PA~~n rotrn THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1925 rrwwrr' -_- .. rr r ..r r. rrrw rrrr r s^^ r Yw .er i Pulyished every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled toethe use for republicatioa of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entcred at the postoffice at Ann .Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of pasta a granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. . Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, I 154.00., Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- tard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; bussl- ness, 960. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor...............John G. Garlinghouse News Editor...... Robert G~. Ramsay City Edtor........... ManningHouseworth Night Editors George W. Davis Harold A. Moore Thomnia 1'. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. Kene h It. Heller Norman R. Thal 1 dwin C. Mack Sports Editor.......William H. Stoneman Sunday Editor..........Robert S. Mansfield W,,omen's Editor..........Verena Moran telegraph Editor....William J.eWalthour Assistants Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer Louise Barley Helen Morrow Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohimacher Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith 11. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker Willard B. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay kobert T. DeVore Marie Reed Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson Paul A.. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbat~m Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal James W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson Joseph 0. Gartner anet Sinclair Leonard Hall David C. Vdkes Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner Thomas V.' Koykka Marion Walker M tariod KtirbikChandler Whipple -lizabeth Lieberman BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960, BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising...................E. L. Dunne Advertising................R. C. Winter Advertising ................... H. A. Marks Advertising-............-.....B. W. Parker Accounts........ .... M. Rockwell Circulation..-... . .... John Conlin Publication......... .....R. D. Martin Assistants P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast 1. M. .Alving H. L. Newmann Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss 11. F. Clark W. C. Pusch ] Consroe D.Ryan I .R eng tN.Rosenzweig J. R. Deuy M.. Sandberg George C. Johnson M. L. Schiff 0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld. K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1925 Night Editor-NORMAN R. THAL Karl Jarres, the Right bloc candidate be a non-conformist of purpose, and and representative of the Nationalist not a non-conformist out of affecta- and Conservative bourgeois parties, tion or vanity. Let him, for instance, m U S I C was leading Otto Braun, former So- advocate the immediate removal of AND cialist chancellor, by about two mil- every higher official and student com- lion votes on the latest reports. More mitteeman now connected with the D R A M A significant, however, than the mere Michigan Union, as a step toward fact that the Monarchist diehards suc- ending the abortive incompetence and ceeded in concentrating their vote disregard of the student's needs with MRS. MANSFIELD upon Dr. Jarres, is the remarkable which that institution is now run. Let Sunday evening marked the final showing made by the three Left wing him suggest that the production of performance of Lewis Beach's "The candidates: Braun, the Socialist, such plays as "Desire Under The Goose Hangs High" at the Bonstelle Marx, the Centralist, and Hellpach, Elms" by the play production classes, Playhouse, Detroit, after a continuous the Democrat, who together polled a might lead to a saner solution of the run of four weeks-an almost un- total of 20 per cent more votes than student sex problem than the showing heard-of record for a stock company, Dr. Jarres the Nationalist, Dr. Held of the furtively sexual, sniggeringly especially as the New York cast had the Bavarian people's candidate, and suggestive movies with which the Ar- presented the play for some two-weeks General Ludendorff, the Fascist cham- cade and Majestic theatres now weekly only a month before. The success of pion of the Extreme Right Secession- insult their audiences. Let him assert 'iss Bonstelle's production was so ists. Ernest Thaelman, the Commun- that the local prices for food and emphatic that, save for the repertory ist leader, was conceded slightly less lodging and clothing should be based! policy of the organization demanding than two million votes in the final as rarly as possible on what the a constant change of bill, a fifth week count. average student can afford to pay, could easily have been added. In the second election, which has and not on the highest price he will There is no question, of course, that already been planned for April 26, pay without actually leaving town. In this popularity was largely due to the only a relative majority will be re- a word, let him exhibit any amount of sympathetic personality of Mrs. Rich- quired to declare an election. Obvious- non-conformity which has a purpose ard Mansfield in the part of the. ly, any coalition