DEDICATED TO JUSTICE f rt i~~Iait MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXXV. No. 140 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS , f MICHIGAN ACADEMI S.ELECTS OFF1IRS AS SESSIO0NS .EIND PROF. C. H. COOLEY IS ELECTED PRESIDENT; NEXT YEAR'S ! CHAIRMAN NAMED MANY- PAPERS READ Urge Conservation Of Animal Life; Form Chapter of 'Friends of Native Landscape' Election of officers for the ensuing year brought the three day session of the thirtieth annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters to a close yesterday. Prof. C. H. Cooley of the sociology depart- ment was elected president of the or- ganization and Frank B. Taylor of the United States geological survey at Fort Wayne, Ind., was chosen for the vice-presidency. L. R. Dice of the zoology museum was re-elected to the position of sec- retary-treasurer; W. W. Bishop, Uni- versity librarian, was again tenderedF the position of acadenmy librarian; j Prof. P. O. Okkelberg, of the zoology department was chosen editor, andj Prof. Louis Bredvold of the English department was made general chair- man for next year's meetings. Announcement was also made at the general meeting yesterday after- I noon of the selection of chairmen for next year's sectional meetings. The anthropology section will be presided over by Prof. W. B. Hinsdale, custod- ian of archeology; L. A. Keynoyer of the Western State Normal school in Kalamazoo will be chairman .of the botany section; L. S. Ramsdell of the mineralogy department will preside over the geology and mineralogy sec- tion; the history and political science section will be headed by James Hart of the political science department;! Prof. Charles P. Wagner of the ro- mance language department will be chairman of the language and litera- ture section; E. R. Sleight of Albion college was selected as chairman of the mathematics department, and ,H.I R. Hunt of the Michigan Agricultural 'college will lead the zoology depart- ment. Yesterday morning was devoted to a completion of the program of papers to be presented before the sectional! meetings. Explaining that the title of his paper which was "James Howell and Spain," covered entirely too muchI ground, Prof. Charles P. Wagner of. the romance language department gave a summary of the literary works of Howell and remarked upon theirs Coolidge Names MacMurray As U.S. Minister To China; Will Replace Dr. Schurman Washington, April 3.-(By A. P.)- hleve Mr. Kellogg at the time he was John Van A. MacMurray, assistant appointed secretary of state. Dr. secretary of state, has been selected Schurman will co'me to Washington by President Coolidge to succeed Dr. for conferences with President Cool-+ Jacob Gould Schurman as minister at idge and Secretary Kellogg beforel proceeding to Berlin. Peking. President Coolidge still has under No formal announcement of the se- consideration the appointment of an lection, however, will be made until ambassador to Madrid to succeed the acceptablility of Mr. MacMurray I Alexander P. Moore, of Pittsburgh, to the Peking government has been IPa. The name of William S. Culbert- ascertained. Dr. Schurman, mean- son, vice-chairman of the tariff com- while, is preparing to leave Peking, mission, who was mentional for the April 20, to assume his duties at Ber- Peking assignment, is being given in, succeeding Ambassador Houghton consideration among others for the who was transferred to London to re- Madrid appointment. MIMES WILL HOLD CONTEST TONIGHT Audience Will Vote to Select Winner in Spotlight Vaudeville Performance OFFER CUP AS TROPHY Mimes of the Michigan Union will present their annual Spotlight vaude- ville contest at 8:15 o'clock tonight in the Mimes theatre. This will be the only performance, two programs be- ing originally scheduled, but due to the postponement of last night's con- test, there will be only one perform- ance. The object of the annual contest which the organization is sponsoring is to locate new material for the Union Opera, as well as to furnish an eve- ning's entertainment, according to Charles Livingstone, '26L, president of Mimes. The contest will be judged by the vote of the audience, the group receiving the greatest support by the spectators being awarded the cup. The cup which the Union is offering is now on display at the main desk of the Union. It is a large silver loving cup and the name of the winning or- ganization will be engraved upon it. Eight fraternities have signified their intention of competing in the contest. Charles Heinz, '26, is chairman of the Mimes committee in charge of the contest. He is assisted by Carl Trempf, '26, Larry Buell, '27, and J. A. Vickery, '27. Tickets for the per- formance will be on sale today at the main desk of the Union and at the box office of the Mimes theatre. The price of all seats in the house will be ANNOUNCE BILL FOR BENEFIT SHOW Committee Secure Seven Acts Monday; To give Hits from Junior Girls' Play for KOSAKEVITCH TO SING Seven acts, comprising the program for the benefit performance to be giv- en at 8 o'clock Monday night in Hill auditorium, have been