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March 29, 1925 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-29

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SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1925

_ _

1 -1

Students to

As the Chilean climate

is ratherI

temperate we do not wear raccoon
coats. Therefore, we have no colleges.{
However, we have students, who at-
tend the secondary schools and the
University. The licea or secondary
school is a six year condensation of
the American High School and Col-
lege, with the virtues of these and
none of their defects, but with many
defects of their own. The University
is the ensemble of the professional
schools, the ateneum, the aula, the
laboratory. Six years seem enough to
learn the humanities, acquire the
habit of smoking and deserving a
Bachelor's degree, if we bear in mind
that the State (practically all of our
education is furnished gratuitously by
the State, that is, by ourselves) does
not bother to teach us the subleties of
advertising nor the intricacies of
hore-back riding.
One a Rostonia-nI nlAv roved to

I 1
i' ,

de Estudiantes was destroyed by the
potential Fascisti of Santiago, and the
"cops" did their job by imprisoning
the Rescue the young idealists. A fortnight he New
later there was a saint and martyr inT
the students' calendar: Gomez Rojas,
------- had died in jail. The poor fellow had
gentine writer and an apcstle of Latin become insane; his jailers, with that;
Americanism as opposed to Monroism, peculiar insight that is the privilege By3E. C M.
had spent many hours at the club of justice, decided that he was just Prohibition is a great question everyl
talking with the members--many of playing and feigning madness: so one seems to agree. This article is
whcm were his fello'v writers - r they used to throw ice water on him. not about prohibition. It is about the
the Great War, the Monroe Doctrine, 'They say he died reciting fragments I thirst that is supposed to seize the
The Latin American League of Na-of the Divine Comedy. vernal freshman somewhat above the
tions, the Symbolists Poets, the art of With a dead hero leading them, the tonsils and propel him through four
Picasso. He had written at the foot "students and workers constituted a years of "intellectual activity." It
of his picture: "La America Latinakn says to him, supposedly: "Consider
political block, heldla, convention, and
para los Latino-Americanos." So the a ew months afterward made pos- the little book-worn how he lives and
opinions were divided. But every- sible the election of a progressive finds meat and di ink in the dry, dusty
body agreed upon one thing; namely, candidate as president of the republic, tones of profound learning. Go thou
not to subscribe to the theory of some who incorporated in his program the and 0do likewise."
American extremists, that Latin reforms for which Gomez Rojas had I And does he? Robert Cooley An-I
America should be for the Americans. 1 fought and died. The new president 1ell, of the sociology de, artment, has ,
But this unwillingness to be sub- was tremendously popular; like Mary i1found that he does not. As every-t
servient to the great republic of the Pickford in America, he became body knows, this discovery was nub-
north was not an expression of na- Chile's sweetheart. During his ad- lisped in Dr. Angell's now famous
tionalism, nor a misdirected complex ministration the old boundary dispute ; "Ieport on lelhods of Increasing the
of national weakness. Those young was put in the hands of an impartial intellectual Interest of Students at
men were voicing the pride of their foreign arbiter who, by the way, is the University of Michigan," which
Spanish blood, and their personal in- soon to make his decision.. Six was made at the request of our late
adaptibility to a civilization alien in months ago, however, the president President Burton and the deans.
its methods and ideals. of the people having become en- 4The fact is, the incoming freshmanI
This Club de Estudiantes was the tangled with questionable elements- is not so thirsty as he was once sus-
center of our activities. Everybody through fate rather than through pected of being.
could belong to it, including members malice or incapacity-was ordered by One of Dr. Angell's recommenda-
of the labor unions. The latter did a. military Junta to retire "voluntari- tions, and one which is receiving no
not have to pay any fees; they were ly" from office. His own friends small support concerns a methods to
welcomed as honorary members. failed him, the masses remained apa- "whet", as it were, the thirst of the
There was no secrecy about any- thetic. The traditional Chilean good freshman by giving him a wee taste
thing. On the contrary, frankness sense in matters political restrained of each of the sweets in store. More
and onenness was the prerequisite for those who wept over his departure precisely, he suggests initiatory cour-
admission-perhaps the sole requisite. from starting a civil war. Chile gave sos based on the ideas of those now
What at first was Intended as a social the military directorate a. sporting presented atChicago. Amherst, Co-
center soon developed into a cultural chance to make good. In the several lumbia, Rutgers, Dartmouth, Leland
and political nucleus. months that ensued the whole country
was quiet, intent upon preserving i navy and most of the army realized
Firs cane te ievitbk~magaine their democratic institutions even at
learned and literary, then the Peoples their emocrat st s t it was in senate to destroy a long un-
leanedsta ieteworkingmen opsan the cost of pride. But the resigned broken tradition of constitutional life,
U ti e ftSa- population found a secret relief in the andI thet miit d o e g
tiago were asked to join. The after- attitude assumed by the students of ;r th itaky goerme. ta,
math of the Great War with its chal- the University of Santiago, who would er with its "fake" government Junta
lenging. economic issues affected the not compromise and improvised fierce was obliged to resign, and Alessandri
teaching of the People's University. the exiled reformer, was instantly re-
Opposition to this free school of phi- of the soldier-statesmen. A former called. Now he is on his way home,
losophy and social sciences began to president of the Students' Federation and things look again normal in
arise in official circles. The result reChSilSd.
was that students and workers were was exiled fom the coutr ; Ite (
dran cose toeterther iterst leading members were illtreated or! (Copyright 1924, by C. S. Haight.)
anrh m threatened. Public opinion gi aduallv
and ideals being menaced by a coni responded to the students protest
mon enemy. Industrial conflicts it had done five years before, an:ij Read th Want Ads
came to be discussed in the Student's fLI5Cr T tLIA-l;A1X+.1


