PAGR EIGH'T THE MICHIGAN DAILY WIIAT'S GOING ON Plans R~ SATURDAY, AR\TCIT28, 1925 'r I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Faculty Favor Union Chance eeconstruction Of Devastated City , ,, Ntcsto appeair in this column mutst Publication In, the Bulletin is constructive notice to all miembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistcut to the Foeslent until 3:30,D. M. (11:30 a. m. SaturdayA 'olnurn fi SATUIAY, :MARCH 28,192, Ntinbier I'3I Aotice to all Members of the 'University: ;Mall addressed ,as follows: "care of the University of Mtichigan" has been delivered to the office, of the Secretary, Room 3, University Ilail. It will be held until April 2, and should *be called for at once, giving date of this publication, i. e. M~arch 28. This, list will not be reprinted. MAT 1 SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO STREET AND NUMBER H., M. Alter Louis W~rkel Harold Andersofn Russell L. Mustard H. D. Austin, Esq. That the proposedl aindmnt to tlie constit utioni of the M~ichigan Union is the only solution 1o the present} p:icllemn of elections is the unaninout3 opiiiiot of the tnion board of direc- to: s. IEdward Barr V. D. C'arpio Frank Palmer l. 1-. Pryor Lotta Ogletree Educational Club Charlotte Fralick Theda Holen De Hart Hubbard Donald Raymond Toki Sato R. 1. Sealby Marguerite Steinfeld Ruth Winkley V. H. Wells Intercollegiate Memorah Association Richard Kimpton S. D. Yang Shirley 11. Smithl, Seeretary. Twilight Organ.Rlecital Sunday Afternoon: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will offer the following program, to which the public is invited, in Hill Auditorium, Sunday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock. Concert Overture (Maitland), Rosace (Mulet), Fugue in' D (Guilmant), Dedication (from Suite "Through the Looking Glass") (Taylor), Minuet (Rousseau), Variations on "Weeping, Fearing, Mourning, Trembling" (Liszt), Meditation (Thais) (Massenet), Marche Slav (Tschaikovsky). Charles A. Sink, Secretary. Zoology l? (Heredity) : Examination March 31. Those seated in Rows A to F inclusive will go to West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. Those in back of Row G will go to Natural Science Building. Please notice that this is NOT the same dis- tribution as in the first examination. A. Franklin Shiull. School of Education--Pxysical Education fCurliculum: Men in Physical Education should report for the second quarter of the second semester in bliock work, Monday, March 30, as follows: Baseball (F42b), Yost Fiepld House, 8 A. M. School Programs (F44b), Waterman Gymnasium, 9 A. M. Harvey C. Emery. Ihio Cihi Prize: All freshmen of, the Pharmacy School who intend to compete for the Rho Chi Scholastic Prize should hand their names to Secretary Glover, not later than April 2. The competitive examination will take place at 9 A. M. April .4, in Room 300 Chemistry B~uilding. L. It. Wagenier. Members of the University of Michigan Band: The Band will assemble at the field house tonight at 7:30 to play in con- nection with the dual track meet with Cornell. Special section reserved for the Band. Capes to be worn. Robert V. Halsey, ID. At. Read The .Daily "Classified" Columns I san very niuchix infavor cf 1h' hT',osed amendment,'' said Prof. lfini-y C. Andersoni, a memb~er of the bxoard. VII r my opinijon it is the only worka ble pMau t overning election:,; acid it ,hoti(li e Omphl1sizc(1 that this i n o a t m t o th h a t of t e b adto co ntrol El ection :,. It is sim ply a nx a rrangeoinent whereby the most w~or- thy lh L1' I wihan iniS iUnion activities may secure the offices ini prele'renlce to thos~e who have done a ;smiallher a mount of Work, Dean Hlenry M. Bat ei , of the Law, school, believes that t he amnendmient would effec t a decided improvement on the method of elec'ing Union cf-iei 1"It iaj a mleasure,", said Dean Fa tes,; "at nin to protect those who are do-' ing the most work: for' the Union, and should miost certainly be adopted." I-Jean Joseph A. Bursley believes that the prop~osedi amendment should be an effective means of eliminating I undesirable politics in the election of Unaion officers, and strongly adIvises its adoption. REGENTS FILL VACNC SIN 0B9OARDOF THLETICS IThomas J1. Hammond, of Chicago, former Michigan hack field stair, was appointed1 by the Board of Regents Thursday to fill a vacancy in the Board in Control of Athletics created by the resignation of John D. H-ibbard, '87E, Nvho has moved his residence4 to California. Colonel Hammond who is commanding officer of the 124th field artillery