Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice try all members of
the University. Copy received b)r tb, Assists nt to th President until
8:30 p: m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.
Volume Z FRIDBAY, APRIL 3, 19'? .1aumber l139
University Convocation:
Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, formerly President of Amherst College will
give an address on "Thinking in a Democracy" at a convocation of the 1,ni-
versity to be held at 11 A. Mv. Friday, April 3, 1925, in Hill Auditorium.
The* members of the Schoolmasters' Club are cordially invitedI to be
guests of the University at this convocation.
To permit attendance by students and members of the Faculties, by Mote
of the Deans classes throughout the University are to be suspended for the
hour of the Convocation; but business' offices will not be closed.
The Regents, Deans, and general officers of tha Schoolmasters' Club
are invited to occupy. seats, on the platform.
Seats on the stage will be provided for all Faculty members, who are
cordially invited to attend. Enter by rear doors of the Auditorium, passing
directly to seats on the stage.
Mr. Palmer Christian, University Organist, will furnish music.
A. Ifs. Lloyo.
Smoking in University Buildings:
The: attention of all concerned is called to the fact that rules of the
Regents, based on regulations of fire insurance companies, specifically pro-
hibit smoking in University buildings except private offices or laboratories
and assigned smoking rooms. The rule is of particular importance in the
case of infiammable buildings, like old University Hall, and its wings, the
Museum, the Law Building, and others. The rule is posted in all buildings.
The cooperation of all, both Faculty and students, is asked toward the strict
and literal enforcem~ent of this rule. 'The rule covers bringing into or carry-
iiug through hallways, any lighted cigars, pipes, or cigarettes.
Shirley W. Smith, Secretary.
U~niversity ILeeture: '
Professor Samuel F. Bassett,, of ,the 'University of Vermont, will speak
in Room 2003, Angell Hall, on Friday afternoon at 4:15, and on Saturday
morning at 11:00. The subject of both lectures will be "The Greekc Epic and
the Teaching of Virgil,"
F. E. IRobbis.
Dorn's Advisory Committee, College of Literature, Science, and thle Arts:
A meeting of the Advisory Committee is~ called for Friday afternoon,
April' 3rd, at 4 o'clock in the Dean's office. Jahn R. Effinger.
Michigan Academy of Science:
Sectional programs will be given this week as follows:
Botany, Friday at 9 o'clock in room 207, Natural Science Building.
Economics, Friday at 10 o'clock in Economics Building.
H-iistory and Political Science, Friday at 10 o'clock in room 1009 Angell
Language and Literature, Friday at 9 o'clock in room 2225, Angell Hall.
Psychology, Friday at 10 o'clock in. room P162, Natural Science, Building.
Zoolbgy, Friday,-at 9'"o'clock in room Z-355, Natural Science Building.
Peter Okkelberg.
Application ."nJs for .Jniversity Sebblarsliips:
Students. of the Literary College Wishing to becom ; candidates for a
University Scholarship, 1925-26 (valiie '$200) may obtain blank application
forms at. the office: of the Dean. These' blanks must be filled out and re-
turned not later than May 15th in order to receive consideration.' Further
notice will be sent to each applicant.' Awards are based on scholarship
and need. It. P. Thienie.
Facuilty oif the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture:
A meeting of fill Engineers of Ann : Arbor will be held at the ?Michigan
union in the main dining room' at 6:15 P. M. Friday, April 3, 1925. to dliscuss
the reorganization. of the engineering group in 'this city. Certain plans
proposed by the Detroit Engineering Society will be discussed as well as
other matters of general interest.
are urged to be present.
Notice to all Members of thme Univers°
* Mail addressed as follows: "*ca
been delivered to the office of thec
will'be held until April 8, andl shoul
this publication, i. e. April 13. 'Phir
George FBishop
Forman G. Brown
Cre:eponding Secretary of
Camlma. of :Vlich. Chap.,
Tau Beta Pi.
