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March 25, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-25

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- - - ---

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
card Street.
Phones: Editorial, -2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 96o.
lielehl)ones 2114 and 176.3
Editor..............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor..... ....Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. )avts harold A. Moore
Thomas l'. 1Elenry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kemeth l.. Keller Norman R. Thal
Edw~inC. Mack
Editor........William H. Stoneman
SnbvEditor.......... Robert S. Mansfield
W 's Editor....... ..Verena Moran
'elegraph Editor......William J. Walthour
Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer
Louise Barley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohhnachcr
Leslie S. Benoetts Irwin A. Olian
Smith I[. Cady, Jr. W. (alvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard 1. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L. Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert T. I)eVore Marie Reed
Mlarg erite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaunm
Gecneva E ,wing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. Fernamberg Frederick s1. Shillito
Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson
Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair
Leonard hall David C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy l.ilias K. Wagner
'I'bonias V. Koykika Marion Walker
Mariod Kbikk Chandler Whipple
Elizabeth Eiehermann
Telephone 960
Advertising.--,, -----------------... L. Dunne
Advertising..................ER. C. Winter
Advertising. ................H. A. Marks
Advertising..................B. W. Parker
Accoutnts... ,.....,.......... H. At. Rockwell
Circulation.....................John Conlin
Publication ...................R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
I. M. Alving H. L. Newmann
Irving Bernian T. D. Olmstead
Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss
H. F. Clark W. C. Pusch
C. Consroe J. D. Ryan
F. R. Dentz N. Rosenzweig
J. R. DePuy M. E. Sandberg
George C. Johnson M\. L. Schiff
0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K.,Schoenfeld
K. -K. KIlein I. J. Wineman
Night Editor- F. K. SPARROW, JR.

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names o fonun
cants will, howevcr, be regarueu as
confidential awon request.
To the Editor:
Your admirable editorial is a com-
plete vindication of the Student
Friendship fund, but so great is the
harm that may be done to a charitable
organization by the least rumor of
want of integrity that, I should like to
add another word in con rmat ion and
reassurance to students who gener-
ously made their contribution to it.
The fund has the endorsement of
Herbert Hoover, who of all living
Americans is best acquainted with the
real merits of every relief project.
No one ever will suspect the man who
saved Belgium from starvation of
being in love with German militarism,
nor the man whose personal influence
has weighed with three successive
administrations against the recogni-
tion of Soviet Russia, of being pro-
Bolshevik. Moreover we know exactly
where every penny of Michigan relief
money went. Most of it went to main-
tain a soup kitchen for relief of
"bourgeois intellectual" Russianestu-
dents who are the Iersecuted victims
of the present regime.
As for Mr. Eddy's speech, it was
so far from being pro-Bolshevik that
it appeared to me the most effective
indictment of Bolshevism that I have
ever heard; his very moderation of
tone and anxiety to find what he could
for praise, made his final condemna-
tion of the absolute tyranny of Rus-1
sia's present rulers.all the more el-
fective. One has only to contrast Mr.
Eddy's candid statement with the dis-
ingenuous (yes, even dishonest) at-
tempts of men of the Scott Nearing
type to minimize the element of1
despotism and terrorism in Russia, to
see the absurdity of calling the Y.
M. C. A. secretary pro-Bolshevik. The
only hint of pro-Germanism in his
speech was a rather vague reference
to a possible revision of peace terms
with reference to the German-Polish
frontier. On this incidental point 1
personally incline rather to Professor
Pawlowski's view than Mr. Eddy's,
but I must in candor admit that Mr.
Eddy only echoed the opinion of hun-
dreds of English- liberals (such as Sirl
Philip= Gibbs) who gave such ardent
support to the war while it was going
on as to clear themselves entirely of
any charge of being unduly "pro-
Let us beware of using epithets too
freely. A man^ really "pro-German"
in any offensive sense is not a mane
who holds rightly or wrongly the idea