of the forces of the and a goal in mind, and'he will find mother, who held the entire tenor of Left wing will be able to sweep the I himeslf surrounded by a sympathetic the performance to its high level field, thus insuring the continuance and encouraging group of people who! through her finished technique and of the Republic. admire his courage and are willing to deep sincerity.a help him further his "non-conformist"' Immediately following the produc-! ideal. It is true that the average stu- tion Sunday Mrs. Mansfield left for S CAMPUS OPINION dent has not a great deal of intellect- New York city, where she is shortly Anonymous communications will be tal independence, if he had he would to appear in a metropolitan play. disregar. h e names of conuni- not be the average, but it is not true coants wi, hoenta oberearded that he is actively hostile to all forms TE ORGIVN RECITAL of non-conformity. Indeed, the facts Palmer Christian will offer the fol- THINKING FOR ONESELF are quite to the contrary. lowing program Wednesday afternoon CONCERNING ESSENTIALS --Ion T. Ramsey, '27E. at 4:15 o'clock in Hill auditorium: To the Editor: Sonata 1........ .........Borowski In a letter published on Thursday THINKING FOR ONESELF Allegro ma non troppo of last week, Norman Johnson assert- To the Editor: Andante ed that the student body was hope- It is most gratifying to note that at Prelude ................. .Samazeuilh lessly conservative, and a worshipper least some students seem to have Fugue in E flat (St. Anne's).... Bach of conformity, punishing the individ- reached 'the age of reason.'-"'My In Springtime ...............Kinder ual who did not follow what it be- Wing Collar" is a fine example of good Waldweben (Seigfried) ....Wagner believed to the proper modes of dress sense; so is "The Gospel of Uniform- Feuerzauber (Die Walkuere).Wagner and thought with open laughter, and ity."-Wherever there is a strong ten- Prize Song (Die iMieistersinger). ridicule. To prove his case he refers dency to conform to certain unex-...........". .... ........ Wagner to the derision which he himself amined and hence blindly accepted, March (Tannhauser) ........Wagner aroused in wearing a wing collar on traditional standards, regardless as to * * * the campus. whether such standards. are good, bad TE ANN ARBOR PLAYMAK ERS Mr. Johnson errs, I believe, in fail-! or indifferent, the result must always The Ann Arbor Playmakers will Ing to distinguish between the differ- be lack of intellectual freedom. Con- present, Thursday, Friday, and Satur- ent varieities of non-confromity. formity usually means mental lazi- day evenings of this week at their Pointless non-conformity is ridiculous ness-it means unwillingness to think Workshop on Spring Street, a three- from its very nature. Non-conformity for oneself and to do what is much act play by Paul Osborn and Walter for the sake of non-conformity is, in easier, namely, let others think for us. Donnelly of the Rhetoric department, the individual, indicative of a diseas- I am of the opinion that, generally "The Clearing House." The cast will ed mind, or at least of an hysterical speaking, our education fails in what include Lawrence Conrad, Ray Alex- craving to be noticed, to occupy the is most essential-namely, to make' ander, Ruth Scherer, Paul Osborn, attention of the world, to get talked students think for themselves. All Mary O. Johnson, Albin Sepanski, about. To teach the individual not to modern reformers'of education dwell Waren E. Bower, C. W. Riddell, Neil irritate the majority by unnecessary upon this greatest of educational Staebler, and Frank Ortman. A few and pointless non-conformity should needs.tTo pour ready-made knowledge seats are still left for the perform- be one of the aims of education, and yInto the heads of our young people, ances, and are on sale at Wahr's Book-! he who has not learnt to impose some whether it be done by means of lec- store. restraint upon himself in order not to tures or by the recitation method, is * * * shock others is generally for the good not only pernicious but even danger- THE STUI)ENTS' RECITAL of society confined in some public in- ous-dangerous for the reason that The following program will be offer- sittution. On the other hand, those the student will never become intel- ed by advanced students of the. Uni- ,wo are ,non-conformis through a lectually emancipated but will forever versity School of Music Thursday eve- principle, or a purpose which they remain the plaything of the forces ning at 8 o'clock in the 'Recital hall: wish to see realized, are people of outside of him. Indeed the ordinary Two Mazurkas..... ........Chopin vision and proper independence, of process of education, instead of con- Waltz in E minor ...........Chopin great value to society, for from them I stituting mental development results Hortense Hayes the gerat ones of the world spring. most often in-mental atrophy. Who Knows ............Stickles In order not to be pointless, i. e., A weighty testimony in this connec- The Danza...............Chadwick to have a purpose, Mr. Johnson's tion from among the numerous writ- Lottie Hutzel deviation from the normal in the mat- ings on the subject) may be found in Why and Whims.........Schumann ter of dress should spring from one an address by Henry Fairfield Osborn, Dorthy Champe of two sources. The adornment of the L.L. D., Hon. D. Sc., Cambridge, de- I Sapphic Ode...............Brahms I. r rrrir rr r rrr r ur rr rrrirrr or ruwrriri risrĀ®r forurrrrrr r r ___.. rewrrururr rrr rr r rr r .. II Easter. Cards and. Narcissus bulbs I I' BOTH E N D S OF THE DIAGONAL WALK r 4 A -U .' ".."