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February 13, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-13

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it I n



---, I


VOL. XXXV. No. 97





Architectural Co
'Wretched,' Sa
"Of all professional iepa-rtments
of the campus, architecture is the most
wretchedly and inappropriately hous-
.e; the housing of no other architec-
t tural college in the United States is


so scattering and miserable." So
reads a report from Professor Emil
Lorch, head of the College of Archi-
tecture, to Secretary Shirley W. Smith.
"Architectural instruction has long
been conducted under most unfavor-
able conditions of space, light and
equipment," the report goes on to
state. "Nearly two hundred of our
students work in a discarded machine

COI 'crIeed With Bills iRebating
New A dministrative anid
Museum Bt diings


Eight members of the state legisla- + Shop, immediately over an automobile
ture, comprising the University com- labratory and paint shop, and ad-
mittee of that body, arrived in. Ann j joining a gun park.
Arbor yesterday morning to inspect "The old Engineering shops, while a
the University and to observe condi- temporary assignment, is noisy and
Mions with respect to appropriations drafty and with a constant and serious
requested of the 1925 session of the fire menace. The building's immuni-
legislature. The morning was occu- ty from fire thus far means nothing,
pied with conferences with officials of anda from bfiresusir tyansning-
the University, while the afternoon and a terrible responsibility is irivoly-i
washpent U nvnsypetn aftorursned in its use by a large number of stu-
was spent in inspection tours. ..dnswowudb rpe nte
Regents Ralph Stone of Detroit, dents who would be trapped on the
WilliamsL.lmentof Bay Dit, ndthird floor should the wooden stairs
Wilia l AClement of Bay City, and
A ,.,-. ~ ~burn. It was, however, the only

ui Be alrof LlA A!°I ooi'SI ie
with the visiting legislators during space available at the time when it
the day, and conferences were held was necessary to give up three draft-
with the deans and various adminis- ing rooms which another department
trative officers of the University. needed."
Luncheon was held at noon at the Professor Lorch then goes on to
Union, and the committee dined with enumerate the building needs. Room,
University officials last night at the he says, is needed for important work,
Lawyers' club.
The inspection tours, which were
started yesterday afternoon, will be
continued today. At the invitation of
Dr. Charles Sink, secretary of the
School of Music, the committeemen !
will attend the concert by Sophie
3Biaslau tonight in Hill auditoriun-
The members of the committee are,
for the senate, H. A. Penny of Sagi-s
naw, chairman; E. B. Howitt, Jr., of RIctn-et onsIzS S Inateriatia 1
Royal Oak; and Gottfried Gettel, Se- Reations it Non-1artlsat
bawaing; and for the house, L. K. Meeting ondaly
Preston, '08L, Benton harbor, chair-
man; W. J. Thomas. Constantine; f CPEN TO PUBLIC
W. Wing, CIheboygan; E. J. Kirby.,_
Covert; and Miles Curtis, Batt1L
Creek. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political
Senator Penney has been a meml)ei science department will introduce Ray-
of the senate University committee for mond B. Fosdick, who speaks Monday
six sessions, while Representatives i
_._ nght in Natural Science Auditorium