Saint Jeall
The mist of curling incense softly
And through its bluish curtain, from
The aschal candle winked, a distant
Diamond-like, within a sea of shade.
Down through the transept window
shot a blade
Of vari-colored light, a mottled bar,
Like shattered fragments of a painted"
That dyed the stones whereon you
knelt, and prayed.
Was there an awe and sorrow in your
To lay your missal down and take a
What soul-destroying valor must have
Into that last sad prayer, as, youth
You went out where the voice of fight-
ing France
Shook heaven with a cry-"Sainte





Easter Cards
and. Narcissus bulbs

* * *

A. L.

Polltlcad Panacea
The news leaks out that the Stu-
dentI Council has invited the Hon.
Charles Beecher Warren to speak at
Cap Night. The Council, of course,
will be remembered as the organiza-
tion that lured Edwin Denby out here
to speak last spring on the same
solmen occasion.
Their invitations, in other words,
are always a trifle belated. Any po-
litician who receives a request to
speak in Ann Arbor in the future may
well begin to cover up his tracks and
Lay Low for a time.
* * *
The Council would do a big favor to
the Commonwelath of Illinois if they
would invite Governor Len Small to
orate here this spring He would be
impeached and ousted inside of a
* * *
Vox Popull1
The words of "Miss Alma Barnes,
prima doona," staying at the Bradley
Hotel in Chicago, as given to the In-
quiring Reporter of the Chicago Tri-
.bune in answer to the question, "If
you were President, how would you
Irun the country?"
"I would certainly start right at the
I bottom of the job I'd have everybody
who caine into this country looked
after, to see what they did here. That
mieans that everybody .would be rPgis-,
tered,the same as they are in Europe.
That would solve our crime problem."
Sentiments of William H. Gaughan,
express driver, who was asked the
same question:
"If I were President I would try to
put prohibition out of commission;
get the debts that France and all the.
other countries owe us paid up, and
give the soldiers a good, straight,
straight bonus, without any red tape
* * *
Working quite inlependently of the
Conductor, the Star Cgntributor has
evolved the following:
1olls Creedoe
Today's Quiz: Do you think that{
Angell Hall should be torn down?1
'Where asked: The smoking room of
the library.
The responses: Dartwell Todd,
grad.---Yes, I think that Angell hal

cital in hill auditorium at 4:15
TONIGHT: The Students' Recital in
tile Recital hal of the School ofA 11-.
sic at 8 o'clock.
TONIGHT: Three One-Act Plays by
Masques in Sarah Caswell Angell hail
at 8:15 o'clock.
* * *
With their appearance tomorrow
evening in Hill auditorium, the Mich-
igan Glee club will return to the old
informal concert which has been al-
most forgotten on this campus.
"Some years ago, the Glee Club en-
tertainments were casual and color-
ful," said Mr. Theodore Harrison of
the School of Music, "Yet lately these
concerts have become exhibitions,
rather stilted and severe. This year
we return to the old style, for even
thouigh the club appears in full dress,
there will be none of this tedious
waiting while it parades to and from
the stage; the men will be before the
audience all the while. Then the pro-
gram will he vigorous and varied,
with the amusing numbers of the Mid-
night Sons' Quartette, the deeper mu-
sic of the Varsity Quartette, and
those selections by the Glee Club Trio,
with Philip La Rowe at the piano and
two violins, as well as the popular
numbers by a special orchestra.
"The whole idea is to secure va-
wety; this does not muean that there
will be no classical music on the pro-
gram, no pieces which have power and
beauty. For, quite to the contrary,
several of the numbers will please
the most fastidious music lover; con-
sider Schubert's "Omnipotence" ren-
dered in all its vigor by the whole
club of fifty-five voices with a heavy
organ accompaniment. But besides
this there will be college tunes, and
songs with an easy, humorous turn,
and popular pieces-all types of mu. -
sic, arranged to form a strong pro-
gram which will swing quickly from
one extreme to the other, a program
at once live and interesting.
"At the start of the concert Laides
A.tque Carmina will be sung by the
whole club from behind the scenes;
then some of the old Michigan songs,
the Varsity and the 'Victors,' will be
contrasted with a whimsical negro ditty
or a parody on 'old King Coal.' Then
such a song as "Toreador," from Car-
ien; a deep and stirring song, wil be
followed by that old piece, 'The Bum
Army,' with its Ypsi chorus, which
Earle Moore wrote so long ago for
that Mimes opera ca lied the 'Crimson
Chest,' that old piece which made such
a strong appeal on tie last trip to the
coast. besides all of this, there will
be an organ solo by Dwight Steere, the
'Hymn of Glory," which Yon of Italy
composed and dedicated to the Amer-
ican legion, a thunderous piece, a stir-
ring piece, if there ever was one.
"But perhaps the best of all the
numbers on the program is that song
which the judges at the recent Glee
Club contest rated with perfect inter-
pretation, the 'Cossack,' written with
all the fire and pathos of the Slav by
"The program will be vigorous and
varied, with no slow moments, with
every piece well done."
J. A. S.







