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March 25, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-25

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i1EDNisIDAl, MAR C I 5


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memnbers of
the University. Copy received by tho Assistanut to tho FPresident until
3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdayh
Volume 6IIVEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1925 -iumbehr 131

Tu the Deans:
There will be no Conference of the Deans on Wednesday, March 25.
A. 11. Lloyd.
Non~ce to all Members of'ihe University:
1 'Mail addressed as follows: "care of the University of Michigan" has
bem delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Hall. It
will be -held until March 31, and should be called for at once, giving date of
this publication, i. e. March 25. 'This list will not be reprinted. MAIL.
Edward Barr Rena Pavitt
Chester "Bowers Rachel Peterson 4
Millard H. Pryor

Bureau of Appoinflinu':
During the Schoolmasters' Meeting April 1st and 2nd, many superin-
tendents will interview candidates for teaching p~ositions. It is therefore
necessary that Location Blanks he filed in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments at once by those who have not already done so.
N1I aurgaret (Camneron,
lFreshmnen lEnglieering Class:
The regular weekly assembly will be held Wednesday, March .25, at
11:00 in Room 34831Engineering Building. Professor C. T. Johnston will
I give are illustrated talk at this mleeting.
Nominations for the office of Secretary will also be made at this time.
j J. C. Brier.
I Tiiighut Organt Recital:
Palmer Christian, U'niversity Orga nist, will give the following program
in Diill Auditorium Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock:
Meditation ( Eubeck) , Andante Cant abile Symphony 5 aTschaikovsky),
Gavotte (Mignon) (Thomas), Choral in A minor (Franck), Aftonfrid (Calm
du soir) (Hagg), "Evingsnow at Fuki Kawa" (Marsh), '"A young girl in the
wind" (Marsh), Prelude to ".1,ohengrin" (Wagner) Marche Pontificale (Leoin-
mns). Charles A. Slik, Secretary.

in"ornmat ion 'in regard to the Citizens' Military Training Camps to be held at
(Cam Custer, Mich., this summer. Those interested wvill plea se call at the
h.. 0. T. C. office for same. Vim T'1. Carpentler.
Mfiltai' 1Bxll icihet Applic-Aions:
Applications for :Military Ball tickets may be obtainedI at the U'nion
Decsk today from 1:00 to 5:00 P. M.- This will be the last opportunity to
get these applications. JRalphi It. Gra le~en.
All It 0. T. C. fencers will report in uniformi at the Drill Hail this a fter'-
noon at 4 1'. M. B wclaurd T'. Scllosbercrg.
Pi Laatillda 'Tlie#i: .
Pi Lambda Theta will hold an important business meeting at 7:45 to-
night in Room 231. M1artha Cook building. All members are requested to be
present. Muriel Fox, President.
Scabbard anud lade Fraternity.-
The regular bi-weekly meeting of the Scabbard and Blade will be held
in Room 308 1Michigan Union Wednesday evening at 7:15 P. 1V1.
Mitlton Ml. Maddin.
Enugineering Students :
A second lecture by Professor Lindquiist on Hydraulic Researchprb
po-lems in the University of Stockholm will be given Wednesday at 9:00 A. M.
in Room 445 West Engineering Building. HI. W. King.
CORRECTION i the Cercle Francalse will take plae


4:00 P. Al. Kappa l~elta vs.
Delta Gamma


'. o IorroW
4 :00 P. M. Seniors vs. juniors.
Sophomores vs. freshmen..



- ,
,_ ,


Raymofid A. Carr
Carl P. Clare
L.. C. Dyrn
Henry A. Hicks, Jr.
Isador Lubin

A. G. Quade
H; C. ' Quanstrom



Nat Schaffer
L. Volln

Loan Commtittee Meeting:
There will be a meeting of the University Committee on Student Loans
Wednesday, March 25th, in Room 2, University Hall. Students of the Col-
lege of. Literature, Science and the Arts who have pending applications
should appear before the Committee, at 3 o'clock and those of the School of
Educatio'n at '4 o'clock. J. A. Bur sicy, Chairman.
U'niversity Lecture:
Sir George Paish will speak on -the subject "The World Economic and
Financial Situation," Friday afternoon at 4 :15 in Natural Science Audi-
torium. Edmund E. Day.
The final lecture for 1924-1925 of the combined course given by the
Sigma Xi and the Junior Research Societies will be given in the Natural
Science auditorium Thursday evening, March 26th, at 8 o'clock.
Professor Louis C. Karpinski of the Department of Mathematics will
give an illustrated lecture upon "Mapping the Great Lakes." The material
for the illustrations will 'be drawn from the valuable collection in the Cle-
ments library and from Dr. Karpinski's own collection.
The general public is invited to attend this lecture.
Vldred Scott Warthin, President, Sigma Xi.
Telephone Lectures:
"Outside Plant Engineering" will be the subject of a lecture by Mr.
F. R. Temple, '05, Outside Plant Engineer of the Michigan Bell Telephone
Company, to be delivered Wednesday, March 25 at 11 o'clock in Room 248
West Engineering. Building, This is the fifth weekly lectures in the series
and will deal with the engineering problems arising in the installation and
maintenance of equipment outside the telephone office. All interested arc
invited .to attend. IV. L. Everitt.
To all Members. of the Michigani Union:
In order to swim in the Union Pool you will b~e required to show your
Union membership card signifying that yout are a member of the Union.
T'hese cards may be procured at the Main desk of the Union upon presenta-
tion of your Treasurer 's receipt.
Karl B. Robertson, Recording Secretary.
To All Members of the Michuigant Union:
There will be a- meeting of all members of the Michigan Union tonight,
Wednesday, March 25, at 7:15 P. M. in the assembly hall of the Michigan
Union. It is important that all who can possibly do so will attend as an
important amendment to the Constitution will be discussed andl voted upon.
The amendment has to do with the question of petitions for nomination to
tunion offices. Karl B. Robertson, Recording Secretary.
tuigineering Students:
Mr. Franklin Jones of the White Motor Truck Co. is in Room 101 Old
Engineering Shops to interview engineering students interested in a posi-
tion with his company. I..lay.
Chemical Engineers and Business Administration :
Mr. A. I, Snyder. chief engineer of the Detroit City Gas Co., will give a
talk on "The Gas Industry-a Growing Field for Men With Executive Abil-
ity" at the next meeting of the A. I. Ch. E. to be held at the Mlichigan
Union at 7:30 P. M. on Thursday, March 26th.
The A. I. Ch. E. cordially invites the Business Administration faculty!
and students, as well as all chemical engineers, to attend this meeting.
ll.It .PWand, See.
Michilganu School of Religion:
Michigan School of Religion announces a c,arse of lectures bly John
Lewis Gillin, Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, at Lane Hlall,
on March. 26, 27. 29 and 30 at 4:15 P. M. ont the general topic of "Religion
and Social Development."
Louis A. Hopkins.