................................ t: MANN'S SES) Look at Your Hat-E Everyone Else Does We have the Latest Colors-Pearl,I Silver, Radium, London Lavender, etc., etc. Save a Dollar or More at Our Store We also do high class work in Cleaning and Reblocking hats of all i kinds. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Phone 1792 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) SLEEP ANY WHERE BUT, E AT AT REX'S! THE CLUB LUNCH 71 2 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Sfs. (" _______ 'Gleaners LFANERS --AND-- WE CALL PRESSERS E DO ALL FOR AND XKIND)SOF DELIVER e6G& PTIFTl -Phone 4 E. STEIN - PRoM IlET()IR - - -...........-.... - - . . ,._ - W Q i "Watch Ann Arbor Grow!" ELM STREET a II- NOT TOO HEAVY-NOT TOO.LIG14T YOU WILL FIND AT YOUR FIRST BITF-- , 'THAT OVII BREAD Is BAKED 4JST _RIOGHTT In Home Sweet Home or on the street - almost everywhere that folks meet and eat-they're talking about this baked brown treat. Bread is the food of today because' it is just right. We Deliver. Phone 3310-J I h (+{ i 1 11 [First time on market] We are pleased to offer for sale an eight-room house on Elm Street. t, FIRST FLOOR-Large entrance hall; living room (fireplace); dining room and kitchen. SECOND FLAOOR-Three large bedrooms; bath and linen closet. THIRD FLOOR-Two large bedrooms and storage room. house includes oak floors, oak finish, garage, complete laundry, .screens, and is beautifully decorated. Two blocks from new Angell grade school. Four blocks from University. Price, $14,000. Terms. Call MR. NEWTON with CHARLES L. BROOKS THE "OLD BOYS" SPEAK When an organization of Chicago' Conference Alumni went on record Saturday as opposed to the tendency to commercialize college athletics, more than one heart beat in sympathy. And more than one heart, torn by the de- mands of this go-getting stadium age, found spiritual refreshment in their calm denunciation of the present ten-j dencles in college athletics. For one thing, their statements in- dicated something which most stu- dents, in their relations with the "old boys" returning for the big game, are seldom liable to appreciate: namely, that alumni do not exist chiefly to come back and cheer the team to vic- toiy; that they are now men of sense, for the most part, and can see the fol- lies as well as the advantages of our' much over-stressed athletic activities. Their manifesto said in part: "We feel that there is a vicious tendency i' football. We refer to the impor- tance given to the amount of the 'gate.' There is no denying that this is to some extent responsible for ex- isting football schedules, and the fact that football supports other sports is no justification for it. This tendency is deplorable." Their words are interesting chief- ly in that they kick the teeth out of the football zealot's supreme argu- ment. The football zealot, when se- duced into discussion with one who can see some purposetin a university other than to have the largest and coldest and most wind-swept and most unalterably solid stadium in the world, is apt to say: "But it's a great thing for the university! Advertises it, you know! Makes the rich alumni kick through new museums and things! It SELLS the university to the alumni!" The action of this Chicago group shows rather conclusively that alumni don't want the university sold to them, if it means prostituting the athletes in return. Instead of being sold on their Almae Matres, they seem to see the very means by which the sale was to be effected as a malignant growth on the firm flesh of education, and one which should be removed by the nearest doctor. THE GERMAN ELECTION For the first time in the 1,000 years of its turbulent existence, the German nation Sunday voted for a president. Unfortunately, the thirty million or more men and women with their new- ly vested power of the ballot were un- exterior has its origin in the strong desire to be admired by others- primarily by the opposite sex--to be recognized by them as especially well- shaped, handsome, youthful, or rich and powerful. Does Mr. Johnson find that the wearing of wing collars en- hances his attraction for the opposite; sex? If he does he is running di-I rectly counter to all historical evi-, livered at Columbia university, Sep- tember 28, 1910, "I believe," writes' Osborn, "the greatest fault of the American student lies in the over- development of one of his greatest virtues, namely, his collectivism. His strong esprit de corps patterns and moulds him too far. The rewards are for the 'lock-step' type of man whoj conforms to the prevailing ideals of Serenade ...................Brahms Hazel Corbett (The following numbers are origi- nal compositions written by members of Mr. Andrew Haigh's Class in Coin- position.) Melody in C minor .....Philip LaRowe dence in this regard. None of those !his college. He must parade, he must who have become famous as being ir- cheer, to order. Individualism is at a resistible to the feminine sex have discount; it debars a man from the found it necessary to wear wing col- social rewards of college life." lars: Paris, Caesar, Marc