FRIDAY, APRIL 1()25 T*"E MICHIGAN DAILY rRiDAY, APRIL 3, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -l THIS 1Up1N CQLUMN LASS FjE S CLOS[$ E At 3 P.M. ADVERTISING At 3 PM. '010S Locates Germ Of African Scourge Intan uralt ms test will begin immediately . after ed to the 'singles and dourbleswin- (Continued from Page Six) ; ners anldnmedals- to the r(s~cliV') or refaort to the Intramural otlce at urestp IWaterman gymr before Wednesday, All Imen who haveo won, a. Vag it V Agpril S. iletter in tennis or who are on tiho -Varsity or freshman t ennis s'quads '1ENNIS i will not be allowedi to comlpete(, thus Due to the early arrival of good permitting all other tennis players to weather, future tennis chtaipion s can enter withI equal chance ot succ)ess. be seen practicint;g daily on the) courts Ali official list of the Varsity and at Ferry field. As usual anl all-camn-! freshman squads ti.ill be posted oz, pus tennis tournament will be held the Intramutral bulletin b~oard at WaIl- this spring. This tournament, which erm an gymnasium. Eat ries will he will be a straight elimination con- "accepted until Wednesday, April 8. PCIrfumesor Easter 171h ey art. :er' enjoyable Easter gifts, pAtif 'arly' if the selection is one df Cot, 's - Houbigant' s Yardfley's -Hudnut's 'U' ,, ~-,c I if d '-V FOL SAAL: E FOR SA LE-One set of Ludwig drums in A-i condition for those Spring Parties. Price right. P'hone 18093. A NINE room house on Thompson Street,11§rt class condition, large lot. Price and terms are right forj quick sale. Call 3290. FOR SALE-Beautiful building lot just east of Washtenaw Avenue.t Price is only $4500.00. Call 2438. liteh This Space 'i~aiy What is your automobile :worth? Consider the liability as well as the value. Liability Insurance is very cheap; when compared with the coverage afforded. 311t. IUNDUTS W'Ith I LWOuiC, An crews I "d B ACH &SON CO. FOR SALE-.1924 Ford roadster. 1925 license. New General Cord Tires in. .January. $200 cash. Call Ramns- dell, 3094. .m)TICE. Compacts, wa tches andl pictures frames of the most exquisite jewJelry selections. These are especially priced for the spring season. ARNOLD State Street Jeweler o) Our moderate prices make it possible for all to have. FRESH HOME GRiOWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 SLICKERS K9i5 For men andl women. Yellow only; cordluroy collar with leather strap; newest square pockets. Slickers are first quality, made, to retail at $10. Selling direct eliminates excess prof- its. Send one dollar with size or chest measure. Balance C. 0. D. ST.IOR)1 TIGHlT RAU1N COAT CO. Department 4. 2930 Cass Ave. 1)etro it, IM icliigan Rugs shampooed or dust cleaned. Ann -Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. SPhone 50. MARITHA WASIITON CAND)Y Fresh every Friday. rrice's, 119 E. Liberty. ltsurance ~ PHONE 3061 lWatch This Sp'ace Daily BEAUTY SHIOPPES Three expert miarcellers. Shingle] trims. Soft water used at all times. IJATT°IA BIEAUTY SHOPPE (Above. Cushing's) Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. BLUE BIRD HAIR. SHOP 5i NICKEL'S ARCADE-316$ FOUND FOUND-Small leather pocketbook. Loser may have same by calling Business Michigan Daily. Dr. 'Edmund V. Cowdray, loanedl to the South African government by the Rockfellor institute, New York, has discovered the micro-organism re- ,sponsible for the disease known as "'heart 'water" in sheen, goats and cat- tie. His (discovery is expected to en- able the government to end the epi- .demics that are causing huge losses to, African farmers. TAILORS! A TAILOR-Mlsi)E SUIT Will satisfy your taste, 'and fit you best. IWILl) THE TAiLOR f 113 South Main St. 1tEAl) TIE CLASSIFIED ADIS, I 3 STUDENT TOU ALL EXPENSES INCLUDED, A OPPOTUNITY to combine SOUTH AMERICA has no rival in a turofPRICELESS EDU-' the world for the grandeur of its CATIONAL VALUE with health. scenery and the architectural