11enthers of thle University of -M ichigan IBand :
There will be the regular rehearsal tonight at 7:14) at the Band head-
quarters. hRobert. 1). Halsey.
Stiudents' Rectial:
The folowing program will be gi ven' by stuldenlts of the University
School of Music Wednesday evening, Ma rch 25, at 8:'00 in the Recital Hall:
March of the Dwarfs (Greig) Albertine Lockwood ; Prelude and Fugue,
No. 3 (Bach) Henry Baker; Romance, 01). 26 (Svendsen) Mary Case; Waltz,
E minor (Chopin) Pearle Reimann ; Song. A. D. 1620 (MacDowell)' Phyllis
Brown ; Concerto, A minor (Bach) Pauline Kaiser; Sa rabandei (Bach),
Scherzo (Mvendelsschn) Crapshooter's Dance (Lane) Robert H-enderson.
Accompaniments by Rena Pavitt.
Chuarles A. Sinik, Secretary.
Cerele Frtancaise Lecture:
The fifth lecture on the C1ercle Francaise series will be given Thursday,
March 26, at 4:00 o'clock, Physics West Lecture Room, in the Physics
Laboratory, tihe building back of the main Library. The lecturer will he
Mr. Michael S. Pargmnent, instructor in French in the Department of Ro-
mance Languages, who will speak in French on "Anatole France." Admis-
sion by ticket. Robert V. iInney, lDirector.
Cosmopolitan (latb:
The Saturday luncheon of the Cosmopolitan Club will be held at The
Church of Christ, corner Ilill andi Tappan on Saturday, March 28, at 12
o'clock If you plan to attend, notify J. J. Schwartz, 2100-M. before Thurs-
day night. J J. Schwartz.
Veterans of Foreign Wars:
Meeting of Richard N. Hall Post, 422, Wednesday. March 25, in Room
306 Uinion; 7:30 P. M. 1I. D. Clark.

Daue to an. error in the. Sunday
edition of the Daily, announcement
Swas made of the resignation of Pro-
fessor Dlaft of the engineering fac
ulty. The name that should have1
appeared is that of Prof. W. H. Wait
of the modern language dlepartment,
whose biography written by Fred
I oellner, '25E, appeared in the March
issue of the Michigan Technic.
frjll? I? pv£ arrudv

at 4 o'clock tomorrowv in the Phays-j
lies west lecture room. Professor'
Pargment will speak before the group
on the subject of "Anatole France."
Admission for the lecture, which will
be given in French, will be by memn-
bership card only.
Shanghai, March 24 .--Kain gnan ar-
senal, a storm center of Shanghai mil-
itary importance, will be sold short-


Due to an error in yesterdlay's ?
Daily, it was announced that Priof. M. 1 Paris. March 24.- F
S.- Pargment of the romance language !dent Millerand has onen
department would address the Cer- pa ign for the senatorial
c Francaise today. The meeting of' department of the Seine.

±ormer l'resi-
med his cam-
1seat for the



S. 'Navel Reserve Force:
The University Unit will metet Wednesday, March 25th, -at 7:30 oP. M. in
RI. 0. T. C. Drill I-all. L#. L. V. Leever.

It. TF. C.:
Tfhe undersigned has for distriloution application

blanks and lprinted


Get That
B. M. O.C.
Blue Book

W'e are showing a wondrerful
i= assortment of Knickers andI
Knicker Fabrics
- I
for j
Out-of-Door Sports
$3.50 to $21.00 the Pair
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{ 4 W
C% c
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This instrumnent has had
'very careful playing and is
warranted 'to be in perfect
Our very liberal purchase
plan enales you to have the


piano NOCW.

Enjoy it

' ' !

Sore Eye Disease ,
Not. Serious-Sink ,
Several cases of sore eye,s acute
conjunctivitis, have been reported at i
the Health- Service recently. It is
more or less of a contagious nature.
and 'is spread by contamnination5
through personal contact, according{0
to Dr. Emory W. Sink of the Health
service. The use of a common towel
or pillow will bring this about. The ?
infected eye becomes reddened and I.A
inflamedM, andi though 'the infection is
not of a serious nature, it is neverthre- IU
less uncomfortable. i
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