DEDICATED TO JUSTICE \'L f r it AV :43 at Section One VOL. XXXV. No. 141 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1925 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS HRROT'S PLANS EY OF PREMIER'S INNOVATION RECEIVES ONLY ONE- THIRD SUPPORT ANTICIPATE] RESULT Experts Predict Cabinet Will Have Difficulty in Overcoming Upper House Paris, April 4.-(By A. P.)-A poll of the Senate made today by experi- enced followers of French political af- failrs indicated that a capital levy now generally understood to be the 'key of Premier Herriot's plan for the reform of French government finances would muster the support of fewer than one third of the members of parliament. For some time the cabinet has been aware of the Senate opposition to any radical innovation in the government's financial policy and has, therefore, been prepared for a severe revision of the budget by the upper house. The cabinet, however, relies upon the in- fluence of the chamber which is elect- e0 by universal suffrage to bring the Senate to terms. Nevertheless, the opinion of political experts is that the cabinet will have I difficulty overcoming the opposition from the upper house. This situation gave rise today to more talk of a dis- silution of the chamber with new elec-j tions within three months. The final arbiter in the struggle be- tween the French chamber and the senate will be the president of the re- public who was a senator himself be- fore the election to the higher office. In parliament President Doumergue was regarded as a man of great cau- tion and was classed in Premier Her- riot's group in the upper house. If he, approves the Senate attitude in the present struggle, President Don- mergue can dissolve the chamber. Thereupon the government in power must call for a new election within 30 days after the decree of dissolution is issued. Many French radicals have con- cluded that dissolution is inevitable :and consequently they favor a policy that will bring about harmony while the present government is in power so that it may have control of the elec- tion machinery. HIIDAYS BRING TRUCE IN STRIKE OF STUDENTS Paris, April 4.-Beginning of the Easter holidays brought a truce today to the strike of students growing out of the appointment of Prof. George Scelle to the chair of international law at the Sorbonne university. But the students association made it clear .that it is a truce only, and that the students will resume their lectures when the law school of the Sorbonne, closed because of last Saturday's rioting by royalists and conservative republican students, is reopened. They demand that Dr. Berthelemy, dean of the law faculty, su'spended af- ter the rioting be reinstated, and that amnesty be granted to the students condemned for their part in the dis- jurbances. On the last point the students have received some satisfaction since the only student who was sentenced to prison without suspension of the sen- tence was released tonight.. redicts continued fair weather wittiout inch canige in tempera- SOME CORRESPONDENCE Dear Unc: I know that you have been busy roing out with the co-eds up at school, but don't let any of them Griffith Claims Faculty Men Give Athletics High Status Donor Of 'Oil Can'I Chicago, April 4.-Intercollegiate athletics are now on an infinitely' higher plane than they .were ten yearsI 'ago, and are improving, due to the administration of faculty men who be- lieve in the educational value of the games, Major John L. Griffith, com- missioner of athletics in the Western Conference said tonight, replying toI charges that intercollegiate sports had become professionalized. The charges were made by Prof. E.' G. Mahin, a teacher of chemistry at Purdue university, who, in a blanket indictment of college athletics, said that football homecoming games were the occasion of liquor drinking de- bauches. Major Griffith called upon Professor Mahin to produce evidence that alum- ni or others pay collegiate stars. "Wild charges unsubstantiated by evi- dence are frutal," Major Griffith said. "Chemistry is not moral," he added, "however, we should not condemn the science because some persons use their knowledge of chemistry to en- able them to destroy property and life. Athletics are not moral. They may be used improperly or they may be utilized as a means for teaching lessons of sportsmanship, tolerance and fair play, and in developing re- spect for rule and order." AUDEVILLEACTS WILADTO FUND Receipts of Program for Tomorrow Will Be Devoted to Student Friendship Drive RUSSIAN WILL SING Specialty numbers and acts, includ- ing some of the hits from "Castles in Spain," the Junior Girls' play, music by Phil Diamond's orchestra, and s010s by Stefan Kozakevitch, the young Russian singer who has appeared twice in Ann Arbor