r PAGE TWO TFW MICHIGAN DAILY SITNI)AY, APRIL 5, 192~ OFFER PATHOLOGY SUMMER COURSE~ ifl4hi4Je (,e;iei'&iI La lwral orv Work foi' Ileilkal I liderguad ua~ es and WARTHIN DIREC'1 SWORK {Jil(IOi lit' dirt'('i ion ol Pro!essors A. S. \VarI Iii n and ( . V. Weller, six OO111'505 111 ~51 1 liology Will be (111020(1 in I he Mccl ic-i I school during lie Suinnier Sessioti, General laboratory u orh in pat liol~ ogy ~vill lie Ollere(t Iii ijied al UIl 001'- graduates and dental i-iedents. Path- ologic st a Los :intt ~i ~ I05(V > ara ions cI en iis~ ra ~inr; lii mu 'A iii lie 5tU(lled, in"Ju(li]i-; a hinra uilit.ies oi. tie vol 01)1 1. ut. A special eon ma' a ir: I l~sio~, joe 1 technhi no . will also I e~ c i'fer ed t over- ing the ('ilti Fe Iitil(I (~i tiM 111% lsi i'd on- 111j2, eflibeddi~ g, at tilig alul 5tH 111mg of materials for diagn osis. The I eeL- 111(1110 of rapi(l diegnoal cc in etliod S WIll be iiiClU(lOd, lie con eso being design - ed loi' gra(laate st udont s, grad u: I es in medicine, and those who ha ye he d the regular courses ill ii iiutergre itue to pathology. Elective COiil'505 irk special 1W 1 Icol- ogy will be offered lo 1 iost grad ilete students, xvii h study in the special pathology of ally syst em of organs. Speeial pat] oitigy ici I lie iI1IC('t 10115 diseases will be otfered o post gradu-- ate and a(lva need st udeiu Is intere~ited in pn bile her Ith work. The course will include I ochnical methods noces-- sary foi the tleni on steal 11111 of patho- genic organisms in the tissues, ailti 11.-a stn(iy of the tissue changes pro- duced hy the parasites. Modifications O~ tli C couise to Iiieet 1110 nee(ls 1)1 those interested in vet erinary path- ology will lie nude. Elective gratuat e work will also be oltored ill I lie siieeia I PHI hology ol neoI)lasnis. Paish's Statements Verified y French Crisis Says hayden ill (ci it I lIt jIt sent gOVt 1 fl iiieiit tat is, ~uid I In Ireji cli iroi-ti heal ii iii- 11) 1 lie H cute llresent (fl'15i5 111(1 icates it will, it ~vill pol I tel HInt fine neja ('i-isis 1(151. lIe (1110 largely to the financial issue. While in France last year, Prof. hay- c~ fOIr 111 ii) (1 urea h inn icoilit ~ii France uleti said that he ol)501'Ved the finan- >iel'Vo:; 11) Verily 211 it iii ake 111011, Hal- cuil conditions of the French govern- 4cc :-irl elnenis iaa-le by Sir (ieor'e 'a Isli , net mont to l)e at a low ebb, although ott Ii nt i sit' Ititertiatiotial ~ many indviiduals had profited hy the Ice Iie~al expert, when let-turing ht'i ( y~ ai "witinfn the past year the ceo- VOte' all v oh et-Ononlic and financial i101111( anti financial conditions of toic'lit ~U115 in Europe, pa i-i icole rily ii nco have beeomo worse," said Vre icco, in be (lIhit ion of Prol. Joseph 1i ot Hay(lon. 11. I I ryden, of the Political ~cience (1(1511 titietit . Sir Ceorge said that 1' r -moe now has a new finance mm- i-'i~itioe might 1)0 eXpected to go into ister, Anatole do Monzio since M. financial toiikriiptt-y ai any moment Cle~nentcl xvas forced to resign. In- ii ~ii'e5eit {*ondjt ions in finances are dications are that finances are badly 1101 FOlIethiCtI. neede(t. A measure is expected to be ESSAYS IN ORATflRICLL Summer Session Issues Bulletin ~ ONIEST II lIE IIIMODfIO~i 'l'hie tliir(l '-On. ( el l)'iltet iii ot the benig Candidates Iti reI)rosCnt Mi(l1i~An ~ ( d for tile Summer ciOSSloli, Was iSS 11 - the National Oratorical contest iliust ott yost orday. This bulletin describes submit their written orations to Prof. the methotis anti (lelilonsI ration cotirs- T. C. Trueblood, hea(1 of the public es which will lie offered liv the School speaking department, torn Oii-0 w. Man- of Education during the sit mawr I cnn. uscripts must not exceed I ,8(}t) words A general bulletin till 1 lie S('liot)l of and are to be based on some phase oi i~lucation, (111(1 anol her describing the following subjects: the i elation Of courses in Greek, Latin, archaeology, Washington, hamilton, Jefferson, Mad ison, Webster, or Lincoln to the Con- p philology and phonetics stitution. were issued. Three others are being prepared anti will 1)0 issued early The essay selected on the ilasis of this week. thought and composition will be sent I3ulletins may be obtained at tile to the contest manager in Washing- offices of the Suinnvar session and ton. From the manuscripts repro- of the various schools and (-olleges, senting states in the central district, -_______________________ in which Michigan is included, seven ~ nri A r,,'i 1 A --),.,.1 READY! NEW SPRING WALL PAPER PATTERNS \Ve' re all set for those who are phmnniug decorating work this spring wjth a complete line of new wall paper. All patterns of the usual Wenzel quality. Neat, attractive pat- terns that will add charm to your home. 