PAGE TWO TIF M L. rU4Tf.A A'.AN 1~I. "IL...Y !. ! iLs lYllt..i t1 .sHiti1 iJt-31L 1 TT-WM~r4TC~NT ~ATT WIDNESAYAPRI 1,1925 RAI PROGRA "uncle *13b" 'Wilson and W. It. ISpeak1; efare )lii 'of Major-General Hines Enj*oyS Rniding Upon Favorite Mount Khalcs! f SPONSOR. SAFETY PLAN' "lUncle Bobi"(ot the Westinghouse radio statIion K Y WV at Chicago, other- wise known ,as Walteor Wilson, and. William It. Kales, of the Whitehead4 anA K~ale, Structural Steel company of D)etroit, were the speakers at the regular meeting of the Tuesday lunch-+ eon club at .the Chamber of Commerce inn yestellay noon. Mir. Wilson, who appeared at the meeting through the courtesy o' the Majestic theater 1,11ioneint, is known to an aud ience01of o or(6,000,- (100 childi en t h reughas t ti: 'caunt ry. After ipresenig several vocal fluiii-! hshe explained his campaign foi' the foration Of VaOTIOus a"The Curl) is thae Limit' ' clubs sponisored lby Chamn- hers of Commerce and other organ- Jyzl]tions in the difficrent cominmnj - ties. The purpose 01 this cluib is in tb-a nature of a general safety-fnr-,ti mieasure, andl is sei: forth in the plldhe which the members sign: "1 do here- by promise the Chamber of (0111- merce that I will live up to the fol- lowing pledge. "I promise that I will alwaysr- member the 'Curb is the Limit' andi that I will not play in the streets, an, if at any time I cross a st reet, _t will first stop and count from 1 to 10; while doing that, 'I will look in bothi directions to see that there is noth-; ing coming that would crush out my life, then if the way is iclear, I will walk across, paot ruin." 'I is p~robable that the local chamn- her will, take some action in behalf of this project in the near future. Mr. Kales took for his subject the problem of city planning, esp~ecially in the light of his experience ats tho inepnber of the planning- commissionj in Detroit. lie outlined the growthI of that city, pointing out that adequateo foresight would have eliminated many of the difficulties of traffic congestion resulting from faulty arrangement of streets. lie also stressed the need for a city planning commission of some sort in every community of any size, stating that if a city is to bo ]Kept an attractive place to live in, its horizons must he watched. Cooley Explains L i g h t P h e n o m e n azl i . C 1 . A w e n r . [ Co'oley performied ;some experi (I)Iiet in physical optics yesterday before t h. weekly meeting of the physics col- loquiumn. The experiments performed :showed several phases of the pihenom-- ena o4, light, viewed fromn the physica i standpoint and Professor Meyer andt Dr. Cooley explained the theories in- volved, and the reactions i to b)0e<:- pected from the experiments. Rome, March 31.-.another install- meit of1 Italy's piapaer money', which is c-ni the program n fordestruction, was burned Sunday. The amount burnedI was 320,000,004 lire. Wednesday 100,-! 000,000 lirye was destroyed. SE~l~~S MET '101), offenders are the smaller colleges,r TfIIIIIT n and it is expectedI that the bigger PAN EST40LISHMENT yr AtiN ARROW t ltf)lEi)()O eastern colleges will form a confer- ence. TheilrWesten Con ern Cner-has UaNaIiiri imilar tostenWestern on e- NW iiiu~n YVIIL I helped its members to becomie cleaner _f than other schools in the country'.-' 'Major Grifiths has exer ted a nr eat in 11,-- il~i thle incentive provided by fluence in this direction."i Laureiwso 14~. Gould of the GJeology de- Professor (Garver thenr indicated partmieni. a new national monument- that there were times when the rulesj known as "Trhe 'Windows'' will be es- against professionalism were too strictly adhered to. Hie cited the case tablished next summer in southeast-3 of the great Indian athlete T'hrle, ern Utah. "The Windows" is the namejs who had b~roken records a.t .the Stock- given to a small locality, thirty miles cleave Ault Arbor, (liui0)cr holmn Olympics. It was later focund from the Colorado border,- which is of Commnere, 7 :30 a. in., I1;2. that lie had llvdbsbl ihacovered lby great sandstone' rock for-4 in., 4 1). ,im., o :t30 Jp. 1in. reek a sml egetam o h atei a tions which hiave been carved by ; as Sundays, leavet Ann coast. As a result Thorpe was forc:ed windl erosion into natural bridges, Aror7 :3) ). in.,IPhoe.10',forP. to return the prizes hie ha~d capturied, arches, andl stacks. .i 73)p i.i"ne4 o andl letters of apology were sent to the Mr. Goeuld visitedi the place last ilfidiIU competing nations. suntinir and found that some of the _________________________ Professor Carver pointed to Nurmi' formatioiis, although only of locals as a exmpleof n "ones, mst fame, exceeded in beauty and size geteal~ tlt.It has'bee -ondce o the most famous natural , e d h an d thought that the American athlete, Elrd;so America. Hei openedl a cor- e d t e W n c were lie in Numm's shoes, would se-a respondence with Senator Smoot ofa to it that lie got his profit out of it. ! Utah which hars resulted in plans by Professor Carver boosted him as one the National Park Survey to survey who would not b)e of that sort, the section this summier and~ set it INK CANFOR D'S SUNhOIgN IEN ~J FOUNTAINPE 51 adribeu for Th1e0MOOT-gan Daly E" j -- 1place will be easily accessible to Mexico City, March 31.-Thle Mex.