;,THT7RSDAY. ArRTL 2. 1923 TH-F MICHIGAN fDAILY PAGE FFIVI ::_a. ~ t lw3c 5 11- - - -r11 " IV A lYa F l I ~ a . ' . Z A ----^- n tuttutnu un111111113/IIii131t .: t I .w-~ TO CLOSE BASKETBALL SEASONWITH SPREAD1 The ranual basketball spread will be held at 6 o'clock tonight at Barbour ~gymnnasium. It is expected that morej than 260 women wil attend, as the spread is open to all University wo- men, regardless of their activity in athletics. Special tables will be placed in the Parlors for. the winners of the house and class tournaments, the runners- ;p, and for the speakers, Dr. Margaret 3ell, Olive McKay, toastmistress, Mary 13teward, '25, vice-president of the W. A. A. Adelaide Sherer, '25,, baseball ianager and Lucille Walsh, '27 track ,mnagder. The guests of honor will .A e the members of the physical edu-i ' '-tion faculty, Dean Hamilton, Miss },:Grace Richards, Mrs. Amy H-obart,1 "MVrs.ILouins Brevold and Mrs. Allen Whitney. Tfhe Monday rifle class wil meet -from 3 to 5 o'clock hereafter. Discuss Of Problems Student Life WILL INCLUDE RIDING Chpancesr Woe IN ~THIFIII PAI~IAMn Retail Selling, A student group mneeting of the 11t n IILL 11IU I IIUUIIEIII Deans conference to be held tomorrow at the Union wil meet at 4 o'clock Advanced riding classes wil begin Speaking on the'subject "Retail Sell- in the Mar tha Cookbulig Rep- next week under- the direction of igOpruiis"Ms olE hm resentatives from the various dorm at.InHlesnhvlasswl baugh, professor in the department of itores nd repesetatve fom he Vocational Education, dlelivered the Women's League, delegates from oth- meet -t 4 o'clock on Monday and Wed- last of the Vocational1 Guidance lec- er colleges, normal schools, and high! nesday and women who sign up for ;tares yesterday afternoon at Martha schools wiliattend this meeting to riding are urged to attend Captain Cook. ask questions and discuss problems' Holmes' lecture at 4 o'clock Monday l"Trhere is plenty of opportunity for relating to student life. Womeii stu- at Barbour gymnasium. Credit ini college women both in the retail store dents on the campus interesited in; physical training wil be given only and in the pub~lic schools," said Mrs. talking over problems and listening to to second semester sophomores. Be-{ Shambaugh. "The majority of buyers the discussions are invitedl to attend ginning classes in riding will be helda in department stores are women and the meeting. on Tuesday and Thursday at 3 o'clock' this is roughly speaking, one of the ________________1 and later in the course morning class- best paid jobs that a woman can get. tThe followving girls will please re- es wil be added to the schedule for' Salaries run all the xvay from $3,000 port at 4 o'clock today at Barbour those who cannot attend in the after-{ to $15,000. There is also opportunity gymnasium, to Norma Bicknell; noon. Women are urged to sign up in in the field of advertising, and the Dorothy' Waldo, Mary Van B~uren, the gymnasium Monday. artistic work is well paid. l Dorothy Ogbor n, Margaret Wilkins, 1 Mrs. Shambaugh stressed school Mary Lou Miller', Edythe Rhinevault, There will be a special rehearsal of xvwork: as a newer and different phase of Charlotte O'Brien, Dorothy Krause. the mcmbers of the University' Girl's;j retail work. "This includes work with Willa Belle Harper andl Marguerite Glee Club wvho are going to Detroit,! sales people," she stated. "Very often ,Ainsworth. If it is imp~ossible to come todlay at 5 o'clock at the School of the sales stores in a small town co- n-A 99ft-T n oon Music, operate with the superintendent of Cali G:1 tU-d UL livvu. schools and the worker conducts clas- is to get acquinitedl and to makepln ses in the various stores and also a class for the coming year. Miss Mary Ross of senior high school students. The and Miss Ruth Deemer, both of the school workers office is usually at tre Y. XW. C. A., wiil lead the discussion. ,Board of Commerce and most of her work is dlowni-town. Also, the hoursfln r y Society ar ____ Qrr'Adds New Patrons! Miss Zelma Clark, social director of N T I~PCES2 Martha Cook' building, Prof. Donald Haines. and Mrs. Haines and Prof. John L. Brumm and Mrs. Erumm have __________ accepted invitations to become patrons and patronesses of Theta Sigma, hon- Junior xvomen who took part in the orary journalistic society for women. play and wvho diidlrnot report to Eliza- Pl ans for their reception into thei 'beth Blackwvood last wieek: should do organization will be made