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aichigan Aggie's Unable To Send Teant In the lightweight cass Gillard
Ot Accunt Of Spring Graydon, Maynard, Olander, Ratner,
Recess Robinson, and Solomon, will vie for
honors. Giliard is a letter man from!
MEET AT CITY Y.M.C.A. the 1924 Varsity wrestling team, but
______was not eligible for competition this
More than 40 wrestlers will compete season not being entered in the Uni-
Mor tan40wretlrswil crn~ee'versity. Maynard, an "AMA" man
in the 1925 state A. A. U. wrestling vrsit. sy 's a A
championship meet to be held today i from this season's team and Solo-
in the local Y. t. C. A. The prelim- n, winner of the lightweight titlei
inary bouts are scheduled for one in the inter-fraternity meet, will give
o'clock and the finals at eight o'clock. Ailard close competition.
The eetthi yer wll e pact- rAccording to the incomplete entry
The meet this year will be practi- istwhichwas d terd
cally the first of its kind ever to be; lithich wiscne este onl
hel inth stte f ichgan athoghthree men will compete in the 145
held ithe state of Michigan, although pound class. Crange, all-campus
the Olympic trials took the form of a welterweight champion, Sauer, one of
similar meet last year. The meet has the best wrestlers on this year's fresh-
been arranged largely through the man team and Bucklin will fight for
efforts of Coach Barker, Wolverine man team, and Bcin,
mat coach. Ed Ackerly, former Olym- the title in this weight.
pic 121 pound champion, will assist Armstrong, Donohoe, Maresh, Mc-
Coach Barker in the running of the Intyre, Rich, and Shadley, compose the
meet, and act in the capacity of ref- j list of entries in the 158 pound divi-
eree. sion. Donohoe, winner of the title
Seven class championships will be in this weight in the freshman meet
determined in the elimination tourna- a year ago, is probably the strongest
ment. The classes will be for those contender, but will be given stiff op-
weighing under 118, 126, 135, 147, 160, 1 position by McIntyre, a member of
175, and those of unlimited weight, the Varsity football squad, and Rich,
An overweight of three pounds wil. winner of this season's 158 pound
be allowed in each class in considera- freshman mat title.!
tion pf the fact that the date of the The light-heavyweight class wil un-
meet was not determined until a week doubtedly furnish the closest compe-
ago. The contestants will weigh' in tition with Campbell, Greilling, Jen-
at ten o'clock this mnorning at the kins, Nickerson, Palmoroli, and Ratner
local Y. M. C. A competing. Ratner, present holder of
The flyweight championship bout th'e freshman 175 pound clampionship,
will be a close battle judging from I will be the most experienced man
the number of experienced men en- competing, having been a member of
tered. Dickerson, a former teamate the freshman wrestling team at the
of Coach Barker's at Ames, will be University of Columbia last year.
the favorite in the class. Doster, In the unlimited weight George, Grin-
winner of the all-campus 115 and 125 nell, and Prescott will fight to deter-
pound championships and freshman mine the title winner. All are members
115 pound title, is the favorite of the of the freshman class, George holding
local mat fans. "Kailes, 'brother of W. the championship in this weight on the
Kailes, who wrestled in the 145 pound frosh squad.
class on this season's Varsity squad, A large number of entries would be
and L. Doty, brother of Ralph Doty, competing if the Michigan Aggies
letter man from the 1924 team, should I could have been represented. The
make a favorable showing, in spite of Aggie coach was unable to send a
their lack of experience. team from Lansing on account of the
Bern R. Doty, Nagelkirk, and War- spring recess which started yesterday.
rick are the only entries in the 126 The Detroit Y. M. C. A. is expectedto
pound division. R. Doty and Bern send an entry of six men to complete
are considered the leading candidates the present list.
for the bantamweight title. Bern was
defeated by Phillips, star of last year's Philadelphia, Pa., April 3.-Americ-
freshman team, in one of the closest an spelling has been allowed to lag
bouts in the Olympic tryouts held for several centuries, according to Dr.
a year ago in Dertoit. Shelly, professor of English.
The ravishing Rowenk
who doesn't want to be
Byron Rivers '27
Ql ou rlare eaten, yt evry oe's a a
Open 1ide the Castle Gateq
wenty- Seventh A piquant college comedy of enchanting
Annual Produuun music, sparkling dances, and bewitching
Ae f maidens- all men, but every one a lady
HAESFOOT CLUB'---of colorful costumes and towering
turi-ets, and knights gallant with red
of y Aeplumes and shiny armor-and so
UnitVerSity o WISCOflSIUhearts. 'Twas ever thus--in Memi#e
England or modern U. S. A.
Prics, $.410 )own
April 10, Detroit -
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"11Y s! I
Wolverine Star, ICTEI TO CIIA&H
Added To Purple dIOLN
Wolverine Football Star To Assist
Coadhing Of Backfield
Herbert F. Steger, '25, of Oak Park,
Ill., has been signed by Northwestern
Numerals Awarded GYNTS To COMPETE
To Frosh M atmen
CoachBotcIen of the freshman N SI E._A MEET
wrestling squad awarded numerals and
jerseys to seven freshmnen for work MAichigan's iniform it gymnastic team
on the mat team during the past sea- vigan'e iep rnt ymnattam
son and for winning their weights in 1wl be repriesenlted b ly an unattached
the All-freshman wrestling meet team or six nien in the state A. A. U.
