SATURIAY,'M ARCh 23, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY e ", ' k. .. w A rThe sCampus rn y slII is bhumali nat nrc. But w-hen itj present branches of engineering grewG (r018 .-; ( Wing colars. .. . ..out of this. ..F. Caley, '1 -'e.It iIS 8tptee- loee I ) e tioW fhOali(+fl ia11na gw,. March 27. 'Th cN icaragr (ii u ilc 1ol )I ly mll It. hi ut 171 121 Conglress y('.iC.F1':y rec ie'(F;':I theC tt11 r: 8' \ 8 8\' I(All 1)1 ti t is attractive. proposed 10ain 01."500,000 I fe'e t ly Ine- jNol ic : howv ()idlily a new rstyle of oi jated Iby 1 l thiex' g, ,overlnmernt Wit 11 New, U re tone c :tiei= 18n5ot 1iit y or a new 11re o a dice 1 (r ;dZ8Longins members. 1 'cliiiical g ornesot he ceamt us are t("o bia!C_ '.. " to oe ; ,, :veDoinYIIucthint .oal usin o o hn!that Johnson's accusatio that a- IPR~ ~II Michigan men are just "carlbon.1>a-( per" conformers is justified? Mu ITTL1I!LII! Wh'Iere as ked: Tre li i1rary. bhe answers: Ainelia K. 3ehIn-hort "UEY GT HRE '26.- "Most Michigan men are ;oiz- formists b~ecause of necessity rather WitIi the simort of Dean M1?ortimuer than choice. Sad, isn't it? lBnt Wilefl:I'..(,c) eief1 lie Colleges of Engineer- it comes to ideas, each has his own -. A1 0 r, n inn ail AcbiectrcandJoseph A. just ask him." C. II Snidr, '2.- -"If a act e d- 1 rly, I ea iiof Students, the national propriate, is it not all right? Plat > ,SCRUN FOUR TIMES- A DAY FOR A WVI-hOLE: ikVDIENCI IS( )N l (O - IRE ATS'PS P I, VE C iL 'IN', 1 Cv 'fITs WXLCItK startng Su(ic and believe me, it's 11w hfi- cst pitre we'v shein with ut except ion and when you go out you'll tell me tat YOU WISH YOU WERE: IN THE , TH-EATRE BUSINESS, TOO! Respectfully JAS. S. HIIrmI)SON. i>rold I-eff ernan, Detroit News, seid :;--A magnificent histoical spec- ' t:.rl(' based on the American Revolu- tion, finely staged, comupetently acted l11( directed withl sympathy and f eel- i~g-tiatis "Janice Meredith," lit- cst lproducltionl from tie Cosmopoi- tan studios. F*or slheer miagnitude, few films of recent months can approach "Janice Meredith." And unlike so many other big productions whose sweet and simple love stories have been over- pewercd by the spectacular end, "Jan- ice Meredith" survives at all times because the two themes blend like the mleshinlg of gears in a smooth-running automobile. -.J anice Meredith" reaches its zen- i with tile crossitg of te Deii V" ure, which seems to us ou- of the mot stirillg episoodes ever pictu'-d. th~e vahiant hand of soldi'rr~ strug- hug - to f, ,rcc their way through tile surging iis someting that ;rouses emotions to tihe highest pitch.' There are Iutnerous other historical fea- tures that Ilave been admirably caught, especially the Boston Tea Party, the hbatt le ofl Yorktown, the farewell bil'- to (Geu. H-owe andolFraniklin's audi 8cnce with tile French king. Miiss Davies, who proved her his- tirioiic talent in "Little Oldl New York" has many excellent nmoments. Shle is enthusiastic, mischeivotus, pet- ulant, fiery-ill fact, anything the oc- casion doemanids. She wears at l(asI 20o different costumes in the film. 'L remlainlder of the cast is of a lI1 duality. P'articularly good are Mach . Ar- blucide, IHIolbrook Blinn, Geor,'- IlahadW.C ils.M.l lays some rich conmedy as a drunkeni tdritish sargeanlt. Joseph Kilgour i a dignified andI imperturable WVash- inlgtoni. r 4 0 BE'TTY BLYLTHE T ?'LLE6L'K A TSYRl T f !LLER- F QRRk1 SSANI l JACKMUP4UIAL -P~fLIS HAVEJZ ' ~1YRT SWMN"JRPKLIjm, (T4ILS IiIKfICAI? Y w u ,ryyi d..1 W a -;pv;is / THE 11TTERII SY-1P1II(PIC QlICIIESIFIA -1,n1der thle iDirectilon of- Mf CIILAS I). }FAIA, ) E WIill Rendelhtr for1 the ifirslti'mhe in Arty Aunu Arbor Theadi, SYMPHIONY IN B-MIINOR tO. 6 FIRSTl1 MOVEI1EINT Tihis W~as IRecently PlanyedI in Hill Auditorium by IDetroit Symph~lonly #NEAR Dk HuBeLagiWgAt PR OME0By } AL ROACH+" 9 1111 .AMX"4b, 00 XAIMOrMoqal A&MV. - w