V[!GX EIGHIT THE lLMICHIG AN DAILY DAIL OFICIA BULETN Publication in The tBulletin is constructive notice Wi. all -nembers of the University." Copy r ecetved b~y the Assistant to th4 PVeident until 3:30 p. im. (11 30 a.in. Saturday, volume 6" THURSI)AY, FEBRUAI AR 12,1 112 H umbier 96 TIhi acourse wWill moct ill IRlooim 30(sA. It[., Mon day, Wedtne sdlayrand 'ci- I LunlichieoTl humrday, Feb~ruary 12. at the U nion. L. I. Bre old., A'Plo nwibe of Alphia N u il meetiIn our roomis 1f1r iithe Drd t:itie ('e1 s~onicsi tonight at 7: 15promptly. It is Important that all be par .seit. at All meimbers o1' the Rloundt able Club are requested~ to lbe jprercidt a:,.. dinner at W.hich lr. William Kibb~y will be entert ained at t he lUionu. t , olo:'; tonight. M~r. Kibby will speak on "Misfit:; in Industry"' at 7:290 in Ilooni i,23 of the Union, All member's andl any other persons int crei aoarc. invited to attend both the meeting and the dinner. 1'o the l1laiagers of Student Activities: Attcntion is called to the following extract from the rules of the Uni- versity senate governing participation in extra curricula activities: "The manager or chairman of every student activity is requir- ed to submit to the Chairman of the Committee on IEligibility a complete list of all1 students who expect to participate and to ascer- tain their eligibility before proceedinig further with the enterprise. No student may take,- part in any public activity until an official certificate of eligibility is filed with the proper officer in charge of that activity." It is requested that these lists be sent to Roomi 2, University Hall. on or, before Monilay, February. 16. They will be checked up In the order ot their receipt and returned to the proper officer at the earliest data possible. J. A. Buraley, Cii,1rinrnp of the ('otiiiltee on Eligibility. Cc.ileg'e of Literature, Sdlefceo and the Arts: Unaviodable changes in elections may be made in the Registrar's Of- lice on Thursday and Friday, February 12 and 13. from 9-12 and 2-5. Lillian A. Hughes, Assistanit hegistrar. Gr, dnie Fellowships' and Seholarsips for 1912).26: Applications for Fellowships and Scholarships for 1925-26 in the Grad uate School should, be made not later than March 1. Blanks and informna- tion may be had at, the office of the School, 1014 Angell Hall. Information will be given also about other graduate fellowships, in- cluding the following: ,the Parish Fellowship, awarded by the University of: Michigan and available for foreign study; the fellowships in Interna tional Lew, offered by the C'axnegie Endowment for International Peace; tlie fellowships of the IRobert' Brookings Graduate School of Economies and Goverrnent ;the fellowships offered by the Michigan School of Religion, and the National P~ellolvships in Religion. A. 11. Lloyd. 1"e}cwsllps in 8oclial.Sen lee:- Thiere are a number of Fellowships available in other univers ities foi students in Social Service work. I shall be glad to consult with students graduating this year who wuay wish to consider applying for one of these. A. E~. Wood, Aeronantlics 7: Meets in Room 1042 East Engineering Building today at 4 o'clock. E. A. Stalker,. Sclwo'f of Ticaf ion Assenlhly: An assembly of students of the School of 'klucation wvill be held in the University high School Auditoriumn at 4:15 Friday afternoon. Dri. AV. B. Boole. Professor of the Principles of, Education, Ohio State University. will arecl:. All students in the. School of Education are expected to attend. -Clifford Woody, Chanirmn, Student 11'e Ifare. IFrai; g 3:. on Friday, February 13, students electing Monday-Friday sections in Drawing. 3 are to- appear with their drawing istruments and materials to begin the first plate. Coupons to be procured at the Treasurer's Office 6, cover the- cost -of, the- specification booklet and u~ae of models rare to be turned in at this meeting. 