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March 28, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-28

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titizd to the use for republicatioi of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffilce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,I
Offices: Ann Arbor Press. Building, May.
tard Street.
Phones:eEditorial, 24X4 and i76-M; busi-
ness, 960.

to the sophomore class, or about an
CAMPUS OPINION j other "class tradition" whatsoever. I
Anonymous communications will be will, of course, be granted that a clas
disregarded. The names of communi-
eants will, however, be regarued as may exclude any individual from it
confidential twon request. meetings, or from participation in any
of its affairs, if it sees fit. But any
WHO ARE WE 11personal constraint, no matter wha
To the Editor: kind, is properly resented.
I wish to take this opportunity to If the administration, countenances
defend Sherwood Eddy's recent lec-'
in any degree the "disciplining" o
ture. His speech has been greatly
maligned because of many mnisunder- freshman, for example, it is doinga
standings. lie cane here with his contemptible thing. If they need
own specially prepared speech and disciplining, the University should da
then was asked to sponsor the Stu- it, and if it cannot do what is neces.
dent Friendship Drive which he did, sary, its administration ought to be
incorporating in it his own speech; changed. If any class is allowed tc
unfortunately this did not suit some exercise authority over entering
individuals who did not understand freshmen, freshmen ought to be ad-
the situation. Anyway, the social as- vised _o carry arms, and I should be
pect is so bound up in the political glad to help' in the defense of any-
that there can be little separation of student who, with fair warning, kills
the two. Contrary to a statement anyone who interferes with him.
appearing in The Daily, I do not be- "There is an idea abroad among moral
lieve the majority of the audience people that they should make their
came to hear about the Fund, for neighbors good," says Stevenson, and
there were very few students present, he adds that one's duty to his neigh-
but some earnest individuals came to bor is more nearly to make him happy.
hear a man who is well known as a A tradition of consideration, helpful-
keen, unbiased observor and speaker. ness, and courtesy would be a matter
I resent the implication that Mr. of some importance on this campus,
Eddy, by sponsoring the Fund, is a but such "traditions" as we seem to


- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ -



Easter Cards
and Narcissus bulbs



Telephones 2414 and 176-3
Editor...............John G. Garlinghouse
Newus Editor.......... .Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor............Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas~ P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Edwin C. Mack
Sports Editor.......William IH Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor.............Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher.
Leslie S. Bennetts IrwinEA. Olian
Smith I1. Cady, Jr. W Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard B. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert TP. DeVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonard Hall D~avid C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Mariod Kuhik Chandler Whipple
Elizabeh Lieberman


l' i
_f I

Telephone 60
Advertising..................... L. Dunne
Advertising...................R. C. Winter
Advertising.......... ......... H. A. Marks
Advertising ... B. W. Parker
Accounts..................H. M. Rockwell
Circulation.................... John Conlin
Publication....................R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
1. M. Alving H1. L. Newmann
Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead
Rudolph Bostelman R: M. Prentiss
H. F. Clark W. C. Pusch
C Consroe D. Ryan
Denz N. Rosenzweig
J2.DeI'uy 1VM. E. Sandberg
George C. Johnson M. L. Schiff
0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld
K. K. Klein 1. 3. Wineman
Night Editor-EDWIN C. MACK !

