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March 25, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-25

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klo OWN,


__yearling asketball squad, accoring I __
to an announcement made by Coach'
Ciaptain IDilkmaig Leads winin g Temn !IIRay ishier ystray. Goodwtilie, mar Sponore Sprinter,
t -2VtiyIiirt ITemen to receive the awards are:f Expected to Place in
Game.ii Arthur Barnett, Homer, Ind.; Wi- D;ladie.
- Liam Bolton, Cleveland; Sam Babcock,-
VETERANS PLAY WELL Detroit; Elwood Cushing, Ann Ar-j RUN HERE SATURDAY 1
her; Richard Gawne, Cleveland; Lou- ____
Coach Ray I+i her held t he first lis Gilbet, Kalamazoo; Henry Kane Cah.ckM klyoteCrnl
lpractice game of the season yesterda~y Ch iller, Janns aror;,JDhnrotenda,(track team has submitted a. list of 56 U ~ilr n ro;;onMlna
afternoon when he took his entire 1 Detroit; Joe Nathan, Louisville, Ky.; entries for the (ual meet with Michi-t
suad to the south diamond on erry (Wilbu1r Petrie, Huntington, Ind.; Wil- gan March 28 at the field house.
fied nd en thm hrogha sve marth Payne, Toledo; George Rice, At the present time, his list includes1
Cleveland; I. A . Soderberg, Crystal ghcaslrtrerineayevy
lunning contest. Falls; Waiyne Scrioder,Baterek event on the card. It is probable dratI
Thbe two teams which played were DnWis lnadJewis0 all the athletes now enterel will not
no iie nofrtadscn u-Clveland. make the trip, but the Cornell mnento r
fits, the regular infield playing for one: will send a large delegation in the
andl the regular outfieldl for the other effort to rim the Michigan tea.
The final score was 10-2, the team ff iIRIT I UI Captain E. 1. Iowen will enter the
headed by Captain Dilman winning A liIDIHlI1RIVLI shot put with a strong cance forr
Te game was ragged, as was ecx victor. le puts the weight 44 fet .
pected inl the first orgainizedl tilt oP IEE P[U~l~ consistently, and~ will give Munzof1
the year, but the squad showed con- UUIONIRIIClEJHONORSJ IJMchigan a hard fight for first place. i
sidlerabhle promise in spite of the er- C____He II won the shot in te lHarvard-Dart,
ratic fielding of several of the in- mouth-Cornell meet recently as welll
fielders and the wildness of the pitch- sxMcia e r nlddi as the weight throwing event. Evns,
er s. the All1-Conference swimming team Gasey, and Wolrowtz are also en-
The winning team consisted of Cap- picked by Tom Robinson, coach9t of tered in the shot.
tam Dilman, short, IHaggerty, third Northwestern's Big Ten championship MTW. W. Goodwille, a sophomore, will I
base, Giles, second base, Wilson, first agrgto.Ie the Red hope in the sprints. Good-
base, Pucklewortz, Friedman, Ryr- ageain willie, who won a national reutat ion
alandl Froemke, outfield, Davis,' ati-lc akGwadPu while attending University of ChicagoIN
and Allen, catch, and Waters and Samuson were each given places in !high school, starred on last. year's
Ruetz, pitch. The losers lined up as two events, Giow in the 40 yard dashI freshman team, anl took second placeĀ°
follows: Sponsella, short, Maentz, and 100 yard swim and Samson in the in the triangular meet in which the
third base, Harris, secondl base, Rans- 11)00 and 440. Wittinghiami, lhstead,I sprint event was a 40-yard dlash. Her
ford, first base, Coleman, Bachman, Captain Kerr and Dunakin also won should do even better in te r75-ard
anrd Steger, outfield, Baker, catch, aia places. race which will be on theprga r
Fiher, Walker, andl Miller,. pitch. The team is as follows: 40 yardIhee Russell, a veteran ogtwo I
The pitchers, although inclinedl to free style: Breyer, Northwestern;l years' experience, has a mark of 7 8-5
be wild, showed stuff in their first Hlershberger, Wisconsin; Howell, in the 75 yard dash. Hie placel see-I
work under fire. None of the hurl- Northwestern; Manovitz, Northwest- Ind in the Cornell-Michigan meet last