11. 1. drtulcli .;. Clrentilal-'ingineerlng 29 :. 'I'1here Will b9 a. r1eting. of the, clanss.Thursday afternoon at 1:10h for the, purpose of arranging hours. J. C. Briecr. rt Tiinic16i .I4 :-Gicnal Econeomles: Those not paraset at organization mieeting wrill report to one (oft the following quiz setions: I. TihursdAy at 8 in Room 207, hEc. I1 Thursday at 9 -in loom 202, Ec. Ill F14rida-Y. at 9 in Roomi 201. E. }'irst assighnient: Taussig Vol. 11, C'h. 3$. J0111 1. Ta fIicfl. lrr.11(lI 2 Al y sectionf of F r cnch 11' a t 9:0(0 w ill n icet in 2 0 11 "11, (lie san e w a ,sm t r.ob t 1' i ne y .Ia - a f 1 j D~ouglas If. Clejpbam VC. MY Sect ion of Frech 81 2 at 9):00) will mneet last senmeste(r,' and miiy Fr'enichl't2 at 11: 00 will iooum previously announced. in Room GiAIT, the same as meet in 2223AJ1. instead of John It. :131 ikli.:.5 4A eograpily 1,0 .11141 110 : Geography 120 T. Th. at 3, will mieet in Roomi 25, Angell [Tfall. Geography 110, T. Th. at 10, wvill meet in Roomt 25, Angell Itall. Hi. C. 3 cMurr y. Course 126, History of the German Novelle. Weill meet Alonday evening 7 to J, beg;inning February 16, in Room 406, ILmrary. Reports on pending atssignmnents. J. 11. Seholl. I Hygiene 1011: Th~lis courise will be given in Newberry Auditoriumu, beginning Friday, February 13, instead of in Room 1Y of the Law Building as w'as p~reviou~sly announced. Nathlan Sinni. I PiII:05pity 107: 3Mefip ysics: Classes will meet on Tuesday and 'Thutrsday at 3 in Room 101 7. .Angell I Ball. First meeting today. hBrant[ latislard. Zoology i,--A'onpnrathie Anatomyv: The class will, meet for lecture today in Room G-217, N. S. Building. 1'elter Okkelber,, Northern Oratorical Leaign Conlest : Oral lens for the Northern Oratorical League Contest must I' banded in at Room82l1t Angell duI] not later than )aturday, February 14. Class contestrs will be held tho latter part of the next week on (lays that wvill be anno1unced in tihis bullet in ( i Tuesday,. Felruary 17. G~. E. D~ensmoire. Ellanlish 'Club: TPhe fourth lecture of the Span ishi Club semies; will be given tonight in 203 Tappan Hall by Mi'. Albaladejo, on ''Life andl Traditions in Mad rid.'' II. M1. Sinclair. Stiid~ii s' Receitals: The fo'oi ~ng Irog as i to whliich tMe: (' lIi a is in vi t A will be gi veni by 't mm uni1ber at the ail-a nmcud at ad en s of the University School ofl' M usic in the Sce l of lMuic Aud ilori urn TI.u rraay evening :% t 8 : t; o'clock: Symlphrc Variations (Bfoellmann ) Zona Eberly ; M\enuet to, Anudante caniitaibile and Allegro f'ront Qua rtet Op. 18, No. 5 A major (Bleeth oven). G ertriude Friedrich and Emily MVut ter. violins, P a uline' Kaiser, viola, Z )na f 1*berly, cello: Prelude and Fugue, C minoi', (Bach), secon d Polo'llis's IBrilliate, ( 'Wirnia wslci ) IEm>i lylMuttrer. Acconi pa 1101('Ints by l~wigi it S te m'e anmd P au]ine Kaiser. (""lades A. Siil, Se('rptary. I jii r'ty Club of %un tA i'lor' Ont account of th~e 11rasl'"a u conert, on Frmiday, Feb ra ii my 1.1, 1 he Fe ii rutary Laub Nighit of the Un iver'sity (hub will he 4held oil Fridlay, Fe mm rari' 2.1 s ..HolbrooJc, ('ln irman of P1rograt Coin t le{". a 10 M M 13 EU5M® R®U ® M NE lm a M I C ita ber' of Conimec'e: Ther'e will be a regular business meeting Thursday evening, Feb. 12, Rtoom 304 Union. F. It. ('ase, See. C'osmeopolitanIlMembers and Friends: A luncheo~n will be served Saturdlay, Feb. 14, at 12 :30 at the hlaunted Tavern. Those who intend to be present will please notify J. J. Schwar'tz, 2100M, b~efor'e Fr'iday noon. J. 11. Schlyar(:z. # Yeterains of 1 oreign Wbar's: Richiard N. H-all Post meets Thursday evening at 7:30, at Mlichigan Union H 1. 