It is only fitting that Cornell should
compete with Michigan when the first
intercollegiate meet is held in the
Yost Field house tonight. The ath-
letic relation between the two schools
is of long standing and has always
held a position of first importance. '
The only regret of the University
in welcoming the track team from the
East is thait the opportunity is not
afforded more often. Nothing would
better please -the Michigan student
body than close relation with Cornell
in every form of student activity. The
annual track meets, it is to be hoped,
will form a basis for renewal of the
competition of former days.
Thirty long years ago a brilliant
young orator naned William Jennings
Bryan sprang full-grown into the
midst of a national convention of the
Democratic party. In a burst of en-
thusiasm he swept the gathering with
his ideas on free silver. But that was
the end of it.
Slowly but surely down through the
decades William has become one of
the traditions of the Democratic par-
ty, as was so clearly demonstrated
during the last presidential campaign
when he tried to come back through
Brother Charlie.
But this young wizard with words
has not wasted his sweetness upon the
desert air for the past three decades.
Instead of fading into oblivion with
the Democrats he turned his oratori-
cal guns upon the theory of evolution,
stressing the point that HE never
descended from a moneky. Also, in-
stead of the desert he picked up tho
wilderness of Tennessee wherein to
spread the perfume of his petals.
Here his efforts have not been
wasted for the Tennessee legislature
has just passed a measure prohibiting
the teaching of evolution in the public
schools, normal colleges, and univer-
sities of the state. Now the point is
not that Bryan and, the Tennessee
legislature are at all in the right inj
the matter of evolution. There areI
thousands of people who disagree, in-
cluding the newly formed Science
League of America, which numbers
among its members such men asj
Luther Burbank, and David Starr!
Obviously the only significance inJ
the whole affair is that William has
at last nut nacross a b fridea- So .P's

German Bolshevist. Mr. Eddy is a have, which concern the trivial re-
Christian gentleman studying inter- straints of freshmen much more than
national problems from a scientific the obligations of seniors, are ridic-
but upartisan viewpoint. lie attempts ulous. The way by example is shorter
to spread the truth and not propa- than the way by precept.
ganda as he himself said, "I have no I do not like these "disciplines" be-
axe to grind"; therefore he can see cause they express an idea of univer-
and speak the facts. The American sity life prevalent here and at other
public has been so fed up on hideous large schools-the idea that people
tales of the Soviet Regime that it is ought, as much as possible, to be
disappointed to hear that such a mon. made similar. A man's value to so-
ster organization has a few virtues, ciety is due to the characteristics in
The majority of speakers on Russia which he is different. One has only
are Europeans who naturally have to think over a list of real contribu-
biased opinions. Why not equally as tors to civilization, in any field of
well believe one of our own nation- human action, to realize that even in
ality, a representative of that nation science, where there must be a com-
which so loudly boasted of its imper- mon discipline, to say nothing of art,
sonal viewpoint of foreign affairs. people have been valuable because of
In his speech Mr. Eddy attempted their peculiarities. I think a person
only to tell the truth concerning the ought to be allowed to enter the Uni-
Friendship Fund, thereby making the versity rather queer, and leave it
greatest true appeal. Surely any queerer still. I know of no receipt
worthy cause must first stand that for producing geniuses, but the uni-
test. Mr. Eddy boldly asserted that versity knows of ways of spoiling
it is very difficult for anyone out- them. I think we might better turn
side of the Communist rank to enter out a few mediocre people a littl
the Universities-that these students freakish than nobody of any distinc-
are 100 per cent atheists. Is this log- tion at all.
ical Bolshevist propaganda? Mr. Ed- If you will allow me, I will go on to
dyf simply based his appeal on this say that our athletic system is the
one fact-that since these students greatest upholder of . the gospel of
will be the leaders of Russia tomor- uniformity. That is, the duty of
row, if we cooperate with them now, everyone to support athletics has been
we are helping to insure future world established by the regents, and the
peace; we are keeping Russia from athletic fee is fixed as part of the price
isolating itself from European civiliz- of admission. In doing this, I think
ation and making a formidable men- the board was unwise. It seems to me
ace to the world by coaltion with the that any young man who wishes may
Orient. It, the Fund-does not sound properly take part in athletics if he
like bona-fide Bolshevist propaganda can. But the idea that anyone who
when one considers how the profes- takes part in athletics is making at
sors are flocking from Russia to Ger- his own expense a contribution to the
man and Polish universities-not to support of the institution, is bunk.
spread propaganda but because they That it is a patriotic duty of any stu-
disapprove and must either lose their: (lent to 'support the team' is complete
jobs or heads. Considering every- nonsense.
thing, the Friendship Fund might In paying the athletic fee, the stu.
have had a more emotional speaker dent gets a good deal for his money.
to draw forth tears and money but If the athletic coupon could be the,
we have been the victims of propa- last on the treasurer's office card, and
ganda long enough. Let us be re- one were privileged to use it or not,
freshed occasionally with a little sin- as he wished, 99 per cent of the stu-
cere, unbiased truth. dents would pay the fee, the athleti1
It is indeed unfortunate that Mr. association would lose little and the
Eddy's address was considered polit- university would be acting fairly in-
ical propaganda. He very imperson-- stead of unfairly. When the fee wasE
ally gave us both sides of the ques- first established, it was possible to,
tion-the good and the bad. Wheth- get it remitted, but this required theI
or or not Mr. Eddy's assertions were show of complete necessity. A boyI
true concerning Child Labor in the dislikes to explain that his fatherI
factories and law and order in the will feel so small a difference. A girlt
cities-who are we, with our Ku will naturally be reluctant to tell any
Klux Klan, our rum feuds, rapidly in- committee that she is hard up forI
creasing crime wave and failing Child five dollars. To establish the fee was
Labor amendment-to criticize. Let wrong, but to remit it under thesee
us first cast out the beams in our circumstances was shameful. It borec
own eyes before attempting to pluck upon exactly those of whom the Uni-
out the motes from our brothers! versity should be most considerate.
Mrs. G. L. Lewis, ex-'25. The fact that a few people asked forf
remission indicated nothing. It wasI
THE GOSPEL OF UNIFORMITY commonly said that such a requestt
To the Editor of The Michigan Daily: would be refused. The payment ofI
On the first page of the lash Friday's this fee should be voluntary, so that1
Daily is an account of the senior it could be remitted without a word to
class meeting at which the speaker anybody.d
"stressed"-"the need of a more com- The coaches and directors of thei
plete organization of the senior class athletic association are, no doubt, con-
as a means of dealing with the prob vinced that the present system is ex-
lem of disciplining the under-classes celle)nt. Thomas Arnold, who hadc
in essential matters. le recommended given a large part of his life to the
some sort of a senior building-etc.' acquirement of the classical lan-e
It seems to me that with the Union guages, was inclined to think thats
and many new class rooms available, these languages were divinely ap-1
and the League building as a good pointed means for training the mindsp

