PAGE 'POUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ ". " ##iY!# IY/ MYYI# 1 - "^wr i lY#I r IIY II DIY r#111 w " wa " ++# #a awr " w. #r w I# ir#Ew slilr E Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titiM to the use for republicatlori of all news dispatches credited to it or not other wse credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein.. Entered at the poatoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.54; by mail, $4.00. Offices:eAnn Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; bust- Mess, 960. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176--f F MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor...............John G. Garlhnghouse News Editor.......Robert G. Rainsay City Editor............Manning Houseworth Night Editors George W. Davis Harold A. Moore Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal 1adwini C. Mack Sports Editor.......William H. Stoneman SundayEditor .........Robert S. Mansfield Womn's Editor..........Verena Moran Telegraph Editor. ...William J. Walthour Assistants Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer Louise Barley Helen Morrow Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith 11. Cady, Jr., W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker Wiliard B. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay tobert T. 'DeVore Marie Reed Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum Geneva Ewing Roth Rosenthal James W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair Leonard Hall David C.. Vaikes Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple Elizabeth Liebermann BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER; WM. D. ROESSER. equal f o footing and similar possibilities. That was just recently. "ovrnrsipof OA "Ma" Ferguson took 'advantage of 0 S E O L the new acceptance of women in poli- - tics to run for the governorship oft MUSIC AND DRAMA - I -- =- I M I II r I I I I 11 1 OI Texas as a vindication of the repri-1 mand given to her husband, "Jim" Ferguson, when he was impeached from that position seven years ago. She won, and with it came the oppor- tunity to sign the measure vindicating her husband and restoring to him full citizenship rights. That's what you, call real team work. That was last Tuesday. Two Eastern colleges are going to' debate by radio and permit those whol listen in to make the decision. The result seems likely to depend on which school has the most radio sets. CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of conimuni- :antsearll . however, he regarded as confidential upon request. "OUTWARD BOIN)" To the Editor: -Criticism and correction of criti- cism is usually futile. However, Rob- ert Ramsay's review of "Outward Bound" is so subjective a piece of work' that it is not a safe guide for anyone but himself. He is the only critic of the many whose comments on the play I have read, who finds it "hokum" or even, primarily about death. It is to most! of us a penetrating commentary on the{ lives of a group of people who areI suddenly put under the shadow of death. It contains many moments of gripping intensity, which are based in character.: Hokum is supposed to be the con- ventional theatric clap-trap. I am at a' loss to find a single scene of that sort in the entire play. On the con-j trary the piece seems to me the most original dramatic phantasy that I know.I I agree with Mr. Ramsay that thef acting is very good. In fact, at least I two members of the cast give the hest bits of amateur acting that I have seen at Michigan. -Oscar James Campbell. SOFT ANT) LoW L(I Easter Cards and- Narcissus bulbs I I I THE IIENDECAMERON Twelve hard-hearted esquima-ux sat on the (edge of an ice berg, eating blubber. Above them, the auroraj borealis played fitfully across the heavens, lighting up now this section of the sky, now that. The jagged edges of the iceberg sparkled like a myrial silver plated hatpins.j "Say, Darius," remarked one esqui- man to another between bites, "whatsa matter with the seals this year? Been a poor season for seals." "Yeh," sighted the tallest of the twelve. "Worst season we've had for years." "Can't understand it," put in a third, shying a blubber rind at a near- by penguin, "must be the fault of the present administration. The mo- mentum which he had gathered in shying the blubber made him lose his' balance, and he slipped from his icy, seat into the chill waters of Behring I Straits. The last half of his remark was delivered, of necessity, as ,his fig- ure slowly sank beneath the waves." "Poor Charlie!" sighed the remain- ing eleven. "There goes another good esquimo and true to his watery grave." There was a shor;t silence, andj then the first esquimo to have spoken turned again to his neighbor. "Did he say," he asked, pointing to the TONIGHT: Comedy Clib presents "Out-ward Bound" by Sutton Vane at S8:15 o'clock in the Whitney theatre. * * * "O7TWARD BOUND" To the Music and Drama Editor: May I take a few inches to make up for the smallness of the space allotted to me in yesterday's column, that I may make an addition to