DEDICATED TO JUSTICE I C, I r *:frAi1a ~!at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 132 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS LA9CK OF QUORUM UNION PROPOSAL ATTEMPT TO CHANGE METHOD OF NOMINATING OFFICERS FAILS ONLY 500 ATTEND Speeches For And Against Revision Of Constitution Receive Equal Applause Due to failure to obtain a quorum, no action was taken on the proposed amendment to the constitution of the Union at the meeting held for that { Mud Prevents I yrjSCOL Aviator From ,UIXTENLLIIOL Landing Hero ENTER TEAMS IN Persisting mzud on the Packard road T aviation fieldl made it impossible fora.ThmsGLapir omnnhO E TNIH MjTramsG air omadr TOURNE1 TON GHT of Selfridge field, to appear here yes- I terday as was planned. Major Lan- BASKETBALL COMPETITION WILL pNier was to have spoken on "Civil DRAW ATHLETES FROM ALL and Naval Aeronautics" last night in PARTS OF STATE r REGENTS GRAN PER- YIssio.N To ERECT IEAR 1EMOIRIAL Permission bas been granted Scabbard and Blade, national honorary military fraternity by the Board of Re~gents of the Uni- veis:ty to er'ect a war mnemorial on the campus. Plans for the completion of theamemorial which is to be a suitable monu- ment of stone, have been under consideration for some time, pending approval by the Regents. Scabbard and Blade, acting in conjunction with the Army and Navy club of Detroit, is also to have charge of a program of soc- ial activities to take place in honor of the visiting Navy team at the time of the Navy game next fall. I j F the Natural Science auditorium, but due to the condition of the landing field he was forced to cancel his address. Major Lanphier came into particu- lar prominence last month when he conducted two spectacular gove'rri, ment test flights. The first campaign consisted of a squadron of pursuitl planes and two Martin bombers that spent a week in the northern regions of Michigan, maneouvering in sham battles. In the second expidition, a squadron STARTS AT 7 O'CLOCK Banquet In Union Tonight Will Be Addressed By Yost, Mather, And Haggerty Sixteen high school basketball teams are entered for the Class B and C state tournament that starts at seven o'clock tonight in Waterman gymn- MICHIGAN ACADEMY WILL HOLD THR11t DAY MEETING HERE PROMINENT MEN WILL GATHER FOR THIRTIETH ANNUAL COIVENTION BARTLETT WILL TALK Faculty Members Will Preside Over Sectional Groups; Many Papers on Program Gathering for their thirtieth annual meeting members of the Michigan Aca- demy of Science, Arts, and Letters will be in Ann Arbor Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. There will be both general and sectional meetings on all three days at which members of the University staff and prominent men from different parts of the country will deliver addresses. Prof. Harley H. Bartlett of the bot- E i i ni Anr Tlnvrwrn ni Will Speak On Conditions Of World Finance Sir George Paish, one of the most eminent English authorities on fi- nance and international finance, will deliver a lecture, "The World's Eco- nomic and Financial Stuation" at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in the Natural Science auditorium. This lecture will be open to all. Sir Paish has a record of experi- ences in finance that is enviable. From 1881-1888 he was Secretary to Editor Statist and from 1888-1916 he served in several capacities until he finally became Joint Editor. He was a member of the departmental commit- tee of the Board of Trade on Rail- way accounts and statistics and Gov- ernor of London school of Economics between 1906-08. From 1914-16 he was advisor to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the British Treasury of Financial and Economic questions, serving in an official mission to the American government, Nember, 1914. An author of note, Sir Paish has produced many books on financial and economic problems. Among his most noted works are listed: British Rail- way position, 1902; Railways of Great Britain, 1904; Railroads of U. S., 1913; Capital Investments in Other Lands, 1909 and 1910; Savings and the Social Welfare, 1911; and A Per- manent League of INations, 1918. ENGAGE IN DEBATE ON WAR SUBJECT -------V ' ------of pursuit planes, led by Major Lan- asium. - L purpose last night in the general as- phier, attempted a sunrise to sunset Drawings for the games will be sembly room. flight from Selfridge field to Miami, made at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Althopgh no accurate count could Florida. Yost field house and following this be obtained, it was evident that the re- the teams and coaches will attend aE quired 600 members of the Union were banquet at the Union. This will be-y not present. Discussion of the amend- iin at 5:30 o'clock tPheirleafternoon.l ment, which would change the method ITepe kesyhea t Cornell and lichigan Teams Will Be of nominating candidates for the vari- g The speakers of the banquet