PAGS TWO FOR-EIGN STUDENTS Cabinet "baby" Native Of Italy i nt i Sf I X Ilfl m I i n tl i WILL MEET APRIL 8 :...::: Jncii.t ial l)'dI t Ceducat ional inzst~i tuctions', and 01 h 2 phbases of Aiori THE MICHIGCAN DAILY TlUi',SDAY, Mit 3, l1)25 ..-A.. JO OFFER SOMMEB !One Hundred And Fifty Daes MEDICL C~RSESPer Year Is Aim Of New 7lit '25A, who is chaiirmanll of the pbiiyh mgtgtaske(tch from A. G.' Commi7ittee . The poster, he sa d c ki,0 h P~t~~'Iclee should emaphasize thefcttha i te tio i lose April 22. rThe p~arty is a costumetaffalir., ;ie' also wilnr wv' li rC=-'ea ticket -to tihe s t t a in c s a n o n,6h ave an id eaC of h is o w n bf r i te po st erv, In Bacteriologry anid )cruiatolc g' COURSES VARIED ll1c.,liC(Iiin tiele Medical school (cUr- riculuml in the '8uflllr session will t[ewII2IMy i<'.1e (1 y estuahl ish;d oil the C,111)~111% (1ficevlS 0oftlljs society When interviewedl refused to dis~close tile name, but tile purpose s, <,s expressed by them., are "one hundred fifty diates pcr yearP per man, -oil hundred fifty i ls." To be eligible for member- ship, a man mul~st lie first seen in compl)any with a particularly good- r }, l' looking girl. When initiated into tile can iie .will le -5.1 e(1 tcf y morie than ;;li::: e twoi courses5ill ba2cteiriology, and'' " ' " foeig st d~lt l' b ('smool - ~theO namxe, address, 2and(1telephone nm- tan " i ..which is plr. rng it n' woildi'iaooy n yhlooy )iet(fthsgr1 Falsification, itxofthsise 1 g Laiboratoiry work in b~acteriologyI claimed. Will result in a secondi initia- stpring Itrip throug-h out the0s,,.te 11011m April 8 t~i 9. Fie cit es ~vi I hewill be unider tile(directlin of Prof. tion, more1( rigorous than tile first. :'it:d, P. G. Novy, which will include inlstruc- As soon as tile miille and addrl1es i~o AIC frs on siceI h OV'lli-j *.**.*.". Ition inl methods of (detection, isolation, l are giv'en,- any ieibei' of the order vtion x c11' ** .. aniidnticaton o tie pahognicis privileged 10 call il) andI (ate tile O5Il~iS it 1']~'1 ll)tour *~micro-(ivanislns. Lectures will be)I gir'l minedlc. eac OiY wll lvoideA1Dricll oil-s ivenl on the fo(rmls of bacteria, their Tihe initiate will also be allowed to III hith II ~ loeig at s (I' s ~i1 oeclassification, structure' multiplication select from the address book of the rntev taliur'{1.i'i oxiceus to this yeazr, , anti reproduction, their requliremlents society any name which.apelst it. has {lnot lieelies ilehrPV peast tor' growth and thleir ellemical consti- hill, and (d0 likewise. A uniique fea- c'ity to give g~h ilt ('l'txifllfltllt to ! t nents. Principles of sterilization anld jture of tile organization is that a the~~~~~~~~ viios P i see(311l lsrnd disinfection w1i h p ointeCiout, ! lillconlsidered foIr lnbe'slip 11a1 abe{acr i ro"aiot els jwithIlspiecial ellplasis tdirectedi toWCY(d1 no cloi;e ill themelatter. Each new the -=- r:dll11 el \Ii1 1 their practical aapplicationl. rmembei' has the righlt to nominate thare f tiii l. e t ;1, 1 f(!xrstt. ,1 l.A. ' :._siap- "lie latter half Of tile coursexwili0o 111m111, antd once nomninated, h^ thefoeig s~udil , , lit; an J ) J A Crnii,2 ,newly aldeal