1). Clark, Comimander. Ther'e will be a. meeting of the Geological Journal Club on Thursday, I Fob. 12, at 7: 30 P. Al.rThe following program will be given: Prof. Cook r "The Roll of Faulting in the Formation of Islands in the West- ern End of Lake Emie." M11r. Hussey "Recent Contributions to Invertebrate Paleontology." It. U. Belknap, Secretary. _________ -4:15-lDr. Bade speaks to students of T~j HA 'S ( n~rT the School of Education in U. H. S." Since wonmen of Cochin, India, hiav( WHAIS G01N G ON auioru. on the vote they have been asking Notices to appear in this cohiim n must 6:00--Baptist students' bainquet at the governmnlt to allocate at lea st be left in the box at the Da'ly office church. four of its fifteen nominated seats to 1pr )vided for that purpose before4 o'lckrrcedirig the day of issue.4 : 8:00- Sophiie Braslan concen int11111 women of the state. It's their belief ---- -auditorium, that wvomen representatives are no- THURSIDAY cessary when laws affecting women j 1.:0041 :00,- - inlor engineers signhtip Suibscibe for TheAMichilgan PIlly and children are being made. for k:ickets at the En gineering build- ing. X1:10--MIr. Beiienit speakilkS o VI'Sail . Ull'V .l' les" in N. S. a uditorium. h v1 6:1 It- l T ab I'hle (!] i)?dinner for Mr. ibb y at the Union. ervic : . 0.'1. C. siffk of the K. f.I 0 ::. ... T 1C shops. I 7 :1- 1)eIcaltion2 ceremuonies of AlphaI START RI1GHT 1 Nu. Obtain the proper equipit en t to helmp you do good work this esn 7:301)-1120 ,r (CarleToierlectures on s-io'-r, Patm'onize time1,,tutdent Sul)piy Stor'e-you'll fhe we1'll "Thle Develoomlent of the Caterpillam'r satisfied. Tractom" in N. S. auditorium. Ihal 7:30_11r. ', Iiley speaks on "Mlisfits in 11SllI nvrs4Av' industry" in rooms 323-325, Union.___________________ 7 :'10-3Mr. lhaladejo feeltires Qul "Life and Tr'aditions in Madri'' in 203, Tappan hal. 7:30 --Vel'matis of IFori'gm Wars ineet i at tlime Un ion. ; 7 :30-Prof. tCook .tid M1r. hfussey! SspeakIi.to CGeological .Journal club. t4 :0t) ---l ilns' R:ecital ini School of fYI Uic audlitol'imm. 12 :01- -Eiigislm Ihpariticilt lunicheon I-'""- - ' at the Union. U IN r U U U U N SECONDI SEMr ER TEXT- DOOK Jy section of Amercan Literature, mjeeting 'Tuesdci7.ray nd Tltmithylaat move ft-omu its presaeut room 2135 A. 1-1. to 35 A. 17. C. C'. l'ries3. Uf U' Uj of 10,000 SECOND-HAND WI1LL SAVE, YOU BOOKS THATr MONEY c'ourve by Dr. 4"Lo.l p, the Social Psychology of Youn,er Chlildren.t ivill met Thruradcay :afernoon at 4:00 o'clock in hloov) 102 Economics 3Buti~ding. The course is oqpen only to seniors amid graduates. A. F. Wood. III T HE GREY SHOP 600 E. LIBERTY Send Her a Boxs of ._MAVIS for a Valentinle Fresh s.hipic, rI just rcceivcd. i MONSTER BOOKSTOREU '-I i '. ." ",r a ","" "" . ' ." , " " " '.. ".,°." ",".'' '"ef. ' °.". ,' ,..+ ' a .'N~ ' e" . .'"V Cadr al IlkI . _ f J 1 t t .. I T Tel ephone Follow-up O SALES EFFORT AND AD'VERTISING Keep b ess going-put the en-. livening kick into trade by using Long Dis ance as a consistent fol.- low-up of ale~s and advertising. Two Detro automobile firms sell cars by tel hone., A large auto obile manufacturer urges his agen a to sell by telephone'. A. cleaning an dyeing house in Lansing gets bu iness by telephone. A Saginaw dealer sells tires by tele- phone. A big match comp ny does practi- cal all its whol aling by tele-. phone. Financial houses se stocks and bonds by telephone. Many other concerns bu d business and keep in touch with their field forces by telephone. The saving of time and oney to producer, wholesaler and etailer is reflected in lower costs to the consumer. MICHIGAN BEL TELEPHO CO. 8811 SYSTEM o 0c0..one U810 at tTISayfcq WINTER IRCUS 20 - --ALL FEATUR STAR ACTS-- 20 Not a Carnival or Bazaar, but a Circus compl'C e InI every detail exactly as sho9wn under the white tops in Sumrrner. All TL:.... IAIl .A I WXT"tIM I