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April 03, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-03

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VOL. XXXV. No. 139





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iii nripr D I Iii

Comedy Club Production Draws
Applause Of Whitney Audience

.', :S

itI rLi When "Outward Bound," Sutton
Vane's play, was first presented in
BAmerica, the audience which attended
6the opening was definitely divided,
and' the final curtain brought cheers
CRITICIZES NATIONAL STAND J and hisses of equal volume, according
to the newspaper reports of the fol-
IIEG ARII ON REIGNlowing day. The first amateur pro-
ELATIONS duction in America, which was given
by the Comedy club Wednesday night
APVOCATES LEAGUE at the Whitney theatre, seems to have
aroused much the same sort of discus-
r W Apl sin. Those who attended the play
Fo er Secretary of War Appeals-To n hir iti fhnr

The Comedy club production hasf
been directed by Daniel Quirk and
Paul Stephenson, the directors of the
Ypsilanti players, who took charge of
the play in the absence of Prof. J.
Raleigh Nelson, director of the an-
nual presentation for several years in
the past. The cast includes Barre
Hill, '26; John Hassberger, '25M;
Phyllis Turnbull, '26Ed; Robert Ilend-
erson, '26; Elizabeth Strauss, '26, and
Valentine Davies, '27.
The performance tonight is given
particularly for the Michigan State
Teachers' association, which is con-
vening in Ann Arbor this week. Tick-
ets for the performance will be on,
sale today at the box office of HillI
auditorium, and there are several
good seats left at all prices, according
to the business manager. The box
office will be open during the meeting'
of the association at 10 o'clock this
morning, and during the general Uni-
versity convocation at 11 o'clock for
the convenience of those who desire,




Baker Favors Page School As
Diplomatic Training Ground


College Men As Leaders of
Public Opinion
"Not merely hand in hand with the
nations of the world, fighting for the
preservation of peace, but leading
them, that is what I look forward to,"
asserted Newton D. Baker, ardent sup-
porterof the League of Nations, with
aronsrp t"fhtP darngling foreign re-

snowe tneir appreciaion of the pro-
duction by applause which brought
2 curtain calls. The play will be re-
peated at 8:15 o'clock tonight at the
Whitney theatre for its final presenta-
The play deals with the voyage of
eight people on a tiny ocean liner
which is making the journey between:
life and death. The method of hand-
ling the theme which the author has
used has aroused much editorial

Announce Program for Today's Ses-
slon of Schoolmasters' Club
Students of the University will join
members of the Michi4an School-,
masters' club, who are holding their
annual convention this week-end, to
hear Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, ex-
president of Amherst college, speak
on "Thinking in a Democracy," at a

"I am heartily in favor of the pro-
posed Page School of International
Relations, and see great possibilities
in it,' said the Hon. Newton D. Baker,
former secretary of war, in a hurried
interview following his lecture in Hill
auditorium last night.
"This new school should prove a
great training ground for our, future
diplomats, and as such will be an ex-,
tremely valuable institution" contin-
ued the man who had charge of the
mobilization of our armies during the
feverish days of 1916-18.
A fund of $1,000,000 is now being
raised to endow a school of interna-
tional relations in memory of the latej
Walter Hines Page, war-time ambass-
ador to the court of St. Jam'es, at
Johns Hopkins university. This school
is to be devoted to post-graduate re-
search in the fields of world affairs.
Mr. Baker is especially attracted by
the plans of the committee in charge
of the foundation of this school, who
aim: to make the scope of this institu-

tion wider than any course of study
or combination of courses now avail-
able in any univresity. The school, as
planned, will include not only inter-
national law and history, but unique
studies in the fundamental elements
of international relationships, such as
the effects of different racial psycho-
logies, variations in national economic
structure and aims, the influence of
the geographical pecularities of mod-
ern states, and their political organ-
Mr. Baker's whole-hearted approval
of the project is even more readily
understood when we understand that
the school will aim not only to train
men in the arts of diplomacy, but will
have what might be called an even
deeper purpose, that of the study of
the modern world, the analysis of
the underlying causes of friction be-
tween nations, ahd the scrutiny of the
common bonds between tiem pthat
tend to keep relations friendly and