Mi Baik Li
Robert S. Elster
iiaran Froemke
All members of the engineering faculty 1 Albanieaea's lalv ilhlr (eprte^tgso rduto r e
il. . Aderon. I I ~iiviriui'~nIIII, c say to maufactur~e the article,
I 1Qloes Reviving 1~uEIU I4I beginning with the tapping of ti
flR IRyVII'P ffrrubber tre. and the coagulation and
arefthe Unvrit-f'lihgn a - UON ! IIIRVI 0 WI il~ smoking of the rubber by the natives
yr o'teUnvrit fMihgn"hs*; NL of the uppe(r A-mazon region of South
Secretary, Room 3, University Hall. It IAmrctouhhefnl aua-
ild1 be called for at once, giving (late of1 Moving pictures showing the ni anu- tuiring process necessary to complete
is list will not lbe reprinted. MA1ILE factur~e of insulatedI wire 'andl cable the insulated wires and cables, used
w ~~in modlerninuty
.EET AND NUMBER. : :.. in all its stages were shown last nightinuty
Chrs Geenin Natural Science auditorium. The<
Catherine Griffiths lI cture, in treres a feelb ocw pi .-Teofca
the konte ompnyof ew orkag~cy osta announces that the So-
Jo.H -opranid was presented under thle auspices viet i lc ctflag was solemnly hoisted at Al-
Charles L. Hiulswit 1:j of the local branch of thle American exandrovsk, the town returned to
rz Institute of Electrical Engineers. Rusia nder the recently concludedl
Dr. PriceA presentation was given of all the treaty with' Japan.
Dr riepre esses necessary in the menu-,
t, facture of wires and cab~les. iver. AD) T'IlE LASSIFIED "AlDS,
0. B. Schroeder
1-en riette I. Scranton
Penfield Seiberling
Edward H. Wilde
. ,.fj. ./../.I"s 9",/:I °.I "./de"1.IlaI".d,.J",/~ '~:'l./"./. .r*~,1"1. hi/" ". . °./ 1./'1,Jd "~":/lr /"./ ". '®../
Claire Go ILes
Shirley 11. S mithI, Sj.refary.
Emigish i 18 and 188:
Owing to the meetings of the Michigan Academy. I shall not meet: my
cl.asses in the English Novel andl Browning, on Friday, April 3~.
Louis A. Strausts.
fForestry .:1:
Mid-semester examination will be given Friday, April 3.
L. tI. Youan.
Field Tripi in Caciia1 ( eology:
d The class in Glacial Geology will make a field trip Saturday, April 4,
starting from the Natural Science Building at 9 A. M. covering the west
part of the city of Ann Arbor. Frank Leverett.
House Presidents:s
There will be a board of Representatives meeting Saturday, April 4,
at, 10:00 in Barbour Gymnasium.
D)orothiy McFarlen, Vice-President of Women's Leat e.
V. , 31 . 'section, Society of AmericanMi lilitamry Engineers:
All members of the Michigan Section, S.' A. M. E. are requested to meet
in front of the Clements Library, Friday, April 3I, at 12 :00 noon immn-ediately
following the convocation.
Group photograph for the Michigan Shield will be taken at that time.
Full dress uniforms. Joseph Seide, President.
University C~mub of Ann Arbor:
Club night for April will be held Friday, April 3, 1925, at; 8:30. Professor
Fred N. Scott will speak on "Here and There in Egypt" (illustrated with
photographic slides).
SE vans Holbrook, Cltairnuiti of Program Comiumittee.
"famed for
Lessening of internal st .if in Al-
1)ani'ais encouraging the hope that the
nw premier, Achmed B~ey Zogu
(aboe),illsuccceed in setting tipl)a
strong government.
Minneapolis, Minn., April 2. -- For
(lhe first time, tihe acinli nist ration of-
flces wiil be concentrated in one
build1ing w hen al (1eart mnemit move
into the inew* ,vodn i stat ion lhiihiu
I may I. TFhie buulding has twee under
consti-uction for s~: nion tih, ilandiCO,;h
Sugar Coated Almonds .. .... .60e Lb.
Sugar Coated Peanuts .... .. .60c Lb.
and Bon-Bons. . 6c Lb.