Cmenimittee G, of the American As-
sociation of University Professor has
rgone into the matter deeply in their'
v ThirstBulletin 10. After a study of all of
the courses now offered or contem-
plated and an unusually thorough in-
Ivestigtion into the needs of the case,
Stanford, Missouri, Princeton, Wil- the committee reported itself in favorI
I;, c ,I, T, I;- . 1 -~n., f n r moP nn f h attn o h

cance of the material, within each
field, which the course cannot ex-
amone. Such treatment instead of
giving a 'false sense of omniscience'
would give a due sense of intellectual
humility; and instead of 'taking the
edge off the adventure of learning'
would whet the eagerness for such ad

II ,

lams , Johns Iopkis and Antioch. or a course on te e na ure of t
Although each of these courses or world and man." Like the others, theIventure." r
sets of courses varies in detail they course would be general, even ad-
usually include at least one semester mittedly superficial, and planned to James Boyd's first novel, "Drums,"
prerequisite for all freshman in all cover a great deal of ground. I%1ublished by Scribner's March 27th,
schools and colleges of the University. Speaking of the idea, the committee has been (declared by two eminent
The courses are invariably a general says: "The committee believes that a Hnie of letters to be the best novel
survey or some sort designed to pres- general acquaintance with the mod- ever written on the period of the Am-
ent briefly many of the interesting facts ern view of the world and man-with erican Revolution. Mr. Boyd has had
and fields of knowledge and to give the modern view, that is, of "the the interest of John Galsworthy for
the freshman a complete, if thin, chemical materials and the physical several years. When Mr. Galsworthy
background into which to fit his out- forces that constitute living and non- was last in America he met Mr. Boyd
standing interests. He gets a highly living things, the earth and its as- at Southern Pines, N.C.,-and declared
condensed and reduced picture of the tronomical relations, the evolution of him a writer of exceptional promise
whole thing, with, however all things plants and animals, and the physical, Two other Boyds appear on the
in their correct proportion and rela- intellectual and social evolution of Scribner spring list: r homas Boyd,
tion. There are thus two definite man-alone affords the perspective author of "Through the Wheat," who
benefits looked for from this course. Which is indispensable for the proper continues his war studies in "Points
Dr. Angell describes some of the 1 organization o, acquired knowledge of Honor," and Ernest Boyd who con-
courses as follows: Ifor the full developnnt of the de_ triiutes "Studies from Ten Litera-
"The 'Introduction to Contemporary sire to receive and contribute ad- tures.
Civilization' at Columbia, first given vancement to knowledge. Such a per-
in 1919-1920 is the best know course spective constitutes the ideal point of
of this type. It has been duplicated departure for the entire intellectual
at Rutgers. However, the same ideas enterprise of the undergraduate." ;
has been adopted in different forms It has been widely objected that
and under different names by severalj the sunerficiality of such a course \WThen
other institutions. Amherst has been would be harmful rather than bene-
giving a. general course in "Social and ficial to the student. Speaking of this,
Economic Institutions' for nine years; the committee says:
all freshmen at Dartmouth take two "It will be intellectually supejiwial
initiatory courses, one entitled "Evolu- if the instructor gives the impression
tion' and the other 'problems of Citi- I that his swift survey conveys all that
zenship'; Leland Stanford and Mis- is worth knowing about each portion N ight
souri also have courses similar to the of the field; it will not be intellec-
latter; Princeton gives one called'Ilis- tually superficial if the instructor
torical Int'roduction to Politics aid slakes it clear that he is touching the!
Economics', and Yale, one in the evo- surface of each portion of the fieldr
