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April 02, 1925 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-04-02

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- of the Eocene crocodilian Alognathus: 'lc
A. wartheni," bok. C B M y E. C. Cae; -Th "Keep
O ENSM EET II ER E factor in sol classificato,"by .
by . . Vath;"A preliminary report r60
( Continued From Page One.) and Pewlew islands," by W. F. Hunt; fr~
chiondrisomes in the male germ cells "The petrography of some Sierra La eic
of '11Iostoma flumineum," by A. M. Sal dikes," by L. M. Gould; "The Pig- incide
%'Cickering; "A suggestion concerning mets of amethyst enl smoky quartz" un
wthe mode of inheritance of mental by E. T. IHolden; "Therfiiro-opical Trpe
ability," by H. R. Hunt; Birth'rates properis of 1-elandite,"< by '. B.' 2 o'CIC
in' the fsries of the Michigan Agri- Sawson; "Notes on a fulgurite from ec
t ~cltutre college,' by C. V. Green and South Aniboy Nw Jersey.' by W. M. folovs
11. R. Hunt. Myers and A. B. Peck; "Two" new i ver,P
1 ~The afternoon sessions of ths se- crinoids from the Devonian of Mcil- collect
R" VN Lion will neet''in roonx 207, Natural (gan" by R .e. -Iussey;-"New branchio-! froms
I IScience building. The following specis from the Richmond of Michi- 'Kn! u
papers will be pesented: "The fungus an" by R. C. flussey "New hUr chi- histoy~
flora of Mt. Hood, with some new pods from the Missippian of Wayne Michig
t, species," by C. H. Kauffman; "Cultural I county, Kentucky" by G. M. Ehlers metarn:
life-histories of certain species of Eu- nand M. S. Chang; "A laccolith in the bon-fis]
014 typella, Diatrypella, andl Cryptovales," air," by L. M. Gould. urn,'b
twft"byby E /L.meE.; W ehm eyerh stoy; T"Thetio lfhfe-historyltic l iThduo sectionrum olofs historyrg sc enndwllpolitical' lo kiinro m Jtar i
' B. Sartoris; "On the distribution of 1009, Angell hall. The following pa- 1C. W. C
W ~the water molds with notes on the c- pes willbe presented: "The Hspanc aclia
400O"Vcurance in Michigan of members of the states and Papal diplomacy before. the U nion
ovk- Leptomitaceac and Blastocladiaceae," year 1213," by B. W. Wheeler; "Te tributa
X YM % by Bessie B. Kanouse; "Thle reactions spirit and development of British ad- pylog
ft 4 of the bean rust grown on leaves in ministration in, Michgan" by N. V. the r
:'solutions," by C. W. Walters; "Rhizo- Russell; "The first St. Lawrence deep- aac
etoai incutur,"by J. E. Kotila; ening scheme," by George W. Brown. et
"Nutritive value of the Mung bean," The section of language and litera- Byers;
by H. H. M. Bowman; "Rate of res- tre will mneet'at 9 o'clok inw room lot in
piration in successive leaves of corn~ 2225, Angell hal. The papers Will bebyC
;~,4 and sorghum," by J. M. Hover; "Grow- as follows: "Scholarship and the nat-I
th curves in fruit of cucumber, tomato, ural drift in American literature," by1
summer squash and musk mellon," H. D. Wild; "The philosopher Theo- Iss,
by F. A. Gustafson; "The action of dor Storm: On death,"by J.:W: Schol; -b
nutrient' ions on certain enzymes in "Muscular movement i' the 'interpre-
the sugar beet," by Dr. Cr. Doby; "Fur- tation of speech phenomena," by J.
t" Iher studies on the yield of corn as A. Muyskens; "Fugitive traces of self- Failu
influenced by the" date of planting," portraiture in Wordsworth's 'Excux-vest
h by R. P. Hibbard; "Studies of seed ion," by Paul Mueschke; "The in-
visibility through the aid of electrical fluence of Spain on the French Con- ping c
conductivity measurements," by R. P.1 ters' of the 16th century," by G. L. : catalog
0 ~Hibbard and G. L. Fick. .Michaud. The afternoon session will; i
The economics section will meet at start at 2 o'clock, and the following'with the
10 o'clock this' morning in the econ- papers, will be preseted : "Slangin vie
X'Wh omics lbuildinig. The following papers English words,": by R W. Cowden; reys,
will be delivered : "Proportins of "The role of Sjomon in "The Song of college,
distinguished men furnished by rural Son gs'" by LeRoy Wterman; t"Ln the stu
" ~and urban districts," by _Roy H. , guistics and 'biology" tby Clarence 'oee
H-olmes; "Forcasting the tprice of Meader; "Cieveeeur' anhL' Thorea" pdo were
wheat" by C. C. Bosland. At te by J. B. Moore. 'u rpi
meeting which starts at 2 o'clock, the The section- of rrjtthematis will cite
WAS ~following papers will be presented : meet at 9 o'clock' i room 6, Angellit
fta "The underconsumption doctrine," by ! hall. The papers ate As follows : "Sme
L. E. Devol;- "The present status theo-! new projective,,44 2rental covarants ' ot
ry of rent," by H. K. Selby; and "The of a congruence," by H. L. Olson; "On( the Un
relation of the soil survey to land' the origin of our number forms" by Council
classification," by L. B. Schoenmann. T. W. Foule; "The asteroids," by Louisthag
U4,4"',Thre. section of geology and minera- Hopkins; "A college course in :geo-.
logy will meet at 9 o'clock and at 2 mientry for prospective high 'schooli
O'clock in room G321, Natural Science teachers," by_ G. .S. Speaker; "On a payf
building. The following papers will central-difference summation foiiu-
xw be delivered: "The geology of south- la," by Wilmer Jenkins.
ern Mexico," by W. A. Ver Wiebe; j The section of sanitary and medical
x~r"The influence of joints in the forma- science will meet at 9:30 o'clock in
s tion of the islands ini the western end i1he old Medical building. The- follow- j
-0of. Lake Erie," by C. W. Cook;'"Tihe Iing papers- will be pesentd: "Sur- 2
-~~ crystal structure of the pyrite group,"face tension- and pellicle formation,
by L. S Ramsdell; "The evolution- of, by M. . Marshall; "Flesh fly larvae
the Jolly Balance," by E. H.lKrus;j as an indicator of- hypophyseal ef-
"Factors that determine the direction fet," by T. L. PattersoI "Studs
of ice movement"'by Frank Lever ett; in the composition. of uian fat," by
"Preliminary "statement on the rela - H. C. Eckstein; "Blood uric'acid'" by
tion of recessional morainles to Niag-I A. A. Christman; "Tre rImuniation
ara Falls," by F. B. Taylor; "The ef- f Guinea pigs against Bruella neli-
fects of high temperature and. time inf tensis infection," yI. ':Huddlesn';
the production of artificial minerals," "Antigenic value of various tissue ex
by A. B. Peck; "On a specimen of Sty- tracts in the Kahn test; by-~l: G.
lenus necracensis, preserving the I Dunham and,Pal,. Kndrkck. " The
' ~skull,"' by E. C. Case; "On a new species afternoon sessin' 'x~ill-begin-at 115 :