Antony, After a brief reference to the lives Abelard, Stanislas Poniatowski, Beau of Darwin, Spencer, Kelvin and Hux- Brummel or the Due Du Barry never wore wing collars; even today Leo Ditrichstein, Lowell Sherman, Ramon Navarro and Rudolph Valentino sel- dom if ever wear wing collars in the morning. As a matter of fact I don't wear them myself. Perhaps, as the other alternative, Mr. Johnson appears among us as an innovator of a new and more beautiful style of dressing, in short, as a kind of saratorial messiah. But surely he does not believe that the universal wearing of wing collars would add to the beauties of the campus as one1 saunters to a nine o'clock? Think ofj the humiliation such a fad would bringj to those who are cursed with a promi- nent and unstable Adam's apple. Let us have innovations in style, but none such as this. Aside from these two possibilities, I can conceive of no sensible motive for Mr. Johnson's masquerade in the wing collar. Without any such justification in principle or purpose, his non-con- formity in dress becomes absurd to normal minds, and the laughing ridi- cule he received quite well deserved. His, case is similar to that of a campus professor, whom, to hide his identity completely, I will call Henley., Now Henley is a purposeless non-conform- ist in the matter of speech, just as Johnson is in the matter of dress. 365 1-4 days out of the year Henley gets up in his classes and mispro- I ley, the author continues: "Here you may discover the secret of greatness, which is, first, to be born great, un- fortunately a difficult and often im- possible task; and second, to possess the instinct of self-education. You will thid that everyone of these masters while more or less influenced by their tutors and governors was led by a, sort of internal, instinctive feeling that they must do certain things and learn certain things. They may fight the battle royal with parents, teach- ers, and professors,......but without exception from a very early age they do their own thinking and revolt against having it done for them, and they seek their own mode of learn- ing." I conclude by citing the advice to students by D'Arcy W. Thompson, as! found in "Day Dreams of a School- master": "In, your college lecture- room ,"advises Thompson, "listen with respectful attention to what is said; but abstain from taking notes. Half of what you hear were better forgot- ten, with much of the remainder you will probably disagree: what residue is worth remembering will be remem- bered for its singularity." A student who has not been trained in the art of thinking for himself- unless he is a born genius-will never become original. And as long as we lack originality, we cannot have a great literature or great art. Origi- Mr. LaRowe Romance ............ Pauline Kaiser Miss Roselle Rider, violinist Miss Kaiser Prelude in B minor .... Ralph IHigbie Humoresque...........Ralph Higbie Mr. Highie Love's New ness ......Winifred Milor Miss Helen Martin, soprano Miss Melor Gypsy Poem ...-.Marguerite Sha'ttuck Miss Gertrude Friedrich, violinist Miss Shattuck " Intermezzo, E minor ..Arthur Gnau ShC ot mared. * * * M "VE years as a stenographer-' THE DIVINE PAULINE i"and then she met the right A review, by Smith Cady. man. Happy?-Of course-who wouldn't be with a fine husband (Editor's Note: It is not the policy and a cozy home? of the Music and. Drama column to But sometimes her fingers itched publish reviews of moving pictures, to dart over the keys in the old but it so happens the local theatres way. She wondered if she had have been presenting a series of un- lost all her speed-if she could againearnherhving,shouldany- usually excellent films, excellent be- thing happen to Jim. cause; they feature the immortelles: Alla Nazimova, Pola Negri, and Pau- That's where Corona Four fits line Frederick.) into a happy family, particularly She reaches the tender age of whenthewifehasbeenabusiness forty, only to be rudely reminded of woman. Havingthessame stand. the fact that she has nothing better ard keyboard she has been used one whchatsehsntigbte to, it enables the ex-typist to re- on which to rest her head than her1 taithe skill she worked so hard office desk. And thereby hangs the to acquire. tale. The price of Corona Four is $60 Pauline Frederick, as the energetic cash. Easy terms arranged if and business-like Miss Vale who final- desired. Call or phone for a ly succumbs to Cupid and Malcolm demonstration. McGregor, gives a poignant perform- ance. She wages the losing battle; against youth, and rises to heights of i. D. MORRILL pathos when she finally realizes what j " ' 17 Niclk ,s Arcade the inevitable conclusion must be.A Youth is presented in the person of I Laura La Plante, who is as blonde and as vivacious as ever. Malcolm Mc-O Gregor, however, gives a rather pas- sive performance as the unwilling REALTOR 215 First National Bank Bldg. Phones 315-3552 Evenings 2446 |!! tilt 1iflllttltttliltftffttt llflfll ~ flitfl ttf l ifft t ltffflliflflt ~ t~ l FOR YOUNG MEN A MAOE B Y E DE RH E IM ER S TE IN COM P A NY --.... _ -- a -, K49 SPRING CLOTHES -* FRTECLE MA - w8 -r w Yo'l lieornwEgls ut aeeseilyfru -' - -. t" w r w8 wT by Eiderheimer Stein Co. They combine the highest quality_ and latest styles that will please the most discriminating. Come i and see them today. Hats, Caps and Furnishings '1 i f