at the first s0 between 4 andl 6 o'clock today( meeting of the society which will be in the corridor of Barbour gymn as- held after vacation Thursday, April iron.123, 4t the Alpha Xi Delta house. The University Girls' Mandolin club w xill meet at 5 o'clock Friday in New- berry hall. fMemb~ers of the worldl fellowship i rcommittee of the Y. WV. C. A. xwill meet rat 5i o'clock today at Newvberry hall. f A chop suey (dinner will be the _ feature of the meeting of the leader- ship commission oIf the Y. W. C. A. whichrxill be held at 5:30 o'clock today at the Betsy Barbour playroonf. According to Marion Welles, '28. -chairman, the purposle of the meeting "KEE SMLING I HE very smartest JLust as long as we do your for Easter wear cleaning and pressing you ensemble suit of silk. will have a smile on your charming model has a face. bengaline coat and a dry Quick Service Good Work blue satin crepe beaus I trimmed with black and thread embroidery. $55. GOODYLA:" 328 South Main St. i1z24 SOUTtH MATIN Phone 644 ________________________________I ____________________________________ - _ COPPER, SILVER, r NICKEL PLA'I iNG ' done in our shop Razors Ground and - Honed. '~Safety Razor . - Blades Sharpened sr 216 E. Washington STelephone 2964-M I - 11111 -l~illl1111111il1 . w r .. :. .. H ;: --I - Hav~e'your noon T H]E lunch at [ GREY SHOP "THE GREY SH-OP" 600 E. LIBERTY Specials Every Noon I Spring Salads =m Y111Y r = Makesyour harelesthrough . our expanert tifshampoo ehods Y Bentey'sBeaty Sopp j106 East Liberty St. Over Hutzel's r Phone 2568-M for Appointment w =1 ~'Read the Want Ado II mil airlrn n trn n New Brunswick Releases 2807 Does My Sweetie Do-and _ How - I Can't Realize Sung by Marion Harris 2833 Lady of the Nile I Can't Realize Played by Isham Jones and r His Orchestra r 2834 Please Be Good to My Old r Girl Played by Carl Fenton 2835 Oh ! Katharina Titina Played by Carl Fenton's r Orchestra = STOFFLET PHONO SHOPS dr 616 E. Libel ty 110 E. Washington 'The Sign of 7fusical ?Prestige } PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS o ouu . . r r .r 0 r w _ r r wr r s r w r w r f r w M w r r r w r r _ M M r Y Y. M MIS r _r i r. 1 t v thing is .the This black ress of Itif ully Isilver . Als - NP ALm u I i f ,I ;i . : ., i MAI FESTIVA Hill Auditoriumn-Ann Arbor May 20ftm - 21 m.z2 23 Six Concerts FRANCES PRALTL (N~efropolliaiiOpera - - Four Days I Easter 'Cards Easter Greetings are now on display.' Make an early se- lection while linen are corn- plete. APPLIED ART 2 Nickels Arcade .1 1 IT HERE is a difference 'txixt the two-food is xhat you~ eat-nourishment is what you get j out of it. Care and conscienceI * mixed with the finest flour expertly pr epared and ovened at the proper~ temperature gives Our Bread food values that should companion ev-1 ery meal.1 We Deliver. Phone 3310-Jj Presents "Outward XBou1 d by Sutton Vine Final Performance Tomorrow Night Whitney Theatre Seats Whitney Theatre, Today Hill Auditorium, Friday $2.00 - $1.50 - $1.00 . ! r j I! I i , .:A.. , G i i i { i I ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i I 1 AUGUSTA LE N SKA .......... (Chicago Civic Opera Comnpany) EMILY STOKES H AGAR....... (Noted Bach Singer) KATHRYN EISLE .......... (Chicago Civic Opera Company) LORETTADE NAIN............ (Mi1chigan D)ebut of Splendid Americani Artist) MARIOCHA LEE.............. (Metropolitan Opera Company) H-YS MORGAN ........ (Noted Bach Singer) LAWRENCE TI BET'T ......... (Sensation of the Metropolitan Opera Company) VICENTE LLESTER d.......... (Met ropolitan Opera Company) CHARLES TITTMAN .......... (Noted Bach Singer) (Metropolitani Opera C ompanty) OSSIP GA RILOWITSCH ..... (One of the World's Best) (Another of the World's Best) UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION jN- Earl V. Moore, ConductorI BARITONE ....BASS . , . TENOR .'.BARITONE LEZZJ-SOPRANO .....SOPRANO ...CONTRALTO .CONTRALTO .......TENOR " " " 2 ........ BASS ......PIA'tNI'T .....VIOLINIST ..: 300 VOICES You Too Those who have tried our special service are thoroughly convinced that we have not over estimated the need for a laundry such as ours. After once trying our laundry, you will be listed among our many boosters. Phone 1028, K VI?"R I AINTF'RV CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCIK-'ESTRA PLAYER Frederck Stck, Coducto CHL NSFrecStIVALCondcHORU Joseph E. Maddy, Conductor CHORAL WORKS 500 VOICES Ponchielli's Opera, "La Gioconda":; Bach's B-minor mass ; Rachmaninoff's "The R flqc" 5