in Cosmopolitan club productions, have been arranged for the program of vaudeville which will be given at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, in Hill auditorium, for the bene- fit of the Student Friendship fund. By special permission, those num- bers of the Junior Girls' play which proved popular during the recent run of the show at the Whitney theatre, are to be given. The song, "Love Only' Thinks of Today," which is sung by the six principals, Dorothy Waldo, Mary Van Buren, Dorothy Ogborn, Margaret Wilkins, Mary Lou Miller and Edythe Rhinevault will be given, while further numbers from the play will include the "Little Co-ed Dancer," from the first act, and the Tango dance from the second. Cncluding a program of seven acts, the Midnight Sons' quartette, of the Varsity Glee club will sing; Howard Visel, '25, and Stanley Lewy, '26, will dance; and George Westcott will per- form on his saw and tin dipper. Prices for the performance aretsev- enty-five cents for reservedl sections on the main floor and the first four rows of the balcony and fifty cents for the remainder of the auditorium. Tickets may be procured at book- stores, Lane hall, or from students. All the proceeds will go to the budget 'for the Student Friendship drive. "MAKE IT FOR THREE" WINS TAUDEILLE CUP Act seven, "Make it for Three," re- ceived the most votes from the audi- ence in the vaudeville competition conducted by Mimes last night in the Mimes theatre. Milton Blink, '26, J. H. Sachs, '27, and Harold Boss, '26, representing Tau Delta Phi composed the winning act. Burton Hyle, '25M, playing the marimbaphone received the second highest number of votes from the au- dience, while Willard Spanagel, '25E, and H. L. Bright, '25, in "The Drun- kan Sisters" were given third place. The winning team will be presented with a silver loving cup which has been on display at the main desk in the Union for several days. A large crowd witnessed the compe- tition, the theatre behind the Union being filled to capacity. Berlin, April 4.--The former Ger- man Crown Prince will try to refute Germany's war guilt in his book "I Seek the Truth," the manuscript of which he has just completed. YO0ST SPEAKS TO MILIAU9KE CLUB flichigan Coach Declares Fundamen- tal Purpose of School Is to "Build Men" MORE EXERCISE NEEDED' Milwaukee, Wis., April 4.-Coach Fielding II. Yost, of the University of Michigan, in his speech to the Uni-I versity club here at noon today, de- Glared that the "fundamental purposej of schools is to build men and women, to prepare them for useful service in the community in which they may live.." In order to render this service, Coach Yost continued, it is necessary that the student have " a keen intel- leet, a sound and enduring body, a fundamentally sou~nd character-de- pendable, reliable, trust-worthy and honest-with the right attitude to ward life and his place in society." He pointed out that intellect alone would be of little benefit if character, health and endurance were neglected. "It is true that if we are to have the right kind of development in our uni- versities," Coach Yost declared, "a program for the development of all! three of these parts of the individualI must be provided. We do not need fewer games and less physical exer- cise in our schools and universities, but for the majority we need more. I Individuals leaving our schools must be the products of an all-round de- velopment; not a one-sided one." j In closing, Coach Yost charged that much of a student's time is spent in loafing, drifting, gossiping, andl not enough effort is made to grow in any direction-mentally, physically, or mrly. "It must be remembered, Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the polit-' ical science department, will present the famous "Oil Can" at the third an- nual Gridiron Knight's banquet Tues- day night in the Union. GRIDIRON BANQUET MILL HEAR SPEECH BY1 JUDGEWEB5TER DETROIT JURIST WILL ADDRESS SIGMA DELTA CHI ANNUAL "RAZZ FEST EPITAPHS PREPARED Reed, Winner of "Oil Can" Last Year, Will Make Presentation of ' Well-Known Symbol Judge Clyde Webster, well known in Detroit legal circles, has accepted the invitation of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic fraternity, to address the third annual Michigan Gridiron Knight's banquet Tuesday night in the Union. With other men of state prominence, Judge Webster will give one of the feature talks of the "razz fest." Epitaphs have been prepared which will be read by each one of the well known men present, and a general roasting over the coals is promised for all. One of the principle numbers on the program will be several songs by the Midnight Sons' quartette. Ar- rangements have also been made for the presentation of a skit by Michigan Mimes, several students prominent