TH4URSDAY, MARCHt 26, 1J25 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THIRBlD _ _ _ ._-. 7 EXPERT WILL TALK CILLEN WILL ON- GAS iNDUSTRY'OF RELIG!GUS 1 ' he subject of Dr. May's lecture will be "First Aid and Emergencies." LLLJI~fli on of the injured and resuscitation a of a dIrowned1 person. It is especially{ desired that all persons who have sof the Michiganf missed any lectures would make there; Prof. John Lewis up as soon as possible because school igy department of credits will be held until all back-; 'isconsin will de- work is madle up. re of a seres f __y .. ... .. .,a ...- STARTING THURSDAY MATINEE 2:00-3:30 7 :00-8 :30 4EGU LA PICES Matinee, 25c FEvening, 35c a i A: I. Snyder To Speak Before Meeting of C'hemaical Engineers~ In HAS WIDE REPUTATION "The Gas Industry-a Growing Field for Men with Executive Ability" is the subject on which A. I. Snyder, chief engineer of the Detroit City Gas company, and one of the foremost Gas~ engineers in the country, will speakf at the meeting of the American. Insti- tute of Chemical Engineers at 7:30 o'clock today in the Michigan Union. Mr. Snyder has been brought to Annj Arbor for the second annual lecture conducted under the auspices of the American Gas association. A nationally prominent figure, in his line, Mr. Snyder is now in Detroit superintending the construction ora M0.000.00hflfl ilgljio* whcwhen imm-i Under the auspice,. School of Religiion, Gillin of the socioloj the University of W iw Amazin Novel That Set The Country Talking four at 4: 15 o'clock today in Lane hall auditorium. The public is invited to attend the lectures which will be Committee Loans Total Of $2,400; upon the general suject of relgion and social development. After sessions extending over a per- T he other. three lectures of the iodl of two dlays the University com- series will Ire given at 4:15 o'clock mittme on Student Loans authorized tomrorro , Saturday, and Monday, in ;the loan of approxima~tely $2,400 to L ane hall auditorium. There will be students who by force of circumstance no charge for the series, would* be otherwise compelled to suspend1 their college studies. The r U average amount loaned to each of Comp ete. Hea i it ' the 25 students benefited was S10o. Lectures Tday The University committee on Stu- Le !den Loans meets once a month for Ithe purpose of considering loan ap- Dr. George A. May will deliver his plications on the part of studlents in sixth and last hygienre lecture at 3,. dire circumstances. 4 and 5 o'clock this afternoon and tomorrow at Waterman gymnasium. Don't delay--Pay your Suibscription by CYRIL H-UME Thie Lo~e Af airs of Jeffrey Dwyver, Ydale Man and Poet Sensitive and Ardent Beneath Layers 6f Sophistication. Hrc's TheCavceAMan Lover I Action! 4F4. I.l 40 GIR ME I I cMF -1 IF ( MiT4IIAA°N.)N 'I'EICSF a HOW I'l's DONE. lt 1( I)INI\( TO1 itOU ~IANDlPAlI.ENTS, -- IAIlE CAVE :31AN @i IE:LI)EI) A WICKED M 'IIC Ii. About, Should Have Everybody Rushing to See fit! y A pletecl will be the most conmplete and lIttI t11I11I 111tlllt i1 1iI ll li ltilE9IIIE6ItIEiH= most modern gas building in the Uni-- ted States. Work on the first $2,500,- " 0 00 section of this edifice will be started this summer. -] lN~i Mr. Snyder to remain in Ann Arbor = rgnzeI16 tomorrow, so tha~t students interested in the gas industry will have an op- - " portunity to meet him and discuss the = - possibilities offered in this ,field cifAV N S E AR M N engineering. Mr. Snyder will inter- -I G E T E Tw view such students tomorrow morning ,. in the office of Prof. A. H. White of I-TRUTST DEPARTMEN the chemical engineering department, E room 2028 of the. east engineering building._____ Oldest National Banle in Michigan DIRECTORS OF ALUMNI I W ILL MEET SAURNAP Directors of the Alumni association will hold their spring meeting at the ~ Union Saturday. It is expected that the majority of the board will be pre-No aF d sent, with informal meetings starting on Fiiriday. The main business of the or 1 gathering will be to consider plans A for the "first triennial meeting of theA Fancy' association in Detroit on June 10 and Passing 1. Iif_ Annoneme~mnt was madePvesterdaiv 100-- I 1 i / i -- J t4 TrHE FICTION SENSATION OF YEARS Ithssail".ndapears th le mtost a ~muzir ,' o r that bas evc r s.tepped fromlouit of thew :vtion picture 'screen: Her&', a iiee0atgv anew 'i' .. naInilg to the -word "r omiance!I" e ,,°' AI N 3~ .. 0 FRE N( IROBB Y VERNON A NEW CARTOON ) 4' I' of the two b7etroit gradu~ates who will have charge of the majority of workt for the convention. J. M. 0'Dey, '09E, has been named vice-general chair- man to assist Charles B. Warren, 1, the general chairman, and b. Clay- ton Hull has been appointed chair- moan of the general arrangement con- Kraus Leaves for -Pharmacy Meeting Dean E. II. Kraus of the college of Phiarmacy, left last night for Indian-1I apclis, Ind., where lie will m~eet with a committee of three in the interests of the American Conference of Phar- niaceutical fa'culties, The oth'er two men on thecoimmittee are Dean W. Fi. Rudld of the University of West Vir-1 ginia and W. B. Day of the University1 of Illinois. Dean Kraus will return Saturdlay faternoon. Have you 'seen our new shipment of English front- flap topcoats? The ideal garment for this ever-chang- ing weather. Latest styles in spring suits also on show. "Made to measure clothes' $24 to $58 r/2 (4d NEWS EVENTS ORCHE ST6RA 04 A Superb (Cast,hinciiua ELEANOR BOARDMAN JOHN GILBERT i E. J. Weimer ad Othler' Screen (Celebritie's t ~ , , AClt 'Ar i\ Sk= < . .ti.a a^ f. 119 S. MAIN ST. 1 'i STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE .+6tQ'' -yJ r .,_ --- 1 y . 4 k . / x . -K; /. the GREEN TREE INN Lunczheon, 12-1:30 Dinner, 5:30-7:00 Special Af ternoon Tea Menu 3:00-5:00 Afternoon and Evening Parties Salted Nuts for Sale ODrders Taken for Cakes and Candies 205 South State Sit. 1 306-R f . I 771i7 I- IO Snu'~h IrnBrd 'Your seeto.Snk neelln td rraig hdii); ee f unsu~ly lw---Be ureto gt oe. m20n COMIING TIO YOU AVITH PO} MP AND1 D)IGNITY BEFITTING THlE . -IAJESTI OF THlE MIGHTI EST ENTERTAIN- MIEN T EVER CON CEIVYEDI BY 3 A N BOASTFUJLLY BUT MODE STL~Y WE CLAI T.fI -74 'E YEARS ...... _ . i2 .._-- ,,. ,: ~ ;77nl .rline." {ltr « A7nnisrati T'latlrr and 2t1 i',1 atrr i av vim