secured, and with the addition of a short one-act play, show a wide range of entertain-j ment.I Phil Diamond and his "Six of Dia- monds" dance orchestra will open the program, presenting the novelty ar- rangements which this organization has presented with great success in recent public appearances. The second act will be composed of those parts of the Junior Girls' play which were exceptionally well-receiv- ed in the production at the Whitney theatre. "Love Only Lives for Today," the song hit of the annual play, will be given by the six leads of the cast, and the "Little Co-ed Dancer" will be pre- tented by Dorothy Krause and Char-; lotte O'Brien. One of the dance hits of" the production, "The Spanish Tango Dance," has been secured, with Char- lotte O'Brien and Williamette Harper participating. They will be accom- panied by Diamond and his orchestra. Several selections will be sung by the Midnight Sons' quartet of the Glee club, a group which was scheduled for the evening after their successful ap- pearance in the Glee club concert. Howard Visel, '25, and Stanley Lewy, '26, two cloggers, will present the dances which were arranged forl the Union opera, in addition to several1 novelties since developed. Visel aided in the dance arrangements of the last opera, and his own work is well known. George Westcott, '26, by means of a saw and tin dipper, which he bows after the fashion of a violin, will pro- vide the novelty music feature of the program. He has appeared for public ( performances before, and those who I have heard him have reported that his act is unusually interesting. Stefan Kosakevitch, a Detroit bari- tone who has recently acquired recog- nition for his singing in Detroit, has announced that his program will con- sist of "Hindu Chant," by Bimberg; "Luna d'Estate," by F. Palo Tosti; and "Song of the Golden Calf," from 'Faust." Mr. Kosakevitch was . also well received for his work in the last' Cosmopolitan club entertainment. The one act play, "The Pot Boiler," has the qualities of high-speed enter- tainment, and will appear as the sixth act. Indiana Defeated By Southern Team GERMNSEXPIEVT MARX RJARRES.I A9S NEXTLEADER WILL HOLD PRESIDENTIAL VOTE ON APRIL 26; PARTIES UNITE SEE BITTER FIGHT1 Effort Is Made To Head Off Issues Of Religion In Coming Campaign Berlin, April 3, (By A. P.)--Unless an unexperienced shift in party lines occurs within the next 24 hours Dr. Karl Jarres, vice-chancellor, and Dr. Wilhelm Marx, will oppose each other in the election for president on April 26. The three republican parties com- prising the so-called Weimar coali- tion-the centrists, the democrats, and the social democrats-today tenta- tively agreed to unite on Dr. Marx and now await final sanction to their pact from the governing board of the democratic party, which will meet In Berlin Sunday. The national conser- vatlves-*bourgeois bloc wil ratify the nomination of Dr. Jarres tomorrow. That the forthcoming campaign is destined to develop into bitter politi- cal strife through the injection of religious issues is viewed now as a certainty. An effort to head off such a contingency was undertaken today through the initiative of Dr. Leicht, leader of the Bavarian peoples party in the Reichstag, who requested chan- cellor Luther to convoke a conference of all the bourgeois parties with the purpose of effecting a political truce through the nomination of Dr. Walter Simmons, president of the federal su- preme court and now acting president of the republic, and a non-partisan national candidate. Dr. Leicht frankly admitted the inevitable injection of religious bias into the campaign in the event Dr. Marx was nominated and vainly sought to induce the center party to withdraw the former chancel- lor's candidacy and accept Dr. Sim- mons as a non-partisan standard bearer for the bourgeois party. Berlin, April 3, (By A. P.)-With the re-election today. of Otto Braun to the post of premier which lie resigned last January, an era of circus politics in Prussia came to a temporary close.1 The election terminates the parli- amentary crisis which has been unique even in the hectic run of the German post war politics and which was orig- inally percipitated by the German peo- pie's party for the avowed purpose of breaking up to the socialist-democratic regime that had been in office in Prus- sia since 1920. SCHOOL COUNCILS HLD G At the final business session of the Sfirst annual state convention of the high school student councils the com- mittee on organization appointed the following officers for the coming year: Holland high school was appointed president, Ann Arbor vice-president, and Flint corresponding secretary. Tihe apppintments were' made by schools rather than individuals due to scthe fact that most of the delegates who attended the convention were graduating seniors and would not attend the convention next year. Under this arrangement the high schools will appoint their most able students to fill these positions. French Crisis Foreseen Soon By Politicians Paris, April 3. (By A. P.)