SUNDAY, .t1PIiIL 5, 1925 SUNDAY, APIL 5, 1925THE MICHIGAN DAILY RG EE ,PAGE SEVEN I LOST-Theta Chi fraternity pin. Dia- mond shape. Naze on back. Re- THS A P IE E rn ward. Call 2738. owLM 4 0 11 1L I COLUMN ; LOST-Georgette scarf, white ground, CLOS 0 COW var-colredstripes-on Ingalls St. CT r An tTI betwee 545~ nE.. Huron and Campus at ~~AT S P+M E T SIA3PMO 4P. M. Friday. Reward. Notify! f Miss Loving, 614 E. Univ. 873-M. I 1LOST-Theta Chi fraternity pin. Dia- FO R SAL E ( IV~t1VT EI) m ond shape. N am e on back. R e-(wa d C l .27 8j r ATDTpwritnt d o'arI.uCll.g738 FOR. SALE--1924 Ford roadster. 1) WATD(yewiin.o.o drn license. New General CordirTires in Spring vacation. Call Brooks 1755-J.a POSITIONS.f .January. $200 cash. Call iRazs-I WANTED-Woman as helper in Tea ENRIcaal Tdctw~ dell, 3094. Room. Tel. 951-W. 225 So. Thayer. wishes profitable employment dur- FOR SALE-1921 Ford touring, Self WNE-igero y-lwsu ing the summer. Opportunity to starter, demountable rims, line shape. ! lent, in private home with no othecr travel. Will be trained In business. Will trade for older car. Phone students. Call 3583.,_Salary__and__trainfare.___Box __93. 738- , JT4T.LSjFL4 c uaz l n fa. v a...aLAinn u# d Here Are Some of the Best Used Cars in Ann Arbor 1923 Star Touring Car in good and runs exceptionally well. shape mechanically, 1922 Chevrolet Sedan, has been refinished, and runs good. 1923 Essex Coach-fine running condition, and has a beautiful new paint job. 1922 Nash Six Touring. 1924 Ford Tudor. In This is also a REAL BUY. good shape. r>O Q .). q o , fAX'; FOR SALE-Good looking, goodI run- ning Dodge toruing car. Six tires, Very low price. P~hone 1145J. 7081 Church.; t BEAUTY SHOP"$ E~ Three expert marcellers. Shingle trims. Soft water used at all times. DI3IAT CIA 1IWAY SHIOPPE (Above Cushiing's)j Permanent Waving and M!?arcelling{ -v MACK AND CO. ;rd Floor Main St. summer resort. Pleasant valuable experience. $272, for 3 montli .j Box 92. Dodge Touring, $50.00. ANN ARBOR NASH SALES 521 SOUTH MAIN ST. 7!J" I, i: JP ,i~ 9{ Vi' P I tP x z yfr9 ;eli n " 7#i h FOIR SALE-M~arley-Davidson motor- cycle $45. Phone 62. FOR SALE-Choice lot on Brooklyn . Aye, $3,000. Call 2438 Monday. FOR SALE--10() feet frontage on {Washtenaw Avenue. Only $4500.00. A bargain. CalP 2438.' FOR SALE-An excellent p~roperty b~e- tween the Campus and down town. A large cash lpayment reqluired. Phone 2438. TYPEWRITERS most makes $20.00 up{ CHECI(WRITER S, new..... 15.00 up ADDING MACHINES, new.. 65.00 up1 MIMEOGRAPHS, DUPLICATING DEVICES, OFFICE APPLIANCES, SUPPLIES. Typewriters Rented, Repaired, Cleaned 17 Nickels Arc o&~ The Typewriter and Stationery Store Between Ferdon BLU1E BIRD) HAIR SHOP I 5 MNCKiEL'S ABRCAE-3168 TYPE WRIT ING~ TYPE WRITING & 3MIMEOGRAPING promptly and neatly done by experi- enced operators at moderate rates. Sixteen years experience doing theses work for University students. 0. 1) )IORILI 17 Nickels Arcade, The Typewriter and Stationery Store. LOSTj SIGMA CHI fraternity pin. Name on] back, Dr. Poole. Reward if re-' turned to Dr. Poole. X-Ray dept.,, Univ. Hospital. A PHOLYPHASE Duplex (K. & E.) slide rule on Thursday either in room 338 or 402 Eng. Building be- tween 1 and 3 P. M. Name on the' case. M. L. Kanuar, call 2520-W. Ask for Chandan. LOST-Brown Collie pup last Thurs- day with hind legs injured. Re- ward. 2093-R. LOST-Pair of glasses in case with con?. Call 2431 evenings. 190 judring day. Read the Want Ads 'and Packard rr ii CABS tAR I O(19 0) 0R1 I L lDO An excellent seven-room house that is priced at its real value. A few of the outstanding fea-1. tures are: Entrance hall, a large living room with fireplace, sun parlor, convenient kitchen and a Pool Your Carfare AND BUY A CABRTO DRI TE HOME large bathroom tub. with a built-in Ford Roadster, 1922 Ford Touring- 1924 Many Others- Starter, Demountable Rtims, Good Cut-Out, H-eater; runs fine; try it Price, *$JS00 Driven but 7400 miles; fine tires, heater, glass enclosures. The price teresting as the car is attractive. Cord Tires, out yourself. Speedometer, is just as in- Attention, Buyers! iv OTIWE Wheary WXardrob~e trunks best trunks made at popular prices at { 'KOCII AN)III NE Compacts, watches and pictures framnes of the most exquisite, jewelry selections. These are especiallyI priced for the spring season. ARXNOT1) State Street Jeweler Our oderate prices make it possible for all to have FRESH HOME GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 SICKERS $1.95 For men and women. Yellow only;: corduroy collar with leather strap; newest square poclkets. Slickers are first quality, made to retail at $10. Selling direct eliminates excess prof- its. Send one dollar with size or chest mneasure. Balance C. 0. ID. STOR3.1 TIGHT RAINCOAT CO. Department 4. D eI rol, 3Midiigan iMARTHIA WA,1SU! N(1T'ON CANDY 3.resha every Friday. Tice's, 119 E. Liberty. MANUSCRIPTS typewritten, neatness and