Thursday night. gymzneastic championship meet, to take
The bouts wcre bard anl fast place 'th1e Detroit Turnverein, at
throughout with a great deal o)f clever 7:130 tonight.
mat play. Several promising candi- An idea of the stiff competitipn
dates were uncovered who will next I wii('h the Wolverines will encounter
year bid for places on the Varsity. is shown by the fact that two former
#Doster who won his bout in the 115s nationa.l chimpions will take nart.
A large number of entries have
so far been turned into the Intra.
mural office for the annual spring
all-campus tennis tournament. Ilow-
ever, there is only room -for a' Ilin-
ite. number of entrants (le to' tho
fact that the tournament is an elim-
ination contest and the time to play
off eacI round is limited. There-
....-.. .,,.. a ......-.i . .. . --'i . it " "" foreit Is ad isable or thosewho hav
university to .assist in coaching the pound class in short order looks the These men are Joe Muller, German fore it is advisable for those who have
Purple football team iext season, best of the lot, and will next year national champion in 1921 and 1923, not as yet entered to do so at once.
,:yacrigt h noneetof Drawings will be made on
according to te announcement opush Baker, who did not suffer a de- Fand Fritz Byer, Dutch national chan. dayand will be published imnmedhte-
Professor 0. F. Long, chairman of feat at the hands of a Confreence op- pion in 1920.
the Nomrthwestern athletic committeC ponent all season, for his job. The unattached entries from Michi- ly after vacation.
I yesterday. George scored the only fall of the gan consist of the following: Capt. H.
Steger played halfback on the Michi- meet in the h'eavy-weight division. C'. Felver and J. Kurtz on the side HORSESHOES
gan Varsity eleven for three years and George is big, possesses speed and ilrse, I. Netzley Neitzr on the hori-, The courts next to Waterman gym-
was captain of the Wolverine team endurance, which makes him an ideal zontal bars, L. Gates in tumbling, and nasium have been used to capac-
last fall. Rated as one of the great- man to fill the shoes of Goldstein, of W. Gro' on the parallel bars. All of ity during the past week although en-
Fest gridiron prospects to ever come the Varsity who will be lost by grad- I these men have been a part of the tries for the all-caipus tournament
from a Midwestern high school, he uation. squad of 35 mien which has been hold have been coming in very slowly.
caried out expectations when he en- The bouts were eight minute match- ing regular organized practices, three C::ps will be awarded to the singles
tered Michigan and starred throughout es instead of the customary 12 min- times a week, all year. and doubles winners and medals will
his three seasons of play. At North- ute periods. Summary; Winners, 115 Two dual meets have been arranged be given to the 'runners-up in the
western, Steger will assist in handling ( pound, Doster; 125 pound, Nagelkirk with the Michigan State Normal team respective contests. Entries wil be
the backfield candidates. Steger is 135 pound, Watson; 145 pound, Swin- which will take place in May. Yester- accepted at the Intramural office
also a rgeular on the baseball team, ton; 158 pound, Rich, 175 pound, Rat- day, the Michigan team gave an ex- until 'Wednesday. Drawings will
winning his letter in the outfield last ner; heavy-weight, George. hibiticr for the physical instructors be made on Thursday and the tdur-
wo are attending the Schoolmaster's nament will start immediately aft-
The addition of the 1924 captain to READ TIE CLASSIFIED A1DS, cnvention, now in session here. er vacation.
the Northwestern staff will mean the
presence of two former Michigan stars
on the corps. R. G. (Duke) Dunne - -
''21 has been acting as line coach for -A-
several seasons. He formerly was a A TRGEETTT O-
star end and guard at Michigan. Irwin - . -
Uteritz '23 was also a mepnber of the
Purple outfit last yb
Professor Long also announced the Offers a highly desirable
signing of John J. Ryan, veteran Wis-
consin coach as first assistant grid-
iron coach to work with Head Coach'
Glenn Thistlewaite. Ryan will handle
Herbert Steger will be in business the ends and backfield, and will have In sales work of the highest order to Senior men who wish to make
in Chicago after his graduation from Steger under him.
The addition of the two new coaches =a permanent usess connection.
Michigan this June, and will spend will bolster up the Purple team con-
his afternoonstcoaching the backfield . siderably. Of Steger, Coach Thistle- THIS IS NOT A SAMPLE CASE JOB
candidates of the Northwestern foot- waite sad SereSa oeo y.. -"
ball team.tesaid, "Steger was one of my =
ball team._ _ _ own boys at Oak Park high school:-
when our teams were doing their Our representative will be in this city for two days only in the near a =
READ TILE CLASSIFIED ADS, (Continued on Page Eight) E future to interview those who reply to this advertisement. M5 , 5
WALK-OVER'S FIFTIETH ANN I V ERSAIR Reply by letter, giving name, address, age, telephone, personal refer-
ences, home town, and tell us WHY and HOW you expect to succeed
after leaving college.
Box 90, Michigan Daily.
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