SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVENTEEN . .,., ,... This Leaden Age? Facts About Student Loan Funds An American Heidelberg By 'Hard Allen Howe "Pale druggists in remote towns of the hog and cotton belt, endlessly drapping up Peruna. . . . Women hid- den away in the damp kitchens of un- painted houses along the railroad tracks, frying tough beefstakes. Ticket choppers in the subway breath- ing sweat in its gaseous form.... Farmers plowing sterile fields behind sad meditative horses both suffering from the bites of insects. . . . Metho- dist preachers retired after forty years of service in the trenches of God upon pensions of six hundred dollars a, year... ..Decayed and hopeless men writing editorials at midnight for, leading papers in Mississippi, Arkan- sas and Alabama..... - These are a few of the items in a melancholy catalogue of modern Am- erican life as seen through the gloomy spectacles of H. L. Mencken. Writing in the New Republic some years ago,. Edmund Wilson Jr. contrasted this picture with the age of yesterday, with the apocalyptic vision of Walt Whit- man whose "clean-hair'd Yankee worked with her sewing machine or in the factory or mill," whose "pure con- tralto sang in the olrgan loft," and whose carpenter delighted in the whistle of the plane as the shavings curled away. in other words the question at issue is .whether America today is uglier, and more sordid and less lovely than it was fifty to a hundred years agc There is a . widely heralded beh which is continually being sweetened and made more palatable by the sugar of Time that "the good old days" were days of high public and private mor- ality, of essential pureness and of thej exhaltation of the simple virtues--, certainly far ahead of the present hec- ticand high tension age characterized1 by bootleggers, Teapot Dome scandals,t wailing saxophones,, and so on adt naiseam. But were they? Simplicity and frugality there werec to be sure from the very nature of existing conditions but it is hard to see any marked superiority in public and private standards of the time ast compared with the present. The age of big business with it attendant prob-< lems of special privilege, graft and' corruption had not yet arrived but political standards of the time weret low. The historian, McMaster, has said, "In all the frauds and tricks r that go to make up the worst form of c 'practical politics'-the men who' founded our State and National gov- ernments were, always our equals and1 ften our masters" And in the latter part of the nineteenth century fromn about 1870 to .1890 which has been called thd age of waste and plunder the lowering moral tone caused evenc such an optimistic believer in dem- ocracy as James .Russell Lowell to write: "I loved her old renown, her stain-f less fame. What better cause that I shouldt loathe her shame!" If In private life drunkeness was a great vice and found victims in all classes. Fights in which ears were bitten off and eyes gouged out werel common, There was often a lack ofI cleanliness, and manners and con- versation were apt to be coarse. 1 It is interesting to compare ther opinions of foreign critics of that timeC with those of today. English travelers,f especidlly, took a vast delight in ex-I posing American crudities. Most o1 them missed the larger and grandert -pectacle of a continent being sub- dued and a nation in the making and confined themselves to smaller things. Even Charles Dickens emphasized such points as spittoons and lunch-G time hurry and bustle. And in 1820 came the famous outburst of Sydneys Smith: -"Who, in the four quarters of thek globe, reads an American book? or goes to an American play? or looks at an American painting ort statue?...Who drinks out of Am- erican glasses?.,.... or sleeps in American blankets?"' -iOf course all Americans could say; in-reply to these taunts was "wait and see." This only provolted more ridi- cule. Said the English Review: 'tthers claim honor because of things done by a long line of ances- I tor9: an American glories in theI achievement of a distant posterity... Others appeal to history; an Ameri- 'can appeals to prophecy. . . . If al traveler complains of the inns, and hints a dislike for sleeping four in a bed, he. . . is told to wait a hundredi years and se the superiority of Am. erican inns over British. If- Shakes- peare, ililton, Newton, are mentioned, he is told again, 'Wait till 1900, and then see how much nobler our poets and profounder our philosophers and longer our telescopes, than any your decrepit old hemisphere will pro duce.'"