will be Guests at Traditional Dinner ousstudent ocs of thedirection o George Haggerty, captain of the past Saturday Night Thomas H. Cavanaugh, '27L, president season's basketball teamCoach I of the Union. --" Mather, varsity basketball mentor, and WILL PRESENT MEDALS The opposition and support of the Senior Literary Booth Will Close Kenneth Sieck, interscholasti sports antendmeitt appeared to be equally Finally At Four manager. Tickets for the Cornell track ban- divided, although no vote was taken.,'lc Treo hetasarie ntw Spedhsabt hfr nd agaisttken yesterday in order to accustom them- quet which will be held at 10:30 pche were0thivead wthaainshe selves to the floor and to get a little o'clock Saturday night at the Union hange werreceive ith pplause DEFER DUES PAYMENTS work out before the tournament starts.e o o sale a may be procur 'by the number present, which was un- I r o nsl n a epoue officially estimated to be between 400 - -1 Tes are Lake Liny. Hfrom members of Blue Key. The Cor-a and 500. The 'meeting opened with a! No orders for invitations and an- Springs and Carson City. nl n ihgntaktaswl motion to adjourn, due to lack of nouncements of the senior literary Altogether there are eight teams nell and Michigan track teams will a quorum, and the discussion was car- class will be taken after tomorrow entered i each class. They are as be guests at the banquet which has ed on without action on the mo- aftfollows: Class B has Lake Linden, become a traditional affair and is held tion,afternoon, at the booth in the corridor Eaton Rapids, Sturgis, Grand Haven, whenever the track team from Ithaca an accurate count on a rising vote. of the University hall, according to Birmingham, Petoskey, Alma and Hart. 4 comes to Ann Arbor. The new amendment would require Howard Crowell, chairman of the com- 'Class C consists of Bridgeman, Three Entertainment consisting of profes- all students nominated for Union of- mittee. The booth will close at 4 Oaks, Harbor Springs, East Jordan, sional and amateur acts has been se- fices to be passed upon by the Board o'clock, and the orders will be sent Farmington, St. Mary's (Jackson), St. I cured for the banquet in addition to of Directors ,including 1th those se in tomorrow night. James (Bay City). a dance orchestra engaged some time lected by the nominating committee A large percentage of the seniors The total number of athletes that t ago for the affair. The entire Michi- of the Union and those presenting pe- have failed to give their orders at the will be in town for this tournament gan coaching staff will be present and titions. A two-thirds vote would have booth, which has been open all this is 160 and these men are all being at the conclusion of the entertain- been required to pass the amendment week. Orders w11I be accepted with- 'taken care of by the various fraterni- ment the medals won by the various! had a quorum been obtained. out the payment of class dues, which, ties. contesting athletes will be presented.j The final motion for. adjournment, however, must be paid by May 15. 1 The price of the tickets is $1.25. which was carried, was made by Ly- One hundred and seventy-seven man C. Savage, '25, with the sugges- was collected by Frank Roberts, tion that another meeting be held next class treasurer, last Monday, bringing U IfHIFRIJUUI U DR I S week, after more extensive publicity the total to $1,66.50. Only onore made the necessary quorum a cer-i opportunity will be given seniors to tnthe s pay before May 15, the exact date of DISA Doughnuts and cider were served by the final collection to be announced R MLEY i UNDERGOINVESTIGATIN the Union at the conclusion of the later. Washington, March 25.-Chairman meeting. The invitations, which sell for 50 Borah, of the Senate foreign relations Columbus, Ohio, March 25.--The cents, are of blue calfskin, bearing the committee, declared today after a con- Ohio senate formally received today seal of the University, enclosed in a ference with President Coolidge that the resolution authorizing a legisla- Delta Sigma Rho gold-lined border, at each corner of he favored calling a second arms tive investigation of alleged connec- 12,which is a gold-leaf "M". The book limitation conference, but doubted it tions of several faculty members at consists of 40 pages, which include would be successful. He said he Ohio state university, Miami univer- the class roll, class officers and com- thought it was a good plan to make sity and Ohio university with radicalI Alpha chapter of Delta Sigma Rho, mittees, adminitrative officers, faculty, a move towards disarmament altnough organizations. national honorary forensic fraternity, program of commencement week, and in his opinion disarmament could not Under the rules the measure will be will hold their annual initiation ban- pictures of the officers and various be obtained except by organized pub- up for final action