, Monday morning, April 6, 10 meet men who would like positions with that company. Alfred 11. White. Research (Clubi: The Annual Memorial ineting of the Research club wvill be held in the Natural Science auditorium on Wednesday, April 8th, 1925 at 8 P. MW. The meeting will be in hoinor of Thlomas Huxley and piapers wvili be read by Professors 11. M. Wenley and E'. C. Case. Members of the Junioir 1-esearchl club, Sigma, Xi, Women's Research club, Gamma Alpha, Phi Sigma, as well as members of the faculty and grad- I uate student body, are cordially invited to be present at this meeting. TU. It. lHldebrandt, Secretary. 1Junior lReseaarch Club: The regular meeting will be hieldl on Tuesday, A pril 7th at 7 :20( P. MV. in room 162 Natural Science building. The following papers wvill lielire- sented:1 "TePrairies of Geometry" by Professor Norman H. Anning. An nviatin hs ben ecevedfrom the Research club for our mem- bersto tten th annal emoiieeting which will be held on Wednes- day Apil that :00P. . i th Naural Science Building auditorium. I A. L~indblad, Secretary. F'ers io, Hpe ilks iniibeoUppe'r room, I Lanie hrtl. (1.5 sssioli class at. the Pre sbyterian 12 Ov'- tu(1it.ist Bble classes meet inY Wesley hall. 2:10-4:00-Nna Arbor' Art associatIoni jexhibit in t he west gallery of Al-, unni M~emaorial hall. 4i:14-U'niversity Symphdony orcliestrai cnetin lill auditorium. .x:00-Wesley'an -Oi~ld supper in W1es- 1ey hall. 5:1.i-Coslucpolitan club hmembers ei e-tertaine(1 at sunner in the Martha ICook dormitory. a:1 -S.Paul's St udent club meets at 420 Wes't Liberty street. Miss Am- E ~nd. 1. ees leds hediscussion on "C apitail Punishment." S ::l0-St.uderit supper and fireside chati at the Congreg'ational church. Law-J rrco ~ Conradl, autblor of "'Tenmper, speaks oil "Why I Wroite Miy 1 First Novo_.'' r35:30-Social hoar ;ut the P~resbyter'- 6:00-TStudent su~pper' at. Ilni'ris hla. Mvir. Adams of the William L. Clem-I ents' library, will speak. 10:00 -- Wesley'an Culld plaiyer's pre- S sent the religious drama,."Judas Is-3 ('iol ,'' in Wesley hall. e:30Yoi~xgPeoples', meeting In the 6:30J-11r. C'urtis 11'. 1keese of Chlctgi,, addresses the Unitarian Students union at the church. 6 :34-I'. IH. A. Lichtwardlt addresses the Baptist guiild., d; :130'-ltlbi ltouis y. Mann of Sin- ai reflml& Chicago, speatks on "The D~oubter's Fait h," at Uni'ver- sity serzvice ini 1Hill autditoiiuml. ':00-1tIotloft pitutre serice at the Congregat ional church. Patsy RuthI Millein and IDnstan Farnuin in "My Man." 'NONDIAY 11:30-5 :00-Attn Arbor Art association exhibit in the wvest. gallery of Ahum- nii Memorial hall. 4:00-Senior batll committee mteets in ' roonm 222, Union. Martyr Of X-Ray Keep Off Grass Continues Work1 Officials Order, ... Trespassing on University property, at the corner of Ingalls, Twelfth' streets, and North University avenue. must be stopped, was the word issued" by the Buildings and Grounds depart-, men yesterday. This plot, on which{ will stand the Women's League build- :::"::: ::::: ::; :::'!: ing, has been seeded and cleaned to# provide attractive park space. It has' been used by students and younger, 'people as a ball grounds. Dr. Frederick IH. Baetjer, famous roentgenologist of Johns Hopkins med- ical school, Baltimore, has resumed his researches after having undergone the seventy-fi rst operation resultingl from his work with the X-ray. 4:00-Advisory comininfee on Univer. sity Extension service meets ini rood 12, University hall. 4 :05-Literar'y faculty meets in room 2225, Angell hall. 6 :00-Classical Journal clubl meets in room 2014, Angell hall. 7:00-Phi Lambda Upsilon mfeefts in room 3,03, Chemistry bunilding. in g. 8 :00- Student Friend ship Fund. hen'e, fit showv in Hll auditorium. Bloomiington, Indiana, April 4.- Having for its purpose the beautifying of Indiana university's "backyard.," an extensive undertaking has been out- lined by the superintendent of build- igs andl grounds. jNew York, April 4.