has for some time- been headl of the Michigan alumni in Chi- cago. Yl[is appointment was for three Mnsic And Drama (Continued from Page Four) I (a part which she carries off exceedl- ingly pleasantly and well. Polas, with her intelligent face, fa- cile emotional display, andl uncommon beauty is worth so much niore than 'the average pretty leading woman that to bring a comparison to bear is impossible. She is not confined to t: type role; Chinese half-caste or hprin- cess gives her no pause. Her ability is appreciated incom- mensurately, andl for performances such as she gives in "Vast of Suez" every single house should overflow. ifChrist ;ScientistI i ,r I ' P d { it i II I SUNDlAYV.' -~~. Y. 3:1---1. V. ictlky leadls stu&,nt; WE,:-.~~;" ('uWSiOn class at the Presbyter- iI-..1 11d ---Jo1:t eiv ihl i 41n lectures on .v',~~: 'T'he linfluene of Christianity Upon jpjnlm Cei tamn Social Pr-oblems in West- ern ( iilization,'' in Lane hall. Mor e than 200 ot it's (it 1zeils dead, 10t00 or more of its children orphaned, and its homes andl shops anud I-:1N'-- Organ rpeital by Mr. Palmerl factories in ruins, Muriphyboio, Il]., where the tornado took the greatest toll, is nev-ertheless struggling to (hi istian in Il il] auditorium. arise anew.'While the ruins are still warm it N planning~ a better city. A grihic idea of the task before *4:30---Sociai hour at the Presbyterian it is givenm above. Engineers 'ire now working on plans for the city which is, to irise ft om these ruins. 4:30-Superand fireside chat at the Congregational church. Mr. Floyd Stall- ITek n"rngn pFt- on't Borrow-Subscribe Today. 6:30-Youing Peoples' mieeting at thel -Presbyterian church. r -r * * , * , * * 0-'O-- rppn Through Trinidd"1 'j-6U a a 0 aUEBM-a-R- an illustrated talk given by Dr. 3 i~esonE.James in the Unitarian; B ook%-iD Ichurch parlors. B oi 8:0-ltonpcueservie it thlsB r a n Congregational church; Booth Tar- N01%tr kington's "The Turmoil." Mr. F loyd I IOlutrgai Counters Starr is the speaker. inU L fl IC are f reshened up and made more at= years starting June, 1924. Charles B. DuChai'me, '06, Detroit'= tractive each day with new books was re-appointed to the Board in Con - trol of Athletics for an additional three year period to commence this NL N V E R S Ir coming June. The Boardl in Control of Athleticsi;W- Lj O O TR will hold a meeting at 12:15 today. In am~- ~ ---m--- t A 0Wa ma AIM=aM0 0a ' )eleteit he lox at the Di-;y fic te prov ided for :nit tU 3 ose before 4 o'clock preCeChT1eitYtipflay of issue. l.2_(00-('os1nioiai 1club 'luncheon at the Chiurch of Christ. 3f-lamll starts fr'omzz he Coxxgrie- gal ion al ('lirch. 7:fCb-S :00- -- roffessor (4 Ill of Wiscet- silt spoa h 5to 1 pwr lRoomu Bible' class inl Lane hall. Spe cial miusi.. 7 :'U---C(rza ftsuaen tmeet al I the MaasonleI 7 :.3(k- I 'hez'ity balud assembles at Yost Field house. ":0 :4t--- 'orita1 vs. Michigran track meet inf Y~ost.t'"iel(I ilow5c>. 10 :30--V orl'eh track Ibittnet lit the l U)nion. . i, F - w w ww taw i - - - -- - -W1M-um m UUUU I y zun6"! rcb ,e tvices ALUMI DRECORSHOLD SPRING- MEETING TODAY Fifteen members of the hoard of di- rectors of the Alumni association are expected to attend the~ annual spring meeting of that. body this morning at the Union. Sessions will start at 10 O'clock and will continue during the day. The board will mainly consider questions relative to the coming con- vention of alumni clubs in Detroit early in June and the finances of the organization. Wrangel, Alaska, March 27.-Tele- grams received here announce a new gold strike 250 miles northeast of here on a tributary of the Eagle river-in the Cassiar district, British Columbia, a short distance from the placer discov- ery made last September. I, ndon, March 27. -- Microphones and amplifiers are to be installed in the House of Lords so the dear mem- bers may hear. Profits amounting to $20. were made for the Symphonic League from the candy sale held at the University School of Music Wednesday. ._. _.._ 'TRINI'TY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. and Willianm St. 11ev. L.1. . UIDERMAN, Pastor 10:30 A. AI.-- Worship. Sermon: "What Is It to Believe in C'hrist?" 5 :30-7: 30-The Student Cltub will visit(ether' denominational group meetings. Wednesd,:y, 7:30 P. M.-Lenten service. Subject : "Nicodemus.'" Ii I- BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of iN. A.) Fourth A-ve. bet weeni William and Pac (karid (G. A. N EU1:' N, Pastor Pastor's suoject : ''orsa ken by (God."' 6:30 P. 1'1.