accuracy our motto. BiedIl's Book Store, Nickels Arcade. I WOULD like to get in touch with someone going totards New Jersey for spring vacation. Win. Dobr. Address Y. M. C. A., William and 4th street. SHOES REPAIRED WIIIIjJE YOU WAL' 0. G. ANDRlES r222 5)U II STA TE sTIE II Iii Ca (1$ Ioiiehold .Pack iig Co. Moving-Packing-Storage Call us for long,(distance moving. In addition to the above, there is a water softener, single garage and oak floors throughout. The purchase price is $1 1501 and we strongly recommend it as a good buy. 1111. JOSSELAYN with C. Louis Anorles REALTOR First National Bank Bl49. Dort. $75.00; Paige, $385.00; Overland, $195.00 A large stock-The Cleanest You've Seen. We will gladly supply the former owners name and complete history of the car you buy. Washtenaw Motor Company Usedi Car Diepartmient at Dear of Haunited Tavern on HIlroii Street: or 207 East Washington Street. The ears mare good or we do Attractive Residenice Location: Popular southeast see- tien, and close enough to the Campus for convenience. Garage, fruit, flowers, and gar- dlen. First floor has unusually attrac- live sun parlor andl French dloors. A good sleeping p~orch adds much to the three nice lbed rooms. The lprice is reasonable. Gorton Real 3 Wuerth Arcade Inc (omeC I1oiieh Location': Very popular student (listrict. Rloonms have never been vacant. First floor unusually attractive andl very (convenient. IHas living room 14x22. Tied room with closet. Second floor has five rooms that accommodate two student~ each. Seven students now engaged for next year. Student furniture, all goes with the house. The owner is not well, andi is quoting a very close price. Estate Agency Phone 2438-Evenings, 66 t.-W ;, / Tel. 3064 Evenings 28"-iW SO 90000 pw J D1~~ R1JED OA BAR.GA, Is For those who appreciate a elecge. group of the best used cars Not many more weeks before the thermometer again starts on its upward climb and country roads beckon you to traverse them. You'll want to enjoy all nature offers you. So--buy a used car! We have many models, both open and closed. Most of these. are repainted and have good tires, curtains and excel- lent motors. See these : Among these are two exceptional values : D O Ifu EDUFORDS 0r TIhSis s a house, ithornle, and p~erhaps one would almost 1e templtcd to call it a MANSION. T he e xterior, of a very 'unusual type of redl brick and stucco construction, is made attractive bly its pleasing English architecture. The ;} jr is most Homey and con- 1921 Ford Coupe 1921. Ford Couple * . . 0* * * * * * . . . * . . . . . . . S * * I "* 0 " " " " s * a * $160 i $145 $160 $20 $140? 1921Ford Sedan veniently laycd curt. The living room, 1923E Haynes Sport Touring =-m parlor, c nnlg cfroom, breakfast porch and tlhe kitchen are eery nicely located I92 Ford Sedan and a orl the first floor. The second floor, has Loads .insured. 1525' Detroit I ship to all p)oints. St., Phoane 1154 i i 1919 Oakland Touring p P I-.I 4 A Try our ](elpee PRICED RIGHT 1923 Ford Touring. . 1921 Ford Runabout 1923 Ford Runabout 1919 Fordt Touring. . " 0 0 i " 0 0 " 0 4 w . . *. 4 9 5 5 5 V 0 $100 r. H~amiiburg ChiickenI Cheese We deliver 111i. 799-31 Different Makes of Cars, $50 and Up HUDSON SALES SERVICE * . . S *G S S S S * 5O S * * * S S 4O* U 45005. ..;.k 1924 Ford Cope . ,... $65 .$335 I LE ihre~e Ledroms-, all of which are large mroos. 1Thi house may be seen on a lot of fifty by one hundred thirty-two feet, in the southeast section of the city. Fur- Ollermrore, it is 6n one of the best residen- tial streets of Ann Arbor. If you are in, the market for a home 3 10 LAST WASHINGTON Rugs shaaipooed or -dust cleaned., Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works.' Phone 50. 1'rii in, Enigra vhlug-andlEims sing Mimeographing and Typewriting New equipment, skilled help and pr'omp~t service will insure you satis- factory results. 0. 1).:IIORRIILL, 17 llckJelt Arcaiide Th Typewriter anid Stationery Store 1 T~i'1WIILIE iI <--F THERE ARE MANY -OTHER WORTH VALUES IN USED CARS AT TH and wish IMMEDIATE POSSES- NO ALIBIS A' N-ee]3ED EORD GLESND E~ Phone 727 S10JON , we will be pleased to show you this ideal piece of property. Nm)..BSWUM 717 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0 t t 1~ 1-hone 8S66 For Typewriter Repairing (all makes) i 1' Dealer in Woodstock typewriter Standard andl Portable adding m, ("Ines. Ann A rbor Type writer Exchiange 9 Savings Bank Building. ia- "Never explain," Hubbard said. "Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe youanyow" Good, we say, but why n~ot strive to avoid the things that make. explanat qos necessary? We don't sell a used car until satisfied of its good not -t nn _.. n that's why we Phone 835 or 1 790-R for appointment or further information. 1 TY'PE'ARITERS Splendid machines.1 Best inakes for rent or for 'sale. IJAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE I I I i I m w - U - __