tomorrow. If it quet at 6:00 o'clock today in the University buildings. lic opinion which he did not believe is passed by the Senate it will have to U7nion. Twelve members, all of whom The announcements, which are ten now existed in Europe. be acted upon by the House, also as represented Michigan in the inter- cents, are deckle-edged affairs, the Russia holds the key to world dis- it provides for a ;joint investigating collegiate debates, will be initiated at printing being in bold English type. armament, he asserted, and Russia committee. this time. Both invitations and announcements could not be expected to enter into an I Provisions for a sweeping investi- Those who were elected to the fra- are enclosed in double envelopes, arms limitation agreement Without gation to determine if rofessors of ternity include George H. Baker, ready for mailing. diplomatic recognition by this coun- the three universities are putting into '25Ed, Walfred A. Dahlberg, '25, Wil- try. France also constitutes a stumn- practice their alleged bolshevik ideas l1am C. Dixon, '25, Robert B. Fulton, bling block to satisfactory diarma-s 26, Florence McComb, '25, Miriam Ol1- m 1RI I riient ,he declared, and will continue are cotinde th res or den, '27, Merel R. Parks, '25, J. Dal- !LIto do so as long as she insists on her ;faculty member of a state supported tn Pilcher, '25, Albert M. Stern, , nraa rrnfacltysecurity."I~+;+~+;fa"ulty membr o 'ta any department, who is president of the society, will deliver his president- ial address at 8 o'clock Wednesday in the Natural Science auditorium. His subject will be "American Botany During the Colonial Period." The afternoon sessions will be devoted to th e presentation of papers which will be of general interest. Following the presidential address the members of the Academy will be entertained at a smoker given by the Research club of the University. The smoker will be held in the University club rooms in Alumni Memorial Hall. The meetings of the botanical sec- tion will be conducted by Prof. J. B. Pollock of the botan(y department. These sessions will be held both Thursday and Friday. E. S. Mc- Cartney, editor of scholarly publica- tions, will be chairman of the meetings of the anthropology section which will convene on Thursday only. Prof. Z. C. Dickinson of the econom- ics department will act as chairman of the meetings of the economics sec- tion on Thursday and Friday. The meetings of this group will all be held in the Economics building. Members of the geology and inineral logy sections will meet for luncheon at 12:15 o'clock on Thursday at the Union. L. M. Gould of the geology department will be the chairman of the meetings of this section which will be held on Thursday only. The other sections, which will meet on Thursday and Friday, are the sec- tion of history and political science, Prof. A. S. Aiton of the history depart- ment, chairman;' the language and literature section, Prof. Oscar J. Camp- bell of the English department, chair- man; the mathematics section, E. R. Sleight, chairman; the section of psy- chology, Prof. F. L. Dimmick of the psychology department, chairman; the section of sanitary and medical sci- ence, C. C. Young, chairman; and the section of zoology with H. M. Mac- Curdy as chairman. Prof. W. I. Richards Hobbs and Rev. Leyton Meet at 7:30 O'clock Tonight JUMP IS CHAIRMAN Pro. W. H. Hobbs of the geology de- partment will, debate Bev. Leyton Richards, pastor of the Carrs Lane church in Birmingham, Eng., at 7:30" o'clock tonight in the Congregational church on the question: "Resolved, That war should be abolished as a means for the settlement of interna-. tional disputes." Professor Hobbs will defend the negative side of the ques- tion. I Reverend Richards, who addressedI the Congregational banquet last night' on "Why John Bull Loves Uncle Sam," is in Ann Arbor for a few days as part of his trip across this coun- try visiting colleges and aniversity centers. Reverend Richards is well1 known for his pacifistic views which he strongly upheld during the World war. Each speaker will be given one half hour to speak. This period will be di- vided into rebuttal and introductory speeches, the length of each part to be left to the discretion of the speak- er. Professor Hobbs will uphold na- tional plans which provide prepared- ness for war, whilepReverend Rich- GLEE CLUB ADD "6OLYERINES"TO PROGRAM TONIGHT UNION ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY POPULAR NUMBERS AT CONCERT, TRIO SCHEDULED Classical Music and Old Michigan Songs Will Contrast With Lively Pieces As a last addition to the program for the Glee Club contest to be held at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Hill audi- torium, Wolcott's Wolverines, the reg- ular Union orchestra, has been en- gaged to play popular numbers. Be- sides this and the Glee Club itself, a special trio, with Philip La Rowe at