-- \ol iig People's d is- ('ussion hour. Top(: : '"llis - toi'y of the0 Bible." MEMORIAL CHURCH i i I First Church o OF CHRISTS (ilisciples) Newv ('March--Cor. lIIM & Tappan KE NEAl'hIiB. BOW1EN, Minister 9 :30-Bible school. 10: 30-INVorninug worshipl. Tolc "'What Shall 'We Dto With Our Dreamers?'' 12 :00 -Students Class taught by Prof. A. L~. Trout. 6:00--Young People's Social Hlour andl lunch. 6 :30 -Christian Endeavor. Live toplic for open discussion. Oleni to all young people. 7 :30---Eveniigw orship. Top~ic: " Who Approve=s Us ?" A seqluel to "Who Condeniin s Us:?" FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST - SCIENTIST 409 South Diiision St. 10:30 A. M.-Sunday morning ser- vice; sub~ject, "Reality." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow- ing the morning service., 7:30 P. M.L--Regular Wednesday evening testitnony meeting. The Reading Room, 608 First Na- tional Bank building, is open daily from 12 to. 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. Anniounaces a. Frie e cure on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By JUDGE' SAMUEFLIW. tCRFENE, C. S. of Louisville, Kentucky Mlember of the BoardI of Lectureship of ttile Mother Church, The First Church (of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, 31ass. -Iln- NEW MASONIC TEMPLE MIONlAY, IMAIRCI 30, 19,2 at S8:00 O'clock P. It. The Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend i I ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washingtoni St., and Fifth Ave. E. C. STELLHORN, Pastor CORNER.t CATHERINE and IISION S'TREETS HIENRIY LEIVIS, Rector. II. I. LA)NSI)ALE, Assistant. RIACHIEL HIAVILAND), Secretary for Student W'ork, 8:00 A. M.-h~oly Communion. 1p - -- --'I I -- 1 9 :00 A. M.-Bible study hour. 10:30) A. M.-Morning sermon. The p~astor will pi'each on "Being Kind andl Helpful One to An- other." This is a second ser- mon on the c'ommandment Thou shalt not kill." 5:30 P. M.-Supper for students whmich will be followed by a social hour. 7:3(0 P. M.-Evening Lenten ser- mon. Topic, "A Man of Sor- rows." Isaiah 53:4-5. .ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHUI RCH (Missouri Synod) TFhird hnd 'est Huron Streets CARL A. BRAUJER, Pastor 9:30 A. M.-German. 10:30 A. M.-Bible Class. 11:30 A. M.-English. Mr. Cook will preach on "Justification by Faith." 5:30-7:30 P. M.-Student Club meets at parsonage. Rev. B. Poch of Ft. Wayne will speak on his "Experiences is a Mis- sionary in London." 7:30 P. M.-Lenten sermon by the pastor. 9:130 11:00 A. M.-Church School. A. M.-Morning prayer' and1 sermon. Bishop Pazge of Michigan will administer the Rbite of Confirmation and preach. 5:301 P. M.-Young People's Supper in the Chapel. Mrs. Prge will speak. 6:00 P. M.-Stuident service and super. Bishoap Page will speak to the students. 7:30 P. M.-Evening service. Ser'mon ject, "Hierod." by the Rev. 11. L. Lonsdale. Sub- 11 I w. I WANTED!. Discarded Suits, Overcoats, and Shoes, Highest cash price paid. Telephone 2501 Piping Rock Flannel It. Edward Saytes, Minister Hloward R. (Chapinan, Mhinister of Students Soue Vital Questions March 29)-"Hoiv Shall We 'T'hink of Forgiveniess?" Church Sunday school at noon. Twxo classes for students anid friends meet at Guild H-ouse. Mr. Chapman and Dr. Wtermian, instructors. 5:30-Fiendship Hour ait Guild House. Refreshments. 6 :30-Devotional meeting. Dr. E. P. Russell will lead. H-is topic will be: "Central Aims in Christian Living." FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner South State and East Washington Streets 11EV. ARITHUR W. STALKER, DI.1%' Minister -REV. W. SCOTT WESTEJIMIAN, Associate Minister Rev. Donald T'inermuan Eicen W. Moore D~irectors of Stuidenit Activities [0:30-Pastor's subject: "OUT OF LENT." 12:00-12:45-Five Student Bible Classes, Wesley Hall. 5 :30--Social half hour. ASociety Brand Fabric - Silky ;exclusive 6:00-7:00-Wesleyan Guild meeting. Rensis Likert, leader. ABOUT A IJNITED CHURCH?". 7 :00-7 :30-Open house. Refreshments. 7 :30-Evening worship. "The Gardener." "WHAT Sof t M ich I I 'This is a fabric made specially for Society Brand, a wonderful fabric unob- tainable since the war until this spring. It's a flannel, but not like other flannels; it has a silky, lustrous finish all its own, hardly to be matched in the most expen- sive importations. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH HERBERT A. JUMP, Minister. I:. KNOX MITCHELL, Vnhversity Past or. 10: -iS-Morning' service of worship. Address by Mr. Floyd Starr of the UNITARIAN CHURCH State amid Huron Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister. Phillip, F. Thllmve, 'Musical lDirector 0 If