my review of i the Comedy Club play, "OutwardI Bound." It has long been my conten- tion that in seven inches a reviewer can succeed only in making himself thoroughly misunderstood. I would like to take this opportunity to dispell the impression which seems to have arisen, that the acting and presenta- tion was deserving of anything but the highest praise. I have seldom seen anything better; in the field of ama-I teur production, the play has not been equalled, both from the standpoint of acting, directing, and particularly the1 setting. My quarrel was with the play, andi the emphasis which it received in the short review was due to the fact that l I was more interested in the vehicle' than in the acting--hence my neglect of the admirable production. With this, I would like to re-iterate l my statement that such subjects are U R A H A IM Aff I V-1 WALK BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL I1,11 - ------ 9.. ....... ..--mmmmm ... ... thwarted lives, hopes, loves-of the' painful attempt of a brother to square a debt "in the clearing house of life"- in a manner that is professionally convincing. The work of Ruth Scherer in the part of Jean Prior marks her an act- ress of finely restrained sympathy and certain ability. Alary O. Johnson i1s charming and competent as Laura Prior, and Lawrence Conrad's inter- pretation of the remorsefully defiant James Prior deserves special credit. Other members of the company pro- vided a completely adequate support-, ing cast. The Northwestern authorities who objected to the costume worn by a co- ed' in a university production should: have seen the Michigan Junior Girls play. I lififilf111 6lf11111111 ill 111[11111 11 1111111111111111111 illIIIlIII1IIillIIII II SWith Spring Comes a Complete Housecleanin Let us take care of your spring house- cleaning and rest assured of the best work. We specialize in lace curtains and light woolen blankets. The care with which we handle each piece of your laundry means that we are insuring the life and good appearance of your cur- tains or blankets, MOE LAUNDRY 204 North Main Phone 2355 _ Hand Wor = S-ll-i 1 f I' not the vehicle of great drama. It is hard to classify this play in any of the ordinary categories of the layman. It Patronize Daily Advertisers jwaysAdv. - it place .where Charlie had last been is not tragedy, for there is no conflict; seen, "that the seal shortage was the it is not comedy, obviously; it is a fault of the present administration?" mongrel breed known as phantasy. "I've forgotten," replied Darius. The greatest subject of any study, "Say, did you hear the new one that whether it be drama, fiction, or science traveling salesman told us, about Pat is Man; the greatest drama is the and Mike?" -tragedy protraying the inner conflict Advertising............. .... -L. Dunne Advertising..................:.R. C.Winter Advertising........... .H.A.Marks Advertising. .... ...B.W Parker Accounts.. .... ........H. M. Rockwell Circulation......John Conlin Publication........... ...R. D. Martin Assistants P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins W. F. Ardussi K.: F. Mast 1. M. Aving - H. L. Newmann Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss H.. V. Clark W. C. Pusch C. Consroe J. D. Ryan F. R. Dentz N. Rosenz-weig J R. DePu M. E. Sandberg George C. Johnson M. L. Schiff . A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman e r s r 1 n n march * * XIE N 1....... Men of Michigan, to your feet! Yesterday, the girl whom someday I hope to call my wife was submitted to an indignity, cruel, brutal and af- fronting. By the exigencies of her classes she of man with himself; drama should never distort that subject, as phan- tasy, in its insistence on the unreality of things, in its emphasis on the gross violation of human emotion, does. I am willing to admit that the play is effective it is gripping, it sustains the atmosphere of unreality through- out its entire length with wonderful FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1925 Night Editor-GEORGE W. DAVIS FACULTY BOLTS Since at least the beginning of the present century Michigan has had a mythical tradition concerning three bolts which were supposed to be al-f lotted to students in each class during, the semester. No matter what the' faculty might announce to the con- trary, each individual meticulously kept track of his unexcused absences and called a halt only when the hy- pothetical line had been reached. After a discouraging struggle against the prevailing opinion the faculty as a last resort changed the system of excuse, leaving the matter with the instructor except in extreme cases. Only time can tell whether or not the new idea will be a success. One thing is certain, students are still1 talking about their three bolts. Also, since the time-almost be- yond recall-when the University By- Laws were first adopted there has been a rule relating to faculty at- tendance. But there has grown up a tradition that the only proper thing for an instructor to do is to grant at least a couple of bolts to his classes during the