Final arrangements have just been
completed to present Ernistine Schu-
mann-Heink Tuesday evening, April
28, in the auditorium of the Masonic
Temple. Madame Schumann-Heink,
although she has been on the concert
and operatic stage for more than
twenty-five years, is said still to retain
the full contralto richness of her
voice. For her recent recital in Or-
chestra hall, Detroit, the auditorium
was sold out even to a capacity stand-
ing-room, the stage was filled with
some three hundred additional seats,
and from four to five hundred people
were turned away.
Her astonishing vigor and the con-
stant quality of her voice have be-
come the sensation of recent musical
seasons. In addition to her numerous1
concert engagements she has been en-
gaged by the management of the
Metropolitan Opera house to appear in
several of her famous Wagnerianl
roles this spring, and her recital last
month in New York city was received
with unusual enthusiasm by the1
Her local program will doubtless,
include many of the same numbers
listed in her Detroit appearance, sev-
eral opera arias, and a majority of
German lieder which she interprets
with an almost incomparable appre-
The concert is under the manage-
ment of S. Hurok, impressario for
Chaliapin and other equally famous
artists. The exact details of the mail-
order sale will be announced shortly,
* * *
John Corbin, at the time the dra-
matic critic of the New York Times,
wrote the following review of "Out-
ward Bound," which Comedy Club is
to present at the Whitney theatre
Wednesday and Friday evening, April
1 and 3:
"Something rather extraordinary
happened last night. A play about
death, all of the characters of which
have passed beyond, caught the atten-
tion of a New York audience, enlisted
its sympathy, amused in genuinely
and genially, and ended by stirring i.
to very considerable depths of human
pity and pathos.
"If there are any people'who object
that 'Outward Bound' lacks theologic
authority, one will be inclined to agree
with them. Sutton Vane, its author,
is sa.id to be an English actor, who has
written many plays, none of them bril-
liantly remembered. But this play
has been well spoken of in London by
those who should know, and is very
successful with its audiences.
"The single scene of its three acts I
is the bar and smoking room of a
small liner. The people who assem-
ble seem quite normal folk and in
point of fact do not at first know their
condition. Sutton Vane's Beyond has
points of resemblance with that of
Conan Doyle. A part of the drama of
the little play, and also of its com-
edy, lies in the different processes by
which they come to realize what has
happened to them.They are troubled
by the fact that they do not know just
how they came aboard or what port
they are bound for. Aside from the
steward, who serves drinks at the
bar, there are no crew, no officers.
And there are no lights to port or
starboard. They are sailing in the(
dark, a chartless sea.
"The steward explains that lie is a
'half-way.' One does not know at
first just what he means except that
he has presided at some 5,000 such