the piano and two violins, will present several selections. The Mid- night Sons Quartette and the regular Varsity Quartette will also appear. "We have tried to chose a program which will appeal to the students as well as the faculty and townspeople, and I believe we will' be distinctly uccessful in this," said Mr. Theodore Harrison of the School of Music; who irects the club. "We will of course present several college songs, begin- ning with 'Laudes Atque Carmina,' ung off-stage, followed by the 'Var- iity,' and the 'Victors.' Then the Mid- iight Sons will present any old thing; My Lady Chloe,' a negro song and a parody on 'Old King Cole' will follow, ung by the whole club." Dwight Steere will play an organ solo, a song dedicated to the American Legion called the "Hymn of Glory," after which Bizet's Toreador )song Prom Carmen, with Barre Hill, '26, Loing the solo work, will be sung by s1 fifty-fivemen. The Trio will give the last numbers efore the intermission. The second part of the program is made up simi- iarly, w".h popular pieces contrasted with the classical, with orchestra nusic set against a group of old Michi- gan songs, among which will be 'The Bum Army,' with its Ypsi chorus and its Ypsi yell. And last of all will ome the 'Yellow and Blue. Ticket sales have been more suc- cessful than expected, according to Edward Murane, '25. Members of the Freshman Glee club as well as mem- bers of the Varsity organization have been selling tickets on the campus during'the past few days, while sales at the book stores, at the Union desk and the University music house have gone well. Murane estimates that the attendance tonight will exceed 3500 people. Mr. Harrison will personally con- duct part of the program tonight, with Dwight Steere '26, accompanist, Philip La Rowe, '25, will play for Robert Berman, '26M, and Herman Wise, '25, in the trio. The Midnight Sons Quartette consists of Charles Higley, '25, Earnest Brown- bridge, '25, Lyman Bright, '25, and Willard Spanagel, '25E. The Varsity quartet, which is distinct from the former, is composed of William Wil- cox, '25, John Cowin, '25, Otto Koch, '27, and Paul Vickers, grad. Wilcox will also sing the solo in the "Omni- potence." NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS WIJLL, RECEIVE 831,936 Stockholm, March 25.-According to an announcement of the Nobel Prize foundation, this year's Nobel prize winners will receive 118,165 kroner, or about $31,936 each. The sum which is awarded is determined for each year according to the income from the securities left by the Swedish inven- tor, Alfred Nobel, the founder of the prizes. Last year the amount received was 116,718 kroner for each winner. Presi- dent Wilson in 1919 was the recipient of 133,000 kroner. When first distributed in 1901, the amount was 150,782 kroner, and as late as 1915 was as high as 149,000 kroner. President Roosevelt in 1906 received about 140,000 kroner which was the average for the 1902-1912 period. The lowest record was touch- ed in 1923 with 114,935 kroner, and since that time there has been a grad- E ) 1 >> t 7 DEFENSE CLOSES CASE' IN TEAPOT DOME TRIAL' '27L, Beata C. Wagner, '25, H. F. Wah- renbrock, '27L, and Frank P. Weaver, '26. Reservations for the banquet may be made by calling Ray L. Alex- ander, '25, president of the local chap- ter. [UB 1PM I!L--- MV Varied entertainment has been se- cured for the Sophomore engineers' smoker which will be held at 8:001 I o'clock tonight in the Union. In ad- Lawrence, Kan., March 25.-Students dition to the feature performance to of the University of Kansas have rai- be given by two professional enter- sed a relief fund for the victims of tainers from Detroit, the committeeI the recent tornado disaster. in charge has arranged for a first rate wrestling match between two con- ference champions, E. P. Baker, '27E, this year's conference champion inj 0 url7eahe on ;f the 115 pound class, and A. B. Dicker- son of Iowa, champion of the 115j - pounders last year.! Two of the University's best boxers, it is hoped, will stage a bout. Music and smokes will complete the enter- I tainment of the meeting. There will be no admission charge. He said he would support President Coolidge in his effort to get the for-! eign powers interested in the confer- ence, which as contemplated would; take place some time in the fall and would be limited to consideration of4 naval armament. It is a fine thing, he added, to keepj Ithe subject of disarmament alive and there is a chance that a conference, might accomplish some results. TheI same nations that participated in theI last conference are expected to be invited. Washington, March 25.-Lincoln C. Andrews of New York was expected to arrive in Washington today to as-1 sume immediately the position of as- ,sistant secretary of the treasury. New York, March 25.