of the Moscow Art Theatre.


with settings by James Reynouds. In
every sense it is the niost elaborate
production to appear in Ann Arbor
during the last few years; the cast is
large, the staging modern and color-
Nul, and Otis Skinner himself, is
among the dozen distinguished artists
of the American theatre.
This student saving on athletic
coupon books is like the economy
made possible for the Scotchman when
the street car fare went up a cent-
he always walked to work.
Venice, March 31.-Professor Victor
Eber-Rosenstein, noted Austrian hist-
ologist and anatomist, died here to
day at the age of 83.
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Si E-STEPPING THE ISSUE that it might eood poliy to "let
Michigan is an industrial state and up a little" on a efptel and disarm-
therefore depends to a great extent ed Gernany, but the man who, back
uponther labreresforherprospextyntin 1914, when Germany was powerful
upon her labomcrs for her prosperity, and cherished high hopes of victory,
The laborers in turn depend very paid court to the war lord and his
largely upon the actions and ,pro-f train. The man who is pro-Bolshevik
visions of their employers, under in any offensive sense is not the mod-I
whose jurisdiction they work and erate socialist or social reformer, or
through whom they receive wages for even the muan who for reasons of con-
the support of their families. Both mercial policy would like to recognize
the laborers and the manufacturers Soviet Russia, but only the man who
are limited in their activities by the accepts for himself and would impose'
laws of the state formulated and pass- on others the evil concepts of class
ed by their representatives at Lan- dictatorship and the reign of terror.'
sing. Very sincrely,
Because of this inter-relationship, Preston Slosson.
everybody in the state ought to be in- __
terested in some way in the new To the Editor:
Wo'kmnan's Compensation bill which I have read with interest in today's
is now in the hands of the House Daily Professor Pawlowski's answer
committees to which it has been re- to my "spectacular challenge" to
ferred in preparation for its discus- "duty and honor." I regret to final
sion before this body. That at least that his explanation does in nowise
the representatives of the two oppos- prove that The International Student
ing forces of capital and labor are Friendship Movement is or was "clev-
vitally intereste d in the measure is erly veiled German-Bolshevik propa-
shown by the fact that already lob- ganda" as claimed in his letter No. 2.
byists both for and against It are The Daily's eritorial "A Few Quali-
active about the capitol. fications" proves first of all that there
The bill contains the recommenda- was no German propaganda. What
Lions of a special commisson on work- does Professor Pawlowski have to say
men's compensation appointed a year to that? Can he prove by means of
ago by Governor Groesbeck. Its es- reliable figures that there was Ger-
sential provisions would make the man propaganda? If he cannot, then
employer responsible for ill health of he is clearly making propaganda him-
employees when the' cause of such self.
illness could be traced to occupational As for Bolshevik propaganda, even
diseases, and would increase the sum if Professor Pawlowski can show that,
that employes must pay to each per- needy students in Russia received'
son granted compensation. more help than those of other comn-
As in all attempts to benefit the !tries, there is no proof as yet that this'
workers, even at the slightest ex- constitutes Bolshevik propaganda. As
pense to the employers, ° industry's far as I know, Russia is exceedingly,
lobbyists have hurried to Lansing to poor. Russian iprofessors and stu-
fight against the bill. In spite of the dents suffer intensely. Therefore thej
fact that the manufacturers of the need of help in Russia is grvater than
state were represented on the corn- elsewhere. Why call a "worthy
mission that investigated the propo- cause" Bolshevik propaganda?
sition by Harry F. Harper, president Finally, if the statement in the Ed-
of file Motor Wheel Corporation of itorial is correct (and I have no rea-
Lansing, ai'lnd regardless of the un- son to doubt it,) namely that"forI
derstanding that the measure has the every dollar of money solicited in the
support ot Governor Groesbeck, there United States by the Friendship Fund
are always sone employers who will and spent in Germany, three dollars,
oppose every move to aid the laboring of its money has been spent in Po- I
men no iatter how just it may be. land"-then, according to Professor
More significant than the mere ex- Pawlowski's own reasoning the Inter'
isoence Of opposition are the side- national Student Friendship Move-
steppmng methods which are being ment was not "cleverly veiled Ger- 1
mused to arouse antagonism to the man-Bolshevik propaganda," hmut quiteI
measure. Profiting by the valuable decidedly "Polish propaganda," to say
experience gained in effecting the re- i the least.
jection of the Child Labor amend- -M. Levi.
iment, the lobbyists are preparing to -emcf
lhwi h" f rumor hinw tho hill might n-,.i v,- a. efl1 +hn A-r'. +'