exluilhy withl pathogernic or- I a ilot refuse the ihonor, but will (Iac osuyteAc C~11010pjle 11210'55o tonyGon r antsnis, withI extensive studty of the be pironmptly illitiatedl, and the name, anti to better acclililtthe Lx1 niti al J(ohin (ri 'ihdi Sargent, is tile way in which bacter'ia pl'oiuceds Ameridueadis-address, and itelephonernmber cx- Arixe~icars. ;youi -lgesl sci"e'ta'ivy to any cabinet of- ease, thleir atteiltuation, and tile Ppro- tj'cted from hinm. Fite ntlo 'swill be v isited hfieel', ief is a native of Italy. Until duction 0 icLm lnuni y. The sour ces of TIhe giirls whoe names110 are on the luxring time week of sprinig ICwe tIOll. 1c vheasertryotea- infectionl and mlethnods of prvevention i address list will lie particularly in- Kaaapid , attng, Gand Flin ai' in-,, - t of Vermnont. will be given, together with tile gen- itiated into the secrets of tile order, o'ral properties of specific organismls. j to the extent that tiley will each1 be cluded inlle tiery this year. West-'I itinerar Tr Prof. P. 13. Hadley will direct the! given all approved" list, consisting er taenoml n almzo ol study in vaccines anid serum~ reac- of the tchapter rioll, and(1 will lie ex- lege at Kaiamazoo, Michigan Agricul- p 7 t-~ iens, to wvhich advanced students in pected to showv someI degree of partial- tural college at East Lansing, anld the ?.Digonl Ea mskI iceilg 11 t uac~tlg(11 oadtl e new Flint high 5school composes the wl i n rlutsi l~i 1'15ae01tlsls.Nn listl ofeuaioaentiuin w--admitted. Thle work will iwhose iie r i hsls.Nn lstil ofeduvionisite.uhe ions'' wichs- )uce to tihe sudden drop in tihe temp- be designed to familiarize the stit- of tile girls conlcernled would make of each i eratilretihe examulnatiolls being conl-f dent with appliedo meIthlods of bac- -- trial plants o ahcity will blin1- .tiogywt snca rerne d.tef~ 'l ~ iucted by tihe engineers from thleir .*t ... Wile will gv rn ort i spooed y orexn ~~ttjt. 'anti-rabic treatmnt andtihie prepare- lectures 011tile sublject of sypiliis The club will provide entertainment benches o : the diagonal lhave been tion of bacterial vaccines. adisrlto opbi latl durng ilelvii 11 huh l~lc~eOl5~t~ni~laiiiydisontnud. o torogh In dermatology and syphlilology all1 college and high school assemblies,1 examnlations were reported yester- Itile work wil be under thro direction tidann ergathrifor Spthelemer-bersy.Kofmandhid agroupts L. 'an'thc or themebercation gowas due to Ccth vaatioseas0ue1o0oofrotile Corsenne oltreSummr sesio hla: been provided by the University ()hillilles on the part of tile engineers orsndtocuefurgenn of Mzichigan club of Flint for thle Iheinselve s, or to increased difficulty tile same subject ini the regular vmedi-' entire dLy whlich the delegation will in passing judgmenlt due to the en- asciocuiuun.r10hol' sticd 11 1 laA Civ. ehopng o~ls(It ~le air xlnllee, Wiiili e devoted to intensive instriuction- A mleetinig wil be held at S o'clock viaa s still lilidecidod last nlighlt. Es-intlreoiinofIiemvco- ' *W'ednes(Iay, April 8 in Lane hall for! ieciahly strenuous mnid-semnesters are Imin forms of skin discases and inl tlv' 4.ll personls whot wish to mlake the! announced ifor tie latter part of tile 1 tripe, ['1xe ;differential (diagnosis an~d treatilie.