12, 1925) .. T~iITSDY, FEBUARY 1, 1925THE MIICH-,IGAN DAILY PC1 EE PA OR SEVEN I Aft THISN COIUMN COLUM-1 L 'Am S P61 CLOSES CLOSCS AT 3 P.M. U ADVERTISING AT 3 PM. jmi 1111 milli ."O1l tRENTl-si~poe room, wcill 12- Yf l , qu t o ,o G 3)fo doors from Camipus. FOR RENT--Single 1Ro0om. $ 4 is', week. 1127 Prosped, Phoi.ne "';o-W. TO RENT-Nicely furnished , newlbouse. 33G S. Divisioii. NOTI21CE : 1t'iK W\ATCHI REP~AIRING A rvne!l Surle Streetjeweller 3 1)2 ;:- ; tth State i~A l'INTSTIEN's J14NQUE'll i li ridiy, i 'ob. 18, 6 I).Al. First Baptist Church Speaker DRZ. ALL~EN A. FOSTII 11 WANTED W ANTED--Everyone to try our Delicious "Toastwch" Sandwich electrically toa:.ted with filling in. BETlSEY ROSS SHOP -NICKELS ARCADE, WANTED Students and others wanted to organize parties to Europe. Free trip or cash. Optional. Write City Post office. Box 218. AVANTED-Man with car to sell comn- plete line qualify Auto Tires and Tubes. Excellent; Territory. Experi- ence not necessary. Salary $30)0.00 1per month. \i ILEISTON'E RITBBER CO. *bIs. ivef T)oolr 0n1110 i - -~---- -~ - -~ ---.-.-'--.- I TELL your frionds whlat a wondlerful pen your Masterpcn is. You have been doing it. Thank you. RIDER'S PEN SHOP 302 State St. F"OUN'U A PE'-N REPAI RING SAVEI" that long wait while havin ' your pen sent away for repairs. We repair it the same day it is brou-; ght. in and insure that it will be ad- jus1t ed to your hand when you call for it. UND)ER'S PEN S110P PEN MAKERS FOUNTAIN PEN ~rINK i FOR RENT--Large (doub1le0or rni room with private family. N\o 0 ( w studonts inl house. 0,0 "1,0,i G o'clock, 1364 Gecddes Ave. r. isVAY'2, we have the kickernick ))omnr in ling ette and1 silkc jersey. also1the combination in white for summer TlFi'J Qr A iY 71STOP 303 South Main. FOUI N''A I N P EN S Prjeser;ves (hder FO0R GRADUATE SUJ:''~un desirable suite and(1siw,'e ?10021. TtSteam heat. Tlot wafeor. 8 Thompson., FOR RENT-~~Large ro0om, dos b1' or single. 1127C Church, Phlon e ::1 FOR RENT-Room for one itw boys. Excellent i ocatlion. (lor t, Campus. 429 S. 1ivisiou,. FRONT ROOM--Good heatf. On 'i bled from the cam2pus. 'Phone r 2:;:-:,%I FOR ENT-One single room ...~Y very large front roomii for two cr three, slteani heat, pilenly . of'. lhot watier, near ca tipi '.. . l ': a i E 'iy y rensonable. 337 Thompson. P0OR RENT-Roorrs for men. sSiagle, double 'and vacaSncy in new suaite. Also garage, Searn lheal. P1at y of hot Water. Three b la 1-ri 10m w 422 E. XWasington. 1Phone 11 !'.DfK-i. FOR ,ENT--Suite of roomis with firie..e place. 1317 Washtenawv. Phione 2923. Mrs. Murphly. FOR RENT-Suite or Itwo) ingle + rooms. Very attract ive 10(5 tOli near 1'campus. st en ilie t "rail dVery nicely furnished. Mrs. E. :l. 1+riti.t, 238 S. Thayer. Phone 299,-11. (Our' moderate prices make it possible for all to have FRE1+SH hOME C IU)Wq FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLOR1AL CO;. 1122 1'. Liberty. Phone 1 62f IJONE sthl For Typewriter Repairing { ~(All smakes) l ealer in Woodstock typewriters, ISv~ndstrand and Portable Ad diig machines. IAnn Arbor Typewriter Excange 1.'C 7 . .1 1 : J1 , k/11111 f A vicious ink may -,;fork for a short *WAVrNT1ED-At once, ten or more ex- i~ine. t; log the delicate mechain- perencd Sti~entsalsme. .ig ~fism of the pen and cannot be remov-' mission. Crll1:519 S. University. ed b~y ordinary m('rns. It is chemi- 3 514-.I. cally antagonistic to a goodl ink, which, WANTED-Students to sere ou type-' will work and renders the ink color- writer b~argains. Good inahtin Cs for less. sale or rent. S A. :Moran, 711 N Consult Rider's Pen Shop, where Un iversity Ave., Room 2. yoll ill alwvays find a fresh supply of the best Government stan~dardl and~ WVANT ED-Student and family wash-' writing; fluid. It is the only sat isfac- ings. Called for and delivered. tory ink for t he fountain pen. 