iege Housing , ,SOPHIE oAAl" Illinois Defeatsa
such as .a labratory to work with LUChampaign, Feb. 12.-The University
t materials, and considerable space to j of Illinois basketball team retained its
display building materia ls and devices ,undisputed hold on first place in the
in a manner to keep students in con- Big Ten race here tonight, defeating
staint contact with them; for instruc- ___ Northwestern university, 30-20, in a
ion in decorative design, and for tO''ED OPERATIC STAR TO SING losely played contest.
bench work in the allied arts of de- IN LAST CONCERT The Illini played without the serv-
sign; large lecture rooms; an archi- OF YEAR ices of Captain Mauer. The score at
itectural museum; office space; and a the first half was 12-9, in favor of Il-
. clay modeling and casting room. MADE RAPID E Ilinois.
"The intensively used architectural _
library has out grown its accomoda- ---H
1tions. Its housing is now divided be- Receied Eaiqy Training in New York;
tween two separated rooms and a num- Was Formerly Withi Metropoltanu r *. rHO
Iner of lihrary assistants," the report e OperaCompany
continues. "In the old engineering
library part of our books are in a Sophie Braslau, the Amer ican oper -
stack where supervision is impossible, atic star and concert singer, will ap-1
under which condition theft and dam- pear in a song recital in the fifth and
age must constantly occur; in the final number of the Choral Union Orange Blossom Orchestra to Play
freehand drawing room( which should Series at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill At Yearling Dance; Elliot
be close to our drafting rooms, much Auditorium. Miss Braslau has made To Furnish Favors
valuable material has had to be stor- a remarkable record both in opera
;ed because of over-crowding by stu- and in recital, and is generally recog-
dents. nized as being among the limited ANNOUNCE COMMITTEES
The report then concludes by saying number of great contraltos, such as
that the enrollment of the college has Schumann-Heink, Homer, Matzenour, Jean Goldkette's Orange Blossom
"trebled since 1919 without counti anti Onegin. Orchestra of Detroit, together with
about 200 elections from students ing Taehose who B sappoity be- local orchestra to be selected
other departments of the university, cause of Miss Br asla's inability toI
tr mus tenbvios fh goodwri. appear at the Friday evening concert later, will furnish continuous music
It must be obvious that good work of the May Festival last year will now for the Frosh Frolic of the class of
cannot be done under present condi- have an opportunity to hear her in a
tions in a field which looks to its en- fhll recital of songs and arias, includ- by U '
vironment to reeaforce the cultural ing a group of Schubert and one o This orchestra was selected by the
and artistic spirit of its teaching.' modern Russian composition. Among music committee, headed by Harry
dents." those in the latter group are "Voca- Grnnell, '23, after bids from other
use" by RIachmaninoff, and "Night" orgiaizations in Cleveland, Chicago
by Rubinstein.
In spite of the prevailing tradition and Detroit had been considered. The
that only European training can pre Orange Blossom orchestra does noti
pare a young artist for greatness, play at any place regulary but fur-
Miss Braslau was famous some time nishes the music for special parties,
lH91IF IBj before she ever visited Europe. 1er especially at the Book-Cadillac hotel
s1111H (((E musical gifts were apparent early in in Detroit.
- -life, and her training was begun in Acomplete list of the committees has
1ork ti Include ThoroughStudy of New York City, the place of her birth been announced by Frank L. Ser-
l ioartuirwl Iiesolrcsgrad d Although she was possessed of unus.man, general chairman: Music: Har-
l iual pianistic talent, her natural sing-I ry Grinnell, '28, chairman, Margaret
Iing voice was even more extraordi- iDeacon, '28. Decorations: Harry
nary, and it was at the suggestion of Nelly, '28E, chairman, Dorothy Mc-
LAVES IN A UGUST her teacher that she decided to 1m- Gonigal, '28, Fred Beaman, '28E, and+
bark upon a vocal career. Katy Gerow, '28.
It. 11. Ha ll of time geography depart- Miss Braslau's abilities soon cam Programs and Favors: Matilda Som-
mncu will leave for haiti, where he to the notice of the Metropolitan mnrfield, '2l, chalrmaniMaryKarpin-
+ !~Opera oficials, grnd she won instant ski, '28, Vera Johnston, '28. Finance
will make a survey of that island pre- recognition on her first appearainca Clifford Krimi, '28E: Invitations:
liininary to a more general geographicit was said that she virtually walked Jean Greenshields, '28, chairman, Mar-
study, at lhe close of the 1925 stm- from the studio to the opera stage. vin Stanton, '28E.
mer s,,ssion, according to an an- inning i t roles, ' The publicity will be andled by
rapidly Worchd hif way to the front. Frank L. Sherman, '28, the general
nouncement mIade yesterday. One of her feats at the Metropolitan chairman, in conjunction with Harry
Hall will go to Haiti as the guest of was the creation of the title role in
Grinnell, '28, president of the fresh-
tle United states navy department, Cadman's "Shanewis" at only a few
days notice. man literary class
1red will work in conjunction with T concert stage beckoned MI Favors are being furnished by the
thtdrrmet n in liinThe cnetsae ekndA is
that department and tue haitian gov- Brasla soon aftor her debut. ant her Elliot company of Philadelphia, whlych
ernment. (sccess in that field wassoencourag-ialso supplied those for the J-Hop. I
According to the present plansjing tnghat she decidled to devoteaherself The Frolic committee will select the
survey will include a thorough study of to recitals and appearances with type of favor to beused at its next
the natural resources of the area, the symphony orchestras. Since her en- meeting, which will be announced
use of which is being made of them at try into the concert field, she has sung later.
presfenr, and an investigation of pos- in every part of the country and with
Simle developinmts Pid improvements. every orchestra of prominence. ACTIfl
as possible, a study of the economic rich. brilliant, and powerful enough to
eand s;woial life of the people of the is- fill the largest auditoriurm, yet rapa- i
land. Ti will include examinations le of every dynamic nuance, anti is
(1~ta f i, w l n l d x m n t ot i f e e y d n m c n a c , a a sinto wthere and how the people live,! backed by adequate m astery of the
bow I they make thei alivbngs, and the : diction of half a dozen languages.--
possi1le opportunities for bettering Since her initial rise to prominence. Lansing, Feb. 12.--(By A. P.)-An
conditions. her musical c(tcomnplishments and unexpected disposition on the part of
The entire work will probably take personal charm have enabled her to members of the house to defer action
Ssone time to complete, Mr. Hall's live up to the high standard set by on the proposed child labor amend-
present plans merely ,calling for a her first introduction to the pib ic, mont to the federal constitution ap-
short reconneissance ti) altfor the according to critics. peared today, staving off a vote on
close of the Summer session. He plans - -Rep. Charles Culver's resolution sug-
t)o return in time for thie opening of r tii nr ninnrn I g ains tat t cat n.bl goCon-reoo
sihool next fall. tver resolution, providing that the leg
it is shI ought probable that. Dalton it. reject
J.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~rjc P1 hr 2,xiiacmayM. 1 llllf illlll Bf~f ~authe lproposed ameond-I
J. <Pilc hrr,'5, will aicompmany Mr. mnt, will come up as a special order
1Ia and c as an assistant in the ii UVV IUUUU'flIU 1of business Tuesday afternoon.
work, Pilcher, an ex-service man, Postponement of a roll call on the
has majored in geography.-. resolution wasroceeded b a al



