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March 29, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-29

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SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1925

Published every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The A--sociated Press is exclusively en-
titizd to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwse
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
fished therein.
intcred at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,'
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
zard Street.
Phones : Editorial, 2414 and z76-M; busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
Editor...............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor......... .Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor,..........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
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Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth L. Keller Norman R. Thal
pEdwin C. Mack
Sports Editor.......William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor......... Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor.............. Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour
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Telephone 800
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H-. F. Clark W. C. Pusch
C. C("®nsroe .D. Ryan
J. R. I ePuy w. . Sandberg
George C. Johnson K. L. Schiff
0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman
SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1925

in world affairs by, ranking business and content of the talk.
men and financiers. Statesmen ap- I let it go as those who
pear to have failed. A "Dawes plan" knew the truth and read
for France may prove to be a remedy. their critical faculties a
The important factor must be a sound the newspaper version.j
business understanding between debt- lated attack on the repor
ors and creditors. Uncertainty has al- Saturday morning's Mi
ready brought too much difficulty, entitled "The Gospel of
Iwhich reiterates in partr
A VERITABLE IIELL-HOLE tion, prompts this reply
It is becoming more and more evi- Arthu
dent every day that the United States
has a monstrous proposition on its
hands to enforce the prohibition ASIE
amendment and the Volstead act. NotR
the least of the troubles which are A
facing Commissioner Roy Haynes, IN )LARLTN
chief of the enforcement squad, is the P E WHIC
situation in the neighboring countries.P
So far Mexico, under the sympathetic KNOWS ITS ANNA
rule of President Calles, has caused The other evening we
very little trouble as a source for paper on Libraries. Iti
bootlegged liquor; but Canada has interesting paper, but in
more than made up for this in furn- the statement that peop
ishing the most accessible supply of like the silk ropes and N
illicit liquor with which the officials signs in the ClementsI
have to cope. swine. We could hardly
Reports from the East indicate sertion as anything bu
that, with the advent of spring and the affront.
coming of warmer weather, unpre- We demand a public a
cedented activity on the part of rum were publicly insulted.
runners in the vicinity of New York * * *
has been anticipated by Commissioner We are credibly info
Haynes who has increased the en- party of journalism st
forcement forces along the New York once about to make a

At the time
were present
ers would use
nd go behind.
A lengthy be-
rted speech in
chigan Daily.
my own posi-j
r S. Aiton.i

t !


a I ~ I I~ I1Y11 1 1

Easter Cards
and Narcissus bulbs



citf in Hill auditorium

The Organ Re-
at 4:1; o'clock.




A review, by Robert Henderson.
The production by the Ypsilanti
players of "Belinda" as their last' pro-
gram of the season was light-"April-
ly," Milne would have called it be-
cause Milne is often like that-grandly













entertaining and amusing. Audiences
LS NOT always enjoy such a play: it is easy
listened to a and English, smacking of afternoon
was quite an tea and epigrams. One can laugh and
n it occurred forget such a piece; there are no
ple that don't problems, merely a soft plot, a bit of
o Admittance farce, and two hours of delightful
Library were acting. It is of such stuff that the'
real theatre is made.
take the as- Fortunately last evening Miss Mes-
t a personal ton in the title-role had a bad cold.
Strangely, perhaps, this gave tocher
pology, as we voice just the husky, whiskey-tippling
nonchalance that is Belinda's. She
is a woman that, speaking, considers
m it neither needful nor seemly to listen
rmed that a in order to hear whether she has
tudents were been heard; a woman who can grow
tour of the _

Look at Your Hat-
Everyone Else Does
We have the Latest Colors-Pearl,
Silver, Radium, London Lavender,
etc., etc.
Save a Dollar or More
at Our Store
We also do high class work in
Cleaning and Reblocking hats of all
617 Packard St. Phone 1792
(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)


