PAGE~ roun THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATU7RDAY, APRTL 4, 1921 t 11 r iy 1 1 _ ir. Y 1 I Published 'every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student ublications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titi,,d to the use for republication of all news dispatches - credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entcred it the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second clas matter. Special rate of postage granted by 'Third Assistant Post- master General.f Subscriptionby carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Oflices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. - ard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and i76.M; bust- ness, g6o. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176.4 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor...........John G. Garllghouse News Editor.......,Robert G. Rainsay City Editor... ....Manning Housewort Night Editors George W. Davis Harold A. Moore Thomas P. Ienry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C.'Keller Norman R. Thai Fawin'C. -Mack Sports Editor.......William H. Stoneman Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield Women's Edcitor........ .....Verena Moran T elegraph Editor......William J. Walthour Assistants Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer Louise Barley Helen Morrow Marion Barlow; Carl E. Ohimacher Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith }-. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C. 'Crighton Margaret Parker Wil'ard R.'Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay Robert T. DeVore Marie Reed Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum Geneva Ewing . Ruth Rosenthal Jamesr. W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson Joseph Ot Gartner Janet Sinclair Leonard Ihall David C. Vdkes Elizabeth S. Kennedy L'las K. Wagner Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker 'Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple Elizabeth Liebermnn BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising..................r. L. Dunne Advertising.................... R. C. Winter Advertising............ .H. A. Marks Advertising .................B. W. Parker Accounts...... .......H. M. Rockwell Circulation...................."John Conlin Publication....................R. D. Martin Assistants P. W:Arnold W. I,. Mullins W: F. Ardussi K. F. Mast. I. M. Alving H. L. Newmann Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss II. F. Clark W. C. Pusch JC. Consroe J D. Ryan i. R. Dentr Rosenzweig J. R. DePuy M. E. Sandberg George C. Johnson .14. L. Schiff 0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeldi K. K. Klein I. J. Winemn} SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1925 Night Editor-THOS. P. HENRY, JR. 1 f a national but an international sig- nificance to the child labor conditions of certain sections of the United States. Expressing the hope that world pub- lic opinion might be brought to bear on the American situation with a re- sulting improvement, both Yan Oude- geest, president of the Dutch Labor Federation, and Leon Jouhaux, presi- dent of the general federation of labor, urged the publication of all available information on conditions in the United States. Apparently some people of other countries are vitally interested in what the United States intends to do about child labor. And it seems no more than right that the laborers of European nations, many of whom are contemplating coming to America, should know the existing conditions here. In this light, any publication of the facts should be encouraged as a step toward avoiding misconcep- tions of the status of labor in the United States. It does appear to be overstepping the boundary a little, however, when an international labor organization takes it upon itself to interefre with what the United States government or any of her state governments are doing about child labor. That, it seems, is the province of the powers concerned and not one of the privi- leges of a foreign organization. CONSUL BENITO Premier Mussolini has added his voice to the war chorus. Like the pugnacious tribunes of old he address- ed the Roman senators Thursday on the inevitability of international con- flict in the following vein: "Whatever may be the cause, this much is certain-the war through which we lived and in which I had the honor to fight as a simple private was not the last........You must not dream that the eventual war in Europe of tomorrow will keep us exempt from sacrifices. We must prepare now be- cause war comes usually with such suddenness that it gives no time for preparation." . Benito like most of his cohorts in and outside of Italy does not seem to realize that the surest way to mae war "inevitable" is to talk in such terms. Probably that is his object. The orator at the Union meeting Swho eulogized Illinois for open poli- ties overlooked one thing. The Union of that school is having the same trouble as Michigan and has a similar amendment under consideration to correct it. M. Clementel, French finance minis- ter, declares: "France will pay; it re- mains only to be determined in what manner." We agree with the latter statement at least. The tax on the sale of Dodge prop- erties is estimated by financiers ati something