DEDICATED TO JUSTICE L itti#an :43 i at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 134 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS , .-a HO USECOMMTTE HCOMENDS CuT IN APPROPRIATION WAYS AND MEANS REPORT PARES REQUEST FROM $3,192,700 TO $1,300,000 SENATE MAY REVISE Reduction Comes After Original Bill Was Favored By University Investigators Lansing, March 27, (By A. P.)-The request of the University of Michigan for $3,192,700 for buildings and land was cut to $1,300,000 when it was re- ported out today by the House ways and means committee. If the recom- medations of the committee are fol- lowed the only items authorized by the legislature for the next two years will be $900,000 for a museum and equipment and $400,000 for land. The drastic reduction came after the! bill had been favorably acted upon by the University committee in its original form. According to Represen- tative Loomis K. Preston, chairman of the University committee, the mem- bert agreed unanimously to allow the college the entire requested amount. When it reached the ways and means committee, however, it was pared to meet the estimated available funds. There is little liklihood that the There is little likelihood that the house will over-ride the ways and means committee's recommendation it was said. Hope for a revision up- ward in the Senate was expressed by the university friends, however. The reduction in the appropriations means that the University would losej $600,000 asked for an administration1 building, $465,000 for an observatory, $400,000 for an architectural building and $427,700 for land. Un iversity May Get $375,)000 In Gift Fund The University of Michigan receives' a fund of $375,000 from the estate of Silas Wright Dunning, '60, who died last May, according to items appear- ing in the New York papers on Thurs- day. No confirmation of this report had been received up until late yester- day by the University officials. The will directed that the fund shall be used to purchase books and periodicals for the University library MIt.- Dunning left an estate appraised at $456,747, of which $450,194 was in securities. He divided the bulk of the estate into trust funds and small bequests to nephews, nieces, and more distant relatives and gave one-twent- leth of the estate outright, and three- fourths of the principals of the vari- ous trust funds to the University of Michigan after the death of the life beneficiaries. Rome, March 27.-The price of the beist grade of wheat flour has been re- duced from 242 lire (about $9.85) to =30 lire (about $9.36) a hundred pounds and bread has been reduced correspondingly.I Berlin, March 27.-The original p1- ano score by Richard Wagner of the Carl Maria von Weber has been put on sale, but the price is so high no (one has taken it. It is dated Nov. 15, :1844. Bulletin Prepared By Regents Sets Forth Burton's Policies Pointing out the needs of the Uni- versity, a bulletin has been published by the Regents and is being mailed to the alumni of the University residing in the state of Michigan. The bul- letin was prepared primarily for the information of the members of the legislature of 1925 in consideration of the requests made by the University in the appropriation bill asking fox $3,192,700. "In particular, the removal of the limitation of the proceeds of the mill tax, with a consequent increase in the income of the University for current expenses, is crucial. It is a question of this, or retrenchment and retreat. "On February 18 our beloved Presi- dent, Marion LeRoy Burton, was tak. en from us by death. Not alone has every student, officer, and alumnus of the University experienced a sense ENGINEERS MEET TO HONOR COOLEY Dean Presented with Loving Cup as1 Expression of Affection of Students WALL GIVES TALK As an expression of appreciation of his long devotion to the engineering' college Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the Colleges of Engineering and Arch- itecture was presented with a large sil- ver loving cup by the engineering and architectural students at the general engineering assembly which was held in Hill auditorium yesterday morning. Upon the cup was engraved the in- scription "An expression of the ap- preciation and affection of the stu- of loss impossible adequately to ex- press in words, but the whole state o: )Michigan realizes that one of its greatest and most valuable citizens has been called to pass on in the ver3 1prime of his usefulness, sacrificed tc his own ceaseless toil and concern fox this great institution. The policies set forth in these pamphlets were con- ceived by his vigorous mind; his fine idealism went into their making; it was his hope to present them to the legislature and the people of the state. 