At this store you may find a wonderful offering
things most appropriate for the Easter time. Useful,
ful articles for the home. Our tables and shelves are

of the

with new goods, many items not found in every store.
Inspection invited.
The Home Supply Store
209-211 E. Washington


boundary. Just to make things more Clements Library under the guidance
interesting, Ontario is preparing to of the curator, when one of the boys
pass legislation allowing the sale of tossed his hat onto one of the tables
4.4 per cent beer in specially licensed in that immaculate edifice. Thereupon
shops. the tour was called off and a talk by
Just as soon as the agitation for the the curator substituted whose subject
new moderation measure began in the'was Gentlemanly Conduct in Libra-
Ontario legislature, prohibition offi-
cials and that portion of the Amercan ri*es.
public which has been favoring prohi- I
bition realized that the legalizing of IN T E MANNER OF THE IELDSON
the sale of beer' in Ontario was going Why I Am In the Column Business:
to cause immediate complications of Sometimes my friends ask me.
the situation, especially in Detroit. It Sometimes I ask myself. It's a game
was evident to them that Windsor was where you work from morning till
destined to become a veritable beer ( night. It calls you on Sundays. and
garden, a "sink hole," a slum of the Christmas and New Year's, and all the
Michigan metropolis. other days of the year. You work
With preparations for the licensing when the other fellow plays, and
of beer-selling, even the members of work when he works, too.
the Moderation League of Ontario, But now I'll tell you why.
which is backing the new law and ITS BECAUSE OF THE WONDER-
fully expects its passage, are begin- FUL AND GLORIOUS HAPPINESS
ning to realize what it shall mean to A N D CONTENTMENT T H A T
Windsor and other coast cities. Mal- THRILLS AND TINGLES TO YOUR
colm G. Campbell, former head of the NBOOT-TOPS WHEN YOU RECOM-
Border Moderation League and presi-- MEND SUCH A MASSIVE CONCERT
dent of the newly organized South- AS PALMER CHRISTIAN'S EPIC
western branch of the main prganiza- MAKING ORGAN RECITAL, PEA-
tion, is alarmed at the' prospect of TURING DEEMS TAYLOR AND JEAN
Windsor's becoming "a veritable hell- J
hole" unless the licensing is properly I can't recommend super-programsl
controlled. every week. They don't play thenm that
It seems that it has just occured often. I can't send every single
to these advocates of moderation thatI reader away every blessed day from
Americans and lots of them are all every solitary concert just tickled to
ready to open beer gardens in Windsor death.
that may turn out to be more than BUT I CAN HOLLER-AND YELL
soft drink stands. Their only salva-1 -AND SING-AND DANCE-AND
tion is to request Premier Ferguson LAUGH-AND CRY WITH THE
to make the license law stringent and SHEER JOY OF IT WHEN I LOOK
exclusive. In other words, the mod- AT A PROGRAM MASTERPIECE
erationists have decided that there SUCH AS THIS AND GIVE MY
must be "some order with the intro- READERS ONE OF THE GREATEST
duction of the 4.4 per cent beer." Prob- THR LITTHEY EVER HAD IN
ably the best order would result ifT
they gave up the idea entirely. THE ORGAN RECITAL WILL BE
ERNOON AT 4:15 O'CLOCK, and be-
lieve me, it's the finest program with-
To some of the disciples of individ- out exception and when you go out
uality whose utterances have brought you'll tell me that YOU WISH YOU
them into prominence recently it WERE IN THE COLUMN BUSINESS,
might be suggested that there is a TOO!
diiffn a n inc~o n n n f .,F.: .._

In a world whose activity has come
so largely to be of a business nature
there is a distinct need for the more
active participation of accomplished
financiers and industrialists in the
settlement of international affairs.
Indeed it is the opinion of many whose
statements cannot be entirely disre-
garded that most of the disturbances,
most of the unrest, andtmost of the
disputes among nations today are the
direct result of the attempts of states-
men to deal with matters of business
entirely beyond their comprehension.
Such in substance is the view of Sir.
George Paish who recently spoke herej
on "The World Economic and PoliticalI
Situation." It is his belief that
"statesmen imposed unwise reparation
demands on Germany 'under the hon-
est belief that Germany could pay'
them" and that "France borrowed
freely with sole reliance on Germany's
prompt payment." As a result France
is on the verge of financial chaos
which would involve the worl in the
greatest panic known to history.
-This is a discouraging picture. It
is not, however, far from fact. France,.
who before the war always stood in
the position of creditor, is now debtor
to an overwhelming degree. The
Freneh people during the war learned
from necessity the habit of borrowing.
Since that time, urged on by. states-
men who are in no sense businessmen,
they have continued the practice. The
work of reconstruction has been car-
ried on in a needlessly extravagant
fashion industries have been rebuilt

