WEI M;SVAY, APIFI-, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I THIS L THiNS' COLUMN AnSCOLUMN CfLOSES -CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M, Named Solicitor BUFFALO ALUMN) I PLN ANULSPRING DANCE Buffalo, N. Y., March 31.-Arrange- nsments are complete for the annual spring dance of the University ofj Michigan Alumni club of this city on Saturday,- April 11L Erlenbach's or- chestra wkill furnish music for the af- fair', which is to be helt] in HIertelt hall, charges being $2.50 a couple. Th''le(lance was originally plann wd inl honor of the G lee club o1 the U Un-vet ity which was to apipear here on ~Its spring', trip, but the e ngageent wvas cancelled. The dance will lie stagedI in spite o1 this. Comin dur'- ing the sniig recess; of the tUiver- sit y, it is expected tha .a large Minim- ber of undergraduiates will attendl. Pay for your Subscription, today. PACE SEVEN fOOD - PASTRY-- Home-made "5 ., .;w~n..ANSWPVEIXS TO BOX 'UMBERS. The following is a list of persons having answers to ads, which have not yet been called for. P~le~cse call for them as soon as p)ossible, as they will be discarded April 1st. "lMr.Walter C. Young Mrs. Boynton E. A. Thorton Im. Keublor Mrs. Merrick J. Kennedy W. K. Yamagata King Seeley Co. + 13. Honeywell ].. Schet E. F. Greenman Evelyn Gray F. W. Hightower 11.It. Kendall .' ! A. C. Gruschow Boxes 11. R., Grace Webb L1., and B. L. T7. a ~Aski for Uncle Amxos for any of the staffnmen to help you in your advertis- JUCHROOM 338 Maynard f ,.- ;a} , 2, I ' ,,'nij.1 Ing. Read This column, a 11( use it. iI CE21~ WAINTEI) F+or mnen and women. Yellow only:; corduroy collar with leat her strapn; ;Newest square luxc'.ets. Slickers sire first qduality; made to retAil at $10. Selling direct eliminate excess profits. Sen d one dollar with sire or chest measure.n Balance C. 0. 1). C. STR ' lIIrRINOTDepartment 4. 29,3 t s Ave. 1)et-rot MI( l i t I watlch I ., iiSpaice 1Daily Two topcoats and a slicker j were stolen from Sigma Chi fraternity house, South State street, last night, according to a report made at police head- quarters. Saturday. Items like the above are be- coming more frequent. We have the remedy. .Pick up the phone and call 311 LULNIWtiS With Louis C, Andrews Insurance PHONE .3084 WaztchI This Space Pially Alexander Greed (,above), the tr eas- ury department's 25-year-old "tax jwizard," has takien u the duties of solicitor of internal revenue, in suc- cession to Nelson Hartson, resigned., The Latest Fabrics Business Career r~i'd S what every ambitious senior is G1 thinking about at the presentI time. Life insurance is one of the best, one of the most desirable,. and one of the most satisfactory as a w i permanent calling. ia In assets and volume of business, ' life insurance is one of the three leading businesses of this country, p yet the field is comparatively under- A developed. Only 7 perw cent of the economic value of human life in the a United States is covered by insur- 1 RIVALS THE B3EAUTY I For Study '3 - ..,, r_. - _ OF THE SCARLET TANAGER For Correspondence Never Faing Never.Ailig Jewel-Smooth 25-Year Point $1 Gold Girdle at No Extra Charge - iE 1in " ' f t ! l R i * PA K4 f I INJ v , d I a r s C C t" ' b. " ° S~andwichies Chiickeni Cheaese W~e deliver TJ1'ry our iKewpcfe Yes, in every respect save size, the $5 Duofold Jr. or Lady Duofold is a $7 pen like the f<-m-ous Over- size Duofold, Gold Poc,-;et-clip or Gold Rling-end, include, as well as the strong Gold Girdle around the cap. No reason this fill to buy a cheap pen. For Duofold brings you the speed and character in writing that win with the world. And the writ- II -n«. ak tI IL MARh. lA IWASIH~NGi'ON CAND)Y Fresh every Friday. Tice's, 119, E. Liberty. Compacts, watches and picture frames of the frost exquisite jewelry select ions. Thiese are especially priced foy the spring season. A ItI N 0.1, 1) State Street Jeweler Our moderate prices make ;t possible for all to have FRESH H-OME; GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. P'hone 1630 EX PERIEINC ED Tutor. Chemistry, math. or physics. Call Furnas 10S9-11. 417 E. Washington. Rugs shampooed or dust cleaned. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. FOR SALE FOR SAL.