semester. Uusually it is such a benevolent spirit which prompts the action, sometimes there are other reasons. As a reminder to those of the faculty who have been too benevolent the ad- ministration published in full recently the rules relative to faculty bolts. This will have an effect-and there will be much gnashing of teeth on the part of those indefatigable bolters, who, seeing their freedom gradually, slipping away, face the possibility of regular attendance. But through the ages tradition per- sists. The faculty are liable to for-I get the ruling, just as students have already forgotten the recent reminder1 that three bolts limitation is not and never has been in force. The latter problem has been partially solved by giving the faculty members as in- dividuals the check-up on student at- tendance. Perhaps it would work the other way, students having the rightj to excuse faculty and exercising it- when we reach the millenium in ed- ucational progress. AND THAT IS THAT! A BRILLIANT PRESENTATION was compelled- to pass through the effect; but for that effeet, it goes to engineering arch, and of course past such an extreme of exaggeration, it To the Editor: those creatuires who call themselves calls into play emotions of such gross Mr. Robert Ramsay's lurid attempt men and sit sneering and casting unactuality, that pit falls far short of at a criticism of the Comedy Club per- slurs at the feminine passersbye from the highest type of (rama. Its stock formance Wednesday night failed ut- the engineering benches. Slur after in trade is hokum; its only reason for terly as'a dramatic review, but was slur was flung at her and degrading being, an opportunity to evoke theI extremely successful as a theosophical taunts, dastardly and cowardly were natural religious superstition which' explanation of the writer's outlook on spit across the walk with cuds of to- surfeits mankind. the hereafter. We have no quarrel bacco saliva, nauseating as the re- If the measure of a play is its with his religious attitude, because we i marks........ mere effectiveness, then praise and know ho more about death than he I tell you that little girl came home eternal honor are due to "The Cat and does. in tears! I say, IN TEARS! Do you the Canary" and Channing Pollock's Our quarrel is with his hyper-so- get that, you low down curs who in- "Te Fool." phisticated method of criticism. Grant- fest the benches with your oaf Robert G. Ramsay. ing its spirit of realism in a play of boorish, stinking selves? I said, IN * * unreal things, and granting its hokum, TEARS! THE STUDENT'S' RECITAL which is another way of saying good Brothers, that little girl's faith in A review, by Lydia Kahn. theatre, does it not seem inconceivable mankind was destroyed yesterday. Be- Psychology tells us that anything that the play which has delighted fore that day I don't suppose she had novel always attracts attention.. metropolitan audiences, as well as the ever suspected to what depths the and when that novelty replaces some- Wednesday night audience at the human race could descend to. Her thing dry and antiquated, why then it Whitney, should have failed so utterly abiding trust was VIOLATED. is all the more palatable. This year to impress Mr. Ramsay? Now, as man to man, I have an ap- Mr. Haigh started teaching musical Comedy Club's presentation was re- peal to you, MAN of Michigan. If you composition in a new and more intel- markably brilliant. That Mr. Ramsay want those things to continue, let ligent method than has ever been should have ignored the splendid per- them. It is allthe same to me. But used here before....That is casting no formance, and directed his attention le me say right here, if you do NOT slur upon the past annals of the to the play, rather than to the play- show your Michigan spirit, the spirit School of Music, rather it is an honor ers, shows either an uncertainty of that old Michigan has boasted of in to the present one, for it shows that, attitude, or an ignorance of the means former years when she was really Michigan is forging ahead. of dramatic criticism. King of the golden West and Harvard Our original psychological state- -William Foster, '25l. ruled the East, then I declare unto ment was fully proved last night, Syou, MAN, if you are al man in the when the fruits of the first course in To the Editor: true sense of the word, the outcome musical composition were displayed. May I comment upon Mr. Ramsay's will be such that in after years you One of the requisites in this class is review of "Outward Bound." My aim will look back at it and regret it to that every student must perform one i .wthe bottoms of your souls. [of his own works each year at a stu- is not to criticize the review itself, As Homer so aptly phrased--"sic dent concert-and in order to do this which was a clear statement of the hatis has anis," and if this thing still the preliminary courses, contrary to writer's views. But it seems apparent continues I think we all must agree old methods, need not precede in full that the writer did not interpret the again with the blind poet and