-Impar- tial observers versed in parliamentary affairs predicted tonight that political events rapidly are developing towards a crisis from which the only issue will be dissolution of the parliament and new elections. The senate openly favors the stand of Epienne Clementel, who resigned the portfolio of minister of finance Thursday night, in his controversy with Premier Herriot. A great major- ity of the senators sympathized with the former finance minister, expressed regret over his resignation and com- mented on the premier's intervention in far from complimentary terms. TEACHERS QUIBBOLE ON SMO-KING ISSUE1 Report Before Dean's Conference Here Shows Educators Favor; Hit Use j Of Nicotine "NOT MORAL QUESTION" I At the Dean of Women's conference 1 held yesterday afternoon at the Michi- gan Union a committee concerning smoking among college women was read by Miss Lydia Jones, dean of women at Ypsilanti state normal col- lege. According to Miss Jones the report was the result of a imeeting of deans at Mt. Pleasant concerning the question "what to say to the girl who, honestly asks why she should not{ smoke." "We asked questions of phil-J osophers, psychologists, physical edu- cators, and people who smoke them- selves. Some of the results follow." From a dean of a college-"The de-, bate on smoking is very different this year-at the present time the dis- cussion is not a moral issue but the emphasis is placed on fire hazard and health." A professor of home economcs com- ments, "In 10 years smoking may be as inevitable as ice-cream sodas or it may be a menace; in the meantime be on the safe side and don't smoke." From a health official-"The literature on the effect of tobacco is so conflict- ing that no definite conclusion is pos-' sible. Men smoke because they thinkI it is the fashion which was established by advertising of tobacco firms and1 the approval of army officers and Y. M. C. A. heads."I Prof. Charles H. Judd, director of the school of education of the Univer- sity 'of Chicago and an authority on secondary school education, delivered the final general address to the Mich- igan Schoolmasters' convention last night at Hill auditorium, speaking on "More Intensive Work in the High School." Professor Judd declared that two characteristic motives are common to all intensive work in high schools, the winning of some form of social appro- bation, and the attaining of some goal which is immediate. Starting out with the great extensive development of secondary education in America, he showed the need of more intensive work, such as is attained in many of the countries of Europe. "Superficial- ity," he announced, " is the charge of every visiting European, interested in the problems of American education." Several methods of obtaining inten-J sifIed study in secondary schools, similar to that of Europe and of Amer- ican professional schools and of grad- uate study, were suggested. Professor Judd heartily endorsed the system of high school honor societies based on high records in scholarship as one of the means of attaining this end. "We must make our students feel a definite social responsibility," he said. "They must be shown why they are studying the subjects that are requir-' ed. For instance, before teaching mathematics, the instructor should show the student thataccuracy and exactness' are demanded by modern life. A student must have a goal that is immediate and easily seen; the half-hearted suggestion that the sub-1 ject will be needed in advanced study years later will not inspire the stu- dent to intensive work." COURT DISMISSES INDICTMENTS IN OIL PROSECUTION1 MEIKLEJOHN BRANDS DULLNESS AS GRAETSIN, IN SPEECH A T UNVRIYCONVOCATIO N JUDD TELLS NEED FOR MORE INTENSIVE SECONDARY SCHOOL WORK IN TALK TO SCHOOLMASTERS Members of the Michigan School- masters' club and students of the Uni- versity heard Dr. Alexander Meikle- john former president of Amherst col- lege, speaking on "Excellence in Democracy" at a convocation yester- day in Hill auditorium, denounce dull- ness as the greatest of all sins. "The law of taste is fundamental In a de- mocracy," he declared, " and second to good taste is the law of friendli- ness." "These two laws are contradictory," he pointed out. "When you try to make things of high quality common to the crowd, you find them in the gutter. Crowds always seek the lower level. We must decide now whether to go on with our democracy, or to create two sets of schools, one for the favored few and the other for the crowd." Education, Dr. Meiklejohn declared, speaking especially to the many teach- ers in the audience, is the greatest need of America today. "We have not even the shell of an educational sys- tem at present," he declared. "We have not yet begun to learn how to teach. Our present idea seems to be to send those who do not understand subjects to make others understand them. And the fault lies with the American people." Predicting that in time more than one-half of the social income of the nation would be devoted to education, he stated the problem that now faces America. ' "We are an uneducated people trying to educate our children --and it