>:. s frn Telrograin toi be0 presentedf week, weathier plermIitting. of the various forms of syphlilis. by the group at various oiccasionls! Under tile ausplices of tile Public rrens~" i will lie rehearsed. Any person inter - '17 i n r ~ ~Health service, Professors helm ant 6 ins ofjours i cste(I in takling the trilp, which will WhtWim r OG v cost slightly mlore thlan $12.00,;niayi Third TalkTo a Y ello wvstone% interview Mr. Wells from 1 to 3 o'clock a ny day this week inl 3221 Amgell lhall. 31nr" rw E" Aa tuf +1 nCo 1' he OillytGtIcVs 25yet disctlos01 ed r the ,1;110, all t -x I' ranld Ile address-I keeper. No imitihI ol lee is charged. Safo ty pis, left un fast ened, are the b'adlc ofitli eSoc iety. The first pulhic mIlcin vil libe he0ldl at,(irallner's to- MAY SUBMIT POSTERS FOR ARHITECTS' BLL Students iI1ty now submilit posters for cola peW tion for thle Ar'chitects' May Part y. The best po(ster will be0 selectd bt iy aII ((ittee 11 '0comp1osedi of Imuello is.-, 1fthe fatuilty tif 1the0archi- r1l( )tt, 1 ,.i. ( 1)0 il l 1(11 be selectetd for' its sigj ]: ,but, a luhr ;'r its geii- ora1l flct, ,accordinig to F. 1". Joslin1, When you write home for moncy, -use mF A Fountain Pen Ink i _ (o k i ' Wri Iey ft eS'h'X r'tyhe f. . Afthr angwe't he breath So easy to carry the little packet in your pocket ? So41 important to have when the 2 mouth needs clearnsing n freshening!1 Odors of dining or smoking quickly disappear- teesh Wrileys is more, brightly _hurnis9hed, Smiles ptiv asebeneita just naturally come because poivebeft nerves are soothed, throat is Nan y doctors and refreshed, the stomach relieved dentists xrecoin" and digestion aided. Me rd it. 'Ver epe 7 mea" 9 pp -.l llla ,,4pY ( QWfi I YO'KE AT IlE UNION Thv .;wr;:.' Read the Want Ads ... . . (If1 a $50 life membcrship ill thle 1 'niolli, is eiht year1s past Idue in pllynenti, it hasecust tile IUnion in principal and inrterest, postage, Printin ;, 2and1 Ibolotsep- ing'$104.39. Th amunof sc pa st due subscript itils is $258,- T 39.24. Jntercst on the building debt to Olsate has cost tile U11i01 # $109,101.92. This needless ex- penIse could be eradicated if ov- cryolle who has allmembiershlip in Ithe Union oil "whiich laynlICnts are overdute xwould bring hris ob- ligation ti) to (1at1. Ini ord'Gr to save Imoneyv, Ji ba officie Is ir1 ge 1membe1rs0'5ill tis catego i'y to (i Jily 1u') ttheiridtsias,", sotll Cs I 11. r Htl(es 11%. WhVitmore 0.1Utle 1 riletoric (departm1ent1 will continue is series' of , lecturcs tin aesthetics tis afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in room 8208, Angell112111. II is topic wiili e "TIue A eso llo'l Ic riad."' At tile last (iscus ,ion, Plrotossor Whiitmotrle out- lii odhi ptasi i,"Ida tIiclcture. I"An 1111Est,'lhe slt(l, "frst conicei- y ets a lestil(tic idea& fromt a scene lie Vie' %s 0 or2a ploe 110be10211s; lie thenl tixes t [is icea on cavas, and ifially believes t he individuals who see tis pinitllgwill hlve the 12112110 aesthletic ri-c'0ion as lie bad. Hence we hlave i T I, (leture this afternoon is the tI : t d o I be series. 