TU1ESDAT. MARCH '1, 192.5 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE _A: A9THLETIC SPREAD IVoinen Celebrate End of Baskie,tal Season; Arouse Spirit for I Baseball FACULTY TO PLAY All Universitv wvomen are invited to attendI the basketball spread which will be held at 6 o'clock Thursday in the parlors of Barbour 'gymna siumn. Houses are requested to give up their regular dinner that night in ordler to, attend the spread in a body. Tickets must be purchased before tomorrow noon. They are on sale in Barbour gymnasium at 65 cents each and will not be sold elsewhere. At this spread the championship in hoth interclass and interhouse bas- I ketball will be awarded. Olive Me- Kay, '25, basketball manager for the W. A. A. will act as toastmistress. The principal speakers wlil be Dr. Margaret Bell, director of the physic- j al education department, Mary Stew-1 art, '25, vice-president of the WV. A. A.. and Adelaide Sherer, '25, W. A. A. baseball manager. A special feature of the evening will be the faculty-student basketball game. A team composed -of faculty women of the physical education de-I ment will play the first half of the game against the winning team of the 'interclass tournament; the sec- ond half they play against the losing -team of the tournament. Features Of Spring Modes . LOW ciclaP1 L.ONG SCARVES e ! G4DE f5 + Oft~ LtAT*R FULLt~ES gIN RQiT BASKETBALL TROPHY Sorority Ilds Cni'iuionslup In Trie Inlerlioise 'Basketball For Tw'io Years E~NDS TOURNAMENT Delta Gamma will hold the inter- house basketball trophy for another year as a result of the finals played off between their team and that of Alpha Omicron Pi, yesterday. The Seore was 20 to 8. in favor of Delta Gamma. The game was a hard fast one; Alpha Omicron Pi put up a good defense but were overcome by the ( decidledly superior teamwork of the IDelta Gammas. The victors were in the lead all through the game, gain- ing about three points to one made by their opponents. The line-ups were as follows: Delta G~amma Alpha Omicron 1 Crouse.......... F... Boorman (Mgr.) [A. Miller (Mgr.) .. F .... Peckham IDixon .......... C.......... Lawton Willson ......... SC.. J. Greenshields M. Miller ........ G............ Boer C amp bell ........G .. M. Greenshields Substitutions: Weiler for M. Green- shields, M. Greenshields for Boer, Lawton for Boorman, Boorman for sLawton. Gals: Crouse 7, Miller 2, Boorman GLon 1, Peckhiam 1. Free throws: Crouse 1,Miller L Boorman 1. m~ent of physical edlucation acted as ( referee. or tub( tailleur I Rifle Team Beats ecoming Washington State .. C . PI.Fresents men's league campaign are vr n - - couragig Personality Talk Th rn oa o the campaignI Miss Pearl Maclonald, '38, will be+ units who have gone over the top are: the third speaker in the series of pr-Newark and~ Wilmington, Del. .167% sonality talks whchae enggve Monroe, Mich ................. 167%9 Ahen by the Y. AV. C. A. undler the leader- Grand Rapids, Mich. .......... 11217 tea ship of Lilian Wetzel, '26. chairmanI Greenville, Mich........100%7o meetingr oftemeig1omte Girand Haven, Mich. ........... 104% 1 hold in Iassociation. "Aesthetics in Food" is i hlollanud, Mich .............. ... 158 / try-outsf to be the subject to be dliscussed at Saginaw, Mich. ....... .. . . . ... 103%01olebate. themeeingto e eldat :15o'coc Kansas City, Mo ............... 152%j will be gi th eti to be ieldat4:15uo'clokN. Y. .. ............ 100% a ers will o~y .~ori ~Philadelphia, Pa ............... 100%,1 Food will be discussed from the and deal standpoint of health, income, and at- I Labor qit tractive preparation and methods will! The Social Service club will meet at be suggested to carry out these points,; the Kappa Alpha Theta at,7:30 o'clock Memnber A model luncheon table will be setI tonight. Elcetion of officers will take of the Y for illustrative purposes and will bel place. o'clock to furnished by the courtesy of Mack! andl company. 'ALUMNAE CONTRIBUTE TO WOMEN'S LEAGUE FUND;J, Miss Daphne Dodds, '18, field secre- tary of the Women's League, who just returned from an extended trip ino tenrhetweeshe visited the4 . rep~orts that the results of the Wo- VOTILRS Dwhich will hold} its regular at 7 :15 o'clock tonight, will place of its regular program., for the annual Athena-Portia The try-out speeches which given by upperclassmen memi 1be three minutes in length lwith some phase of the Child questi on. ers of the finance committee Y. WV. C. A. will meet at 3 today at Newberry, hail. 3.98 11 T~tLLWPL MAELO(A TWO 0pitsE DV __SORTS EJECT , SKIRTS a i 1 1 I i G I i i Ily -1131E. iISIETHI. Portia Society Tlt ,CAi,St4 U S Ct rnUI 4 Ut fl 1()9t,. Pfrepares DJebate: sprin;g and summer fashion mnodes are shown above in silhouette as they are At the regular Portia Literary so- exemplified by the leading French ciety meeting at 7:15 o'clock tonight couturiers. At thme upper left is the in Angell hall each member of. the ln cr.Oehsol ogac society will be expected to give a ln cr.Oehsol ogac two-minute tryout speech on the af-, in the shop windows or at any numberj firmative side of the following ques- of well dressed women to see how tion: "Resolved that a national child ' prominent a place the scarf holds in lbraedetsolbeaotd toa'amdsItiusdaanit-These tryouts are preliminaries to a gral part of frock, ensemble or coat'f debate in the near future between the' or it may be entirely dletached anidl Athena and Portia literary societies usdt'ienee otatt h on the "Child Labor amendment." costume. _____________________________________ The low circular flounce is placed t. ______________________ next, the silhouette being slim and t DISCSS OCATONSstraight to below the knees where the. DISCSS VCATINS Icircular flounce gives the modish flare. The godet or inserted fullness (third) - "Retail Selling Opportunities" may be placed as low as the circular and "Tea Room Venturing" are flounce or it may be as high as the l the topics to be discussed at the waist. It may give an extremely be- tlast of the series of Vocational !ruffled outline or one that seemis as Guidance lectures which will be slim and straight as t he regulation. held at 4 :15 o'clock tomorrow.j tube silhouette while miladly is motion- by Mrs. Noel F. Shambaugh, of ! less, but allows fullness and freedom by Mrs. Neel F. Shambaugh, of 'I of motion when she walks. the department of Vocational ( The cape back is frequently featured Education, and the second by and the wide leather belts (at extrenre !Mrs. Hugh Cabot, owner of the right) are yonthful and charming with Cosy Corner Tea room. Mrs.j. S a b u h wl sp a at M rh'Cook building and M rs. Cabot at E ii Betsy Barbour house. j li lhe simple tailored clothc -rocks. At the lower left the fittedf :5 shown, a mode that is be Easter Cards Easter Greetings are now on. display. Make an eariy se- lection while linen are corn- plete. APPLIED ART 2 Nickels Arcade 4' 7 ncreasingly popular as the season ado- vances. Next to the tailleur the popu- lamr front fullness is placed. This Michigan has won the rifle match shot in competition with Washington jmode is popular in coats, dresses and'} State college by 7 points, according to suits alike. The melon sleeve is also Ithme return scores received yesterday. ~noticable feature of the new dresses,, The score was 475 to 468 with 500 as mhany of which have sleeves close a efc cr o h rn oiin .itn oteelbow andoeryfullfro By failing to send scores according clbo~ to wist.to their contract, the Oklahoma Agri- The jumper frocks or twro piece cultural and Mechanical college has sports effects and the pleated skir't fredit he!osto ac (loerrigt)are once rmore wellfrfMtd ic hganwomenisntea.h liked features of milady's sports wihteMcga wo n'tam clothes.___________________ ___ BASKE ''BALL SCHIEDULE I~i An assottment of new slickers in the popular green and yel- low shades are priced far be- low their actual. worth in the Month-End Sale. A wonder- ful opportunity at this unusual price. DOWN-STAIRS 124 S(I)LYPH AIN Today 4 :00-Seniors vs. sophomores. Juniors vs. freshmen. Thursday 4:00-Seniors vs. freshmen. Juniors vs. seniors. i i : {; 1 i We have an exquisite dis- play of fresh cut flowers and plants in our show room. Phone 115 Cousins & Hall I 611 E. University Let us take care of your floral wants. Read the Want Ads1 NewCoatFashion~s That flaunt the smnartI youth- ful front flare-the slender line's of 1925 at } Jus3 off State I I without eno ines 'llights- a crew .. 9, treA illad3