'We desire you to be fully acquaint- ed with these plans, which were his. As alumni, you know the worth of the University. As citizens of the state, its maintenance is in your keeping. We trust that these requests may so commend themselves to you as to re- ceive, by every legitimate means, your heartfelt approval and active support.' the bulletin concludes. By the means of graphs and charts the bulletin points out the needs of the University concerning increased income, land and buildings. Three reasons are given for the need of an increased income; because more stu- dents mean more expenses, because an l increased plant costs more to main- tain, and because expenses have grown faster than income. SWMMNGMEET,, I PENS POOL TODAY Twelve high Schools Will Compete In First Interscholastic 'Tank Carnival CHICAGO STARS HERE #, s s Y, . r 9 t a .l . FRENCH FINANCES MAY BRING PANIC1' PAISH FORECA5TS 1 PROXINENT AUTHORITY HOPES NATIONS WILL AVERT CATASTROPHE SCORES STATESMEN Europe Must Find Marlet and Gain Credit in Order to Avert Crisis ENGINEERS GIVE GRADES AS WOMEN PASS BENCHES Professors on the campus have some competition in the matter of grading. Engineers, from the vantage points of benches along the diagonal, have taken up the work of marking all the girls that pass, and judging from the num- ber of "E's", they mark as strict- ly as their teachers. j Grades run all the way from "A", wsiclh isaseldom used, to "E". Included in the grades are "I", meaning "absent from ex- amination," and applied to any girl that goes around rather than down the diagonal. Records are carefully kept on scoreboards on the walk, and VARSITY TRACK TEAM FAVORlED jIN MEET WITH CORNELL TODAY: BLUE KEYTO FETE CONTENDERS INJURIES TO STARS HANDICAP OPPONENTS FOR THIRTEENTH ANNUAL CONTEST jeach new grade is marked up Predicting that at any moment we with chalk. might hear of France going into a state of total bankruptcy with the in- evitable result that the world would, be thrown into prehaps the greatest financial panic of its history, if exist-0 ing conditions in Europe are not re lieved, Sir George Paish, noted Eng in his address on "The World's Eco- natioT < i is athrity oninTenatoald'sanco- I IUIE OSI00 nomic and Financial Situation" in _ Natural Science auditorium yesterday Sturgis to Meet Lake Linden Quintet afternoon expressed an optimistic to Decide Tourney Finals I hope that the nations of the world This Afternoonf will arise and avert the impending - _ catastrophe. RIVALRY IS KEEN This dilemma in world affairs Six George emphatically laid to the ignor- ance of the statesmen who attempted Unusually keen competition marked to solve the financial problems left as yesterday's flay in the seventh an- the aftermath of the World war in nual interscholastic state basketball economic and financial knowledge. tournament at Waterman gymnasium "Today the world is suffering from which terminates this afternoon. The the effects of the unwise calculations first game this morning will not take made by statesmen in trying to re- place until 11 o'clock when Grand store financial stability in the world," Haven and Eaton Rapids meet in the he said. "The calculators were mere class B consolation tournament. politicians and men who had but a j At 4 o'clock this afternoon, the final vague knowledge of the fundamental game of the class C tournament will principles of sound economic and fin- be run off, with the Three Oaks and! ancial doctrines. True, they called to St. Mary's teams furnishing the con their aid men who were said to be ex- petition. This game will be followed perts in economic and financial probW by the final game of the class BE lems, but the statesmen could not act tournament when Lake Linden and entirely on the advice of these men. Sturgis come together. There was a general ignorance of real Both Lake Linden and Sturgis have, conditions in the war torn nations of enviable records so far, but the for- Europe when the calculations were ier team seems to have the edge on made.i its opponents. During the past sea. "The statesmen imposed unwise 1 son Lake Linden has had 23 victories, reparation demands on Germany un-! no defeats, and has defeated every der the honest belief that Germany class A team in the upper peninsula. A could pay them. France and Eng- large crowd attended the games lastr land filled with the false belief that; night and it is expected that today Germany could pay made their de- will see the largest crowd present soj mands exaggeratingly high. France far. did not think of collection but rather Yesterday morning's games were of increasing calculations of devasta- hotly contested as their scores will! tjons. France borrowed freely with indicate. In the sole game of the clas 4 sole reliance on Germany's prompt B tournament, Sturgis high school de- payment. feated Grand Haven by the score of "Now Germany cannot possibly pay 19-16. Two gaies were played dur- the vast extortions that are demanded ing the morning session in the class C from her; France, almost in a state :tournament. The first game, between' of financial bankruptcy, cannot pos- East Jordan and Harbor Springs quin- sibly attempt to pay their debts; tets, proved to be a clean victory for England cannot pay all her debts and the East Jordan basket tossers who dents of the Colleges of Engineering Twelve high school swimming and Architecture for their dean, Mor- I teams from Michigan and Illinois will timer Elwyn Cooley, March 28, 1925." meet at 10 o'clock this morning in the The assembly, which