lyric over lamb-chops, and tearfully
romatic over umbrellas. The pouting,
the slight irony, the shocking frank-
ness, the sophisticated attention to
triffles and the sentimental insistance
on affectation were paraded in her
characterization: seriously, it was a
very nearly perfect piece of work,
full of talent and appreciation.
The other five in the cast, especial-
ly Miss Harwick as Delia and Mr.
Brown as the stray husband, were
equally interpreted--simply and nat-
urally. After all, the play is for thme
star: the other characters must be
little more than background for the
ridiculous temperament of the rtlicu-
loos Belinda, only artfully growing
plump and matronly.
The great George Jean has called
Milne and his plays half-portions; and
they are light, trivial if you wish. As
a matter of fact, he has only two really
distinguished, significant works-"The
Lucky One" and "Success"-both of
which were prompt failures on the
professional stage. His other pieces,
however, have become tremendous
box-office attractions, perhaps for two
In the first place, "Belinda", "Mr.
Pim Passes By", "Ariadne" and in its
opposite way "The Dover Road" are
a beacon of salvation and their author
a saint, a blessed patron to all actors,
especilly actresses, who have p'assed
an ingenue adolescence and must;turn
for their stardom to women ofs un-
certain age. Milne invariably m'akes
his leading lady charming and matron
with a vast store of wit and clever
repartee, who has just recently in-
clined to stoutness.
This is no inconsiderable patronage
to cater for. When you stop to con-
sider, nearly all the recognised artists
have passed their dangerous thirties:
Ethel Barrymore, Laura Hope Crews,
Blanche Bates, Margaret Anglin, Mrs.
Leslie Carter, Nance O'Neil-the list
is nearly endless-all must wear tulle
about their necks and artfully design
tl..ir gowns on slender lines. To
this majority a part like Belinda or
Ariadne is a port of refuge: their
managers fight for the author's favor.
Even more important is Milne's
skilful play on his audiences. His
leading men and women are not real-
istic-no one to-day is willing to see
a mirror of nature-but rather they
stand for the ideal we would all be.
There is no man that is not ridden
with the complex to be a gentleman,
a poised gentleman of the world, who
can match jungles-lions, to be melo-
dramatic-who can be equally suave
and blandly persuasive in the draw-
ing-room, who can turn gentle mots
and who can speak intelligently both
of claret and Gordon gin.
Similarly, all women, by legend,
long tensely to be an image of the
Belindas who can turn delicately from
a tantalizing flirt, sophi°sticated and


A tempting array of finest
foods superbly prepared---
that's what the Arcade holds
in store for you on Sunday
---and every other day, too.



NVickels Arcade



,,. ,





If you have five hundred or a thousand dollars to invest, use every

care in the selection of your security.

aerence between non-conformity
with senseless tradition and blatant
exaggeration of trivialities.
Real individuality must deal with
essentials. There is no virtue in un-
called-for unconventionality. While it
is true that many of the world's
greatest men have been "freaks" in
one sense or another, it should also be
remembered that it was not mere'
freakishness which made them achieve
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
ecants willdhowever, be regarded as
confidential twon request.

Respectfully, '
Dr. Henderson.
REMEMBER: The Organ Recital is
coming to you Sunday with Pomp and
Dignity Uefitting the Majestic of the
Mightiest Entertainment ever con-,
ceived by Man-why shouldn't we
Crow about it?
R. B. II.


Don't buy blindly on the chance that

it will turn out all right.