Complete List of Activities;
Sections Will Assemble
for Discussions



commnt n eerycityin--ic-ithas seats. The prices of the seats are University convocation at 11 o'clock -i-
latgis policy of the United States," c ent ever cityo wh is $2.00 for the forward seats of theor- in Hill auditorium. Classes sched-
"i.is address last night in Hall audi- an English actor, is said to have con- chestra and the first four rows of the uled for that hour will not meet.CP
tor4'um. ceived the idea for his work a a result balcony; $1.50 for the remaining or- Dr. Meiklejohn's address, togetherl
'There is only one instrument aim- of suffering from shell-shock during chestra seats and the next four rows with that of Prof. C. H. Judd, of theu
ed at the prevention of the next war," the war. This is the only play of this of the balcony; and $1.00 for the re- U3niversty of Chicago, o will spe H
author that has been produced in mainmr of the balcony seats, n Moic Intensive Work in Hight
continued the former War department I America.-. C. M. Schools" at 8 o'clock tonight at Hill W
1ead, "and how have we treated it? auditrium, are the features of the ---___
"We have placed obstacles in its wvay, convention program. Conferences in Ag
we have suspected it, and attempted i[Unpractically every branch of the club's American Legal Association Will Although Papers Are Delivered To t
to thwart it; and we have rejected it ' fIT [rniru iii wok will also be held during the day. Collaborate In Task of State Department, Contentf
for any number of reasons, except that Theconvention will open with a C
didn't believe that it was earnestly 11 P R Y f1 ~ f~l D fh business meeting, which all delegates
eleavoring to accomplish its pur-hs will attend at 930 o'clock thismGENEVA SCENE OF WORK WOULD GUARD RIGHTS t
,he LeaguerofpuNatosdocumbelen thwaswomenmeHALFsof tlibrayogicam-lpri
. Baker repudiated the belief that ,chemistry-physics and lbrayonfer- Geneva, April 2.(By A.P.)-The Am. Washington, April 2.-(By A. P)-i
the League of Nations document was Loree Appoints Comnkittee Heads; Contributions from City and Campus ences, and the Michigan Society for erican Society of International Law The expected Peruvian communication 1
originally conceived by President Wil- Students Compete for Groups Outnumber Those Vocational Guidance, will hold lunch- has been added to the list of world relating to the Tacna-Arica arbitration e
it was of no consequence who want Deeoratig Scheme of ludividuas eons. jurisprudence associations which will award by President Coolidge was de-f
or gets credit for it. "We ought to In the afternoon, in addition 'o I be invited to collaborate in the task of livered late today to the State depart-
approach that subject free from every A N U C IK TS L TL E EV IT more conferences' there will be two I
baptsje r r every NN UNC TIKETassion,"anEdUniversity lectures. Prof. Samuel E. progressive codification of interna- ment. No statement was forthconing, t
bi partisan passion," and, eBassett, of the University of Vermont, tional law which has just begun at either at the department or at the
a izing that nothing can be perfect May 8 has been tentatively set as Tabulation of contributions for the 'will speak on "The Greek Epic and Geneva. Peruvian embassy as to its content,
upon 'its inception, "help to perfect it the date for the annual Architects' Student Friendship fund drive on the the Teaching of Vergil I," at 4:15' War breaks out because peace time except the admission that it did not It
s May Party, pending decision by Uni- campus has shown the sources from o'clock in room 2003, Angell hall, and laws are little known and are not have to do with the award. I t
Having heldo versity h as whether which the money thus far obtained Dr. Oliver E. Baker, of the Depart- agreed upon by various nations, was From other sources, it was learned t
termed "the most tragic circumstances bour gymnasium will be available for has been secured. Organizations, ment of Agriculture, will lecture on the conclusion reached tonight by the that the communication, which is in a
ceiWar secretaryusta t ati hsnes the affair on that day. Preliminary capus and city, have been responsi "Land Utilization in the United great majority of the world jurists. the form of a memorial address to the g
eth a ," r plans for the party were laid as early e te ajrity of then s i- States" at the same time in Natural The concensus of the views expressed arbitrator, made several requests 0
JanuaryecreScienceteauditoriumonwasethat the mlawsiofowarhebeonotdws-
