.PAGR . SIX THE MICHIGAN* DAILY "SU ]SAY, MARLCH 29, 1927, , -. - t-110-0010 arr.. . r« rrrr *wr i -, .. .. - , , ,,, _ . . ,,x ,. ..., ,, W *® ,, . ---------- Mat her Selects S[ 1 TMSIT Major League Baseball Clubs GI[ ile~ldt STURIS AD S. MAIYS AK[Al-ourlan(i nt Await Date Of Opening Game 'GeorgiIaIVS MNtz STAT Str Cae Tam, rodMich TI3.S .1 lii ci .tu (I Ii iS tfile 19 IN___________ ____________i.___________hs__hre______ his value will bere a. 'li' ciiasa tee'sa on o ~'''r n eamitaLpp.achin g, tooeight, tions, roni tli oOukci*l(,'a intAmerican aTlon o the, rownie infield is working well, and t, Aiin Trip th~ 20 of Thr" OksLoses TilTo ~St. MIIJ.'3 SI. Ma rvs Th'ree Oaks saebasketball tonirnament, yester- teus inthe Aeicn ad',ic e threeasanbs.Wilof, aob la o ' heSntIiernutherinivo By On Pfutii nui ina... .......P......... Loopday afenoon. selected t he a 1-Ioun a- (:0W lug to thle enld of their exhibitions o;adTbiaepaigIhi n- Ponrn111.1Tbi)ig~sn n obn r lyn hi CS iiiVt'dinn g.....e..ill am....:Satr nmet teams 01 orCla sses B :and tC. No iI lp. And are giradllv a, '>i sng tilarySgaiegin the outer regions. w1 M lrr..........C.......... Savoldi'isecond and third I ears were hosCeni'form that will carry them'P throug;h the IThe y add it oLetyrgoes,.th---MEETSYR CUSE ia LIN EN PSE Bidwll .........IG....... Carothers ithis year.u ure f lUWie(:mag hssme.ITen ;SAKE LID NUPEI owve........... LG. . ........ Potts I ive ooal into.TeWsigtnSntr .r $100,000 bush leaguer, will strengthen Thte, Field goal,: Iunan (), Mener ! I'las B jIiLdeft of ,reteating thir victory in the the Phildeipia Athletics' pitching .' asclbali pract ice was held out of'bc oi Sturgis and St. AMary's high schi iol! j ota s (8), 1 lowe , Savoltth (inen (d), at~,Ioe(1),MaSavoldi, t(1),akcL.ide., Junior 100!) this year, but fte others staff unlessle u)roves to be it "bust'. ,ioos a,:ai y t rdzly, bult (due to the, , nyhours bash fball teams romlpedl away with )ckr(8 'obn1Don. Grove, L. 1'.--- Sturgis ar not. as sre that Stanley 1larrs';Groves undoubtedly has the -,tuff to jco:01(1rind, the nine iiniiig raUtice up o tiro titu~lar' honors in their respective (5, Nestor, C.--Lake Linden nine will come through again. Every- be a success in the big tent, but rane tat Coaeli Fisher had planned th4a (itthing'obre(2t, ucke ( hePots Clm -Slrgfore can-l classes ysedyafternoon at Water->'i n() Dce () otsC onsIP~, I.G.-S gs tigrsson fie showing of a goup heter iecwillbeable to live upl)to for turday aternoon lhd tobe)c an rr.e- yetrdyi). Sustitutions : Decker for Loop, 1,ase, *. C1.-Grand ]lawen of veterans, and if one of the aged his true form in the changed sur- celled. The workout cons1it 0)f a rrieaby ma gmnsim n hefialgae ofLe o atrSlesfrLo, lnrem ton:frad Mrs p tcers; blows, the chanices of the i roundings is doubtful. If he turns to onmbr of "pep" games mng te in- I the seventh annual interscholastic Smith for Ml' Runer for Tobin of art, V'nylen of Grand Hlaven. I Solons will be slim. Water Jonson', be another bloomer, such as" 1,4ch i pi 7 state bsketbal champonshiphasiroieldersforndumleattIei'ymenof while thel out- toApril l27. chmponhps ~ ~ o mnierJ~alim fand( Fleming Stan Coveleskie Jeb Zachary, All Itis- encountered so miany tines lbetie the fielers were reuired {t r Last y Sturis bsketersof cass , upet onors in the consolation tourna- of Eaton 'Rapids; uaris-Eld red 'of;!