era who worked were regulars last ep; Hippe, Wisonsin; Gow, Mich-'ya.Wigt ete a,1ilh
year, several of them being sopho- igan; Noyes, Chicago; and Richter, ,entered. Graef, Lessler, Fuller, anI
mores. Their work gives promise of Minnesota. Fancy diving: Dorf, Chi- !Swan will complete the list of entries
plenty of high class reserve pitchers cago; Wheatley, Wisconsin; La ook, In the dash.
for the coming season as well as sev- Northwestern; -Bird, Minnesota; Ort- Wre, h atanc hefeh
ralF possile additions to the first epp, Northwestern; Fortier, Minne- man team last year, is MVoakiy'sr
string staff. According to the out- soa; O'Brien, Illinois; and Hall, Wis j best bet in the 440. He will also run c
come of. the contest, the regular in- cosin 200 yard breast stroke: Far- as anchor man on the mile relay team.
field will niot be changed when the icy, Minnesota; Harkins, Chicago; Coykendal, a veteran, has been troub-
schedule opens. Tfhe four men who M lafovitz, Nothwestern; Wittingham, led with illness for some ime thisC
held (down the places last year were Michigan; Johnson, Illinois; Bradson, sea son, but is now rounding into1
working smoothly and hitting well Wisconsin; Farrell, Northwestern; shape. Swan, another fast quarter
for such an early performance. and Diamond, Chicago. 220 yard free miler, will also be entered. Rosen-f
Captain Dillman showed no ill ef- style, Howell and Breyer, Northwest- tha, another letter man in the 440,1
fects from his injured hand except for en; Samson, Michiga; Lambert, will run the relay as well as ther
the fact that he was unable to take Iowa; Corbett, Northwestern; Duna- quarter race. Russell, Severance,
his usual grip on the bat, resulting kin, Vlichigan; Druiding, Northwest- Skinner, Swan, Thompson, and Good-
in his breaking two sticks although 1 emn; and Zaizer, Indiana. wil lie round out the list of entries in
ihe got hits on both occasions. IHe is Plunge: Eldredge, Illinois; Lake, ;the 440.
wearing a pad inside his glove to pro- Iowa; Nutting, Minnesota; Cook, Wis-~ Higley and Terlahen are the most"
tect th- injury unt i it is healed fully. cousin; Pareira, Nrthwestern; At- promising of the half milers, both be-
Bachman, who was struck in the head wood, Chicago; Williams, Minnesota; ing e~perienced men. Dayton, Glick,
in practice some time ago, is also in and Heath, Indiana. 150 yard back Kay, MacNeil, Parry, Skinner, Ver-
perfect shape again, while Tom strok: 1111, Minnesota; Ashton, miily, Gryson, and lulen are also
Fi sher appeared to have completely, Iowa ; err, Michigan; Gilbreath, entered.
recovered from the attack of grip Wisconsin; Ramsey, Northwestern; I- A. B. Mfactieil, a junior with one
which: sent him to bed two weeks Chadsey, Illinois; Bonnel, Northwest- I year of Varsity experience gies great
ago.. en; Hastead, Michigan. 100 yard promise in the mile,lHe won the
Following the game, Dillman, Hag- free style: Breer, Northwestern;j event in the Boston meet in the fat
gerty, (Giles, andl Wilson were sent Ilershberger, Wisconsin; Gow, Michi- I time of 4:2. Bullen, Conroy, Dayton,
through infield practice on the main gan; McClintock, Iowa; Noyes, Cli- Glick, Kay, MGin Vermily,'Term-
di mond while Bachman, Coleman, _ago; Richter, Minnesota; Fisher, alen, and Gryson are all p)ossiili-
Steger, and l yrholrn shagged flies. Illinois; R-ipple, Wisconsin. 440 yard ties in the rac.
The freshman squad will start1 free syle: Howell, Northwestern . C. Craig will lead the two mile
t practice undi~er Coach Mather next iSamson, Michigan; Corbett, North- i entries. He was formerly cross
Mon day. I Ivesterni; Dtnakidn, Michigan; Born- country captain, an although h~ has
berg, Minnesota ; Lambert, Iowa; been la id upl for s0cone timie, will t1i-
Borst Illinois; Lamb, Illinois. doubtdly be in shape for the Mlichi-
111N -- 1g921 meet. Bishop, Houghton, Kay,6
R a te X an Ad Subscribe for The Hihl lian DitilyI Mchevy, Prythere, lampona, ,-