"" Acid Decay,r-
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k, ande thIe papers are as follows:~ rin llIfI
tiug quality of standard Kahn1 ;lhlI I1 II I
nstored at different temnpera- LEU !UI IU
by PeaRrl L. Kendrick and Dora:PH n
"Muttionof Bacteria," lby I.!G~ EE~ OA
IiMSule ; " satsialstd
HSol;"sttsiastdj00 ca es of venere, l disea se," by Wfith a varied1 and appropriate pro-
Deac,"n ; ''Somleint eresting mal1- grr'm1 )landedl, 1,1h0fi rst PSi nllal s t_,t('
tions,'" by Ja mes IE. Davis; "An con fex ('n(o of Ithe . ih chool student' l
1,ologi( al st udy of the routine oi(i~'\'lh)lthi onngs-
mee of scarlet f eer in lugia~mr
vin 1 9241-25,"' by I. M.' Lickley. 1 icl here today. lDelegate,, from at
zoological section will meet atf lemit 27 state high schools will regis-
)ck in room 7 35", Natural Sci-I ter from 2-1 o'clock this afternoon at
building. The paper-s are as tEE Uin nmdaI l te'Ih
s:"The Ihysidae of the Ali sable
Michig'an,'' by W. JT. Clench; '"Ar registration the opening session will
ion of amphibians and reptile:; be held at which Paul Kern, p~residen~t
southern Indiana and~ adja'enlt of lie Anal Arbor h~igh school student
cky,'" by F. N. Blanchard ; "Life- oun1cil, ani IlIf ed( B. Connable, '25,
Ynote: onl fish es from southern 1ic-s:dent of the :,tudent council, will
ian," ])y T. L. Ilankinson ;"'The ( dliv'er' addre sesS of w\el'om .
orphosi.s of tlha California rb At the lbusiness session 10fol ling
11, raebyp1terll, rex-salmonor- thfie aldresses of wYelcome, a teniporary
y C. L. Iluba :"'1711. smelt: its chairman will be selectedl and a con-
uction, dlistribution, and1 fife-his- jmte on teprry organizationl will
1thle Creat ILakes waters,"' byj be appointed. Prof. T. Uf. Reed, of the
Creaser; "Itemarks onl the Genuesi political scienice depar3itmen~t, anld L.
a.," by A. G1. Ruthvcn ; "Thle
efauna of Lake, Erie and ii __________________
rica," by Bryant NWalker; "A
,n ic id geographical ,3tudy of
yinidae," M. 1H. Hatch;,'"Oron-
counties, Michigan,'' by C: F.
"The im-mmal faunla of a. wood-'
Washteniw county, Michigmn,"-
M. D~avis, Jr.
)roppin Cjsc TOILET
re of students to observeIfni-
regulatins concerning dirop)- Pan Yan o
,ourses, as expressed in tho
;Li, have resulted in receiving
in courses where conformance3fr 5 4
lie required formula would have
d diflicj.lties, W. . H 1lpli-,
aLs~istant dean of the literary,
remarked yesterdlay. Neither, G o on O
Lents nor instructors are em-O dC r o es
d to accord the privilege of~
ng a course, and not to attend a
is not identical with dIropping,
treal, Canada, April 1.-Half of:L
ion silverware that the Student
iI invested $300 in a few inon-
Shas disappeared in the course ) 1 rj E. Wtilliamn
ewv months.,
for your Subscription today. __________________