-l, Dutch Ruether and George Mon-I Athletics will be about the same as for two hours. rctc all xpetatonswhenthe deisiely flits were won by Grand Haven and Eaton Rlanids and McCabe of Petos- igridge would have formed an invine- j last years, excent that Max Bishop . Cni Friday April 10, Coach Fishertimies heft StnamsiTe ri,' playing ~in key. .j ilepitching staff four years ago. butI will probably be better than in 1941ad1 sbler illaefrt e unl dgetdthe strong Lake Linden coin-,class P.,,easiy defeated Petoskey with tersttsiChrlodeeansasl TltSnt 94 ii( 5bCealrswl eaefrtevngl scor of36-5.:n>te >11,-score, while the latter won the l ukupchak, ItI 13-riofgman Ipresent. -T'he rest of the team is not break into the first two 0or figred tosannualisprgam tril)lt e soudthelan.or- ve lgal finals of the class C tournament, St. I class C consolation by its victory of Butler, L. .--St. Jamnes made up of kids by any means, al- season. Their team is of about the lowing ly at'Lexington, Ky. against; eglar d Mary's of Jackson head to employ tro- 15 to S over Farmiligton. Savoldfi, .-Three Oaks though there is enough young bloodtw same strength as that of last yea.i the Uivi~esity of Kentuckly nie Last; two ee 'an efforts to defeat the Three Oaks In the 101n0 encounter of thle morn- 1luemnan, It. G.-St. AMary's (uctteredI through it to preclude the Magum the young pitcher ilQ l)50S l1c iaz.aidBu canls ill be i quintet in the last minute of play by m jg, Grand Haven won an easy Victory Potts, L. G.-T'hree Oaks ossibility of a sudden Smash due to; fromn Milwaukee last yahsbe te istgm oftirtitu t ir ou ar'12 scr .. - fi'om Eatonn Rapids by a scor'e of 28-12 honiorable mention: forward-Gorton the advanced age of the outfit. !looking good in training, and may be 'uescool i to 8._ are expec The game between the Sturgis and' in the class 11 semni-final consolation. ot 'Carson 'Ci~y;guard flidwell of t. ;The New York Ynkees are ood able to help out the Sox more than A day 0' rest is allowed before the Lake Linden fives was intensely con- Entering tie afternooni frcy, a decided Mary'as. -nossiiities to coniiceback and win the hie did last year. next eicouitei, buit on April 18 ichi- tested during the . first, half. Sturgis{ favorite, the Granmd 1havn five hid r-- - ~---i hurels the}= lost last saon. 'There i The Cleveland Indians prsn.an p 'l'Clcen a1g t clcmyson drew first blood when Capt. Roger little trouble in disposing of the Pet 1ve been a few changes in thei iros-1another veteran combination, ut wihC Sa . (,,ia game that was niot Grove caged a clean shot fromt within i oskey quintet by a1 3~-1 1 score in the 1fU kf li.l~lUlL ter, the ±incipal one being the one' a fair amount of young blood inter- O)ilI ht:hdi ale ;las yping. The next thefol in. acouah o Lkefialgaii o te uriimfeit.irvolving ''Bullet" Joefush, who 'was Imixeo. The showing of the old-timier, day he t('5 ~iIIt lfs a! two gamc erSies Linden retaliated with one short and S nires y~ta c ote S.Ioi Bon os bro ait hsspig sponi- eth1oPr t3i~nnea.Io alnonfrncetrcutFrnslGrand iIiiein !Peoskey II U LtUIII l IULJ Utban Shocker. At present it is hard ling. Ie pitched goo( all for the B'ni;.(a, which is another new then on, tihe game se-sawed back and opoetfte ovrns .r - 1:iHwt h afedn 51 nVaneylen ........ RF........ Ilo81a n - ?to tell which team o the floor end of I Indians last season, and appears to signmaf, h Wlviius Lne.Wihtee-Sluka ...............It Stack I Madison, WFis., ,izrch, 2S.--Coaeich the deal. Bush91 is pitching fine ballt have plenty of stff left to carry him'. ueitei'too gaimi eisi s 5(i: ,=,., Kappa in favitor of pLayine.W te re f h lf, ;edr....C....MIb ones' Badger tiackstrs have been in the South11for 1his9 ew mates willethug svramoec pins leiy-aI Fase 110...........Ols'aen wiouhseeal hi theris.'le eyhlt sturgkii ofply fnitha sron alf pc a taking advaitage of the iuuully hockce: looks --ood ithheYaks. and Jon. Shaute form a par of st lolmg l',= ide it Oi' theinnIn ua c~i (e: , II i- uesay fro whc1aeLidnnvJ ne-~ohannes............. ..... omzlgood .sring weather to get, in shale The coming seasoni will teLithe story. left-handers, anl asset to any *Amtcr'i dians are for unat e. 1Bob Koollo, fo-;(is gaime from amid theLae Li ded aevereicy iel o I:cnie'e ),SUafo etrot~orIle(' 'ri f Shocker fades ou(, on the Yankees, 'can League club. Th;)e oitl,lwI:l icr lihigaji s:; r who ho 'vdi et o go tritesoebio" trill (whSlcic)h\azye () Fs (will be, held sonme ime tiyir chances will le Io(sselid, but f! e t In the league is not copios Sos lth~ e ae.;;c olast yea :'. :'tms to ,hin ilv 0 'next wek. The Carlifornia ofihciails re-le Comes through to win i sa 0enough to uake ally gsodi poai .d r, c hae ac .t at,. ii ;c as, ar m d ma Summaries: tAia sani (2), 1 loffimi ,(1), ampbell (1), cntyAI OhCdthte l em~i amie, e will be of vastaid. e sv'. and wi thmtlvo a'S- i i Si ( t:; > : ::e': a ia . iv ('r " tmrgis Like lindIen Roberts; (1) . Poils : hi offian (2),I be limit ed to 20 entrieis. Ty (Cobb's lDtroi 0(;till) applears to' 1)Grv ( ....F...-1 .. ... Belill tt 8.ack(), I )on hrdr (1), lukla (1t, It is ptl)biletha t five itance titan behof0'about the samesatrength alasit --.- - 1i niver'sity of 'Georgia at ,a., on April 17. A year ago broke even in their series, aking the first game 14 to 31 igan sh'utting out the South- the second, 6 to 0.- will be spent in traveling enhs to Cincinnati, where on April, the Wolverines m'eet rsity of\Cincinnati nine. Th'e th this institution last year in a. one poinlt victory for the d Blue team. xt cIly the baseballers come "Ilnn Arbor, where they -spend and1 then entrain for Syra- anothrer two game series on fl 25 of April'. The team will Lek at Michigan and will be classes on Monday morning ear, the team was able to out in the open only three ore their first game, and con- ,they lost four out of th'e imes played on the road. This have already been out on tihe iamiond three times and with s more to practice the team 1 much better shape to make thern trip, and better results ated. 'clley Ball Phi will play 'Phi L~ambda ithe semii-final 'round of vol- at 7 o'clock Momnday. Onl at 7 o'clock the, winnemr or e will play Phi Gaminma Delta ine the fraterniity champion- olley-baiItl. / . { E . Nastker..... ......... ''stor Robert", (1). Clemnlions . RP.G.........Rlheaumef The St. Janmes and Farmnmgton floargert.....LG.:......... Prown. basket tossers played an even gamne! Field goals : R. Grove '5) , Nestor ' inltile first thlfee'lperiodls of the fimnal ! # (5), Nastker (4), D. Grove (3), Clemi- gamin 3 the class C consolation taut uons (3), MacDougall (3), Bennettsj in the last period tile St. James team .w(2). Fouls: D. Grove (2). Clenmmons broke through to win the game and (2), Nestor (2), Nastker (1), R. Grove, the tournamient by a 15 to 8 score. F (1), MacDougal (1). Substituions:..1 H1owofor MacDougall, MacDougall for I Rowe, McLeod for MacDougall, Sell-'W;igo, aMrh ..Wa amcad,'for Borgert, Levy foir Nastker, ;is believedl to b)0'a sca of " 'arecord in It. Levy for D. Grove. basketball scoring was established Without ~a doubt, the most thrillimng 1lard 'toynight when 'Washnigton 'Ide-' encounter of the afternoon was the' pendents defeated the Nineveli Inde- final gam~e of class C, played between pendeilts, 122 to 2, in regulation 20 St. Mary's hig;h school of Jackson and Inimt avs Three Oaks. Hluenlan proved to be the star. of the game, scoring 13 of his Austin, Texas, March' 28.-H-arold tom mn's 22 points. In tihe initial period Osborne, world champton all-round 'ie, caged the- ball- beautifully in ' two; athlete, set 'a -'new world's record in s rceessive attempts from niji3court the,'uninj J Ii gh junrp. when lie clear- The game then .alte'rnated as to Iendcl;' d the bar at 6f3 eet 8'15-16 inches in; *and the half ended with the score the Texas ' elay gamles here' yesterday. 