over $12,000,000. Merely another penalty for wealth. CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- 'ants will, however, be regardeduas confidential twon request., was the victim of an idea which of late had appealed to him strongly. So forcible was the appeal that he was prompted to perform on complete e - periment to give this idea a thorough testing out. In order to do this it be- came necessary to wear a wing col- lar, loiter around on the campus, and observe the reactions of fellow stu- dents who. nerchance mi- ht venture : -_ AND DRAMA TONIGHT: The Ann Arbor Play- makers present "The Clearing House" 1 t1 SIX OF DIAMOND'S HITS FROM JUNIOR GIRLS PLAY MIDNIGHT SONS QUARTETTE -An d-. KOZAKEVITCH ! Hill Auditorium, Monday, 8 P. M. Student Benefit Program. (This Advertisement Contributed by Graham's Book Store) UC116. 3 wilt, pC cla c , 11g L u n C .a[nc jav as: iuv a;a+ .. ,a+ . a remark concerning such "bold non- in their Playhouse on Spring Street conformity." at 8:15 o'clock. The experiment was fully carried * * * out. There can be no doubt of this "OUTWARD BOUND" when one reads that the experimenter, A review, by Marion Barlow. in his search for truth, loitered With a little of the subtle humor around on the campus "more than was l necessary." Nor did the students fail lost, either by the audience or the cast; with a little of the wierdness in the parts. A few had the audacity dissipated by the failure of the actors to laugh. Some felt a variety of to rise to a fitting display of emotion ' righteous ire" against what has been at the crucial points, "Outwardj designated "bold non-conformity." A Bound," in its first amateur productionf girl..whispered to her companion, ap- .in this country was probably a suc- parently loud enough to be heard, cess. "Oh, dear heart, just look at that col- It is scarcely a satisfactory motion lar." Moreover, a young instructor of after life offered by the play. Death openly hinted that wing collars are certainly cannot be an amusing thing. only, wornbyNegro rym a Mortals are loathe to believe that oy,~r byNer clergymen and there is anything funny in existence 6ert i dressy gentlemen from small exxcept life. Moreover, the implica- towns. tions written deepest into the lines, The last test tube having been.wash- are dangerous to trust. That the rake ed and drained, the time was ripe to is the humblest and best of men is draw conclusions. In the first para- not the proper attitude for a college grApl of the communication the flat student to take. It is not a nicej statement is made that the experiment theory. To hear the voice of God, or gave a most emphatic affirmative re- his representative thundering buoy- suit. Assuming that the "idea" men- antly off stage is something of a shock, ti.ned in the first paragraph is iden- in this age when miracles are past. tical with the "teorgrspken of The cast is of actors and personali- tkties. in the first class are Elizabeth the second, - one is forced to believe Strauss, Lillian Bronson, Phyllis Turn- that the conclusions arrived at in the bull, and Robert Henderson. In the third paragraph are possible as a di- second are Barre Hill, John Hass- rect result of the experiment. berger, Paul Vickers, Dale Shafer, and Because of a few remarks made Valentine Daives. Outstanding among about a collar we are asked to believe the actors is Phyllis Turnbull, and1 tI E LMA N S c a .E f II Look at Your Hat- Everyone Else Does; We have the Latest Colors-Pearl,: Silver, Radium, London Lavender,! etc., etc. Save a Dollartor More at Our Store We also do high class work in Cleaning and Reblocking hats of all kinds. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) NOTICE A limited number of college students will be given employment during the coming summer by the publishers of Good Housekeeping and Cosmopoli-: tan Magazines. The plan embraces the payment of a stipulated weekly salary plus tuition bonuses and travel-, ling expenses. Men with previous magazine experience will be consid- ered for team captains positions and, there will also be openings for sev- eral field supervisors. Applications are now being received by Mr. Arthur Zorn, Subcsription Sales Department, 105 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York. Read the Want Ads WHERE ONE COMES FOR QUALITY As well as quantity. We offer you two special dinners, one at - noon and one for the evening meal. Both provide a well bil- antced aid wholesome diet. Our daily window- stickers speak for themselves. Van's Lunch 1116 South University Ave. Is Underwood Standard Oortable Typewriters The Machine you will Even- tually Carry. Sold on easy Sters toksuit every student's E pock(!tbook. - A. C. STIMSON Second Floor 308 SOUTH sTAeh ST. Phone 301 M mr mmum iman NEITHER A MARTYR, NOR A FOOL There are those who consider Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn a fool. .There are many others who judge him a sec- ond Mohammed about to lead his com- patriots from the error of their ways. Hie has been variously maligned as a vicious influence on the younger gen- eration and as a stupid person who entertains impossible ideals. And he has been praised as a martyr to the cause p of freedom and enlightment. Such is, the result of publicity. For those with whom he comes in intimate contact-that is, in the rela- tion of a speaker to