I 1

i , !iirm w tp. torn clown, Why' Well, I J

suppose it is a pretty good building, "IYE WHO G ETS SLA PPED"
as buildings go, but all the same, it A review, by Kenneth Wickwar,.
don't hold up the campus standards. Victor Seastrom. in making the
Marie Lorft, '28.-Yes, I've only screen adaptation of "Ile Who Gets
been on the camps ten months last Slapped" has permitted little of the
Wednesday, but all the same I can delicate mysticism of tAndreyev's
readily observe how such a building original play to be lost. It is an art-
as Angell Hall should be sent the way istic triumph for the industry and a
of its predecessors. highly compelling production. In its
Lars Magruder, '25.-Bruce Donald- story of the bitterness, and incongruity
son's fine arts course has shown that of a clown's existence lies all the
I)oric collums should be unadorned, strange cruelty of life, the hope and
and on that count I should say-i-yes, love in despair, disillusionment.
'demand, that Angell Hall should be Lon Chaney in the part of He easily
destroyed to make way for a newer does the most finislhed work of his
and roomier structure. As to the career. He shows the same amazing
plumbing, I can't say. ability to keep clear the play of fa-
Patricia Snipfer, '26. -- eaven cial expression througl a difficult
knows I can't see why dear old Angell make-up that characterized his 'por-
hall should he devastated. The arch- trayal of Quasimodo in "Notre Dame,
iteeture may be all wrong, but only f butt with none of the Ilunchback's re-
the educated class would notice that. volting deformities.
With a few good vines, Angehl Hall Norma Shearer as Consuelo, the
would be terribly cunning. bareback rider in the little Paris cir-1
William Blake, '2G.-Absolutely not. cus, is in turn capable and lovely,
It's time someone took hold here with marking her inevitably as still another I
a firm hand and knocked some sense ' actress of certain importance.
into these here students. Not that I Obviously re-worn adjectives are of;
think the bldg. is beautiful, or any- little use in trying to do justice to this
thing like it, but shucks, what's the play. There is a breadth and depth
ruse of wasting the taxpayers' money? to the entire structure, an irony and
-Washington. pathos that is continental and novel.
* * * One reviews despair and hope andI
We are pleased to report that Phil love-nearly all of life through a sin-
Diamond and his boys are doing some gle vivid cross-section. And at theI
pretty swell stuff at the Arcade. Mr. very end one grasps the Russianj
Helsden's new plan does not, we ob- I point-of-view as He makes his last
serve clash at all with the vaudeville speech to the audience "out front":
acts that are being billed at thie Maj, "But always," he cries, "always, hion-
n, lii nrorchestra has the house to itself j orable gentlemen. the clown comes out

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Arcade has placed on its menu




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