'IL elements lilade hiy Sir George ro- g: ~~d lug France's unstable financial t-tind ilitilis H 10 Undoubtedly verified by I lie pro-ion t crisis in France,'' said I 'tail.. Ia vdet . "The liohtical (i'i5i5 ~5 gro-ix ing out ot I lie acute financial a e:ls :c ad lb,- varying proposals of tllti'0 elli gi' (mills fer scouring finances. I 'tie ot isis ~s in ade tnore complicated I e' 51 rile ovt'r religious issues.'' I i-nj. lie ydcn believes that if 1110 proposed next Tuesday to levy 10 per cent on capital, payable over ~x*n years. This measure, it is estimated, would yield 100,OOOOO0,000 francs. A liroliosal tp increase the circulation of paper money through the Bank of France is being considered. Social- isIs, who make up almost half the goverilinent's majority, have served notice on M. hierriot that unless he includes a capital levy in his plan a ers for every room in the house. , 207 East Liberty will 1)0 selected to compete in the district finals, May 22, at Chicago. The renresentative selected from the district elimination will thereby qual- ify to compete in the national finals at h~s Angeles. '.A~ V~tL*SA~t, £XjJA LL ZC1 I ~ZkJLIkt1I~I,~ plans to Ol)P05~ excessive diversion of hake water by the Chicago Sanitary district xvore mapped out here yester- day. London, April 4.- British and French treasury experts yesterday began a I consideration 01' the quest iou of inter- ANN ARBOR YPSILANTI they.nilight find it the government. necessary to (i>i Ready For Canoeing Time Be ready when the call comes from the Great Out-Doors. allied (lObtS. STARTING TO-DAY NOW SilO WING~ A genuine Portable Vic- tor ~v'ictrola is the most convenient type to furnish you with the music you want; besides it's also mighty fine in your room. TRANS ISSION ENGINEER WILL CONTINUE LECTURES 1~'. L. Snyd er, Ira nsmissiot engineer for the !Mh-li iga ii St-il I eleplcoice con-- pany, xVill ('Out mile I ho preseill series c f led UI 05 lieing contluctod by the company's othicia Is Ali'. Snyde r's flist diseussien will con s'di'r' I lit' 1iroiuleiic - 01 I PH nsniissioii H nil Ill-Of 0(1 [011 engi- nec-ring. '1'he le~1 lit-I' will be given el 11 O'('loVk I tiiiic IPPOIV ill l'Ot)tii 218 XVt'st eilgin('el'illg lull Icli 11:--. 1 'rotiletits 01 nduuci ive hit to lorenee xv ill ice treated in 11 is later lot-I u ros. ltd p. Snyder has boon aCtively en- gaged in the :;oI etic~n 0~ V2 ilOtiS 111 - gui t'eu-ing prolcleite; wl' job lie xv ill in- I t'tidulc(' ill Ic is d iseussiehi s. A hi hon ghi the rerit's is being given as ati mit'- gra I pa i-I t:i the coui-s' ill Pt'ilicililcs 01 t'letI rita] cciii ni ii iliril I i(i11. I lie leo- I iires have been well alt m-ndod I ty sin (tents 1101 ('lii (1110(1 111 11W t-otit:-;' and I lie l)U blic is itt v ilc-d. Pat r-oxIi~e Ilaby AO- cr1 is-ra - it pnys. --~1dv, Portable Victrolas from $25.00 to $50.0() SeFiacherle & Son, Music House 110 SouTh-I MAIN ST. Bl'ci~>iiIuing in the Line of Aifusical Instruments. The season's biggest co e y sc e THEODORE E VIOLA ( RAYMOND IF -1 merry melo-farce about a / Ilundering Englishman who ilays detective and uncovers case of comedy, thrills and lever nonsense. ADOLPH ZUKOR A#AO JESSE L LASKY POUEN? I 1/ ster Vacation / F a Many will be left in Ann Arbor during ;he holidays. Gladden otherwise sad days by at least enjoying a good meal at Tuttle's. Our many years in Ann Arbor have imde-good food and high class ~erx :ce synonymous with the name SE'. c of Tu~t1e. Try us! 'S LUNCH ROOM Froiti the Famous Slag-c Success "LORD CHUMLEY" by FAVII) JWLASVO (Typewn itt i- Ri tbon S U J' P L I H S for all makes of T Y P H W 11 1 T 11 R S a 11(1 OFFICE Al'1~t4lAN('J~S lt('iit big, ltcajia imiii g atid ( leaning a Spe-ialt y. 4). P. M 0 n i~ I I I , 17 Nickels Arcade. 338 Maynard, - ~ Had Rip Van Winkle SCCfl "40 Winks" He wouldn't have felt so sleepy K A dainty step-in model of Moire and Patent L *1 - -r .1 Keith Feat itre Extra ordinary Knock Them for a Row What could be better than- .1 1 1 1 RAiLL~Lt LilA NI LI ARRY COMEDY FOUR liii Ii I 98 1W i BAJONE MARTIN JACIiIJIN ---in-- "A S'I~ilIKING AFFAIR" Ily William Ii. Wells II K I- I- ~-~ADDITIONAL~ ANew Pump of Patent and Tan ---ii Iii N OG RAM S J'A'I'HE 1{E VIEW Majestic Sy in p Imo4n zz - Orchestra "IIONEY.MOON lIARl)SllhL~S" A Semimieti toinedv NEW AESO1' I~ABLI (.'A R"1'Q() N If this show doesn 't entertain you I ~ o,0 - liii I