-The Amer- ican Claimants association, with war claims or awards against Germanyj aggregating $60,000,000 has been or- ganized here. a rds wiij tatie with any such organization be with- C A. tic pln. held. Several of the most prominentl Cheyenne, Wyo., March 25.-(By . tic plan. members of the faculty at Ohio state:P.)-Firing its last and avowedly its Rev.Herbert university are cited as having been biggest gun point blank at the legal tional church charter members of a branch of "the 1armada of the governments in the A silver offerin committee of 48" which the resolution Teapot Dome lease annulment suit, the conclusiono declares was a name under which the the defense, Harry F. Sinclair and the of this money w socialists masqueraded. fMammouth Oil company closed its er of the princi case today with the argument of Mar- will be sent to 'tin W. Littleton, noted attorney, de- for the prever fender of Harry K. Thaw and Truman whose auspice H. Newberry. trip is being fi Mr. Littleton opened his remarks by After the d a' thanking Federal Judge T. Blakethformab H91ETo SOP lIILS Knndyfoi his consideraticn anditheakeroor maye complimenting counsel for the gov- preparedness. ernment, Owen J. Roberts and Atlee aednss. Lansing, March 25.-Company drills;I Pomerene, for "making the most of al decision giv have to be discontinued during June h. debate. The de and possibly May and part of April the rment case. Hets, to according to thi in Michigan if the $133,000,000 defici- din to the argument of Mr. Roberts, who seldom provide envyapprpriaion f th Na iad contended namely that the terms ency appropiatCon of the National of the Teapot lease were incompatible Guard is witheld Colonel John . with the terms of the law under which Parker r Bersey, adjutant general stated today. 1 a r Unestm netgto ree yit was permitted. Unless the investigation ordered by IFor one hour and thirty minutes hel From President Coolidge causes a reversal talked-sometimes in a conversational F of the order witholding the funds, tone and at others in the stentorian Michigan will be deprived of some- I voice of an orator. Completingl thing like $35,000 or $40,000 for the His argument centered on the con leave at the U pay of men and without that money I tention ofthe government that if the in May, Prof. D no drills can be held, terms of the lease were inforced in philosophy dep Colonel, Bersey fears other possible the matter of exchanging crude oil for his former po results, he said. If drills are called fuel oil in storage tanksit.wouldbhi institution wlio leas public connections the opposite or pacifis..! Jump of the Congrega- I will act as chairman. g will be taken up at of the debate. No part 'ill be recieved by eith- pals of the debate, but o the national council' ntion of war, under ! s Reverend Richards' nanced. ebate, questions from be addressed to either; subject of pacifism or There will be no form- en at the close of the bate has been arranged' he English plan, which' s for a decision. ro Return Years Leavel his year's sabbatical niversity of California DeWitt H. Parker of the artment will return to sition here in time to ties during the coming n. rker has been at Mich- 9. On his return will in ancient philosophy, mbolic logic, and meta- fessor Carritt of Uni- e, Oxford, was invited -reports that it will be partly cloudy and warmer, with fresh to strong ,southwest winds. HEALTHY It is a fact, it is known and Inaintained that the Classified Dlepartment of this University papqer of yours finds everything from what you've lost to what Washington, March 25.-A. W. Gregg of Texas, has been selected for solici-. tor of the Internal Revenue Bureau. University Committee Forecasts Reduction In Appropriation Bill Lansing, March 25.-The house uni- versity committee probably will cut the University of Michigan building appropriation bill from $3,192,700 toi about $1,800,000, Rep. Loomis K. Preston of Berrien, chairman, said today. A meeting of the committee was to be held this afternoon to con-; sider the measure. Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the! university, and members of the board of regents appeared before the ways 'and means committee today to urge favorable action, when it reaches the house, on the senate bill to remove the $3,000,000 limitation on the uni- versity mill tax appropriation. They explained that last year the off for two or thm'ee months many companies will be disrupted he be- lieves. Men will leave for other cities, the usual shifts in personnel will take place and when drills are resumed' the roll calls may in some instances be nothing more than a jumbled mass of names. This fear of disruption of the organization, he asserted, might illegal because it would have subvert- ed the power of Congress in its right1 to make appropriations for the navy. Spaulding Named- Purdue Captain t { 1 resume his dut summer sessio Professor Pa igan since 190 give coursesi aesthetics, syn physics. Pro versity College {