THUtRSDAY, APR'IIL 2', 1925 ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___THE MICHIGAN DAILY .r f i ' i , , , , : at Ferry field. As usual an. all-cams Mexico City, April 1.-The 66 mnen1 Tokio, April 1.-The fifteenth ses- I ~pus tennis tournament will be held and 10 women who fired onl Federal! sion of the imperial Diet closed yes- this spring. This tournament, which troops at Agri s Calientes will heI terday. having enacted the most im-t will be a straight elimination coni-i tried for rebellion. They thought thle portan~t bills since the establishment, test will begin imlmediately aft er troops were aboCut to sizz the Church of the conistitutionl. spring vacation. Clips will be award-I of San Marcos. HORSESHOES edl to thne singles and doubles will-!- Managua. Nicaragua, April L.-Presi-z ,.i .nd medals to the respective -GCail E. Densmore of the public! dent nSolorozano has formed a new, Al,devotees of the game of "barn- riunne-up. spearing department will leave April cabinet, following the resignation of yard golf" or horseshoes are advised' All men wvho have won a Varsity 4 to tour a number of the high schools his p~revious ministers. tosatpatiigfrte l-apsletter in tennis or who are on the in the northern peninsula, returning - singles and doubles tournament which }Varsity or freshman tennis squads15 to Ann Arbor April 17. 1IEAD THE 1HC1T!QAl DAILY 4 will start immediately after springwl o e loe ocopttu vacation. The tournament will be ae'mitn l te enspaest ~--~---.-___ straghteliinaion ontst. Theenter with equal chance of success. 'I. doubles and singles winners will be{, A ofi i l l s of t e V r i y a d; lu1 ( rsilbe g idven c mnedals. 1Anybody n er iwill wbe Ifresh m an squ ads w ill b e po ted on I MlIV. orrpr t h ntaua ofc tenrangmnrasibum.lentores illenS permitted to enter. Either call 2268 th}Ftrmra~blltn oad tWa-; acpeuniWensaArl .;Waterman gym before Wednesday,; aceiedunilWdnsdyApil8 Api .Call 2268 or report to the Intramur al Order Your office at the gym. onIInniI I~I TE NISI nunI~ Flint, April 1.--,Fire destroped the !nIIIll ! nllili Iilil Dhue to the early* arrival of good club house of the Flint Masonic; weather, future tennis chaimpion s canconr club last night, with a loss! ccunt 100 Cards and Plate $2.75 and Upni so seen -racticing; daily oil the courts of more than $25,000. nlIor 1 uV°1 We can also furnish printed or engraved announcements in1 1THIlS sTI 0 s~COLUMN Th MyerScaier oman Tl112 S. M ain St. Phone 1 404 M ust Sell I 1 1 - 1Jaeig~ ~ MAKE A HAB.IT OF ST( We are open now. Private'A ili7 lessons daily, both modernFfee\FOR AN A~1'TZN 3 andclssial Aultclss . WESPECIALI/.L - A every Monday and Friday.Fite 1-hour class lessons for $5.00. Free YOU IZVEI ,7rST1D. dlancing, 8:30 to 10 p. m. Enroll Now. TERRACE GARDIEN DANCING{W. STUDIO SyP 22 Wuerth Arcade Phone 241-R 440 ot tt ~ Subscribe for The Michigan Daily Feu .001* .Ao- .00* .Oao- 'Us"Kfa 7+1rasr ~r9~ tinm xr~. :w ; .-~ :,ae!'w nfr.e~acwI. i tDPPING AT THE INN LXRBECUE SANDWICH. SING THEM THE BEST IF - . w R 9 1 4 4 ! 44 ° t a 4 SA i 5 : . - ... . # h c . I' i 'a ,1 t i 4 y f i 1 t t S S e :a. ; : ; ,ail ° ' . ;:1 .... ':' 'Nr X-: ,, l /1 '2 :' :u : ; ~ ., ; ; , " ,' 114 (2F l J#. ' at VOnce Seven-room home, located on the West Side, just one-half block from bus service andl pavedI street. D~ownstairs there is an entrance hail, living room, dining room, kitch- en andl large pantry. Upstairs, four bedrooms and bath.11 Oak flQors, newly decorated, water' lift and single garage. At $7,500 this will warrant your! investigation. MR. JOSSELYN with . C. Louis Andrews REALTOR 512 + irst National Bank Bldg. Trel 3064 Evenings 2811-W1 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Two pair dress shoes, size 10. Full dress suit size 38. State Shoe- Repair, 301 So. State. FOR SALE--A4 n excellent six room i house convenient to the Campus for only $500 clown. Call 2438. FOIL SALE-Forced to sell Dodge, touring 1921. Excellent condition with license plates. Price $225. Phone 879. f 1 \ f , PERM _M V o 2.S O n e W a y Firgt National Bankb. Organized 1863- I-t SAVINGS DEPARTMENT TRUST DEPARTMENT' ' J E Oldest National Bunle in Michigan I - (1 LI( ' /~4~j~. Ar l fly. It & MEN, You Don't Have to Paky .4 to $10 for Good Shoes Douglas are as good as the -best. Zi eflIe N M ,. 