beauty giving' recreation. of its cities. Seasons are reversed Leaving New York on the popular 'and the climate is cool and bracing. S* S q S m 'You enjoy-Large Airy Dining Room, S * . V~~AMAU Library, Social Room, Smoking Room, AmplcDeck Space (wit h Games), delicious J~e 13thMeals, Attentive Steward Service. The VESTRIS is'one of the famous Sightseeing in charge of an academic *V-FLEET"--the finest vessels plying to guide-hotels, automobiles, etc. and al South America, built especially for this other necessary expenses are included. Service. Stop-overs at RIO DE JANEIRO, SAO PAULO, For Reservations and Full Particulars MANTOS, MONTEVIDEO. BUENOS apply to- AIRES, TRINIDAD and BARBADOS Sanderson & w3on, Inc., agents. m42 BROADWAY LAMPORT & HOLT LINE~ NEW YORK, N. Y. , AN .ass electric vac will clean your rugs, (Jraee, cuirtains, and upholstered furniture, witio ta king them fromr the V'oom. Electri Rug Vacs So Beating 200-20-4 E. LIBERTY ST. N,( Iue Onie llt Your Ilonfie talWeeli Sooni Pays for It Senk er's Hardwart 213 West Liberty St. i n 11 h. j EAT HERE.' YOU'LL ENJOY OUR FOOD Dancing Every Evening 6 to 7:30 S.1iTUDENTS I ''intcrested in summer work see REX REESE of the Fuller Brush Company, 1at the Allenel Hotel* Friday evening, April 3, or at the Michigan Union # V Saturday, from 8 to 12 A. M. in Room I f1 34 4MANUJSCRIPTrS typewritten, neatness 9 and accuracy 'our lmotto. Bic'dlle'~s } Book Store, Nickels Arcade. fEXPERIENCED Tutor. Chemistry, 1; math. or physics. Call Furnas 9s 1689-IR.417 E. Washington. I!I WOULD like to get In touch withi someone going towards New Jersey{ for sprint,vacation. ,Win. Dobr. Address Y. AL. C. A., William and} # 4th street. LOST 1I SIGMA CHII fraternity pin., Name on back, Dr. Poole. Reward if re- turnedl to D)r. Poole. X-Ray dept., Univ. Hospital. A PI-IOLYPHIASE Duplex (K. & E.) slide rule 'on Thursday eit her in room 8338 or 402 .Eng. Building be- case. M. L. Kanuar, call 2520-W. Ask for Chandan. s LOST-Brown Collie pup last Thurs- S day with hind legs injured. Re- it word. 2093-R. f r LOST-K~appa Kappa Gamnma Key. In ' Nickel's Arcade or along diagonal. 1; Name on back. Return to 1204 Hill. !I Reward. LOST-Ladies open face watch-Elgin I~make. Reward for return to E. E. Vadakin, 607,S. State St. Phone 3015. LOST---Sunday between Martha Cook I and Grey Shop, Bear Mountain{ tI pocket book. Box 91. i LOST-Friday night, Phi Gamma' kt Delta Sister pin. Name D. Keech S engraved in back. Call 1387. tYiPE WRITERS For Ponie 866 FrTypewriter Repairing (all makes) ~ Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, SStandard andl Portable addingma m-chines. Ann Arbor Typiewriter Exe baige 9Savings Bank Building. ; STYPEWRITERS Sp lend(id machines. IBest makes for rent or for sale. 8. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Phone 342-Rt. I POSITIONS. SENERGETIC, capable student who S wishes profitable employment (dur-. > ing the summer. Opportunity to travel. Will be trained in business. I Salary and trainfare. Box 93. '~COLLEGE student for vacation at summer resort. Pleasant valuable V.experience. $272 for 3 months. 1 Box 92. -fl 106 South Main Street (liadwtui Phone 1549 # m TOSTWICH SANDWICHELS The kind that has tripled our sandwich sales. f q Hoa If lupncm I iI 777,)1, Brod ahleic ho indcaed ait* sm" . Y411'1^ Lowbutos ndp Toasted with your favorite filling. They are distinctive. GENUINE TosTwICH- SANDWICI--ES are Made and sold on~ly at Betsy Rosi Sho Founhtain Room Beauti ful I C 0*0 Dm7". I Flowe r loveres Iknow the outstanding 'qual ity and arrangement of flowers from Goodhew's-it has ever, been 'our ' privilege to serve su ch a distin- guished clientele. straight trousers c4ll developed ande,. ey balanced in AP Ku p p e n h, . GQO D OC LOT 1E S FLOPNSLL N. F. ALLEN COMPANY 211 SOUTH4 MAIN STR. DOWNTOW N A quaity portrailt as a gift for your friends at, Easter ti IJI _