,primarsnecretastatd hat hsdete- as January, and every effort will be befrtemjrt ftettl il Science auditorium. was that the laws of war be not ds- looking for greater protection and ex- t
made to ntake this year's party even individual contributions lagging far in The opening banquet and reception cussed, but that the efforts of the tension of the rights of the Peruvian t
riarionterttoaws the eer- theesinefth igtroetePeuia.
mination that the following genera- better than last year's, according to the rear. . of the schoolmasters was held last jurists should be concentrated in nationals to vote in the plebiscite p
t~io should not be forced to face the those in charge. Funds now m the hands of the st- night in the Union. Following the writing out clearly the international which is to determine the sovereignty t
test which ou generation faced be- D. D. Loree, '25A, president of the dent committee Is over the halfway traditional procedure, there were no law of peace time. of the- two provinces under the award. a
cause o anything we might have Architectur al society, and ex-oficio mark toward the $4,000 goa.c y speeches. After the dinner many of Henri Fromageot, aide to the French A duplicate copy of the memorlal t
Reer thing te sect of"Th" chairman of the May Party committee, begn a t 8olk odan Hl the delegates attended a compliment- minister of foreign affairs, brought was provided for transmission to the
Readertipg o the Collee- Man"Thehas already appointed his committee audiru all rofits Moda wi will ary performance of "The Mikado," into the session two volumes of war Chilean government, and it is under-
Leadership Of the College-Bred Man heads, and actual preparations for the adt im all profits of which willI produced by students of the Ann Ar- 11aws H pntdtthm xca~stdtobatestntaednth t
afarae etn ndrwybe donated to the fund, the committee prdcdb-suet fth n r aw. IIe pointed to them exclaim- stood to be at least Intimated in the itR
in Public Affairs," Mr. Baker asserted affair are getting dsnder way. i bor high school at the Masonic ing, "Look what happened to them in communication that unless these ad-
that "the boys of the universities and The committee heads will te as fol- expects to take a large step toward Temple. the recent war."d
colgeeeamhepbicle.os:C A recent stwatedrina.afgarsae rvie, h
colleges must lead the public opinion.' laws: decorations, C. A. Sirrine, '25A; sq arease. re- Among the larger conferences yesth While war probably will be left sev- Peruvian government would find it
To the query of Lloyd George, when finance, J. H. Barry, '25A; purchasing, ceived by mil at the Union, Lane ntera was thatuintEngish, whichmetg kindred subjects, like difficult, If not Impossible, to partici-
h m t M .B ke , re d ng a r p to L. E . K iefer, 25A ;' tickets , fl. P . I al d a l fi i T e D i n in Pattongill auditorium of the high pdpiyffht ,diculswil be c n- p t , i fn th p osi le , o pa t
, a
Washington, as to "who is leading Watts '27A; publicity, F. B. Joslin, and at the offices of Tha Daily in school. Prof. Charles C. Fries, of property rights, doubtless will be con- pate in the plebiscite.
lbicoiio nAmrca"te x 25A; refreshments, 0. K. Griffith, the Press building. Remittances ( iaethuhpeaatoso h Among the steps the President is d
ecoretary stated that ie was unable '26A; music and entertainment, It, should I e directed to the Student 1the English department, rsid , list of subjects esumably vill be asked to take in the replacement of-
to answer. "We have been guilty of'Casi Ad flooran est, A. L. Friendship fund at any of these of- and spoke on "The Rules of Form delegated to a sub-committee. Chilean military and police authority t
tocan "bi que by gusts of Cassidy, '25A; floor and guests, A. L. fices, and checks may be made payable Grmmar, explaining befy the Another subject debated at today's in Tacna and Arica, preferably with
eciding public questions by gusts of Roe, '25A; costumes, . E. Burke to the Student Friendship fund. rise of the English language from j session was whether the list of sub- IAmerican troops or Marines. Should
In an apeal to the college men in a Oester, Back, '25A; r en fraternities have contributed a befoue the siteenth century. "The ' cts tobe studied should be long or this action be undesirable to thes
ne audience, Mr. Baker emphasized Te style of this year's decoration total of $217.05 to the fund. They ittle effect on the English language ot. Dr. K .. . Hammarskjold, American government, however, the