can't be done. We must first educate ourselves; we must take a hundred million people and educate their tastes and interests." Tracing the course of the history of the world, Dr. Meiklejohn showed that all systems of culture in the ?past- Greece, Italy, France, Englald-all were built on the exploiting 'of the work of millions of slaves, of mem- bers of the lower classes by a chosen few. "America is the first to f ce the problem of building a culture in a democracy," he declared. The address by Dr. Meiklejohn was Cln o'l - i meaning and subject matter. He also 35 cents. told of the life of Howell and of the "jack-of-all-trades" type of life which MAN he led. MININUCST 1 Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric department delivered a papre upon "Favorite Words." He outlined the I words which are most prevalent in_ the works of leading authors, and .r oieL anrbio ia pointed out that the word "love' is mostT Dr. Louise L. Mann, rabbi of Sinai frequently used in poetry. The fre- Temple, Clucago, and professor in t n ordsI oriental languages and literature at quency of the use of certain words is an indicator of the personality and the University of Chicago, who will philosophy of life of the author, said give the principal address at 7:30 Professor Scott. o'clock tomorrow in Hill auditorium at The section of history and political the University service, has announced Thce saddnres hsed by Prof. Pres- the subject of his speech to be, "What stence was addressed y rod rtment the Disbeliever believes, or the Doubt- ton Slosson of the history depssrtmen- er' Faith." William Howland, head upon the subject of "A Re-classifica- fo the vocal department of the Detroit tion of Wars.r" James Hlart of the Isiueo uia rwl ei political science department also read Institute of Musical Art, will be in papr uon Th OrinaceMaking charge -of the special music of the ;paper upon "The Ordinance service Powers of the French President." service. Prof. Alexander G. Ruthven of the zoology department, in opening the rn II ;symposium on the zoological resources of Michigan, showed that the policies for the conservation of gamp la nd t th the valuable species w ill retin to ._hi D e t ~abundance if their slaughter is pro- Six were initiated into Phi'Delta hibited. He pointed out that animals IKappa, national honorary educational in nature are dependent on their en- fraternity at the initiation banquet vironments and are closely related yesterday afternoon at the Unioin. to associated species of animals and Those taken into .membership include: plants. "If the habitats of our ani-Lehigh Cooper, John F. Grant, Niel 'Lais are destroyed or seriousbl the Neilsen, and Joseph Wolber, of De- tered, as they may avclosed season troit, and John H. Honn, grad, and activities o men bring back the John A. Swets, '26Ed. rof.Paul S. Welch of the zoology Meiklejohn Sugg department spoke on the inland lakes and advocated that a careful survey' eB ~ of their conditions be made so that eaiirns B C policies could b feormiulated leading to the full utilization of their resour- Student coaches for athletic teams ,es. Carl L. Hubbs of the zoological all kinds were advocated by Dr. museum spoke upon the conservation of of food and game fishes in Michigan, Alexander Meiklejohn, former presi- and Dr. Jan Metzelaar of the Michi- dent of Amherst college and noted edu- gan department of conservation told cator, in an interview before his lec- of the difficulty of learning the proper (tre yesterday at Hill auditorium. Mdaces to plant trout. L. R. Dice of tue yesterdy ntibilit ui th the zoology department pointed outs Mu or espons in th the needs for the conservation of birds hands of undergraduates in sports h - Idesirable,"lie declared. "The rea 4 ((l it i ! e E 44 tr E ) i. i ".An author comentms-"women' Washington, April 3.--(By A. P.)- - teeynoteUtf ty s programufor yavetjust thmucdaysghrtogrmoke a have just as much right to soke asThe government suffered a reverse tothe Schoolmasters' club, which open- men. However, the woman teacher ed with a business meeting in Hill should not try to be the pioneer in day in its criminal prosecutions grow- auditorium at 9:30 o'clock yesterday establishing the convention. A doctor in~g out of the oil scandal. Indictments I morning. Following the' convocation, refutes the statement that smoking returned last June against the central many of the department conferences is injurious to health as without sci- figures in the famous Senate investi- gave luncheons, among them those in entific explanation. We ought to insist gation, Albert B. Fall, former interior biology, chemistry-physics; mathema- that there is no physiological value secretary, Harry F. Sinclair, Edward tics, deans or women, and the Michi- in the habit of smoking. Smoking by L. Doheny and his son, Edward L. gan society for vocational guidance. women is frowned upon by the best Doheny, Jr., independent oil opera- Practically every conference of the element of our society and should not tors, were dismissed in the District of convention held meetings yesterday