his audience-an1 entirely different conception arises. To his auditors is revealed a person- ality, magnetic in its idealistic en- thusiasm for the consummation of true democracy and sensitive to the finer things of life. He is not a rad- ical. He is an idealist who admits the impractibility of most of his theories. Past publicity has failed to disclose that the campus is being turned into a pasture for sheep. -A Ran. DEFEAT ADMITTED To the Editor: Mr. Johnson may be right or he may' be wrong but he seems to be having the best of the argument. For using his own experience as an illustration, he has the worthiest precedents; but attempt at argument by epithet and irrevalent personalities, on the part of some of his critics, can only be re- garded among thinking people as a I tacit admission of defeat. -G. B. EDITORIAL COMMENT WILL THE LEGISLATURE j TAKE A CHANCE? -The Detroit News "Factory inspectors shall have the power to condemn all school houses if in their opinion they are unsafe," reads the law of the State of Mich- igan. But the College of Architecture at the University of Michigan is not a school house within the meaning of this act, in all probability. It is un- safe; it is a fire trap; but it is doubt- ful if the buildig that houses it comes under the law. Another act provides for the inspec- tion of schools by city building inspec- tors. But the University of MichiganI is not governed by the city of Ann Arbor. Under the law it is run by the! Board of Regents, which depends upon the Legislature for funds, since it is not a taxing body. If the old engineering shops build- ing, which houses the College of Arch- itecture is unsafe-and it is-respon- sibility rests upon the Board of Re- gents and the Legislature. The Re-I gents have recognized their share.( chief among the personalities is John Hassberger. Phyllis Turnbull never fails to lose herself in the part; and John Hass- berger cannot for moment cease to be an unusual personality. A fault in this age of tenderness wherein we persist, that touches even those of superior insight, is an insis- tent subordination of logic to loving kindness. There is no' particular ex- cuse, for instance, in "Outward Bound" for the salvation of Anne, and for her return to the world of unkindness and iniquity. Comedy club consistently presents the most finished amateur productions on the campus. "Outward Bound;" though a more difficult play to produce than the average, under the direction of Paul Stephenson and Daniel Quirk, is equal at least to those of the past. Honorable mention is due to Lillian Bronson whose haughtiness was ap- parently quite unaffected; to Barre Hill, who acted a crisis well; and to Valentine Davies, whose playing merg- ed at times into the actor group. When Sutton Vane is dust with Aes- chylus and Shakespeare, perhaps his "Outward Bound" will no longer be known. The arbitrary division which separates good plays from bad may relegate his work to limbo. In its curious use of the phenomenon of death as a plaything, it is ultra modern and ultra original. It is new almost to the point of feverishness. Nevertheless the play is in keeping with the spirit of the age. In its idealization of petty vice and ultimate vir'tue, it is the work of a thoughtful I radical and decidedly au fait. Shakes-! peare ,himself could be, and do, no more. "THE THEATRE IN FERMENT" Arrangements have just been com- pleted for a series of six articles by representative members of the faculty on the general subject, "The Theatre In Ferment," to be published on suc- cessive Sundays in the Music and1 Drama page of the Sunday Second Section. The first article of the series will h ti Arnin i tr by Prnf I tlll lll l flilfllilllllillllll[lIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i I1i 111E11I lllIfIlliI Il llillllll I- - -THE LANTERN SHOP -- Don't let another Saturday pass without trying our CHICKEN SALAD AND ROLLS Served from 12:00 to 5:30 -i =703 East University Phone 3093-M i lll ll ll llllll ll ll lll llllll llilll illi t l1l i tIllil lillll lilll lllllllll ll ll Hill Auditorium Ann Arbor Six Concerts - - Four Days FRANCES PERALTA............. SOPRANO (Metropolitan Opera Company) AUGUSTA LENSK ............ MEZZO-SOPRANQ (Chicago Civic Opera Company) E MILY STOKEAS HAGAR..........SOPRANO (Noted Bach Singer) KATHRYN M EISL E ......... ........... CONTRALTO (Chicago Civic Opera Company) L OR E TTA D EG NAN................ CONTR AL T9 (Michigan Debut of Splendid American Artist) MA RI- C HA-M L E : . .. ........ ... "TENO (Metropolitan Opera Conpany) mbt 0N S a' A"10 ~M AM Ub - aN WL- SHOES AND SOCKS To the Editor: It has long been my belief that the! average student on the campus lacks the originality that a university man should possess. I determined to testI my theory. When I went to classes one day this week, I left my shoes and I this.' socks home under the bed. -I wreyasehyhaebenpinigicanisage oy I IUL. w Oscar t J.C meranftge yr nlih e It is apparent that Dr. Meiklejohn The results were just as I had ex or 13 years they have been pointing Oscar J. Campbell of the English de- knows students and feels their aspira- pected. The students stood and look t partment, especially emphasizing such I ing is a fire-trap, that it is utterly un-I dramtitsts Eugene O'Neil, Zoe tions. He has an understanding that ed at me as if I had