'v 'I L Douglas Shoe; Prices are $5.00 to $8.00 Four IDoo4rsSouth s mAd StnAu Rout The em Tourist Sailings TEACE and S~l ToE, S. Venta= Bremen Mvuench' 36 U Tour Expel ii I !! I I- FOR SALE---A large home near theI To thei ca mpus. Large lot wisih shade trees Literati and shx-.0bcvy. Very de-fible for seeing fraternity or soreorit-r $30,000, terms. guides. Ann Arbor I er ' .F - ! .' clExchange bine a 1 Phecne 811--eeu-ug3290 creation Dining R FOB AE -ead of my creditors, Room,Li 'force znie to sell my beautiful 19201= ieSpce Ford touring.. Starter, new bands, Tle Sen new license, good tires. Has had re n chauffeurs care. Phone Bankrupt ' Also -2809-R. _______________frc FOR SALE-One set of Ludwig drums in A-1- condition for those Spring Parties. Price right. Phone 150. NOA FOR SAI1E-;A nine room louse close GERM, to the Campus. All second floor; fuxnitairc goes with the house. Phone; ----- WANirED a COLLEGE student for summer Read months; valuable teaching experi- out supervision, loyal, conscientious ence; must be able to work with- j and ambitious. Generous salary. Address Box 95, Michigan Daily. WANTED-Girl for light house work! one hour -4 day. Phone 1765-W. iidTrip $ 175' ntire modern, comfortable tClass for the following ;s has been reserved for :ERS, PROFESSORS rUDENTS. Europe From Europe ana June]13 Bremen Aug.15 June 25 Muenchen Aug. 28 sen June 30 Day p7 shrines of the great in Art, Lire and Music with sight- trips in care of academic .Your opportunity to com- bracing sea voyage with re- in and education. Room (Table Service), Smoking Ladies' Lounge, Swimming Pool Dancing, Deck Games,l with am-. ,c for exercise. 'vice and Cuisine on all Lloyd are maintained at a world-. zed standard. DSuperb one'.class Cabin v to BREMEN Direct $140 rbooklet "29 European Tours" 100 N. La Salle St.. Chicago. 11l. or any local S. S. Agent ,, [H? NlLOY Easter New Styles p2~)i : te ORDER EARLY FOR DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN- THE. WORLD Early orders make better service possible. Also they cost less for the message. .. ,:. , .'r-., -Hart Scha' n-' One-Third Off 1., See our displays for local delivery. Fl owe rs" Off It le p 1) I ( I t 11 ! the- Want Ads~ Flowerday t&cSow I Nickels Arcade Phone 66 AT 0;';" "Flowers by Wire" II I M 5i !? k f? dt $ 4 4 4' 4 S F 4 ? ' k AR ' 6 bs b *9* , 17 . ° "' ' L 4 y, e . e'. z: ' B! i' , F . 1 S f YPEWRITEI'S Splendid machines.~ Best makes for rent or for sale.3 HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Phon~e 342'.R.j EXPERIENCE 1) 'tnutor'. Chemistry, math. or physics. Call Furnasj 1649-R1. 417 T. Washington.I I WOULD like to get in touch with someone going towards Ne~w Jersey for spring vacation. Win. Dobr.l Address Y. 'M. C. A., William and 4th street.- The COF l fGO l' derived? from wear- ing hfA I('E N 1HIi OYIIThu!,NE'TE'isj A 1) 1BIAt)1) 11Ii 1S in t heo c\V Materials for SPRiING E is un rivalled. THE QUALIT'1Y S1O11 303 South Maiin St. LOST - Lost in Ladies Cloak Room at Uniol\. between 8 and 9 Saturday evening, March 28 small black anti gold enam- eled wrist watch on black ribbon with gold clsp. Suitable reward will be I given to anyone b~ringing watch to -Mannger of Union.j LOST-- Brown Collie pup last Thurs- dlay with hind legs injured. Rie- warf. 2093-R.j LOST-Kappa Kappa Gammna Key. InI Nickel's Arcade or along diagonal.l Name on back. Return to 1204 Hill. Reward. Lanc tothe Superb Orchestra-Nighty in the aBlue Room "118 SS ale Ou r decision toquims id c i tour bo~lding to the Kres.g -; or :; suddenly. It caught us. with the f ~s -st stock of new spring clothes ever bro o Ann Arbor. Some of them have even. trri' ® since this sale began. AWe must sell evervth n* cr1IOrlv f rgt no w at the very beginning of :On. i You won' t have to pay full pric- .))- rIater suit or topcoat this year if you' e > - dvantage of this sale.t r... i pr. M, -A -v _ . A. rt- ' i k .: ,. -'A ? '-A .r HE sprightly tempo of jean Goldkette's Book Cadillac MLA-QMorchestra gives a vivacious note to dinner or after- Stheatre parties in the Blue Room. Incomparable music plus Detroit's finest dance floor has made the Blue Room a popular rendezvous for discriminating dancers. Perfect cuisine and service add greatly to the enjoyment of dining in either the Blue Room, English Grill or Venetian Restaurant. a-set Dress Your Boy for Easter Now at HALF PRICE 1-3 OFF 1-4 OFF Suits, blouses, caps, hosiery ---everything boys wear--- are included in this great closing out sale. Men's Flats and Furnishings at HA!1 _F PRICE 1-4 OFF 'They're all here in the lat- est styles---bought for a great spring business. No need to pay full price now, Dinner Dance in Blue Room Every Night Except Sunday from 7 p. m. to Y a. m. Special Dinner de Luxe in Blue Room and English Cirill from 6 to 8:30 p. m. Price $2.00 f