Of course it may be all right, but you can't afford


Letter of Criticism
+ Sir: In your piece of light verse the
other dlay you alleged that in spring

to take a chance.
Each year millions of dollars are lost by careless and ignorant investors.
Moie careful selection would materially lessen the amount. Sometimes even
the most careful investigation into the character of a security fails to reveal
its weakness, but ordinarily the risks can be eliminated by intelligent investi-
gation. If this were done by every investor his -personal risk would be
materially lessened. Questionable securities would be left for the speculator.
Every investor would be benefited.
Perhaps you are insufficiently acquainted with securities to judge them

you 'spend all day in doing nothing,'
and that you can thus tell when the
Vernal equinox has arrived. If that
is true I should think you would have
been celebrating the Ides of March
in the middle of January and, for that
matter, in the middle of October.

awa a, 11 .10 1[ G VU1 ,J 14'Veritas-
cn a monstrous scale-all in the ex- To the Editor: Theerly.
pectation that the burden would be A week ago Thursday I addressed - * * y
assumed by the reparations. Although the men of the senior class on the To Jaycowles, Outside of the recent
France today verges on financial ruin, l subject of "Individuality and Class portrait of Bernard Shaw in a one
It is said that there is every evidence Spirit" and made a plea for respon- I piece bathing suit (which, as Wool-
of prosperity, that individuals, cor- sible senior control to prevent the cott would say, "shows Shaw at his
porations, and government agencies unnecessary hazing of nonconformists best"), the most delightful practical
borrow money recklessly and spend it in the lower classes. I stressed the' joke perpetrated on the public this
lavishly. need of protecting the individualist spring tpat we have encountered is'
The solution of this problem can be from coercion into conformity with a the new novel, "The Western Shore,"
stated by no one offhand. Sir George low level of mediocrity. To attain this by one Clarkson 'Crane. It tells
expressed a hope that the nations of desired end I suggested a closer 'frankly' of 'college and the under-
the world will arise and avert the im- I senior cooperation, if thought advis- graduate.' Need we ad more? The-
pending catastrophe. Certainly the able, through such a center as the Inlander, no doubt, will seek serial
world will not stand idle while the very effective senior cabin at the Uni- rights. And "Wild Asses," the other
financial difficulties of a great nation vedsity of California. I stressed the spring thriller of bloodcurdling col-
drag it down in chaos. But France need of higher ideals, proclaimed the legiate debauches has only the apti-
must do her part. She must come true university as a "Republic of tude of its name to encourage it.
to realize that in the eyes of the world Letters" not an athletic or social am- But all of the spring novels are
she is a debtor, regardless of the pay- I porium, and deplored student inability as undeniably putrid as Mike ArlenI
ment of German reparations. Perhaps l to discriminate between learning andIwonud lnnik- . i-.4~ ,-a., . n~ I

worldly, to an adoring house-mouse,
fluffing her husband to her keen, cer-
tain will.
Milne, in fact, manufactures heart-
appeal, human-interest, all the other
hoaxes the Broadway brokers clamor
for, and similarly glosses his manu-
scripts with such an ironic intelligence
that the Theatre-Guild becomes his
patron and Little Theatres beast his
fame in their repertoire . . . It is
t always the trick.
* * *
At a closed meeting Thursday eve-
ning, April 2, the Player's Club will
present three one-act plays, "Rosa-
lind" by James M. Barrie, "The Rail-
road Adventure" by Ferenc Molnar.
and an original melodrama by John
Cook titled "Fragment." The entire
program is under the direction of
Minna Miller, and while the perform-
ance is intended primarily for mem-
bers anyone interested is invited. No
admission will be charged.
The casts have been selected as fol-



You doubtless are, unless you have had the time to study them

carefully from year to year. A mere casual investigation will not do.
We are vitally interested in the success of your investments. As you
are successftl you become a more valued customer. The whole community
is benefited, too. As the community is benefited, the bank is indirectly
benefited. -So it is to our'advantage to have your investments turn out well.
Perhaps out of the experience we have had in investing other people's


money we have gained information that would be valuable to you. If we
have we offer you the benefit of it. Feel free to ask our advice at either
office. We welcome the onnortunity to talk things over with vou.

M ViS-o Pooa -- Marian T.A1an1I j

1 1

I I1

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