admit it force......In other words, spontaneity play, or its aim in the same way as is truly "lestis slix tantis!" of expression, natural desire for mu did a majprity of the audience, jiylging Rev. Beezlebu. sical outlet is not repressed and driv- from their reactions at least. He ap- * . en out by dull and boring prelimi- parently takes Sutton Vane at face Some stir appears to have been cre- naries. The inspirations of youth are value, believes that the author means ated by Gaylord Ramsay's review of allowed to- take their courses, and to the play to be taken literally. I"wmould themselves to conform with Thi ma bethecas, bt Ibeleve! Outward Bound," which occuredl in This may be the case. but I believeesterday's Daily. Our advice to all rules later on. that it is neither the popular con- uIt would not be fair to offer any cepion no th mst atifyig oe.our patrons is to see the show, in ception, nor the most satisfying one.order that they will be able to catch criticism, or appreciation of the act- I prefer to consider the whole action better the delicate nuances in Cowles', ual compositions performed, except of the three acts, as the weird dream review of the production, which will that personally I was very agreeably of the half-ways, Ann and .Henry. In surprised at the almost remarkable appear in this column on SundayreutacivdThfrshlfote this light it is ,quite obvious that Mr. morning early results achieved. The first half of the Ramsay*s objections are not of great program was devoted to the usual stu- weight. 'le can not very well pick to We had. intended to say something dents' recital, and the second half pieces the consistency of a dream of about the Michigan Journalist, that was given over to the compositions two minds, driven to a point of sui- monument to the greatness of the written by Mr. Haigh's students. Con- ! cide. Assuming that the examiner' Journalism departmentbut we find sidering the results obtained, I think as such jarred him, it is impossible Jour epartmens but \we fineI that Mr. Haigh deserves to be highly that our copy of it hads been p~urloined to conceive of any human imagining by some other avid reader. We prom- I congratulated. The Examiner in any but a very ise faithfully to have it in hand to- realistic form. I do not claim that the "THE CLEARING HOUSE" morrow, however. conception of the work as a dream mrrwho r * A review, by Kenneth Wickware. makes it any less' a philosophy of WDepending upon a theme of mystery With these fulsome promises, wve after life. But I do claim that it is fear, we shall have to call it a day. and horror, frankly suggestive of "The consistent, and to a certain extent Bat" and "The Cat and the Canary," logical. Mr. Jason Co *les. yet possessed of an exceptionally vividj Another point in which I differ with . and compelling emotional tone for an Al S imihac h c IliI LU fame -i {MAKE.E'LE MANN'S r , T COyLLleGEMEN Look at Your Hat- Everyone Else Does We have the Latest Colors-Pearl, Silver, Radium, London Lavender, etc., etc. Save a Dollar or More at Our Store We also do high class work in Cleaning and Reblocking hats of all kinds. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) SLEEP ANY WHERE BUT, EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Sts. aI five minutes of your time may bring you ca I Cash Prize} $50 .00 GIVEN AWAY WATCH THE PAPERS PLANTS and FLOWERS Order them from Cousins & Hall 611 E. University Phone 115 Your order will receive prompt and courteous atten- tion. i 11 1I '__. l) rrr s S 11 St Tmes's$ ONE of many distinctiv Omodhs! Values for $9 or $7 not possi- bly obtainable elsewhere. Collej men aralways "from Missouri" -John Ward Men's Shoes wil sho you! On Display By Mr. C. P. Latlirop at Cartier's 30G South State St. Today aind Tomorrow ccokw1d I Thefirt oma wa otenibla . i mtr s latest claim to tame is ' The first woman was ostensibly the reviewer is to quote him directly utinto existence to be a help- "shissartorial finesse. Recently, ac- brought itexsectobahlp- "Their work with a poor vehicle is cording to The New York World, he meet and companion to man. Along tremendous." The cast (lid good work, appeared in Tbi earing "a he withhercam th cocepiontha shebutnotwit hil T apeard mpublic wearing "a white with her came the conception that she but not with a poor vehicle. The play shirt, embroidered with outstanding was to be the minority member of the is gripping from the rise of the cur- crimson fleurs-de-lis, each a quarter combine,-but that was long ago. tain to the last line. That it may not of an inch long, and with collar and About fifty years ago a few feminine be morally sound from the religious cuffs of a roseate hue like the dawn."I advocates of a new idea started a cam- point of view I cannot say. But I # amateur production, "The Clearing House," a play by Paul Osborn and Walter Donnelly of the rhetoric de- partment, successfully opened the third season of the Ann Arbor Play- makers last night. Even in the restricted quarters of the Playmakers' Workshop, the pro- (uction attained and held a dramatic 11 W II"-