L. Forsythe, principal of 'the Ann
Arbsor high school, will be the prin-
c'ipal .speakers at the banquet which
will h)efheld in the Union at 6 o'clock
The (delegates will attend a compli-
m~entar-y performfance of the high
school opera ''Mikado" at 8 o'clock
this evening; at the Masonic Temple.
Some one of you people have
ten answe1' or more to your ads.
Iwaiting up here at the office. I'm
sorry, but there are so many of
them around the place that you'll
have to conic up and call for
them. Told you Classifieds
breught results!
Uncle Amos
JAKES, 3 for '25cJ
.GHETTI 3 for 25C

jli a , .. l~qitu ',. 1". - 1 . &,li 'cuil en t'li
J~kny Cooey~ '26, rtist at w
jJndged W inner In 1 Mr. MlorleyN also gave honor~aable
m,_ aention to 'Shop Windows in th~e
Inl'tain-der Con t eSt Rain," by Marguerite Vestal, '26; "An-
gling: Other Angles," by Ann Ped-
Mar Elzabth ooey.'26 ha beengrift; andI "Bath-tub Literature," by
a Mry ~izbet Coley '2, hs benRuth Von Bach Scherer, '20.
awarded first prize in the Inlander- These essays, together with a few
essaay contest, which vi-as judged by I others, will appear' in the April issue
SChristopher Morley, New York essay- of the In lander, which will be sold on
1st and critic, it was annoutncedI by the the campus next week. The final is-
Inlander staff yesterday. Miss Cooleys' sue of the year, appearing in May, is
essay was entitled "The Dan geroo" to be a souvenir edition, devoted large-
(Pr'onounced like kangaroo). lyt poetry.
In commenting on the essay, Mr. I
Morley said, "In point of style it is Austin, Texas, April 1.-University
the least polished, but it has true of Texas oil lands yielded a total of
substance. It ends with a delicious $66,211 for thne month of February.

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C HALIAPIN, the Great Russian Singer, says: "A Maecous produc-
tion in every respect. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it. I was
thill ed at the wonderful. horsemanship. It is exciting, artistic, Splendidly
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call-eh--no limit."


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