the need of leadership of authority wiT sbe oriental. All the students in are: Delta Upsilon, $35; Sigma Phi oftodey,"eclareEPgoiessor le .'president of the conference, and some way is left open for an establishmentI
ind conscience, and "a recognition of the architectural college submitted Epsilon, $8.55; Alpha Sigma Phi, $32; of the South American jurists, favored of a native constabulary in the two
a c thati hen th unitienh aspat oeeguar wor Alpha Rho Chi, $15; Delta Kappa Ep- "L nguages vary with usage. Comi- eintoduction of a large number ofsC
te ,fact that when the universities designs as part of their regular worksilon, $30; Zeta Beta a $18.50; Phi mon usage he defined as the form tin o a genmer provinces to supplant the Chilean
and colleges speak they speak for the Iand these designs were then judged ftGammoicnaseaigtDelta,ov$15;eThetatpDeltaslChi,i taken by the majority of he culture ceaving t o each government re- troops and police forces.
country. Give yourself to the task by a committee composed of faculty .m Dpeopleeltan$15;cTheta DsltasChittotaken by the nation.f hcl eta upiq
of making the permanent peace of the members. Announcement will be $15; Delta Phi, $23; Pi Upsilon, $25. p iof t IOnglish matters it prefers not to be treated tion of the rights of Peruvians not
Worl, cmbind wth ustie."madein he ailysom tim inthe The 16 sororities, with a total of ' Prof. L. I. Bredvold' of theEnlh
wod Hcombin ed Bit o stice L made in The Daily some time in the$Tho have aide a Mu Ph department, will be one of the I with. Representatives from England, now resident in the two territories to
Dean HenrM Bates of the Law future as to the winers of the com- $197, who $3.50;ae aided are Sorosis Phi speakers at the conference, which will France and Belgium advocated start- cast their ballots in the plebiscite.
shoo- introduced the speaker. Pre- Petition. E , . Ca-se continued at 2 o'clock this after- ing with a 'restricted list of subjects The award makes only those nationals
eding the address, the' appearance of Applications for tickets to the partyI$21.50;DammaiBa, $20; Kappa noon. The general subject will be to include only urgent problems of either Peru or Chile who are now
the World Fliers, April 9, in Hill will be avilable early next week. $20; "Some Conditions Essential to Suc- resident in the disputed territory or
udrteasieofteKappa Gamma, $10; Delta Zeta, $20,-* hoaentvs fta"erioyei
ditorium, under the auspices of the Alpha Epsilon Iota, $10; Pi Beta Phi, cessful English Teaching." Giles Gets Bho areatives of that territory eli-l
Oratorical association, was announced.M $6 Zeta Tan Alpha, $ 50; Theta Members of the faculty of the Uni- jGteBJgible for registration for the plebis-t
Phi Alpha, $7.50; Alpha Chi Omega, versity will take an important part Ten Me al Ik 'cite. The Peruvian government con-
r Davenport, I., April 2.-Elmer F. P$.;AmCmg the many conference- today. More Ten aaor tends that the Peruvians who residedi
$8; P , than 25 professors will speak, and Sin the territory for a period of fivei
°ayden, one of the four horsemen of nb 15.50; Phi Sigma Sigma, $10; SigmIaUKpProfessors Fries, Dunlap Stephenson, SportS, S f CS years, and were subsequently expelled
NteDmwlsev nteaa-Kaa,$.0and Pelican, will serve as chairmen. by the Chilean authorities, should be
ity of supervisor of the Davenport city The largest gift thus far has come' elcneill serve schairme by the ih toite su be
playgrounds during the coming sum- rd n-from the Board in Control of Student The convention of the school super- W. Bliss Giles, '25, has been award- granted the ight to vote in thec
per. Eight acts will be off Publications, which donated a lump ,tendents and school oard members ed the Conference medal for the best plebiscite.
nual Spotlight vaudeville tournament, sum of $200. Other aid has come of the Michigan State Teachers' asso- all-around record in scholarship and
which will be presented under the d-1I from: Martha Cook, $56; Adelia Cheev- ciation closed yesterday, but many of athletics. The medal is the annual t
a er house, $8; Alumnae house, $8; the the delegates remined in Ann Arbor award offered by the directors of the ,
O u e $'cberMar I rection of Mimes, at 8:15 o'clock to-'L tle n z
morrow night at the Mimes theatre' Junior Girls' play, $68; benefit dance for today's events. The closing sub- Conference, and the winner is selected nit For Daages
The perfoimance scheduled for to- at the Union, $50; from the editors ject of their conference was "The Cerence and tewiers sete ge-