'I'lone 16511-W. RlIDER'S PEN SHOP -- -J-'elt and Ink Spe'cialist FOIL SAI E - -..SITUATIONS 1TAINTE I3. FOR SALE -Pop Pop Peter --h's a1._ Fordi, y5:. {ail Fiaulkner, 1 996-.F. EXP ERIENCED EDITORIAL ASSIS- tant (capable stenographer) wishes FOR SALE---25 leather bottom s~raight. part time work. Phone 626-id. Randall Parks (above), 25 years old. has taken up the task of' preserving u' cin tr ubl e l H errin, Ill. 1-1e was aip . Le l a g sheriff tinder the fte'"rs of an agree-men t between U :anl and anti-Ilan factions following the lll-1.gnation of George Galligan. anti- kl ann er. y0 - , _ s / t t/t - AL 0 A,- w is-5rr' lbo eves; /a MILLIO" of en ar turn ilindrds tf meniosdeand MILLorheofA menare tourn-" in g for mao t e r etiC f c e t Mawith Squi's il f Magesia back chazirs;. Also studl~ent's desk.r Also j Cou1poti Books I 1117 So. IlmiliersftyI ai~~ y fr? I H~4h~'8 K~l{ ~ui.-i~da - §) *pwM' ,, FOlt RENT-D~ouble and sin ?o rom;C;- These rooms are large, light, and warm. Separate sleeping qurtrt ;1 if desired. 114 N. I garillIs. Ph'one ROOM AND PBOA~TID- One large double room, and boarid in pri vaie hrouse. 1220 S. Univers;ity. I 'hone 2878-J. LADY living alone in very tOetrtabl apartment, wishes to rent suite t rooms or share apartment. P~hone' 2094-R. 325 E. Liberty. VACANCY for one man in atlatrge double room, 1. block, from campus. 114 Tfwelfth I, Phone 2 125J-a. F(ITNI) - SOM EIip,~lNG NEW, "Ton st- wickh" Sandwich. 100 per cent heftlerrIthan ordinary sandwiches. BEI'SEY ROSS SHOP ' I{"('KELS hAR(AJ{DJx P0 ('XIt1)--f air' of muittens onl 5. 1 i- versily a week ago. Owner can havye same lmy i dent ifIying and payinm for t his ad. WV. R. Isola, 11(13 Olivia. ho 'NID--Fountain pen, Girl's Water- man. ('all 2174-R. BEAUTY SIIOPPEI~ Ierilancnt Wavmi ind IMarc-Alixmg M7ACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. T~WO) EXPI ERT SR-I NCLE BARBERS, French and1 Spanish waves given. Perfect service0 given at my shop). Phoneo 2439; '.{11{.0"A' ABEAU'TY SHOP A~ll ligtoak son, 3010-R. FOR SALF '2 concert. Fou center. Call FOR SATE--$41 Gsood as:1now\ letwet'n 7 tm xIIBSON MAN' i ' IVERNI'I VI CTI FASCINATIfNG 011! LAI.)Y Bl I' PAIN. A vondlem' C'omei II N it's I".5 P IANOI BAND) & ()I Rea s(n ITNIVERSY PY BLACK SlI Lost Thursdt 294 9. tickle'ts for Pmala irth row of main floor, 173-JI in after noon. i0 Tenor Banjo for $15. ? v. C'all Walter, 870-N} f MUSIC HOUS St.Valentine's Da OR RECORl!) o. 195.5t ~~dTy ~ IIYTJIM--FOX TRPOT 'layed by; WHiITM'ANR tillI sell illg i'e('om'r in and hear itYo S--VICTROLAS R RCHEISTlRA INS'rs. N rwodiyfIVActn uinable Terms Fea hr 0l oc orGul vn-r aetn 'Y MUSIC I-OUSE . .. Bxs containinga spacial asrirn fcnls }loe179.P-rices ram n-i from 1 5c. to $6.50. LO T f+ 'fR Founain Pen--- Ne tlo Arcade Theatecr 3 ay of exams. Reward.3 i t w I ii 1 6 1 t ; f 4. I I ; p. !, 1 'r' r i S 4 i q tY i p1 yf si ,@ ,. y Q 1925, E. R. S. & S. I } IB I'Jdrl ~..PO..W'«~.rruY. +" m ' .f ' .aJ ..f'w :~...s" ..Zvi'.r'~+~ .w a ~al: i".r ' / u ~a/ ai /. 