therefore be done.' " Columbia supreme court because of afternoon. Prof. Charles C. Fries of A health report was presented by the presence in the grand jury room of the English department presided at the dean of women at the Western an assistant to the attorney general. the English conference in the audi- state normal of Kalamazoo in which Through District Attorney Gordon, torium of the Ann Arbor high school, she gave the results of a survey re special government counsel in the oil 'which devoted its attention to a dis- cently conducted concerning the social cases announced that an appeal would cussion of conditions essential to sue- needs of the college girl. The dean be taken to the District of Columbia cessful English teaching. Members of asserted that campus activities gave court of appeals. Should the govern the University faculty who took part the girls poise and self confidence, menet finally lose in their fight the way were Prof. L. I. Bredvold of the Eng- but added that eligibility for these acti- still would be open for presentation lish department, who spoke on "Clear- vities should be determined accordinig to a new grand jury on the conspiracy cut Objectives" and Miss Thomas, to grades. charges in connection with the -lease superintendent of the University li- (Continued on Page 5) of the Teapot Dome Naval reserve to brary extension division, who discuss- Sinclair and of California oil resrves ed "Library Facilities." Ito Doheny. The modern language conference, Whether a new grand jury could I which met in Angell hall under the di- I S U DVY UI1IJB TIOI consider the bribery charges against irection of Mr. Mark Bailey of Kalama- Fall and the Dohenys is not so clear. zoo college heard five papers read, one Counsel for Sinclair contends that the on "The Ronsard Anniversary" by three year statute of limitation will Prof. Hugo P. Thieme of the romance f ----- ibecome effective next Tuesday but, language department. Prof. Arthur G. At a meeting of the engineers both igovernment counsels are convinced )Canfield of the same department serv- the practicing engineers and profes- that the special act of Congress in ed as secretary. sors, of Ann Arbor held last bight 1922, extending the limitation to six Two University lectures occupied in the Union, a committee was ap- years in certain cases, would not be the attention, of the delegates late in pointed to draw up plans of organi- applicable to this instance. the afternoon. Dr. Oliver E. Baker I i ANGELL MEMORIAS A T ENTRANCE TO e v e . d r: Macon, Ga., April 3,-Indiana uni- versity's nine fell before the Mercer team in a spring training-jaunt game here today by a 12-2 score. The Big Ten team was unable to cope with the Southerners' peppy attack and excel- lent work with the stick. ests Athletic ached By Students SET UNION I j Twe green tablets were placed in the stone walls at each side of the entrance to the Union yesterday, the tablets being erected in memory of former president James Burrill Angell,I to whom the Union was dedicated. The inscription on the tablets read "The University of Michigan Union, 'For Michigan men everywhere' as a memorial to James Burrill Angell, president of the University of Michi- gan, 1871 to 1909, president emeritus, 1909 to 1916. His whole life was an embodiment of those ideals of demo- cracy and service upon which the University of Michigan was founded and to which it was dedicated." u''% abherMan zonu wiiici ra wfiill luell uu1i± t'l tte Ic zation wmer lwill e umiLe2w u engineering body as soon as they are Ames, Ia., April 3.-The contract completed. The committee con'sists for the first section of Iowa State's "of Prof. H. C."Anderson, chairman, new stadium will be let April 10. The question of affiliation with the This section will cost about $75,000 Prof. A. E. White, Prof. A. L. Trout which wvill be aised by the sale ! and Mayor George Lewis of Ann Arbor. of option seats and by loans through: Detroit engineering society was dis- the sale of bonds. cussed but was referred to the com- mittee on organization. .5 r. i- t- i i 1., ie is aI said. "The change will have to be made at the same time throughout the country to be successful." When it was suggested that such a change would decrease the efficiency of the teams. Dr. Meiklejohn replied that the percentage in the won and lost columi wasrelatively unimpor- taut in conmsideing the change. The of the department of agriculture spoke in Natural Science auditorium on (Continued on Page Three) CHFMICAI SOCIETY WIL HONOR INITIS TOMA Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chemical society, will hold its spring banquet at 6 o'clock tonight in room, 323 Union, in honor of the nine new members who were initiated last night. Dean E. H. Kraus of the College of Pharmacy will speak and Prof. W. P. Wood of the engineering college will SCOTT ADDRESSES CLUB ON JOURNEYS IN EGYPTI Prof. Fred N. Scott of thie rhetoric NEW NUMBERS Telephone numbers are soon to be changed, and the Daily, for the convenience of the retailers, professional men and business houses on the campus, has ar- I 1