night has been postponed. Tickets of the Frosh Bible, $35; church of ,place of the seventh and eighth grades hee by the four member of th -
are now on sale at 35 cents each. Christ Disciples, $14.87; Unitarirn in present day high school organiza- tet. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the George Little, present director of
The eight fraternities which havec hchurch,tion" the discussion of which was led th athletics at the University of Wiscon-
nte cogtaritiaresDelta Uilon,' $11.21; and.the psyral 'hurch, by Prof. C. 0. Davis of the school of Law School, Prof. William A. Frayer sin has filed suit In the Washtenaw
.nteim P Epsilon Cr i D lt i Upsi-, $31 E education. of the history department, Prof. Cla- county circuit court against the Ann
In Phi BetasTheta Pi, Delta Alpha Sunds$35e.81'The convention of Michigan School- ence T: Johnson of the surveying de- Arbor Taxicab and Transfer company,
r- I1 Epsilon, Tan Delta Phi, and Delta by campus booths, faculty membersimisteirs, which is the sixtieth annual partment, and Prof. A. O. Lee of the Olive McKay, and Arthur Vyse, ask-
igaP, The ats wi, any comcis atothatresy mombprs, meeting of the club, will close tomor- romance languages department, are ing $5,000 damages for injuries al-
''Sigma Phi. The acts will be judged; and collections at theatres, complete ro feno.Svrlcneecstefu ugs eed to have been sustained by his
'iiiand prizes awarded to the winners. i the list of donations. row afternoon. Several conferences i the four judges. lo aebensstieeb^i
says todayill see fair weather Charles Heinz, '26, heads the con-st of donations. wAl conclude their discussions, and Giles .tas been a member of the wife, Helen P. Little, in an automo-
wlyi: no yuch eltangei tempera- ChtefMes ich s thareco-f the annual meeting of the Michigan Varsity baseball squad for the past bile collison Nov. 14, 1924. Mrs.
wtung. the affair, and- is assisted by Carl fHOUSE ADVA CES Federation of Teachers' Clubs will be two years, and is a candidate for the Little has already filed suit against
Trempf, '2a6,arry Bued '27, a J ! hld at 1:30 o'clock in Pattingill aud- second base position again this year. the same defendants for $10,000,
Trempf, '26, Larry Buell, '27, and J. UNIVERSITY LL iorium of the high school. Impartial critics considered him the Mr. Little is suing to recover ex-
Allen Vickery, '27.F0 R3 0-best second baseman in the Confer- penses resulting from Mrs. Little's in-
An allMichigan dance will be held once last year. juries, which, it is said, kept her con-
Illinois Votes On' -- in Buffalo, Saturday, April 11, under C Giles in his scholastic work has ac- fined in a hospital from the time of
COMMUNICATION Lansing, April 2.-(By A. P.)-With- the auspices of the Alumni associa- cumulated 92 hours of credit and 223 the accident until Feb.s20.
Union Amendments out amendment, the House advanced tion. Proceeds will go toward the conor points in his three years in the The declaration in the suit alleges
the University of Michigan bill, calling UInion swimming pool fund. literary college. He was fotry-second negligence on the part of the defend-
Is the means by which we learn - d for $1,300,000 for land and a museum n the list of 952 seniors. .ants. The taxicab in which Mrs. Little
tn eat, walk, talk and w-rite, and Champaign, Ill., April 2.-Proposed fn ommtte $th wo .N at was riding collided with the car driv-
so it is also the road to the les- changes in the plan of Union organ-in comnmittee to restore its originalEt-IOR-INVITATIONS en by Miss McKay at Church street
son of selling and buying. The ization will o e voted upon toioroew figure of snore than $3,000,000. I CLASSES SUSPENDED and South University avenue.
Classified Columns are the print- la n ea tyte by which all The Bryant bill, proposing a fifth Seniors in the literary college
ed communication of your fellow- positions would be filled by men who state normal college in the northern who have not yet purchased 4I By action of the Deans at their Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard of the
men. Learn to buy and sell by have had experience in Union affairs. i part of the lower peninsula, survived their invitations and announce- meeting Wednesday, all Univer- highway engineering department has
advertising through such a me- Thephad en would e elected by another attack today, and was passed ments will be given their final sity classes will be suspended received notification fromj the Paris
<..ertisindenrtugh tsiscNonme Thepvoteewsastw7>-6.chance to do so today. A booth j from 11 to 12 o'clock today in headquarters of the Permanent Inter-

