TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1925r THE MICHIGAN DAILY FACE ''IRrI .a.u.Yrs ar ... EXPECT HOSPITAL COMPLETION SOON' university Of Chicago Plans ToErect Huge Gothic Chape, Effots JDirect ed to Iunrry Of~ Building For Use Sunattler touch with the students and notify ity houses stating the nature of the ( Bucharest, March 30"-.A1 uisr IIthem of everything that is going on.j meeting and the absol, , necessity of decree prohibits governmnt epi Perhaps there should 1be another w'~~attnig"mnsfoyreigarn n u Of notifying t hemt other than Tl plies which can be obt. ined ~Cr DZIa ilay." T e _______________________ UDavidl Paley,'2.-: -"I thinky the main I OTEAT HEQUIONTOICHT b 1rao for not obtaining a quorum at EIRNTC t~he Ineeting of Union members for' PL C e o -n;iderinf the proposed amec-alcnt There will a meeting of th e I I h alr f h no ogt senior literary class committee f, _____________ into close contact with the indivwidual at 4 O'ciocL today in room 306j 1 (13 ' qri Iio :1 o ~ t ~~ I oldain, '27. -of 'the of the Union. ion the amndnia H. *a ionz last qlt.o.u n i4 cdue to the failure to send '< 11Wednesday,? eardts around to each of the fratern-'V'' TTEUNO OIhT Where 1 ] wi wn .fro. j ,r a~swes: . (UI~ci ~ '2. "! ca p.y oet anf This EQUIPMENT LISTA FILED ) Wit~h the new Medical building cofi- pleted, bult one major project, the hos- pital, remains on the present blill program of the University. At the new hospital, efforts are be-l ing directed toward making the build- ;, g ready for use early in the sum- Mer. lPginning next week, the Pres-i cut s chedule of work calls' for the complletion of a floxor a week. Con- tracts have been let for painting the rooms andI corridiors by me~Ln;7 of spraying machines, the work being scheduled to start tomorrow. Tel!p spraying machines will be used on thy; job. By the time painting;bgins, con- struction work will hrave "been coin. pletedl on the three top floors, it is expected, and if the floor-a-week sche- dule is mnaintalned, the building will .be 'ready for the installation of equipment by May 31. Estimates on equipmuent for the hos- pital are now being made by the Buildings and Grounds department in accordance with drawilpgs completed b~y the building committee last week. The drawings call for individual. es- timnates on the cost of equipment in each room. The arrangement of furna- iture and equipment in the rooms is pictured on~ the drawings. As soon as estimiates: are accepted, construction ' will start in the University shops. Actual construction work on the new Medical building has been com- pleted. Special equipment lists have been filed with the building commit- tee showing the needs of the various N - , 3 . w r s , f t nC '3 } }vim K ' ° 3 n r .ii::' ;. r e* l t i n t h r e W r e I w e C . " -1 )': r l Lr 7 c < ' e fir ~to geit a enun ' I e 1, an 1 K.1 but why do it whn yk a cat m s up t 111is Iit 0 woI get the latest modis, the finest wero opposed((to flue au !an ty-H imported and domestic tethers e , , oulln edawayso tle' and the best workmanship in *3@" '7Cd y , ' lm fl( 'C ('all5OaSe i .«t7Dlu 1w Jhn Ward M1en's Shoes at l arnit o the odil jodyO iplyB to. at z^ > If~~1. Ross lowrs, 27.-"(The 111Lj-R EV } dSpty , y r ty of frti vrtnfqiit b irlMR. C. P. LATHROP at I . rtrnt oS s J~e bnIH ii r~.~d~ I;A. ... . n fatriyhk6 E l'1b tlt,._ CARIERS, 306 S. Sate ion, and so0j e i hotS 7llitrestCed :(In & NINY1..)N M EV1VTCA fXL[ gAriod, 3rd, 4th s they w1r.114l tc is thiey wvent hr A great Gothic chapel which will Sir 01l1e> Gibert Scott, of England, more often."'0 C IIE S 'T' BR. .iA dint iIfl ic t iCacg ed'fit ex3tof the great Liverpool _Abe I.Ooosv ~7--' o. cempus isto be crecte.l ithinti eat hedr al. cerely think thu t r tprlelf s do ot 1 ahe 'efc htm' oISSXO " Tile cl <:p(h~lel will be architecturally an interest in wthat is oning0on about Pretryh nest felt months, according to an iiO~one ~vSFrOF nnnemnmaercnlattea lot lui cat hedral with a nave 41 them or a gi'uerin would havenben Stores inaNehiYork, dress foNwrkMi Tnnun eme chiae ecil enatl ait ietv d.acac] ettasp~peet oe.i ntethe-ely i B. eny'on Dal 1Meteaif f'. It. letcafScrsinNworBool Nwr unvri'.the t.fault of owthe s elit sodyenasrof- of the greoat building pr'ogramuwhich I tideppo5Jil"it on the east a tran- i477-t 815..3b2of therers.9i udshouldNewYerk itk the university is uudertak=ing in 19251se~±al tower 20(0 fethg.twilb casofheUonhudkeepn____high.________________It________will______________be____ as part of its campaign for $17,500,000, i212 feet long- and will provide seats /,. - whic ibegcu(Itely uuu n 2,000 lpeople. Unlike practically I .' N \ * " throughout the country. all English cathedrals, it will be so - __ '~'. '" TChe chapel was provided for in thej constructed that each of the 2,000 can final ~ ~ ~ ~ b gift made to e nivrity byt'5 d both ;see andl hear the speaker. __________________ John D. Rockfle ni ssi is to cost at least 9,1,500,000. It wasNO S I designed by the late Bertram Coodue, Mexico City, March 30.-Mexico has SEii he great master of Gothic architecture,! rejected the invitation of the League PL y GTO-DAY~ and the plans have been approved by of Nations ,to the congress for the --(control of the arms traffic to be held departments, anal as rapidly as l)5i- in Gnevain My. i111I l~illilltldllll1111111#JlIII11lIllI 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i: b11e, thnie writys beng turned ot in . 5(Jt EN 6UPREMACY SIGNFCANT IN ITS MEANING thFnv riy so s iliiIIIIll lltllil11 ii lilin 1lliltf llltiilt!al!llliiililii llfll VOTE'Read the Want Ads V01;AlE 1'1F NIONTOl Git~i(IT. Thousands of People Sunday AStill- Talking Abcut It!d GJEORGE ~?~Greatest,_ o -I p 9 t 111 F7:Q _O-C Lk t - A I)MSSIO J3. - Ir" -LIGI ".v 111 ~ ndUnilYu av Seni iii i]psil o a ii a en otl o n pat o this story. OLY YOUG YORSELFI~ by seilug - / r+it can ,rasp the co('Cil is 55c~liaxes,."Be your tasi al cenhsoy hsi h re etadbd o . - .. : x 1M1 11a~~~~~~~~~~lot it nm y '' the cointless n les w ill am ae ye, forin al U r r h s o y t s t e g e t st nd b s yuPR D C D A T i S G E IN CO T 0 ; . $ 2,000,0 00. MUfSICALLY W Xe are using twe'fn ty muscianls to properly present iTe N. Y. snore, the equal of which has never been brd lin any Ann Abor theatre. OPULAR. P1RCES ' \T INFE - lL ,SEATS....................be iILJK.N.. da k LSEATS'....................S50t C(>' I JlIDPEN.......................25c ii f" L(10 V~i......................Su Ii~uuE~ eregret Jun inr to turn aay those who came late. r{ r IIIIIt Egot:<1-ovr yon will bud'm choice seats from now on if 4-- e ..