TRAC NUMRALS golf team
Union to
r . (I coining se
I r '1Iv,-; .. ; irv.v~iit Dosin toI owal are intere:
M ee .l, welciine t
EThirty seven members of Coach IPARNZ
Hloyt's f~reshman tract( squad were ATOII
awarded numerals ini recognition f'or .
their work on the track during the
past indoor season.
The squad this year, although
possessing no outstanding styars, is
well ha Ia need in all dlepa rtments of.
the game and ouightI to have quite a
few mien on the varsity team next,

idates for the Varsity
iwill meet at 7 0'-
ght i nroom 302 of the
dliscuss f1lans for the-
ason. Freshmen who
tedh in the sports are
o atitend.

mLN The class relay meet will be'.ruvn
tonight at 8:30 o'clock ini Waterman
;b a gymnasium. Nine class teams. have
! Society league, 7:00-Mtt. C'lemens South Bend, Indl., March 24.-Spring
vs.Dimods Ifootball practice is under way at
______Notre Dame University with Coach
r i Rockne searching for new talent to
VOIXEY[ BALI; iFOR l TONIGhT' fill the gaps left as a result of the
I7:00-Sigma Phi vs. Phi Lamnbda loss of Crowley, Miller, Layd n, and
i Kappa; 7:45-Phi Gammna Delta vs. Stuhldreher. When the call for re-


cruits was issued, 215 men responded.


June Graduates

V cair.
COf the three indoor telegraphic
ti~ceisth ;filet ' heldl (uring the, sea-
son,. the yea ml in,-s Avon two, (defeat ing
\Visconsin and Ilinois anid losing thle
ot her to the exceptionally stronig
f reshmnan squad of Iowa.
Atlpresent, Coach. Hoyt is putting
his chaurges thlrough a strenuous per-
iod( of p~ractice in prep~arat ion for the
oultdior sea son, wh ichi, if the present
weathelr conditions remain, will start
in the near future.
Following is the list of the men
awardied numerals and the events in
whlich they p~articipate.
Captain Schneling, SS(1; Arendt,
hole' vault;: Allen, low hurdles; Boge,
440 ; Billingslea, pole vault; Crimii,
lashi : CTho :,er, high hurdles; Craig,
dash; Clark, 880; Carson, 880; Fein-
singer, T 10; Gilbert, broad jump;
Hecaly, 440 ; Hinckley, mile; Dill, two
mile; Ives, dash; Jones, 440; Kelly,
high jumpi); Kellog, 440; Kline, 880;
Lawson, 4410; Lavierety, (lash; Lichi-
tenst ein, hAih hurdles; McLellan, pole
vaultn;Minger, 440; Mintz,.cdash; Ma-
son, 880; Potter, 440; Rusland~r,
(lash; Swinton, mile; Sabel, 880; Val-
entine, 440; Thboits, two mile ; Whit-
i', twvo mile ; Wells, two m-ile; Wal-
(d0, high jump ; andl West, broad jump.
Ginn, Mullen, andl Hammond will comn-
prise the rest of the two mile outfit.
The mile relay team will be pickedj
from the following men : Coykendall,,
Rosent hal, Russell. Severance, Skin-
neir, Thompson, Worley, and Good-
Read the Want Ads'

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