Devoting the entire day to sectional
neetings, members of the Michigan
.cademy of Science, Arts, and Letters
nished the second day of their thirt-
eth annual meeting here yesterday.
ine sections held sessions, which
ere presided over by men of the
niversity faculty. All the meetings
ere well attended both by members
f the society and by outsiders.
Addressing members of the anthro-
ology section, Prof. Harley H. Bart-
ett of the botany department spoke
pon "The Heredity of Head Form."
le has been gathering data relative
o the shapes and sizes of the heads
f various professors and their fami-
ies, and has come to the conclusion
hat there is no relation between head
orm, pigmentation or body form.
rom a study of the average char-
cteristics of each race he asserted
hat so called "racial types" may be
Professor Bartlett alsokstated that
fevery family would keep a record
f the shapes and sizes of heads, sci-
ntists would be able to devleop a
ormula for tracing ancestral lines.
While head forms are widely studied
it thepresent time, it Is only to de-
ermine mass division, he said.
Paper Presented
In a paper on the traditions, cus-
oms, and magic of the Australian na-
ive, E. F. Greenman, '23, said that
hese people are almost paleolithic,
nd that they are lower in intelli-
ence than the African bushman. One
f their peculiar customs is for a na-
ive who is suffering from headache
o steal his wife's metal bands and
lace them upon his head. When
he pain is gone he will throw them
way so tha't his wife will not wear
hem again and contract the headache
At the meetings of the botany sec-
ion yesterday afternoon 12 papers
were presented, the majority of which
ealt with types of fungi. Yesterday
norning the botany section and zo-
logy section held a joint meeting,
t which nine papers were delivered,
ealing with heredity and evolution.
The geology section was honored
with several papers by Frank B. Tay-
or of the United States geological
urvey at Fort Wayne, Indiana. In
one of these, he gave a preliminary
statement on the relation of reces-
sional moraines to Niagara Falls.
Dean E. IH. Kraus of the Summer
session and the mineralogy depart-
ment, and Prof. W. H. Hobbs also
presented papers.
Discusses History
At the meeting of the section of his-
tory and political science, Banjamin
W. Wheeler of the history department
discussed the political intrigues be-
tween the states of Navarre, Aragon,
Portugal, Leon, and Castile during the
period when the Christians were at-
tempting to drive the Moslem insur-
gents out of Spain. Nelson V. Russell
of the history department presented .
an argument, and evidence, which
would condemn the assertion that the
British practiced cruelty during the
colonial period, and also asserted that
Englishmen were not guilty of offer-,
ing "scalp money." He pointed to
many incidents of cruelty by the col-
onists and stated that Americans had
not always been so kind-hearted as
icy were painted to be.
Al paper was presented et the meet-
ing of the section of language and
literature by Henry D. Wild of the
English department upon "Scholar-
ahip and the National Drift in Ameri-
can Literature." He discussed the
trend of American literature since the
colonizing of the eastern coast,
through the period of westward ex-
pansion, and up to the present day.
He also outlined the problems and
obstacles attached to the study of lit-
-rature and the requisites for a stu-
dent of this subject.
Other Papers
Stating that language is fundament-
ally a muscular process, Prof. Clar-
ence Meader of the Latin department
remarked that study of all linguistics

may be referred to chemlical action.
Logical methods of language study
were dominant until the last quarter
of the nineteenth century, when they
were surplanted by a psychological
approach. "Psychological 'study of
linguistics came with the advance of
psychology which was parallel with
the growth of physiology," he said.
J. B. Moore of the English depart-

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