had been de- preliminaries of the first annual Michi- liberately camouflaged by the commit- tee, was in reality a surpise on Dean gan interscholastic swimming carnival, Cooley in honor of his seventieth marking the formal opening of the birthday which he is celebrating to- new Union pool. The finals in all day. thi".events of the program are sched- L. W. Wallace, of Washington, D. C., uled for 4 o'clock this afternoon. secretary of the American Engineer- Two Chicago schools, Englewood ing council and a close personal i friend of Dean Cooley delivered the high and Harrison tech, have entered principal address in the form of an teams in the meet which is the first eulogy of Dean Cooley discussing his of its kind ever to be held under the! early life, his training, his coming to supervision of the Athletic associa- the University, and the development hon. The latter school h-as entered of the engineering school into one of the finest engineering colleges in the only one maim, but the former will country. Mr. Wallace discussed Dean make a fight for the championship. Cooley's life as an engineer, as an The inchools etredh1s educator and as president of the number, included Detroit Northwest- American Society for the Promotion ern, winner of the recent water car- of Engineering Education and of the nival at M. A. C., Detroit Northern, Federated Engineering societies. Eastern, Southwestern, Western, Flint, Above all Mr. Wallace stressed Dean Jackson, Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo Cen- Cooley's qualities, characterizing him N!rth, an is ark. Dert as patient, cordial, sympathetic and Northwestern is favored to win the always ready and willing to help any title. of his students or fellow citizens. Mr. Preliminaries will be held this morn- Wallace held up Dean Cooley's ideals, free style, 50 yard breast stroke, 100 his belief in his fellow men and the yard free style, 50 yard back stroke, ultimate triumph of all things that amd the 220 yard free style. The are right, his efforts to bring into finals in these events together with politics a better type of men, and his the finals in the plunge, diving, and zeal and devotion to his country, the medley relay will be held in the AJ the conclusion of Mr. Wallace'satern ewn.n speech Alfred O. "Al" Cuthbert, '22E, afternooni. former varsity cheer leader, lead the The wimining team in today's meet audience in some yells. Acting-Presi- will receive the Thomas Doyle trophy. audince n soe yels. ctmgPres- I addition winners of the first four dent Alfred H. Lloyd congratulated pnadsininnersdof tentstfmu- DeanCooly o behlf o th Unier-places imn individual events and mnein- lDean Cooley on behalf of the Univer- bers of the first two relay teams to sity faculty and students. Palmer H. fiish in both the medley and the 220 Christian, University organist, pre- yinis evin t emleyadem22. sie! tteogn lyn h Ve yard evemnts will 'receive medals. sided at the organ, playing the "Vic- Charles F. Lynch, president of the tors" and "America." Michigan A. A. U. will referee the car- nival while H. H-. Barcus, sports nPRO~FSOnnriter, will judge the dives. Dr. George May will act as starter. LAUC O BY COLLEGUSI HnII Nns WillIATIFNf k i .I , i i j ., Medals won by the various contest- ing athletes in the Michigan-Cornell track meet will be officially presented at the banquet which will be held at 10:30 o'clock tonight at the Union. The entire track squads of both Michi- gan and pornell will be guests at the! dinner which is under the direction of the recently organized Blue Kay club. The Cornell banquet has been held for many years upon every occasion that the track men from Ithaca have come to Ann Arbor. In the/past it has been the custom to have a formal banquet but this year the affair will be informal. The number of tickes placed on sale has been limited to 225 since the capacity of the main dinning room of the Union prevents more than that number being sold. Five acts of entertainment have been secured by the committee in charge. These acts will consist in amateur singing and dancing numbers, a xylo- phone number by J. C. Hyde, and two professional acts brought from De- troit. The Varsity quartet will also appear on the program. The regular, Union orchestra will furnish the music for the affair. More than 40 Cornell, track men will attend the banquet and the Michi- gan squad which will be composed of 50 men. The presentation speech will be the only address during the program. The medals will be present- ed at the conclusion of the entertain- ment, A few tickets at $1.25 each may still be secured at the Union and from the various members of the Blue Key club. Launch Attack On Socialism At Wisconsin I Oshkosh, Wis., March 27.-(By A. P.)