~ Many other instances could be cited of English contempt for American manners and customs of the "good old days." But how does the America of today appeal to them? A couple of quotations will be sufficient. That dis,. The first loan fund at Michigan was mittee shall hold stated meetings in established by the class of 1894 at the October. November, January, and Feb. time of its graduation. This fund, ruary of each year, and at such other amounting originally to an endow, times as may be necessary. All loans -ment of a little over $1,500, was first shall be made in regular meetings of taken advantage of early in 1897 when the committee, after a personal ap,! a loan of $50 was made. The income from the endowment is available for loans to undergraduates in the Collegc of Literature, Science, and the Arts. From this modest beginning the number of different loan funds has in- creased to more than 60. In some, the principal fund itself may be loaned while in others the income only can be used. The total amount available from both sources is now slightly 'over $8,000. cerning observer, II. W. Nevinson, Only twelve of these funds amount- found America a land of "scrappi ing in all to less than $8,000 are avail. suburbs littered with rubbish of old able to students of the University as a whole. Nineteen with a total of be- boards, tin pails, empty cans and tween $21,000 and $22,000 are limited boots. . . . standardized villages and to women. About the same amount small towns, alike in litter, in ropes of money,, in eight different funds, of electric wires along the streets, in has been given for the benefit of stu- clanking 'trolleys,' in chapels, stores, dents in the College of Engineering railway stations, Main streets and iso- and Architecture, while the College of lated wooden houses flung at random Literature, Science and the Arts has over the country. . . . of heaven piled between $17,000 and $18,000 from the offices, so clean, so warm, where love- seven funds given for the exclusive ly stenographers, with silk stockings use of Its students. and powdered faces, sit leisurely at The mistake must not be made of work or converse in charming thinking that this amount of money is ease. . . . of politicians contending available annually, for such is far for aims more practical than princi. from the case. Very few loans are . . .Republicans and Democrats I made for less than one year, the aver, distinguished only by mutual age length being about two years. hatred. . . ." This means that a large percentage of Of a different sort was the reaction the funds is "working" all of the of Sidney F. Wicks, who after his re- time. cent tour of this country wrote in the During the 27 years that have Manchester Guardian Weekly that elapsed since the first loan fund was "America is simply one vast Hamlet established, over 1300 loans have been engaged in the weary soliloquy, 'To ,made, aggregating nearly $120,000, of park or not to park, that is the ques- which amount over seventy thousand tion'. . . . Automobiles affect every- dollars has been repaid. The balance thing in America. . ... Home life means is represented by note, by far the that you have a starting point for a larger part of which are not yet due. dash in the car. . . Gathered from When it is realized that in nearly all nations of the earth, this people all cases the only security given by ioves restlessly about, driven on by: the signer of the note is his word, the tireless energy, sometimes forgetting number of past-due notes is remark. what they started to do and therefore ably small. Most of the beneficiaries driving all the faster, but conscious realize both that they are on their all the time of a vast destiny, and honor to repay the University, and singing 'America, I love you-and that a failure to do so means that there are a hundred millions more like some other student in the future may me.' America is a civilization on be denied much needed assistance due wheels, and who knows where Am- to a lack of money in the loan funds. erica will finally 'park'?" Prior to 1923 the loans were ad, While life today is vastly different ministered by various individual com- from that of yesterday it does not fol- mittees. In February of that year the, low that it is also uglier and more Regents took the following action: sordid. Probably the main difference "RESOLVED, That the Regents is that life has become more complex suggest to future donors of loan funds and more complicated. The last half that they give such funds subject to century has 'been one of stupendous existing University regulations re industrial and economic growth. How garding them as provided in the plan stupendous one may dimly realize given below. wvhen he reads that in the 'fifty years "RESOLVED, further, That when from 1870 to 1920 the steam railroad possible and expedient the Regents mileage increased from 53,000 miles' ask the donors of existing funds to pearance of the applicant, and in ac- cordance with any special provisions of the fund. In the administration of the loan funds it has been the practice to limit the beneficiaries largely to members of the senior and occasionally the junior class. It is only in very ex- ceptional cases that loans are given to sophomores and practically never to freshmen. It is felt that in general a student should not borrow during his fresh, man or sophomore years. If he were given a loan during his first year in college, he might well expect assis-. tance right on throught his course. It granted, this would tend to give himJ the impression that the world owed him a living, and also would turn him out, when graduated, with a debt which in many cases would be too heavy for him to carry without great difficulty. . As