More than 100 high school editors attended the fourth annual meeting
of the Michigan Interscholastic Press association being held here this
week-end under the direction of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional
journalistic fraternity, yesterday afternoon in the Union. Several score
more are expected to attend the sessions of the conference which will be
continued today and tomorrow.
The annual banquet of the association will be held tonight, following
which a trip will be made through the offices and plant of The Michigan
Daily under the direction of Robert G. Ramsey, '25, news editor of the
paper. The speakers at the evening dinner will be Donald H. Haines of
the pournalism department, short story writer and novelist, and Wil-
---- liam E. Etheridge, '25, managing edi-
tor of the Michiganensian and former
COOLIDGE-C)MENCEMENT Varsity football manager. The ban-
RUMOR IS UNCONFIRMED quet is scheduled for 6:15 o'clock.
U r David Bramble, '25, president of Sig-
II University officials were silent ma Delta Chi, will peiea oa'
last night regarding rumors that preside at todays
President Calvin 'Coolidge ill Imeetings of the conference. The
deiderntCalviCoon enilld- first speech of the day, the morning
deliver the Commencement ad- I session starting at 9 o'clock, will be
' dress here next June, and no delivered by Eugene L. Dunne, '25,
substantiation of the report has dlvrdb ueeL un,'5
been received here or from foreign advertising manager of The
eenrei edeeordro.Daily, who is to speak upon "Selling
President Coolidge. Space." He will be followed by an
SPresident MariondL. Burton, - address on "Court -Reporting" deliv-
who made the presdential nomin- ered by Albert F. Koepke, '25, staff
Ition address at the last Repub-
lican convention, invited Presi- reporter of the Detroit Free Press.
I dent Coolidge to visit Ann Ar- The afternoon session will start at
bor for the Commencement ser- 1 o'clock and will be opende by a few
vices last June, the invitation remarks from the faculty advisors
being declined. of the papers represented. William
D. Roesser, '25, business manager of
i'e Daily, will speak upon "The
Business Organization of a Paper."
The concluding talk of the afternoon
will be given by Phillip Wagner, '25,
1910M OMMM"I'managing editor of h Daily, on,
"Editing a Daily." This was postpon-
SI from yesterday afternoon's gather-
ing due to a necessary change in the
In addition to the speeches at both
R. 0. T. C. Takes Over Management of morning and afternoon sessions, the
125 Function From Veterans delegates will break up into small
of ForeIgn Wars groups for the consideratin o ph-
lemhs peculiar to particlhr'r lckas'of
DECORATIONS PLANNED publications. Leaders in campus
fields of journalism will conduct the
Committee heads for the 1925 Mili- sessions.
y ,The preliminary work in the dis-
tary Ball, to take place April 24, were cussion groups was undertaken tt
named yesterday by Milo E. Oliphant, the meeting yesterday afternoon, and
'25, chairman of the ball. This year the following group divisions were
will witness the initial attempt by any made: weekly or bi-weekly editorial
organization other than the local post staffs, weekly or bi-weekly business
staffs, monthly business staffs, month-
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to ly editorial staffs, annual editorial
manage the function, as the responsi- staffs and annual business staffs.
bility of making the event a success At the opening gathering yesterday
rests wholly with the University R. 0. afternoon, following the registration
T. C. during the morning, Carl Ohlmacher,
Decorations for the ball, which, as '25, chairman of he conference, pre-
in previous years, will be given in sided, while Bramble welcomed the
Waterman and Barbour gymnasiums, delegates on the behalf of Sigma Del-
are to be patriotic and military in na- ta Chi. The main talk of the after-
ture. Booths 'and walls will be deck- noon was delivered ly Prof. E. G.
ed in red, white and blue bunting, and Burrows of the journalism department,
artillery pieces and tanks, cut from who criticised the main faults which
cardboard, will complete the desired he had noticed in the high school
effect. papers.
The American flag will be reserv- Professor Burrows is one of the
ed for places of honor. An attempt judges in 'the contests among the
will be made to encourage both service rapers, the results of which will be
-men and R. 0. T. C. students to at- announced at the meeting tomorrow
tend in uniform. I morning. Mr. Haines and Bramble
The following students have been are the other two judges.
selected to act as committee chair- Publications are divided into three
men: Eugene Cardwell, '25E, assist- classes, determined by the size of the
ant general chairman; George Weit- school which they represent. Cups
zel, '27L, music; F. G. Goellner, '25E, will be awarded the prize-winning
publicity; G. 0. Hoglund, '25E, pro- weekly, monthly or annuals, in class
grams an dinvitations; D. C. Green, A, which is made up of larger schools.
grams and invitations; D. C. Green, Certificates will be granted papers in
'26, decorations; , Alfred Oliver, '25, classes B and C and to the place win-
reception; Walter Groff, '26, provost {ning papers in class A.