-C touris ts as it is only eight miles from 'ilis;few ehioo ofMaj. Con]. shows im~ out for al canter at1 idinlgis l~his f3Xof . ;liclpot. Carver .eplore~sla "'Cots i !:';t ior athletes ist-eft1 more10tcl!, even though athletics getting eleanei ,'' declared Prof. a1. Carver, of t be mat hemiatics sdep "Wnt inl all int,' view yestcrday." worst o1 urofessioria lis hIIas,, 1 etimina i ed, lilt inst eadl there is greater (efort, to ad vert isto in orler attractlpossible material." Various methods, are now be( used, P: of' ssor Cair er plointed out. y n ican government wvill lavc a. surlus the main highway. ~ of75,00,00 nsosnex Augst ith Mr. Gould described the wonder's :,:"ysi. : . ;. which to. inaugurate a nation al bank otTeWndw"i1n lutae isue:s.sExelio, utingP' lecture at a meeting of the Geological n :' y.*. 4 t*' d~ (ent Calles. )and (ieographic,al .Iournal clubs last r p y ,r~, ( { 1 {" night in room G-437 N\atural ;Scienc 1.-ENiOR S IMEE/T rT'OI)A Y 1bulig ~ j TERE'SA REAON -T Jo .Hns he fsafo h wiThat our dining rooms are F'rtMes V. nhsfvoieii~talways crowded at meal times. 1= ~Good, well-cooked food, pleasant_ surroundings -and a hot orchestra -c s A d ertisingcan always attract a crowd, looking T SeueAhee for the best... THE tang c ited lthe isof interscholastic li IiWT.1eary1 TtI - L are {.',e -ol nis cots, ,a tletic nianual, xvhu 1 V A RS11A L d (,J1JDJ1E ('. are pubalished andl Placed in the Val-[ art.- ions high schools to act as propigt!6l -luiChurch1 The dha, and big enterpises, c oach- - n ing schools, the first o hc v>; 11i9198181U 1I11p81881?111&1111811 of1h[1l w811__________________________________________ aKandby Illinois, as attefliTs~ to au } -: i : t, .. . 'S t ,,f ., :s E s f z r , S 2 v 7 f X.;;fi". 3 Just as the hairbrush left it! now keep their hair smooth, lustrous, always in place i tract athlctic material. ".The Eas, is not as cleana "stHeI West, and is consequently suffering-' Professor Carver c:ontinlued. "The real After the Showv A new place to go- I the Lincoln H-otel Res- taurant. You'll like our E new restaurant, the de- licious salads and tasty i sandwiches that we serve. And on Sun- day night you'll like our special chicken and College Stud'efits demand the, Best ci /- { uY I i I J Today, as never before, college men have smooth, well-kept hair. Why?. A few years ago the, hair was a nuisance to almost everyone, for it was usually the least attractive part of the appearance - always unkempt and unsightly an hour after being combed. There was no way, then, to keep it from being so. Old-fashioned pomades only matted it and made it greasy. Water evaporated quickly and left it drier and more unruly than ever. Today everyone can-have smooth, neatly combed hair Now Stacomb -- a delicate, invis- ible cream for keeping the hair in place - has changed all that. It is responsible for the amazingly improved appearance of men's hair. And it has made possible for every woman, however "difficult" her hair, the new smooth effect so much in vogue. seldom find even one case of un- kempt hair. People who know that the hair can ruin the whole appearance-- people who are careful about the way they lookp have given Sta- comb an important place on their chiffonier or dressing table. No matter how dry and straggly, your hair may be - no matter how uncontrollable after .being. washed --- Stacom~b will keep it- always in place, smooth, lustrous, natural. A touch of it in the morning when you comb your hair - and all day .long, your hair will be just as you want it, 'for Stacomb will keep it smoothly in place until you go to bed at night. You can get Stacomb in conven- ient jars and tubes, at all drug and department stores. Non-staining and non-greasy. Use it tomorrow morning,- and look your best all day! Ikacs why mot"f them choose Kemingi n Port able Somebody wants to know if Finchley will show official Ku Klux Klan uniforms. ° - - - ------.-----.._.--.----__ -.._ We Make the Best iii townl Crippen's Drug Stores 217 South Hain 211i ortlli )lain 723 IN orthl11University "A Store in Every Shopping IThstrldt" special chicken and chop suey dinners. Try us at. any timne- 24-hours service. Lincoln Hotel and Restaurant East Huron Six paints off superiority: Durability and Keliability Compactness and Portability Four-Row' Standard Keyboard Ease of Operation Beautiful Work-Always Universal Service In clubs and trautivnziues, at te theatre or the game, today you canr dF K1EPlS THEHAIR N PLACE IutancardLab oratoriesInc., Dept. 3 4 y ~113 W.lBth st ;,New York City Y s'rA H lease stand me,-fie 'of charge,a 13- generous sample tube of Stacomib. a ,. Ofer" Addressi.i ....................... , I ,{ I Price, complete with case, 60. Easy payment terms if desired. Come in and see tile Remington Portable-the recognized leader-in sales and popularity. I i Re ad the Want Aids J . _- Qh'mdtbj (flub PRESENTS is , y s E It 3'o young men in search of opportunities .L. d TF VVARD - , r u T HE Insurance Company of North America has a number of openings in its organization that offer opportunities for in- teresting and remunerative careers. As the Oldest American Fire and Marine Insurance Company, the Insurance Company of North America has enjoyed 132 years of closest contact with American commercial and industrial activities and development.. Its organization and scope of influence are world-wide. AT TH HI' NE q3 Ammuk #a r a loiNiGailkT Tickets for this and Friday night performances 11 I Ivi li 11' 1111