in campus dramatics taking parts in the production. Prof. Thomas 11. Reed of the polit- ical science department, last year's re- cipient of the famous engraved "Oil Can," will make a formal presenta- tion of the same well-'known symbol to the person who has been chosen for the honor this year. The distinction is awarded on the basis of those verbose qualities which lead to notoriety on the campus. Tha fr niro h "Eli fo" EARL Y SIXTIES SAW START OF CAMPUS TREES There was a time when there were no trees at all on the campus, when the soil was considered so hard and dry that none would grow. And then came Andrew Dickson White. Leaving the "glorious elms" of Yale, this young professor of history who later became president of Cornell univer- sity, was greatly disappointed to find here "university with no trees-such a sharp contrast to his alma mater. Without permission from any one, he began planting trees within the University enclosure, establishing sev- eral avenues, and set out elms to over- shadow them. Students gradually joined him in his effort to beautify the campus, one class after another aided in securing trees and planting them, and all became interested. Then, as this great educator relates in his autobiography, "the University au- thorities made me 'superintendent of the grounds,' and appropriated to my, work the munificent sum of seventy- five dollars a year." Andrew Dickson White then tells that when he visited Ann Arbor forty- six years later, he "found one of the, most beautiful academic groves to be' seen in any part of the world." EVERETT IS CHOSEN TO LEADTEA9CHERS~ Michigan Schoolmasters' Club Electsi Jocelyn, Ann Arbor, Secretary and Treasurer CONVENTION CLOSES Prof. John P. Everett of the mathe- matics department of Western State WINNING PLANS FOR ARCHITECT BALL SELECTED T. E. Abell, '28A, and 0. Jordan, '28A, will each receive prizes in the design competition for the 6th Annual Architects' May party decorations, it was announced yesterday. The date for the party has been set for May 8. The final nlais for the decorations I are not embodied in either of the win- ning designs, but have been workd out by the decorations committee. Abell's design, while it was highly praised by the judges, was based on the idea of draping the ceiling of Barbour gym- nasium with hanging folds of soft blue cloth, and would have been too expen- sive and difficult to build. The only idea the committee took from Jordan's design was his scheme for concealing the running track by draping crepe paper over it from the middle of the ceiling. The final plans call for a large fiat square of light green crepe paper in the middle of the ceiling from which} will be hung apricot crepe paper to the sidewalls, and then down to the floor. Banners in brilliant color, with designs of Oriental motif will be hung{ on the drape at. intervals along the sidles. "Simplicity and refinement will be our two ideals in this year's decora- i tc Id Eti i ti he said, 'GLEE IN As th the spr Glee clu evening lanti, un lanti T will ma gram w the one torium. Mr. T of Musi conduct Steere,' ments. Call Book IL I c i tions," said Douglas D. Loree, A, "that one must give to get.,, the committee in charge of the party "It will be a costume ball, and any 11W Pu[LP NOcostume with a suggestion of the Or- C{ LU VIL iental will be acceptable." Anyone without costume will not be admitted YP ANTICONCERTtotheparty. eir last formal concert before ing holidays, the Michigan ub will. appear next Thursday at Pease auditorium in Ypsi- B ER vuuw SY nder the auspices of the Ypsi- eachers' club. The entire club s,4y ke he rip prseninga lro- Washington, April 4. -- Secretary khich wi coresondn cloy pto- Weeks made further progress today give wlast wekind cliely aui in his fight against the attack of cere- given last week in Hill audli-brae thrombosis ie suffered last Wednesday, and his doctors expressed heodore harrison of the School the hope that be would be back at hisI c, who comducts the club, will desk at the war department within a the concert, while Dwight week or ten days. '26, will play the accompani- Since publication yesterday of the , nature of the secretary's illness, his home has been deluged with inquiries Issued For 'from friends and messages of sym-. Return Of Books MahWeeks' progress towards recov- ery from theslight strobe which for' ba time deprived him of the use of his borrowed from the Iibrary left arm has occasioned suprise amongi e returned by tomorrow, ac- the physicians, and the rapidity with to a notice issued by Wiliain which the effect of the clot is wearing Bishop, librarian. To aid theiff, coupled with the fact that the pa- n checking up volumes that Ijtient has not developed any condition een in circulation it is always I _" z ._n . ,_ of