marshal; Ralph Graichen, '25E, Papers in the contest will be judg-
treasurer and tickets; R. P. Briggs, eded on make-up, headlines, editori-
'26, secretary and J. W. Hickman, '27. als, features, sports and news.
The annual business session of the
association will be held at 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning with' the managing
editor of the Flint "Arrowhead" in
the chair. The order of business will
be as follows: election of officers, re-
Mport of the committee on awards, pre-
sentation of cups, announcement of
Cave City, Ky., Feb. 12.-(By A. P.) election results and suggesions to the
-A cavern which the Floyd Collins chairman. The gathering will ad-
rescue party may follow to the im- journ at 11:15 o'clock.
Each member of the M. I. P. A. is
prisoned man was uncovered at the entitled to send two delegates and a
bottom of the rescue shart at 7:30 faculty representative to the confer-
o'clock this evening. Some time was ence as the guests of Sigma Delta Chi,
required to clear it out, as it could while all others are invited to attend
not be penetrated, but the rescurers who desire.

Kirby and Curtis acted upon it last ~
sesion. enatCr Pened holds LL B on "Organizing Our International Re-
nd LL.M. degress fron the Univer- lations" under the auspices of the
sity. t League of Nations Non-Partisan asso-
The University committee is con. clation. The meeting will be open to
cerned with proposed bills relating to
the University, and the state budget the public.
for this session, included provision Mr. Fosdick's speech will be con-
for a new museum, a central adminis- cerned chiefly with the League of Na-
tration building, an architectural tions, of which lie was under-secretary,
building, and an observatory, in ad- general in 1919 and 1920, and with
dition to the land necessary for these the various phases of readjustment
additions. in post-war Europe, of which lie has

Entering Students
May Get "Bibles'
All freshmen who registered for the
first time at the beginning of this se-
mester nay receive freshman hand-
books, the same as those which were
given to every freshman who entered
last fall, by calling at the Student
Chiristian association offices in Lane
Notice to this effect is being sent to
every entering freshman. Distribution
of the "Frosh Bible" will begin today.
Garden Pictur s

been a careful student.
Although still in the early forties,
Mr. Fosdick has had a long career of,
public service, despite the fact that he
has avoided political contests. Fol-
lowing the completion of his education
at Princeton and at the New Yorl,
Law School, he began the practice of
,law in New York and is now a memi-
her of the well known firm of Curtis,
Fosdick and Belknan.
lie has been identified with a wide
range, of public activities as corpora-
tion counsel of New York, respresent-
ative of the Rockefeller Bureau of
Social Hygiene in Europe, comptroller,
of the Democratic National Finance
committee during Woodrow Wilson''s
first campaign for the presidency, spe-