trips. But he is very friendly if a
little sad. The first of his customers
at the bar is an amiably bibulous and
inwardly distracted lad ,who serves to
develop the foibles of a pompous and
insolent dowager and an equallyi
pompous ,hard-boiled M. P.{
"There is also a motherly, cockney!
char-woman. The dowager is sur-
prised to find such folk aboard, and is I
outraged upon learning that on this
ship there is no steerage, that all the
passengers are of one class. As the
play progresses, a very intimate bond


_U __ __ .

s. iLI Kr





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Hill Auditorium-Ann Arbor
ix Concerts - - - Four Days





(Metropolitan Opera Company)
(Chicago Civic Opera Ccuipany)
(Note) Bach Singer)




KATHRYN M EISL E".............
(Chicago Civic Opera Company)
LORETTA DEGNAN............
(Michigan Debut of Splendid American Artist)
ARIO CHAM LEE ...............
(Metropolitan Opera Company)
R HYS M ORGAN.................
(Noted Bach Singer)
(Sensation of the Metropolitan Opera Company)
(Metropolitan Opera (company)

......... CONTRALTO
. ...T ENOR



.... TENOR



CHARLES TITTMAN ...........'.'
(Noted Bach Singer)
HENRI SCOTT- ---+----.
(Metropolitan Opera Company)
(One of the World's Best)
MISCHA ELMAN ...................
(Another of the World's Best)
Earl V. Moore, Conductor

... ....... BASS


prospect, the convocations of the'
grave and reverend seniors are rea-
sonably provided for, and that the idea
of a building, especially a new build-
ing now, for a single class, is absurd.
Ought it to have cells for the solitary'
confinement of juniors, guilty perhaps
of lese majestat? A room in the sub-
sub-basement of the Physics building
might serve that purpose if the de-
spairing struggles of the victim dia
not shakethe building.
It is not the idea of the building,
however, which has provoked thiA
communication. It is the idea that it

of youth. Tolstoi points out that the develops between this bibulous, tortur-
practitioners of any profession come ed young man of' the world and thli,
to regard their function as essential charwoman, and we are gradually in-
to the welfare of society. Bootleggers ducted into a scense of human tender-
as well as ministers have this convic- ness as moving as anything in 'Th,
tion, not because they can demon- Passing of the Third Floor Back'-
strate its soundness, but because they a play which 'Outward Bound' at
cannot work comfortably well without many points resembles. To a per-
it. To act upon it is to beg the real formance ,which is well nigh perfect
question of their actual value. in all its characterizations, these two
I have no right to call myself a add a touch of deeply spirited compre
radical. Indeed, when I listened to hension that mark their author as aI
Scott Nearing the other day, it oc- new and daring figure in the theatre."
curred to me that extreme radicalism * * *
might be a disease. But curiously TE DIVINE POLA


... 300 VOICES 3

Frederick Stock, Conductor
Joseph E. Maddy, Conductor

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