high blood pressure has led the 1I~~ ne n nower oUkthe "u 'La" normal school at Kalamazoo, was vas Prof. W. D. Henderson of the ex- elected president of the Michigan ension denartent, who last year in a luent address passed on the symbol Schoolmasters' club for the next year o his successor. The identity of the during its convention here which clos- recipient will not be revealed until the ed yesterday morning. iight of the banquet, although many Among the other officers elected I rumors are rampant-concerning possi- were Ruth Freegard, state director of >le candidates. home economics of Lansing, vice-pres-1 Invitations have been extended to a ident, and Louis P. Jocelyn, of the select list of faculty members and stu- Ann Arbor high school, secretary andI dents, in addition to outside figures in treasurer. Mr. Jocelyn has held this, he public eye. Among the students post in the club for a number of years.1 vho were invited were the members -> The executive committee will con-I he various campus honorary societies, sist of Joseph H. Corns, principal of the officers of the junior and senior Southeastern high school, Detroit, classes, the captains and managers of Prof. A. R. Crittenden, of the Latin he athletic teams, upper staffs of the department of the University, and publications, and other prominent stu- Miss Caroline Britton, of Jackson high dents school. Professor Crittenden and Mr.t Corns have served in this capacity be-I fore. The lecture by Prof. Samuel E. Bas- settDof the University of Vermont, on S The Greek epic and 'the teaching of Vergil II," was the main feature of the closing session of the convention The committee on entrance and yesterday. Professor Bassett spoke to graduation requirements of the Col- delegates of the classical conference, lege of Literature, Science and the who held a luncheon at the Congre- Arts, under the chairmanship of Prof. gational church following his address. C. P. Wagner of the Romance Lang- Prof. W. L. Carr of the Latin depart- uage department met Saturday after- ment spoke on methods used in dem- noon with several members of the onstration classes in Latin. Professor High School Principals' association, to I Campbell Bonner, of the Greek depart- consider certain projected changes in ment, presided at the luncheon. the requirements for admission to the Professors Daniel L. Rich of the college. physics department, and Robert J. As a result of the discussion, the Carney of the chemistry department, committee hopes to be able to present spoke at the meeting of the physics- to the faculty a revision of the re-, chemistry conference in the physics quirements, which will meet with the building. Prof. J. B. Edmonson, of the approval of the representatives of the school of education, and inspector of schools of the state. high schools, addressed the junior high Dean John R. Effinger of the liter- school conference on "The Status of ary college presided over the meeting. the Junior high school in Michigan." Among the meetings of the day were those of the Michigan high school De- Faculty To Hear bating League at University hall, and Effinger Report of the Michigan Federation of Teach- ers' clubs at the Ann Arbor high s school. RABBI LUIs MANN LEADS PROGRAM AT SERICESTONIGHT HOLDER ,OF IMPORTANT PULPIT POSITION TO ADDRESS ASSEMLAGE HOWLAND WILL SING Dr. Leo M. Franklin Will Read Ritual; Reverend Jump Will Present Scripture Lesson Dr. Louis L. Mann, rabbi of the Sinai Temple, Chicago, and professor in oriental languages and literature in the University of Chicago, speaks at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Hill audi- torium on "The Doubter's Faith," which will be the main address of the seventh University service to be held this year. Dr. Mann occupies one of the most important pulpit positions in America, speaking to a congregation of more than 2,500 every Sunday morning. Special music has been arranged for the program tonight. A quartet from the Temple Beth-El, Detroit, under the direction of William Howland, head of the vocal department of the Detroit Institute of Musical Art, has been brought to Ann Arbor for the service. This group will lead in con- gregational singing. Charles Jolley of the Detroit Institute of Musical Art will sing a tenor solo "God of Israel." A duet, "The Lord is My Light," will be sung by Mr. Howland and Mrs. Irene Traub Silverstein. Abram Ray Tyler of Temple Beth-El will accom- pany the choir on the organ. The ritual service will be read by Dr. Leo M. Franklin of Detroit, super- vising Rabbi of the Jewish Student congregation of Ann Arbor. The serv- ice tonight has been arranged by the Jewish Student congregation under the auspices of the Student Christian association. Paul L. Einstein, '25, will preside and introduce