-Columbia uni- versity yesterday witnessedI the break- ingr of groundl for Students :-lall, the building which is to mark the climax Read the Want Ads It's a mighty important ques- tion-"What make of car shall I buy?" And the question of next im- portance is--- What kind of auto- mobile insurance should I carry ? Now that you have answered the first to your entire satisfaction, we can help you to arrive at the same satisfactory conclusion on the second. 'We have complete informa- tion on all forms- of automobile insurance and' shall be very glad Ito explain how each operates in the interests of the car owner. B UTLE R INSURANCE 209 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 401-M George Baker David L. Bears Helen Beaumont W. H. Black, Harold Bowersox John P. Brady Julia Rith Brown A. B. Claney, Jr. Emma Grattan Robert F. Hague Catherine B. Heller Mabel Hutchings Theo Luidquist J. C. Moody MW. P. O'Hara William Phelps D. M. Phelps A. Rey Lena Robinson Herman D. Scarnechia Clifford A. Swanson Frank M. Towvnsend, Jr. Donald D. Wilson Shirley 11. Smithl, 1 Read The Daily "Classified" Columns Alex Joukovsky Secretar'y. Cosmiopolitan Club: Cosmopolitan Club members will be entertained at Sunday evening sup- per, as guests of Martha Cook dormitory, Sunday, April 5, at 5:15 P. M. An informal program of unison songs and piano numbers has been arranged. Rensis Likert, President, Cosmopolitan Club. Foreign Students may still make reservations for the Spring vacation trip to five Michigan cities, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Lan- Minneapolis, Minn., April 4.,4liei- nite stepis towvardl the erection of the Cyrus Northrup Memorial Auditorium wvere taken when the Greater Univrer- sity corporation fornmally asked the administrative officers of the Univer- sity for acceptable specifications. Honolulu, Aprii 4. - Private JIohn Mullen, Battery E of the 115th field artillery, died here of burns receiv- ed March 3 in a powdler explosion. . -I Patronize Daily Adv-ertisers - it pays.-Adv. "KEEP SMILING" just as long as we do your cleaning and pressing you will have a smile on your face.. Flower Show Ann Arbor's only rcleaners not using gasoline in any form Phone 13---unlucky for spots of Colunmbia expansion. For Your Consideration Nine room, brick and shingle home, between campus and hospital. Nice hiarge entrance hall, large living room with fireplace, three com- plete floors, laundlry tubs and lavatory in basement. This is a fine. home in good condition with a considerable income if owvner cares to rent rooms. .A twelve-room house between campus and hospital offered for $10,000, with $2,000 down. This house is free and clear.' Owner might cons ider' trade for smaller home. " A newly painted eight-room home between State and Fifth Ave. Entrance hall, bath on each floor. $11,000. Now is the time to buy that cottage for next summer. We are .now offering a nice four-room cottage, or rather _a real home, with an extra lot at Whitmore Lake for $2,500, with -$500 down. This home is newly piainted, has sanitary toilet, and this price includes furniture. Gaill MR. WHEELER, with Ann Arbor Home Builders Association EDWIN HI. S11 IH SAMUEL SCHULTZ, 408 National Bank Bldg. Phone 3385 Quick Service Good Work 11 328 South Main St. Phone., 644 Over a half 'million cut flowers and blooming plants will be on display at our greenhouse all dlay Sunday. Ann Arbor FloralCo 1,',. 11 f' 1021 Maiden Lane Sunday, April 5, 1925 111 Notice T1HE TALK OF THlE CAMlPUS fh P. Ann Arbor Hills Llj Harr Cafe Will e open spring recess in our policy of ready to cate tourers. nony :terra. all during theI ni pursuance of always being' er to our cus- I v g t , I j Country Estates that cost no more Al-WIool (Cnarant ced Made to MIea sure than city lots. Here your home will be one of one hundred sixty ideal homes in an ideal community. If you are not ready to build, select your estate at present prices and pay for it out of monthly savings. l./1l,~~"I"./l./.I',/1./1 .~./'./~.J" ".®~~. ~.w4.o' .!.r..4.A.!'. ./..P . . !"!:~~~../. d. .0~. d.1 ./ ~.' . APRIL CLEAN-UP SALE April Clean-Up Sale of some beautiful Wall and Ceiling Lights at exceptionally great values-Everything from Standard Stock Announcing the Next Showing of lationlal Clotbes For the College Man Hand-Tailored to Order, $29.50 Pho~ne 441 -F1 for information. I L. D. Carr and C. J. Tremmel I H, 11 I 11, I.