lution of social institutions."- and suggests something of the signifi-
A uTr1

me the superiority of Protestantism
by stating that in this country all
presidents (including bank presi.-
dents) have been Protestants. I tim-
idly remarked that. in Rome, all the
cardinals and even the Pope are Cath-
olics. Since that day I appreciate
better the education we receive in
Chile, the way we do things, the way
we live, and Mie. Even our defects
appear to nre in a new light, as the
inevitable shadow of our assets. The
Bostonian lady made me realize that
the only intelligent criticism is that
which aims at understanding, particu-
larly that which seems absurd at fiistl
So I will begin by pleading guilty.
Yes, we have no dormitories, no
chapel, no class in elocution. But, oh°
the warmth of the boarding house in1
San Diego St., the inviting old face of{
the Church of Saint Francis, standing1
red and simple opposite the flower
market! Of course in elocution forI
us, we are too busy struggling to bec
articulate. Yes, I plead guilty. We
have no banners, no pins. We have
no college spirit. We are too busy



9:3 t 4;00,

4:00 to 9r34


working out the salvation of our club; more than one strike was plan
souls. ned out in its nicely decorated room
In Latin countries there d'e students A young poet-known in moderni:
and students. The variety known to circles all over South America, m
the novelist are those who are not triculated in two or three depa'r
studying any longer. They frequent ments of the University, but who wz
the libraries and auditoriums, and go too busy to attend classes as he ha
to the cafes at night. Without them to earn his daily bread by working
many books would not be read, many an artisan-a young poet by the nan
lecturers would address empty seats, of Gomez Rojas (we never kne
and there would be no student night whether this was his real name or
life. High priests of youth, these stu- pseudonym) was the most effecti'
dents who are not studying never ' bond between students and worker
graduate, never settle down, never He was a great orator and a man c
look down upon the younger genera- action. This latter asset cost hi
tion. Occasionally there arises from ;his freedom, and finally his life, b
among them a good writer, an original cause for some time after the Gre;
artist, or a tribune of the people. In War to be a man of action in Chil
periods of conflict and maladjustment implied being an I. d. W. And ti
the students who do not study may poor Gomez Rojas did not even kno
even furnish the leader, the martyr, what these three fatal letters meant
the hero. That is why, in a complete But certain things have an unusu,
picture of Latin American student spell, if they are grouped in three';
life, special attention must be paid to . like the three K's, the Three Grace
this variety of students. Particularly ' and the Big Three.
so in connection with Chile, since one One night, at a general assembl,
of them brought about a students' the old boundary dispute betwee
consciousness, by finding expression Chile and a sister trepublic was di
to their disquietude, leading them in- cussed, apropos of much newspape
to action, and dying in jail. talk to the effect that a new war wa
We used to meet in the Club de imminent as the only way out. Th
Estudiantes, a. nice men's club, where students, after a heated discussion, rc
someone was always playing the piano solved to oppose any idea of war an
in the hall, glancing over European sent to their fellow students on th
reviews, reading proofs for the stu-- ( other side of the boundary a messag
dents' monthly, treating a friend at of fraternal love, requesting them t
the counter. In the best room of the repudiate any attempt to engage th
house one could see photographs of !twocountries in an orgy of blood an
well-known people, friends of the club renewed hatred. The workers of var
--Anna Pavlowa, Maria Guerrero, the ious sections of the country joine
Spanish actress, Anatole France, Man- their University friends in the caus
uel Ugarte. The latter, leading Ar- of peace. A few days later the Clu