1 ;1 ;sriirt t an Jnrlkk n' t-a - will be, taken, tWo) meln, two huirdlers, (hm'ee weighit men, two 1)01e vaulters. spriniters5, five 4,19in two bigh juiel's. two 886 moll, " and T he team expects, Yeari. No trade{1£s 01' Il'C~1a505 niave i to lea-ve for California April 3. ( IRESI3AN BASEBALL. All hosewho intend to try ou lfr attery positions oil the Ifreshman baselyall team' are ex-j Ipecteol to 'report to ie at Ferry field, at 3 o'clock Monday after- noon. Men must furnish theirj ( 13. I.J. Mather, Coachl. brought tile Tigers anything startling, in the way of. new material in spite of the efforts of C'obb' and Ownler 'Frank Navin to bu1y a veteranli second basemamn last winter. Thley were4 especially anxiouus to barter for JTimmiy D lykes, but Connie Mack couild not unde.'stamid their 1anu1age wAhen they broachled the deoal. O'lloui'ke and Burke will tryr to till the gap) at th0rs keystone station-:f The St. Louis lrmowmn;r appear to have struck their stridle early. -The excellent showing of Joe Bus'P.acur aqi-ed be trade from the Yanks, has ben I esilrenil1' (n'noraff i2g to 'Mana er __ j Y ~'p, Ilj)p lies tor EvcryvIBranich of Sport, 71 1 N orth Univchrsity Ave. R ___-- Next to Arcade Theatre T.hrou ghout the second hLf, tha close conmpetition continued amnd it was not until 'the' Last - iniute of - play ! 'Ii6 t' basketW by I1-luenlan-and, Melner de- cided the ganib for St. AMary's, iresult- Ing; in a'2")-22 score..: Suiiari~s: Norfolk, Va., Mar'ch 28.-Net earn- ings of iii'-Norfolk & Western Rail- way for' 1924 w~ere $18',24.3,348, a de- crease of 2. per cnt-'com'pared witli 1 ;2, It was ghuoiln' Y"stdrday. Subscribe for The . Michigan Daiily Classifieds-nt Chssifieds---Copt. t. -_. . _- . ._" '.,_ . 'v.-1,; lj ',(i=11' i'-'--'---'-'---'- '- - - - ---i s "A t the D~rugstore B60iul'1 ' Fetter ng--t-'-, You'll want those "snaps" sharp and distinct in print. With Sthe unusual care and expert skill employed in photographic ~1 I~work at the Arcade Pharmacy---satisfaction is assured. -I a.w -No. 7 MCKELS AIWL'llJNL11 1038 ~I1111l11111111 li111111111111111111Hhll la 1III1111111111111111 11111111I1111111111U11111111111111, * ~a'...in.ea",.nea'..a..., A four piece special. Mlte cebio4t wil grey flannels 1 i ------------_ --- ,. .-: 4, . A new line of Dress esI have just been deliverd- Sizes' 6 to 14 years. Hats, too, are arriving ever f w days. They' are most attractive.' We have a beautiful 'display, of' Sweaters for the Kiddies and Juniors. Sizcs 2-1 4 .years.' Lumibcr Jackets an~d'Newest Stl of Sweaters. Thne most alto-actit'e outfit of the seasonz, a blue cheviot suit wth extra, trousers. of grey flannel. T.w o buttonr, three button and double breasted madel s just receive'd fromn the shops of C H AS'.KA UF- PlAN & IROS. I . Ir " ,f x $ s. S ' FAVORS CARDS EASTER is soon, H"OUSE PARTIES are sooner, but there are birthdays every day. Be sure to purchase appro- priate gifts, souvenirs or novelties for these occasions at Ann Arbor's foremost book-store. BROWN BOOK STORE 210 South Main St. SOUVENIRS NOVELTIES aa I-9 'oaprn ad summer employment. Permanent . positions for'those who qualify. The Divisional Supervisor from the "Real Silk , . Hosiery Mills" of Indianapolis, Indiana, will interview, students at office over Chubb Club, from ' Monday until Thursday. 0 . 'Thne combination of a fifty dolla r suit cand a choice of flanels inecding Our. twelve do . llar, line for Fraternifty Men: J. 13. ,Simpson, Inc., will call if possible. with a very effctive& line of. spring clothing. The values are factory-to- wearer, - made to measure.