--Declaring that the University of Wisconsin "is the spawning bed for a great variety of socialistic laws," and that "this socialism at Madison! forms an unsen but strong link be. tween the university and the state capitol," R. 0. Wipperman, secretary of the recently formed state organiza- tion of regular Republicans in a state- ment today demanded an investigation of the alleged socialistic activities. He said a recent move in Ohio to rid uni- versities of that state of the taint o1 un-American activity was significant of the situation in Wisconsin. "The taxpayers of Wisconsin who contribute heavily to the support of the university, should at once begin a thorough investigation of the mat- ter," he said. "The sooner the uni- versity confines itself to the purpose to which it was created and the state capitol confines itself to the making and executing of wholesome laws, the better it will be for the citizens." HOD ANNUAL CRES DNCE AT LNWCLUB * More than 150 couples attended the annual Crease dance given under the auspices of the law classes last night at the LaW club. The lounging room, which ws used for the party, was decorated with maize and blue lights in the wall sockets, and palms placed around the edges of the floor. One of the outstanding features of the evening was the "Michigan Crease" the newspaper distributed during the intermission. The paper consisted of a series of stories giving accounts of the imaginative capers of the prominent professors in the law school. Harold B. Desenberg '25L, edited the sheet. Among the other specialities was a group of popular selections on thel fguitar by Reginald Eastlake,"Spec., who is director of the Woman's Man- dolin club. Kennedy's Six of Dia- monds played for the dance, and Harry B. Grundy, '26L, was general 1 chairman. Forty members of Cornell's track team will arrive in Ann Arbor at 9:40 o'clock this morning preparatory to the Annual Michigan-Cornell dual meet to be held tonight in the Field house. Tonight's meet will be the thirteenth to have been held between the two schools, Michigan having won nine of the preceding clashes. Coach Steve Farrell's outfit of Michi- gan track stars is favored to win this evening's affair because of its pre- vious performances. The Wolverines have a series of smashing victories in the Illinois Relays, the indoor Con- ference meet, and the recent Cleve- land relays to their credit while the Cornell team has a victory over Yale as its only noteworthy performance this year. In addition Coach Moak- ley's team has been severely handi- capped by the sickness or injury of a large number of its stars and if it fails to give Michigan a close race tonight it will be largely for this rea- son. That the - Cornell injuries are no pipe dreams is indicated by the fact that no less than seven who were ex- pected to take points from Michigan were forced to abandon the trip. Good- willie, one of the finest sprinters in the East and a sure point winner, and Vermillye, a good half miler,, both turned their ankles during the past week. Novotny, a six foot high jumper, Craig, the best Cornell two miler, Severence and Fuller, both crack quarter milers, and Prytherch, a two miler, are all out for the present with illness or minor injuries. In spite of their handicap, however, the Big Red team will invade Ann Arbor today with the hope of beating the Western Conference indoor cham- pions. Cornell's hope of winning the meet will rest in its ability to take the secondary points in the majority of events and to pile up a large num- her of points in one or two events in which it may be able to take firsts. Such Michigan stars as Captain Jim Brooker, DeHart, Hubbard, Les Witt- man, Charlie Reinke, Dick Freyberg, and Charlie Munz will make first places hard for the Cornell team to take and the high jump will be prac- tically the only event In which Michi- gan will not be able to present a for- midable amount of competition. Going down the list of events it is not difficult to give Michigan forty points before the start of the meet. The half mile, mile, two mile, the 60 yard dash, and the pole vault are almostcertain to be Michigan's, while the 440 and low hurdles should give Michigan five or more points. The shot put will be hotly contested be- twoen the two teams, the high hur- dles will probably go to the Red, and the high jump is almost certain to furnish the visitors with more than five counters. The mile relay will be another event which will be in the air inasmuch as both have only a pair of high class quarter milers. Michigan ought to come out ahead in the first event on the program, the 60 yard dash. Wittman, Hubbard, and Sterling have all been showing great form lately in the field house. Hub- bard ran the 50 yards in 5 2-5 at the Indoor Conference meet and Wittman only missed taking second by an inch. Sterling gave Evans of Illinois a hard race for fourth place in the Conference meet. Bill Parker, Michigan's fourth entry in the dash is a good sprinter who has not yet reached his best form but he may place against the Ithacans. Russell, Graef, Weight, and Mitchell are the four Cornell entries in the event, Goodwillie being out with injuries. Russell is the only one of the quartet who should be able to press Hubbard and Wittman. (Continued on Page Six) BAKER, FORMER WAR HEAD WILL TALK THURSDA Y Newton D. Baker, ex-secretary of war, will appear as the next speaker on the Oratorical association's season program, April 2, in Hill auditorium. r l t i j f 1 1 C S yet remain