the loans are generally made to fall due a year after graduation, the length of time that the money is tied up is only from one to two years in the case of loans made to seniors, while if lent to freshmen the period between the date of the note and its due date would be from four to five years. As it is desirable to turn the. money over as frequently as possibl in order to help the greatest number of students, this is another reason for limitibg the loans to the later years of a student's college life. Many interesting and at times pathetic incidents come to light in connection with the applications for loans. In one case a student apply- ing said that he did not feel that he could carry on his studies satisfactor- ily unless he gave up some of his out- side work. Investigation showed that he was trying to carry fifteen hours in the College of Engineering and at the same time work in a local garage every night from 11 o'clock to 7 o'clock the next morning. lie re- ceived the loan. Another case was that of a boy who was working in a local machine shop from 5:30 o'clock in' the after- noon to 4:30 o'clock next morning, six days a week, and going to an 8 o'clock class for five of those days be- sides carrying seven hours more. When told that he could not keep on such a schedule without breaking down, he merely replied that he had to do it to get the money to remain in college. He did not even want to borrow from the loan funds as he had a horror of a debt, but he was finally persuaded that this money had been given to the University to help just' such cases as his. Occasionally the spirit prompting the gift of the loan funds is misunder- stood. This was the case of one young man who evidently thought that here was an easy way to get money to pay his debts. He came in the office short- ly after one Christmas vacation and said that he would like to borrow two hundred dollars. He went on to say that he had just became engaged against the wishes of his father who had consequently cut his allowance to just enough for him to live on for the balance of the college year, about six months. He owed his tailor and his fraternity nearly two hundred dollars' and they were apparently endeavoring to collect. Upon being questioned as to how much his father was going to give him, the reply was "only one hun- dred and twenty dollars per month." He did not get the loan but was ad- vised that probably if he tried hard enough he could live on five hundred dollars for the next six months and could use the balance left from his allowance to pay his creditors. He agreed that probably he could, and I imagine he did for he did not come back. A point which is not fully appre- ciated by many students is that in general it is better to borrow mone) from a loan fund while going through college than to overwork. After a student has passed through the first years of his college career and has formed regular habits and has proved his general worth; he might better contract a financial obligation which he can pay off after graduation than a possible physical impairment which can with difficulty if ever be remedied. This must not be understood as ad- vice to anyone to incur a debt tin- necessarily. It is rather i suggestion to those students in urgent need oft financial aid that there is a possibility of obtaining assistance from the loan funds which have been given the Uni- versity for the purpose of helping such cases. Home Making School (Continued from Page Fourteen) is converted into a children's dining- room during lunch'hour. Small tables and chair are placed in it with from three to five children and a teacher at each table. One long table is used for serving, and at this each child is given his tray or plate which he carries to his own place. The milk pitchers are taken to each table by the small diners. The teachers eat the same meal as the children, but have extra servings of such foods as butter, jelly and seasoning. These are served to them by the pupils. The kitchen has been remodelled to meet the needs of the school. Everything in the school is clean and hygienic. The decorations are bright, dainty, and colorful. Bright drapes cover the fronts of 'the cup- boards. Miss Lord, the director, wears colored smock-dresses em- broidered in pleasing colors which in England are called "overalls." In this way the children can be. taught the various colors and foundations can be laid for good taste. Professor Barbara H. Bartlett, of the department of public health nurs- ing and hygiene, who gives a course in child hygiene for the pre-school age, when asked about the' opening of the University nursery branch of the Mer- rill-Palmer School said: "The opening of the University branch of the Mer- rill-Palmer school will be a great benefit to all women students of the University, whether they are planning to teach or do social work. In fat, all women interested in childhood ar concerned with child development imd training. The work that is being organized by Miss Lord in the Merrill- Palmer School will be of value, not only to future mothers, but to all University women interested in child training and child