linany ma [e itseit so plain that ui:,


Comfplete Stock of Groceries
College Grocery
i16 E. WilliamiPhone &86-J

just think of the manly
<0suppers you have eat-
en at the larmony Cafeteria
and then bring the rest of
tile gang alongv with you.
"Where the Best Food is


Paint Now---
* Payater
---ten months to pday
Paint your home now. Pay later. Get the advantage of the new
business .plan of the Sherwin-Williams Company, the world's largest
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You enjoy the new paint on the house as you go along-pay for
it as you go along, too. Very simple arrangement-no trouble at all
-no red tape.
If you delight in having your house look second to none in the
street and well protected at the same time, come to this store and
we will give you details. Or if you prefer, phone us and we'll come
to you.
This store is known as "PAINT hEADQUARTERS." We have
the famous Sherwin-Williams HIousehold Painting Guide that tells the
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Come in and get a free copy of the S-W Painting Guide.


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The Lure oPtCte
Disguise it as we may, the fact remains that a pretty woman's beauty is enhanced
oy the wearing of becoming clothes. Even a plain woman looks well if properly gowned.
Charming clothes give the wearer a feeling of confidence in any environment.
Never have styles been so becoming to the average woman as this spring. Not since
the war have prices been so reasonable. In our shop you'll find the latest New York models
WIthin a week from their appearance on Fifth Avenue, and you'll find prices lower than
elsewhere in the city, or in Detroit, for garments of quality.
Sport Coats, $19.75 to $65
Dress Wraps, $39.50 to $100


207 East Liberty





'd I IUN 1f1i1ll il 1I1 0lttil l t11 H lil ItGi illItlitH iitI E#44 IH i 11 t111t1t :{IH
_ v
First of All -
A Wrap!
* I
-E ASTER and new clothes! Somehow the
two are always associated together, aren'ta
they? And naturally enough, for Easter isf
primarily a time of rejoicing-and what more con-
ducive to a happy frame of mind than lovely new
apparel? First of all then, the Wrap! Great is
its importance, for is it not the first thing which
greets the eye in Easter's fashion parade?



Silk Gowns,

, $29.50 to $100
$19.75 to $95

118 Main Street
The Shop of Satisfaction

,P IA1

/CPI ".;! J0APSOI1 C! C',1 r , .



The Out-door Season is Here
To enjoy it, you will need some outdoor goods, such as
baseballs from 25c to $2.00. Indoor balls, 50c to $2.00.
Tennis balls, fielders' gloves, catchers' gloves, baseball bats,
25c to $1.50. Golf balls, 50c and 75c.
Target Rifles, Air Rifles and Shot Guns.
Boy Scout Equipment.
Few nickel plated ball-bearing roller skates, $2.25. Scooters,
$2.50 to $7.50. Velocipedes from $4.25 to $21.00. Blue
Streak Express Wagons from $3.50 to $9.50.

- i


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