financially sound. The i annexed a total of 20 points to their people in France are living in a way, opponents' 15. Possibly the moss I hope, no American will ever have to thrilling encounter of the morning live. The average individual consumes was that between St. Mary's and only one-fourth of what the average Farmington high schools. This game, American does. It is a physical im- which was in doubt until the last min, possibility for France to economize. ute of play, was finally won by St. In Germany the people of the rank I Mary's the score being 15-14. and file are not getting a square meal Renewing the class C tournament at l despite heroic attempts by the Ger- 1 o'clock, Birmingham high school, man government and financiers to bet- with the score 11-6 against them at ter conditions. the- termination of the first half,' "How can Germany help herself? staged a strong come-back in the sec- Germany today is borrowing all the I ond half, to win the contest with a money she can to pay the reparations 20-16 score. The second game of the demands that she is attempting to afternoon, between the Three Oaks meet. Her foreign securities and in- and Bridgeman fives, developed into; vestments have been decreased to al- another thrilling affair, for the Three most nothingness as compared what1 Oaks quintet leading the game easily they were before the war. The only in the first three quarters, was forced hope Germany would have would be I to show its best in the final period to export great quantities of goods, but to win from Bridgeman 22-20. they have no market. Before the war Three more games in the main Germany's distributors were posted I tournament took place in the evening. all over the world; the world was im In the curtain-raiser, the Lake Lin- sympathy with Germany and wanted (Continued on Page Six.) her goods. Germany before the w-ar i ur"W ath erl+ am --predicts fair and ivarmer weather for today. E i I I I 1 {f I {f I Colleagues of Prof. Arthur C. Klock-f siem, whose death came unexpectedlyj Thursday night as a great sorrow to all who knew him, expressed the high- est esteem for him as a gentleman and sincere regard for his ability as a scholar. Prof. Francis L. Schneider, of the engineering English department,. characterized Professor Klocksiem as "a quiet gentleman whose full worth was not immediately appreciated and who was ever ready to assist students with unusual patience and real under- standing of their difficulties." Professor Klocksiem, who was 48 years of age, received his master's' degree from the University in 1908, coming to the University faculty from Wesleyan Reserve university five years ago. He accomplished noteworthy worki here with foreign studentp in the Engineering school, conducting spec- ial courses in English. Before his I IIUU 111vuM' ILiNL Izu I London, March 27, (By A. P.)- Underground trains, busses and Lon- don trams are preparing to carry 500,- 000 persons out to see tomorrows Oxford-Cambridge boat race on the Thames. The prospects are that the !weather will be cloudy and very cold with strong winds whipping up the windin g corebetween Putney and Mortlake. Trhe start amid finish of the four and quarter mile race through the rough waters the experts say will favor Ox- ford, while Cambridge will start a favorite if by any chance it is calm. London, March 27.---Bachelors are being taught to cook at a school in sent 75 per cent of her exported goods to European countries. During the war she impoverished her own custo- ? mers in France, Belgium, Russia,! Austria, Roumania, and other coun-! tries. Now when Germany offers to sell her exports at three-forths less than other countries offer in order to keep her people from starving. Prac- tically all the countries of the world' have put up their tariffs against the flood of German goods, and incidental- ly are effecting every other country." Yacht Club Fetes Michigan Coaches The Detroit Yacht club was host to Michigan coaches and 29 students at its annual "Michigan Night" Smoker held Wednesday evening at Beel Isle. Following the banquet, entertainment was provided by the Wolverine orches- tra and a quartet from the Varsity MEMBERS OF UNION TO RECONSIDERAMENDMENT: Another meeting of all Union mem- bers on the cmapus has been called for 7:15 o'clock next Tuesday night in the main assembly hall of the Union for the purpose of voting on the pro- posed amendment to the Union's con- stitution. Because of the lack of a quorum of Union members at the assembly which was held last Wed- nesday, the meeting was adjourned without a vote." It is necessary for at least 600 mem- bers of the Union to be present and vote in order that an amendment to the constitution may be adopted, a two thirds majority is necessary to carry the proposed change. The amendment regards the method of nominating candidates to run for SEVEN i, There are seven departments on the business staff of your Daily, and the Classifieds are seventh in the paper. Page seven is for you to read. Books are not the only The subject of Mr. Baker's address 'I has not been announced. IlMUANfFR IN Appointed steretary of war by Presi-