"0hcial representative of the war depart.-
.Now 0a xtment in Mexico in 1916, chairman ;
. - the commission on training camp ac-
P t hshowing gardens de- tivities during the World war ,ere-'

o ograp 5 bnuwjuf vcuuup ' U-.. I -'- - - - - -,
signed by members of the New York sentative of the war department in
chapfer of the American Society of 11France in 1917 and 1918, and was as-
Landscape Architects are now on ex- sociated with Sir Eric Drummond in
hibit in the west gallery of Alumni the Secretariat of the League at Gen- OFU'
Memorial hall. The exhibit, which will eva.
be here for one week, will be on dis- Mr. Fosdick has undertaken a shor T
play from 2 to 5 o'clock every after- 'trip into the Middle West, largely at -
noon, including Sunday. his own expense, for the purpose of !'
of presenting his case for American A formal invitation has been receiv-
participation in the Iaeague of Nations. ed by the University Band to be thej
OurWeaiherLan -guests of the Chamber of Commerc(
nrrr- - at their annual banquet, which will be
held at (3 o'clock Tuesday in the new
Masoni TTinple. The band will fern-
O_,,,OtnTehdwlfr frII ish music for the affair, and will be
presented with a Sousaphone, donatedl
by the Chamber of Commerce.
Washington, Feb. 12.-After a con- Iickley atler,, president of. the,
t iference with President Coolidge, ad- chamber, will preside, and Shirley W.I
li :ministration leaders in the Senate Smith, scvretary of the University,I
made it known today that they will will act as toastmaster. J. BradfordI
expects a thaw as the result of higher seek to defer action on the nomination Pengelly, president of the Flint real
temperatures; he Also looks for of Charles B. Warren of Michigan as estate board, will be the principal
snow today. attorney general until the conveniig speaker.
of the new Senate on March 4. Definite plans for the occasion have'
Their first move will be in the di- not yet been made by the band, ac-
rection of keeping the nomination be- cording to Wilfred Wilson, director,
READING MATTER fore the judiciary committee, and thus !but will probably be formulated some-
forstalling at this session the extend- time today.
ed fight in the Senate which they are The banquet is expected to be the
The next thing to do after get- convinced is certain to come when the largest celebration ever staged by the
ting in the University and buying nomination is brought up for confirm- Chamber of Commerce, and prepara-
your pot is to subscribe to the ation. tions are being made to care for about
Michigan Daily. Have you a Chairman Cummins of that commit- 700 people. Tickets have been mailed

With 1,000 subscriptions to thim Vhi1.ui5 I t ta ,, aul
W of oratory and argument. After Rep
Michiganensian unpaid, and the fi'nal Ate Dykstra of Kent had asserted that I
date for receipt of paynients set for the resolution was a slander upon
tomorrow, the business managenent C Congress because it declared that tle f
of the yearbook is entering upon a fin- amendment would give Congress theJ
al drive for subscriptions this imorn- power to destroy manufacturing and
ing. The tables which hale been in agriculture at will and pass a scheme
thg Lhebrablesd Ahgichhave l for th to enslave childhood, the objection-I
able parts were cut and the resolu-
past t vi days vill be oen today until tion, as it will be considered next
4:30 o'clock and tomorrow until noon. week, simply commits the assembly to
Tomorrow is absolutely the last day rejection rather than ratification.
that payments may be made, as the or- 1 Politics was injected into the dis-
der will be put in early next week. cussion when Representative Dyks-
This is done in order to insure the ap- tra pleaded with the members to,
pearance of the 'Ensian on the can- stand by the 1924 Republican plat- j
pus about May 1. Every precaution is form and endorse child labor regula-
being taken to prevent late shipments tion. It being Lincoln's birthday,
as have occurred in the past, and a there were countless references to
special effort will pe made to facilitate, emancipation and slavery of children.
their distribution 'to the subscribers.
There will be no extra copies of the
yearbook ordered this year, due to the ItliKlHE
great ex.ense entailed in their, pro-
cuction. For this reason students are;
urged to pay for their subscriptionsi
by tomorrow as there will be no op-
portunity to secure copies of the 'En-
sian later. Buffalo, Feb. 12, (By A. P.)-Paavo
Nurmi smashed three more world's
records tonight when he scored a sen-
UnZon Membership 1 sational victory in a handicap race at
Cards Available a mile and one quarter, featuring the
106th regiment indoor games.
--- The speedy Finn ran a brilliant race
Students entering the University for in his first appearance here, erased

expect to reach Collins very soon.
Preparations to raise him to the
surafee on a stretcher platform and
render all possible medical aid were
checked over carefully and made
ready for instant use.
The diamond point drill, boring
through the bottom of the shaft, re-
corded about a foot and a half of soft



Several positions are now open
on the business staff of The
Daily. The work involved will



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