-Tyro pair dre:,S Sthes, size 10. Full dress suit size 38 State Shoe Repair, 301 So. State. FOR SALE-An excellent six room house convenient to the Campus for only $500 down. Call 2438. P'OR SALE-Forced to sell Dodge1 touiing 1921. Excelleit condition with license plates. Price $225. Phone 879. LOSTl Lost in Ladies Cloak Room at Union. between 8 and 9 Saturday evening, March 28 small black andl gold enam- eled wrist watch on black ribbon with, gold clasp. Suitable reward will be given to anyone bringing watch to Alanager of Union. LOST-B3rown Collie pup last Thurs- day with hind legs injured. Re- ward. 2093-R. Oh Say, Have you Seen Tlhe iNew Addition to Ouar Melloi an A dded ttrat ioi at the Good Eats 6061 East William COLLEGE student for summer If you are tired of the same i'+'"'a . t i 1C aIll ~IU l Cl Ig LLCJ.U ing urge thatmakesv beth; vaespeciachinly'-ri-Its point- if no mnh;vlaltecigeer- old furniture-have it re- i 5 still to beworked, epcalusinessi guaranteed for 2' yea once; must be able to work with-. te u t tfmir out supervisios, loyal, conscientiousI modeled, and upholstered insurance for firms and corporations.stputotefr and ambitious. Generous salary.} with some of our new fa- 'AItoIkeorsIcolg and erningee Addes Bx 5,lticl~anDaly tcs °Astoremuneration : Rprsof I andllgead rit-gpee WANDds o 5 ihgnDiy s collegegrdae who hv entered THE PARXER PEE WNE-Girl1 for light house work I gauaeshve. Manufactutrcrsas far'e one___hour____a__day____Phone____1_______W_ business indicate that life insurance is 1 -az11 yn onTor A Iy. O ne5 W Factory nd Gene AIOS-P. 13. Harding; at the very top as a source of income. JANLSVILE, A1AIO14D8SI ~ j E. Ihuron St. lPhonie 3S1-11' 1A Now isth time for you tocosdr f1 Will satisfy your taste, and fit yu* o afe I 1i; you best. wat aragin d 5w.u-$7 WILD THlE TAILOR ato°fyuaeabtosadwl-js~co sc' 113 South Main St. . at * n.4I-ambioihunand will TP)WIESigto wr hard andar interested to way. pohn 66B E KI know about life insurance, address i FTypewriter Repairing B-AK N- (all makes) =i rg Agency Department Dele i Wostcktyewiers, - NEWI PIPE Stndrdand Portable adding ma THIS inies Woostok TTHri SPRING- =1 i Annu Arbor 'Typewriter Exchange - -J Savings Ban~k Building. _ I' 7F YPEWRITERS Spleadid machines. Try one of our fresh stock LlE I O o~NSURANSCHE OPAY Best makes for rent or for sale.- ISxIne easOiFbesn MSSACNwHiSngnETT Billion Seven HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE of pipes and really enjoy .1 it-oeyasinbsns. o nuin n ilinven: Phoi~e 342-R. ;*HnrdMlinDlasi oiise ,5,0 ie - ;_your smoking this year. H d e M inDolasinpoiie o ,20,0 BEAUTY SHOPPES I New shipment ofter cigarse.,:. and _ Don't cs BTor Three expert marcellers. Shingle - trim s, S o t w t r u e t a l tim es. - sm o k in g m ix tu re s m a k e s o u r I i l t l l l l l i l l l i g l i l l i l l l l l l l l ll t l l l l l l l i l l l l l l i l l t l l l l l l (1 li l " DIlIIATTIA BEAUTY SUOPPE -ln opee (Above Gushing's) ln opee Permanent Waving and Marc ailing . MACK AND CO. 1 3rd Floor Main St. 1 4 BLUE BIRD) HAIRI SHOP- BlueNICKEL'S_____DE-iue Fheront ~ W ithout ConcePntra I". IIRVING WARMOLTS,qsG GRALUATV ANDREGI.sTFD =:i Cirouodist Orthopedist Corner State and Packard 707 N. University Ave. Phone 2526 E... work welcome. mistreated--is gars' WE AR. rst pen counter SLearning in afterward. er Duofold Perncds to eral Offices INVLT S. a L ig h; 3 " e a l 1 .. Slender Lady Duo- fold or Duofold Jr. Ribbon $1 extra a~t'f (Outline------s (Olatie osz relativeoerlsi) of S7 Duofold) row-Subscribe Today. _.___ , , . _. .._. ,rtD $ IIIIHI1111111111111111111111 ; .,, .:. .:. . ,:.. .:. ... .;. ,.., .... - ,: .4 .,. .,:. u .:. . . r.. ... . ..:. . ; THE LATEST! "PROFESSOR"9 By STANLEY JOHNSON BUY IT AT * - I ~~hose who read the Daily learn more in half an hots i ' '.; . 7 :.trc nd I=concise manner as to inform the reader without any :Yle :la r 4~~l ' i 1=If you want an automobile, a house,a pair of sho es, a iy<-ewnrt°v' .P. i FlU%-PCpiy Iflowers, or a new suit, you will not have to go far to find the bec ttewx.,(>}iirsers solicit your business, and are as much a factor in the fact that you Mgw the Mu>. vY (k st ere jwho work on the staff. PATRONIZE THE CLASSIF;IED AD1'Vli~ISL S=Come to the Press building any time during the da y to ir