0 7ie aU.ARDS v1 New ARROW, loom& UOLLARI G a d n r v "CcPa rk O p e n s J u n e 2 0 )dy", Northern Pacific Ry. "2000 Milesof Startling Beauty" aaaasiaaaaaaUaUaaaUaaasaaaauaaaaaauu uMY VACATION TRIPa s U 3 U _----- --------------. e am --------------------------U S Address u R I O Books or trips I am Round Trip Summer Iinterested in: ( V ) Fare from Chicago O Yellowstone . . . . $ 50.50 0 Pacific Northwest Seortland 86.00* O Rainier Park . .I Tacoma 86.00 0 Q Alaska (Skagway., . .176.00 13 2 Ol Rocky Mts. (Helena-Butte) 59.00 I Mail this coupon to A.B. SmithP.T.M. * 985 Nor. Pac. Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. iOa a~aaanaasaasaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaUSau YOM, lite pay 'preiniums. I I AF3TEr~lONSENIOIRS Cj Senio r lif ter.,ry -cl'ass, inlta- i tooI nda et 1)11 Llncenie t'il -2will b~eon(le 210ill tillveisjfy 1hail this I XV ('0i olty. (uos may b110id~l l befit-n noI11w 2and(May 15 whien I thel"in vi tat ion:; will b, deli vered.) i i OTE1, 1,' T~l UNION 'NIKN t ill'. -'Vnm. . 1 f -Read the Want Ads, TOTEA ~EU O ''NI~lT - a LINDE NSCHMITT -APFL &CO. AN~N ARBOR'S LEADING CLOTHIERS "IExclusive-IBu1 Not Efxpciiv." 209 S. MAIN ST. I IT IS IMPORTANT Your Clothes need protection from moths and drist. Protect them in the safe and convenient way with Wayne Cedar Wardrobes Made for Overcoats, Tuxedos, Furs, etc. Priced $1.25 to $2.40 ..g !U EBERBACH & SON CO. 'i 200-204 E. LIBER'TY ST. Featuring STEIN-3LOCH Smart Clothes M fICHA ELS-STFERN Vafue-First Clothes ,High Grade Furnishings I i r' 8r i 3 z, ti r G ,. Et,'y ,q a v t, 7 ' .r~x~4'Y r. a' _ __.. 3Lu:.C7 '"a 7 ., +.,~ i ti.i .s y., , l *S+ \"a J lr1 ;.+F bL' 'v', .' g r,. d'.'rs ,,c," ! tt j" 61 / Y' i ',A L 1I ,l i, s '2 4 , 'yy , z i ,3 k ', E Y, P P ,j-,w' 9'"' d f ;3 . : r4. . ' 9, 9 :A ' .., : Advertising in Colege Papers --is like radio broadcasting which is delivered to an unseen audience, and tle "broadcaster" knows nothing of the message registration unlezs responses are sent in. In December the John -Hancock ran in this paper an a.'dvertie mnent headed "Do Colleg7e Stu- dents Read Advertisemrents?" Here are some of the responses:I "Your advertisement in the Dartmouth was an unusual one, and I want to express my approval." the one you run in the Princetonian this morning it would be a pleasure to read a paper of nothing but ads." ""The students here in Han- over not only read the ad.* vertisements but also patron- ize the advertisers." "The advertisement in the flini is written from the col- le'ze students' point of view. 1 believe in insurance be- cause of the sound economic principles which underlie it. There remains then only the kind of policy and the corn- -IV R4 ti E I Ile, I Li The Nettlet-on "'Dundee" =r SIX A !OAT UNCLE BOB - JACK HAL G4 N LUCYB BUCH ART LINIC ~OSEPIN VNERE CHARLES CALVERT 'he I'Aost Novel Show of the Year I'IA - ~)i IMe Screeii-, 13AFLiELD_, 'l $, )1ยข .-iii- ( ( A om u eei l en! i . a y " I I N w A '~ ~ l ~it' ('aii'I lel (Come helO.'P . 30 (:5.S4 Blalcony, ?;) '1111111 Floor, , :111 A Iis' 50 ' ' I i