no right to be suitable for the purpose to which it is puts to shame most of the older gen- thus attired. Some even had thei Akins and John Howard Lawson, and eration. And this is largely because nerve to laugh. I might have felt ; devoted, that every studenttwho enters will appear Sunday, April 26, im- he has had the same experiences and angry had I not known that they were It is taking a risk which the aw does mediately following the Spring vaca- the same thoughts, and is not domi- the objects of an experiment. I pitied o publi mbyoerny the Trition.l nated by the platitudes which so bias them rather for their blind habit of general statutes blyTrefore ith Germhanother articlePro. Frederick .t the viewpoint of many of the critics of following what style dictates. I pass- benuGtehrLgsaurmocorc arofthege b ran Feerticn, th the resnt ae e twoco-ds n th capus ne aidbeen up to the Legislature to correct Wahr of the German department, the this situation. The Legislature has not hrenwli stage by Prof. Marcel Clavel While it is impossible for many en- to the other, "Oh, Sweetheart, look at FnhtnY tirely to approve his schemes for the pretty toes," and her companion ne so,- The Legislature proposes not of he Romance Languages depart- placing America on a basis of pre- replied, "Ha ha." One fellow saids g sy ment, the Spanish stage by Prof. Her- sWh se, then, will be the responisi-BetAKnynothRmacLn- viously unattainable democracy it is that only country hicks went without y hs then w betshe, E i- bert A. Kenyon of the Romance Lan- ~lity.. in case of a catastrophe? Evi- a relief to hear some one speak of the 1 shoes. 1 gauges department, and the Italian subject as a thing divorced from The results of such an experiment Iislattlre's alone. ~om stage e L e Deptipps of the Fourth of July patriotism. As he said, are that the Michigan man is noting r mand fingla rt menthe it is such a spirit more than anything more than a sheep. Even if one sh I svera hundred students, most ofn d sta arof e Campbe else that has kept the nation from try to express himself, the ridicule of them from various parts of the State nglish stage by Professor Campbell. soncuehm t emofro aiu at fteSae The general purpose of the series realizing the ideal of freedom. There the masses would soon cause him tomThrogoheratte;riosetac the ser ie has been too much shouting, and too be again submerged in the gulf or tra- efmfroeo swsa is to trace the modern progressive little actiono m oition and custom some from foreign countries whose in- tendencies influencing and revolution- habitants have been taught to believe This isonly one of the ideas, ex-I-Ben .Jonson. . .izing the theatres of the world: the Thss ony one oftheides, owI that America is in the forefront of Theatre Guild and the Provincetown prse yD.Miljhwihicivilization in the protection of life I Paesi mrcCpa n n should serve to correct the popular VIEWEDI FRO 1 THE MASS and Players in America, Copeau and An- impression concerning his utterances. To the Editor: sentative district in this State is rep- tions in France, Jessner and Rein- Whatever mayhave been thesreasons "Gullible Conformity" is the text for resented by students in thisCollege; hrtr in rmany, Benavnte and the for his resignation at Amherst, it is Quinteros in Spain, irandello and certain that that institution lost a man aid'Annunzio in Italy, and the entire Daily. The discourse compares favor- the people of these districts less in-sh of rare vision and fine sensibilities. It ably with the average in at least one trested in the safety of the students'isho rmSa t slyDksi is such personalities that will serve to respect:having read to the end one is thanare the members of the Legis- .Egland. give life to educational progress, still in doubt concerning the meaning! lature? We believe not; we believe the Idealism, mingled though it may be oftetx.LgsauewilfnIhtte r a years; can it be staved off two years with some impracticability, is worth! No-serious objection can be raised more interested; thaththey will not longer? Will the Legislature take a much more than blind adherence to to the charge of conformity. Without stand for the teaching of hundreds of chance, and save the interest charge dullh precoedentiy.Wthu. stn frth eahngo hnresofIof a few thousand dollars by risking dull precedent. it a well organized civilization would these students in a ramshackle build- If t les toseal hunr byoung be impossible. But what kindh of con- ing; with oil-soaked floors, narrow;-h-."i-I--se-- ra-h&- rd--__ :. 1 1 l "II 1 1 =1 I I i I RHYbM ORGAN .............. (Noted Bach Singer) L(AS RENCiE T IBBET T....... (Sensation of thme MIetro1)olitan Opera Company) .T ENOR BARITONE VICENTE BALLESTER (Metropolitan Opera Company) CHARLES TITMAN . (Noted Bach Singer) ........ ARITON E ................B A SS H EN RI SCOTT .............. (Metropolitan Opera Company) (OnIPoGBRILOWITSCH. (One of the World's Best) .... BASS PIANIST i _ _ 1 I . ! _ i I r i , l r n MISCHA L M A N....... (Another of the World's Best) ........ UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION Earl V. Moore, Conductor . " - VIOLINIST ... 300 VOICES i I C HICAGO SYMPHONY ORCYIESTR A 0AER S Frederick Stock, Conductor CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS .Joseph E. )raddy, Conductor 500 VOICES I CHORAL WORKS E m I of ie