development. Al- though the school in Detroit has been in operation since February, 1920, the directors and staff have attracted na- tional interest and praise in their three fields, of general education and advisory work in the fundamentals of nutrition, of unit extension courses In homemaking, dealing with food, cloth- ing, home, family, and health, and a nursery school." An American Heidelberg, Big Head By Dr. 0. F. Frankl, Professor Unli. versity of Tlenna, Translated from Neue Frele Presse, By Dr. Bernhard Friedlaender, Detroit Michigan. Under the title "An American Heidelberg," Professor 0. F. Frankl, who delivered lectures here last fall, has written an ar- ticle comparing Ann Arbor to Heidelberg, that gem among Ger- man cities and universities. A rather free translation is attempt- edin the following: Ann Arbor! thy name is sweet and lovely, and lovely art thou like the gentle rolling plane among which thou art situated. Nothing in this wonderful univer- sity town reveals the fact that we are dealing with a center of busy intel-' lectual life. The university buildings including libraries, dormitories, and fraternities, seem to arise from the vast green lawns and to be organically connected with the remains of an al most primeval forest. Numerous sturdy youths and pretty maidens wander along the streets and lanes. Truly a sight to rejoice the hearts of those who have not lost their youth in the pursuit of wisdom and learning. Although the city scarce counts 30,- 000 inhabitants, the university num- bers 12,000 'students. 'No wonder so many seek these hospitable halls of learning,-for every opportunity is of- fered them. The town itself would be conducive' to deep concentration on the part of the students. This is even abetted by the fine example set by' ambitious elderly people who attend for the purpose of increasing their store of knowledge. Most of the buildings are situated on the campus somewhat like Trinity College of Dublin. Ann Arbor, how- ever, is new and modern and at once impresses the visitor with its indomit- able will to grow and grow. A spac- ious science building whose ground floor is of stone, was erected quite re- cently. Likewise a chemical labora- tory. The medical building is plain and severe,' but its mighty new wing at present under construction, will make it the equal of the largest medi- cal schoofs. A new hospital, to cost several millions of dollars, is being built and will soon reach completion. Also a new library, a rectangular stone edifice of dignified style, its middle section with slender pillars, will soon be ready. The new engi- neering school is magnificent, though naturally its style is subservient to its, purpose. On one corner of the campus stands Memormal Hall, all of stone and full of simple charm. Truly great is the number of build- ings, each of which serves some special branch of science. Long since, the buildings have over- stepped the original confines of the carpus. Hill Auditorium, with its 6,000 seats, is the delight of all the students, for here concerts are held, 'and lectures, and the far-famed de- bates in which skilled and worthy op- ponents engage in intellectual fencing. Quite recently the Auditorium wit- (essed such a duel between Oxford and Michigan. Doubtless, however, the new quarters of the Lawyers' Club would be considered the most beauti- ful of all the buildings. It is a veri- table palace, in Tudor style, of New england granite, and charming In line and color. All its halls and rooms give proof of the taste and great wealth of its donors. My guide told me that during the past 'year over twenty-three millions had been grant- ed to the University of Michigan, in part by the state, and in part by pr vate donations. A sunny morning; the air is warm and pleasant. Happiness and joyous ekcitement on the faces of the young people standing in groups and dis- cussing the events of the day. Football in Ferry Field! The girls holding yellow chrysanthemums tied with blue ribbons. The boys in blue sweat- ers with the beautiful yellow "M" And Michigan honored, her praises sung in every word, in every song and game, for she lavishes upon her chil- dren whatever they may need. The immense concrete stadium al- most enclosing the green lawns, rises to dizzy heights. All of the 60,000 seats are occupied. Airplanes circling above the field, drop chrysanthemums upon those beneath. And now the band of a hundred students marchlfkg in from the south, strike up. Dressed in dark blue, their short capes lined with yellow silk, the musicians ad- vance coquette and triumphant. The game is on between Michigan and Wisconsin. One longside of the stands is reserved for the latter, while Michigan occupies all the others. The yell-masters of both factions, smart, graceful boys, now enter; Wisconsin in red sweaters, Michigan in blue trimmed in yellow. As the foot-ball players line up, the yell-masters' activities begin. These leaders, mov- ing deftly and gracefully, as they di- 'rect the audience, shot their orders and clear cut rythm through their megaphones. And with due precision, 40,000 voices take up the cheers, thus arousing the proper mood and