Next to Arcade Theatre
Rer athe
Want Ads
_UU E U E E. !, ....A!.I /.1::JE .U. .I, /.";'s.~ ...E" .'.Ur.."'U'.. .1 i"d..EE..a+". , ,v, .m. .r,.J'd .u
Manu of ®E ®® ® ® ® I _M ®i
bok Iai
{ Class in Stagecraft will meet today at 1:00 P. M.
C ur Bargrain Counters
Ross L. 'l'ay]
SPhi Tbeto Kappa:
1 Phi Delta Kappa holds its annual spring initiation banquet tonight at
(o'clock at the Union. Dr. Charles HI. Judd, of Chicago, is the speaker.
Clarence J. Whitnecy, Seely.
Polonia Literary ('ircle:
Polonia Literary Circle wiii hold its regular meeting, in Lane Hall at
7:30 tonight. An entertaining program has been arranged for the occasion.
J. W. Kulmek, vleic-Pres.
®are freshened up and made more at~
tractive each day with new books
IiUEs W5101 EEUE®®®®®®®UEEEU5UUEWmm.
TRead the Want Ads
Notices to appeari lttintip column t,ust
be left in the box at -fie (Wly Mt
r'v'tdfo~r nat puepose befare 4
o'clock preceediiF tIPday Of issue
I:O-U7nversit y.Convocat ion1inlll
auditorium. Dr. Alexander Meile-
Johtn 'gives an' address on "Think-
ing in a Democracy."
12 :0q--Irllligan NOIlo u, SA. 11.. E.,
wieets iii front- of the William L.
Clemnents library: to be photograph-
4:1ilt-fean's AlvI4*ory- conmlmttee of
the literary collei3 meets in the
Dean's office.
4:1i--Prof. Samuel F. Basset( ofthue.
University of Vermont lectures on
"The Greek Epic arnj the Teaching
of Virgl", in r6:m 2003, Angell hall.
4:15--Pr Oliver v, BAker of.ihe De"
par11nientt of Agrlctlture at *Wash-
lngton, D. _C., lectures on "Land
Utilization in the United-States, and
Its Relation to. the Increasing Pop-
ulatlon" in;natural Science auditor-
4 :15--Sebool of 1Mi18ie stmidents pre-
sentrecital in the 'bvhool of Music
- audcitorium.,
5i:0-Llersity fWIV Mandolin calb
meets in Newberry hallI.
6 (:11- Hllladale college alumni hold
banquet at the Union.
6 :441-P11F D a appa hioldq spring
initiation 1anoulet at the union.
6:l5--Faeulty of t14e engineering col-
lege meets in th e:main dining room
of the"Union.
7:DSO-Alphma Nu-llterar y socety meets~
on the 'fourth floor~ of. Angell hall.
i «:30=-Polonla AI terary eirele rmeets in
Lane hall.-
8:15--Comedy Mlib presents -"Out-
ward Bound," at the Whitney thea-
9:00--Ftesh~lnen of the , 1 ,rtuaey
school examined for the Rbo Chii
scholastic prize, room 300, Chem-
istry building.
i:11:(9-Prof. Samtuel. E. Baissett of th-1
Univprsity of Vermont lectures on
'The Creek Epic and time Teajching
of Virgil," in room 2003, Angell hall.
I :30-Congregational rambltle starn i
from the church.
3:(Ot--Se ifor wonmen meet as guesis
of the American Association of Un-
iversity women in the Union ball
Bloomington, Inc., April 2.-Indi-
IM -
Y l B O1 On~iM~
r 0
Are You Joinin
r E4trBudy-'
r Eate una.Y
Arro rprig htsyls uto1tpotta
r o v entikn falwne swiigfryua
~ To Cobett. Te ltestandfinst i Spingclotes rc3
w tobfa er tpie ta ilsupieyu
Ou'etesveshwigofspin at i nwcoplte1
r h ats t
r $5.00
HaswCp ndFrisig
r C 7 fr ~ ~ A A
A 4