0a +GTs.,ecf "..,._ _. ,, 3i ! f' For w I W1 of iSi !-1 ab y th a: Cal 'riting ease and 1egibili~ 'e Wahl Pen was designed for Triting ease and legibility. It is a erfected, modern writing instrument rhich will aid you in acquiring *a Tactical hand, a readable expression fyour thoughts. All metal construction--gold or [ver for permanence and service- )llty---gives light weight, fine bal- ice, increased ink capacity, strength resist wear and abuse. And brings ie designer opportunity to produLce pen matching the beauty of a hand- )mely cased watch. Prices in gold filled or silver [Oddls $5 to $10. Made in the U. S. A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago anadian Facaty: THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto Manufaaturers of the Wahl Eversharp and the Wahl All-Metal Fountain Pen .Eversharp is made in designs matching W~ahl Pen \ 4 _tl q-v J 7 jt\ t Physical Fitness Good athletes are made, not born! Given all the inherent qualities, the star runner, golfer, "baseballer, " etc., must be carefully, thoroughly trained--both mentally and physically. So the methods of trainers and athletic experts are of interest to all. And it is significant that an alkohol rub is almost universal as a part of the pro- gram of developing the utmost in physical fitness. Mifflin Alkohol is available to you, too--for this and many other uses! Fine to soften the beard, before shaving; to cool anct soothe the skin, AFTERshaving. Splendid . elief for tired, aching feet; great for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and germicide. Mufflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external use. College teams and many other athleti organizations use Mufflin Alkohol regu- larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN--in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. I. Fashionably smooth hair This hassca sed the great change inth appearance of men's hair Y OU cannot go into a classroom, or a club, or a- fraternity house,. without no- ticing it- Somehow, college men have found a way to make the hair, the most conspicuous part of , the appearance, look just as they want it to look at all times. j It was not always so. . Before Stacomb was intro- 'duced, they tried countless methods to make their hair j lie smoothly and! stay that way. --from old-fashioned po- mades, which only matted the hair and made it greasy, to plain water, which kept it in place an hour at the most and then left it drier and more brittle than ever. Small won- der that they greeted Stacomb with such instant enthusiasm!i Here at last was something that would make the hair stay in place without harming it or making it sticky and unnatu- ral-looking Today the great change which Stacomb has brought about is no- ticed everywhere. Men whose hair used to be out of place an hour after beinig brushed, men whose other- wise correct appearance used to be spoiled by hair that was hopelessly unkempt-today they keep their hair constantly in perfect order. Use Stacomb tomorrow morning~- and look your best all day. A deli- cate, invisible cream. Non-staining and non-greasy. In jars and tubes,; at all drug and department stores. Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sales Agents: HAROLD) F. RITcHImE & CO., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York neat KEEPS THE HAIR: IN PLACE I L ~IIW(((~ F