awak- ening enthusiasm. During the whole game the yell-masters' activities never flag. New yells are constantly being "megaphoned", the cheer leaders leaping up a d down and keeping pace with the spirit of the players. Wiscon- sin's: U-rah-rah Wisconsin. U-rah-rah Wiscon-sin. Yea!" at once is answered by"Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Mi-chigan! Rah!" And 40,000 voices intonate: "0 Michigan, dear Michigan, Thy sons will ne'er forget. and never will her students forget the golden days at U. of M. The game, most excellent sport, lasts two hours. Michigan wins 20:0 Yet Wisconsin is honored, and as they sing their college song, Michigan rises, 40,000 strong, and joins in en- thusiastically. The dust raised by 20,000 machines gradually settles again. As my auto rolls on smoothly to Detroit, the yel- low and red of the sugar maples lin- ing both sides of the road, gleam in the twilight. Behind us recedes the city of youth, the city of the future, -Ann Arbor--and ahead, coming ever closer, is th0 l'uill w-ov0P d -city of D)Ptrof .w th v 4 ilindui,4 l ttan, An Iitiii b a ti u vy cl nsmooth and without hindrance between these two cities, is the course leading from the seat of learning to the world of active life. This path is straight and purposeful and firm in the belief that knowledge and learning is not the only asset in this new and strong world, and that much depends upon early preparation if theory and prac- tice are to go hand in hand. Such preparation is based not upon the mere acquisition of facts to be stored in the memory, rather it depends upon the physical upbuilding of the individ- ual. Finally this course rests upon the knowledge that In this world happiness consists mainly in making and keeping friends and in working and creating in company with them. To this end do present-day univer- sities contribute by means of fraterni- ties, campus-life' and rigorous fair- play games. to 253,000 miles or a growth of 375 per cent. Population increased from 38,000,000 to 105,000,000, representing a gain of 138 per cent. National wealth expanded from thirty billions of dol- lars to three hundred billions of dol- lars; wheat and corn from a billion and a quarter bushels together to four billions of bushels; cotton from four million bales to twelve; coal from 29,- 000,000 tons to 576,000,000 tons; manu- facturing materials from a billion dol- lars in value to fourteen billions of dollars in 1914. And the list could be lengthened indefinitely. It is true, however, that this growth along with the development of mech- anical contrivances has enabled sor- didness and vulgarity to flaunt them- selves more glaringly. But this in it- self should be a fresh challenge to aesthetic souls. Their problem is to bring machinery to the service of beauty. This, a leaden age? The answer must be no, yet neither can it be said that this is a golden age. But to make it such should be the common goal of mankind. "Allons! the road is before us!" Private Life of A Champ (Continued from Page Eleven) in the hall. Again his laugh filled thel place. That boyish nature! How thel children must love him!! And so, I left without the story 1 had sought, but with a closer, richer, deeper understanding of-not Jack Dempsey, the fighter, but of--Jack Dempsey, the MAN. make such modifications of the condi- tions under which loans are to be ad- ministered that they -may all be sub- ject to the same general plan. "RESOLVED, further, That a uni- form rate of interest of five per cent on all loans be charged from and after graduation or withdrawal from the University. "RESOLED, further, That all loan funds contributed by University classes shall be combined in a fund to be known as the "Alumni Loan Fund" and administered as a unit, the names of the various classes contributing to it, arrapged according to the school or college, to be published in the list of donors to the funds, and that the various classes which have establish- ed loan funds be requested at their next reunions to agree to such an ar- rangement, it being understood that the University Committee on Loan Funds will administer the combined fund in the interest of all departments contributing thereto. "RESOLVED, further, That all ap plications for loans from men be made in the office of the Dean of! Students, where application blanks will be fur- nished. Women should apply to the Dean of Women. "RESOLVER, further, That the Re- gents authorize a University Commit- tee on Student Loans, to consist of the Dean of Students, the Dean of Women, the Treasurer of the Univer- sity, and one representative from each school or college, such representatives to be appointed by their respective Deans. The Dean of Students shall act as chairman of the committee, and the Treasurer as secretary. This com- __ - i I i A CORONA Printing Engraving Embossing Typewpriting Mimeographing TYPEWRITERS Best grade factory rebuilt Underwood, L. C. Smith, Royal and others at a saving of $40.00 or more from new manufacturers price. Easy terms if desired. Renting and repairing a specialty. Adding Machines for sale and rent T~~r., I (l T-,...fZRR TT :. .: ..... . .+ 1 I 1 _-- b I