Dr. Mann. Rev. Mr. Herbert Jump of the Congre- gationial church will read the scrip- ture lesson. Dr. Mann is well known for his work in the pulpit and in the field of education. He is a native of Ger- many and is 33 years of age. At 18 he graduated from Johns Hopkins uni- versity. He then took up his studies at the Hebrew Union college, Cincin- nati, Ohio. For nine years, until 1922, when he took his present position, he was rab- bi in New Haven. Connecticut. While doing this work, he also secured his doctor's degree from Yale university and was assistant professor in Semi- tics in the same university. At the service tonight Dr. Mann will speak on "What the Disbeliever Be- lieves, or The Doubter's Faith." The address will be suitable to an audi- ence such as is accustomed to attend University services and which repre- sents all denominations. The Jewish service last year proved to be one of the most popular of the season, and a large audience is expected tonight, Saccording to Maurice Rhodes, '25L, who is chairman of the committee of the Student Christian association which arranges the University serv- ices. All arrangements for the service to- night were made by the Jewish Stu- dent congregation. Through Dr. Leo M. Franklin of Temple Beth-El, De- troit, supervising rabbi of the Jewish Student congregation, several feautres of the program were made possible. Union Pool Closed All Day Tomoi'row Due to the necessity of cleaning the Union pool every day or so, it is necessary to close it to swimmers oc- casionally. Tomorrow the tank will be closed all day while the water is being changed and the pool cleaned out. The filtering system has not yet been installed, and for this reason the water is not kept continually flowing. When the system is put in, which will be in a short time, it will not be necessary to close the pool at any time. Choir Will Sing caio"Oratorio Today Strainer's short oratorio "The Cru- cifixion" will be sung at 4 o'clock to- day at St. Andrew's Episcopal church t by the vested choir of 36 voices as- sisted by T. S. Perry, tenor soloist of I Detroit. Prof. A.TIH. Lovell. Bcass-a T C i} c T must t) cording Warner staff ir have b a. Y .-. ,-. ,.. _ .. , - - -- III] In i III] In i Second Issue Of Mich7 Appears Tomorr Featuring several phases of the Uni- versity Library, the second issue of The Michigan Journalist, the new weekly paper published by the stu- dents in journalism, will be placed on sale on the campus and in the book- stores tomorrow morning. In addi- tion to this main issue several edi- torials taking both sides of the possi- bilities of a new football stadium for' i i necessary to have books in a week doctors to believe that he will not be } before vacation. i long confined to his home. I- _ _ _ _ _ _ igan Journalist Beta Phi Delta j ow; Features Library Joins Sigma Pui The Port Huron Times Herald which Beta Phi Delta was formally instal- donated the publishing of the first led as the Alpha Beta chapter of Sig- issue printed 1,500 copies of The ma Pi at an installation aid initiation I Journalist. More than 800 copies banquet last night at the Union. Cyrus I were sold on the campus and E. Palmer, Byron R. Lewis, William in the local bookstores. The re- Fenzel, and L. H. Schreiber, national maining copies were mailed to officers, attended the ceremonies. members of the faculty, schools and Thirty-four alumni and active mem-. departments of journalism throughout bers of Beta Phi Delta were initiated the country, and to edi tr of news- into the national order at this time. the~r con try, and to editorfnews- U y Commenting on the recent apppint- ment of the assistant-secretary 'of state to succeed Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman as United States minister at Peking, Prof. E. S. Brown of the political science department declared that "the appointment of John V. A. MacMurray as minister to China is an excellent one." "Mr. MacMurray," Professor Brown Far East at the Williamstown Insti- .ute of Politics last summer and was impressed with his deep insight into diplomatic problems of the Orient. He is a young man of quiet, unassuming manners, but, at the same time, is very approachable and likable. "Another gratifying feature of the appointment is the encouragement such a selection will give to aspiring Dean John R. Effinger of the liter- ary college will give a report on the I Columbus, April 4.-Edgar Haycock, Honors course conference which he 1 freshman engineer at Ohio State uni- attended recently at Iowa university I versity, has had five hours added to before the faculty of that college at his requirements for graduation for the regular meeting tomorrow after- throwing chalk from a window at noon. passers-by. Brown Approves Recent Appointment WOfr Mfrrav As.Q MinuisterTnCia I I