WEDJNEISDAY, MARCIl 23, 1925 T1E MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE :Ht1rI ENCrINFEflS FET FRI9AY RN~uINCl The' I 2Campus 'r 1Credo a j ~1 ontn I I l..'Ic ( uDoh I Ae11;J ou ntime i'lall ,to As'Veiuuhy an Anunual A ffa ir Miake ARCHITECTS INCLUDED ion: 9 ~I 4:0-1R. 0. '.. C. fencers report at the WHA T'S GOING ON ;bil hail. Notices to appear in this colitmn nmust 4:00-6 :00-Congregationial open hifuse be left in the box at the Dily office provdedfor°ns purosebefre i Rev. Leyton Richards, guest. o'clock preceedine the (hiy of issue. __ 311'wihIghIt organi recital by Palm- ___ ___-- er Christian in Hill auditorium. WYED NE S I A3' }6:00- -Congregational banquet in. the 9:00-Professor Lindquist lectures! Masonic Temple. Rev. Leyton Rich- on "Hydraulic Research Prolemis iartis speaks on "'Why John Bull in the University of Stockholm," in Doves Uncle Sam." room 445, West Engineering build- 7 :00-.Golf clididates meet in room ing. 302 Union. 11:00-)Mr. F. IL. Temple of the Mlich l- 7: i- nteri-ty of )l lehigan band igan Bell .Telephone company, lee - i rhea s esatailte band headquart- tures on "Outside Plant Jlungineer-t ers. ing," in room 248, West Engineer- 7 :15')--Scabmnrd ant] Blade fruaternity ing building, meets in room 308, Union. 11:00-Prof. C. 'I'. Johnuson lecl dares i7.:15---All inembers of the UTnion meet to freshman engineei s in room . l, in thc' main assemnbly hail, Union. E~ngineering b~uilding. r7 :10--Rtound-Vp club smnoler at the 12 :15-MathIematical club hais lunch- Union. eoni at the Union. E :34--Memtbers of Richard Nt. Hall 1 :(tf-« h(}- llphicatiioas for Mliflaxr iPost, 422, Veterans of Foreign wars, ball tickets di sh im 'ed ai the [,i- meets in room 306, Union. 7 :30--University 'Unit of 'U. S. Naval i5:00-Congregational choir rehearsesP st" o ar i Reserve force meets in the R. 0. T.I at the church. C. drill hal. i l{-Mmesof lDelta Sigat f aS .'.e t 1 P amd; h t ic sI root hold annual initation banquet in r 1 31 Martha CoAk buildig. Uno.Plc;ff n 'ae N 8:04)-Mtasques lpresents plays in i r no.Plieit e N alh Caswell Angell hall. 7 :30-11r. A. L. Snyder of the D~etroit; Parking" ig' "th side 8:00-University School of tusic stu- City ('las company :peaks to stu- o f 1ur'ti at 'n ' eet to dents recital in Recital hail. dents of chemical engineering and Th ayer strec.'u i action -__ business administration at the U'ri-} taken by th~e '~ e rs af- THUiRSDAY I ion. 'ter a reqi" ' o teb h ' 3:00-4 :0045,:04--Sixth freshmnan lee-!I S:CO-Debate ini the C'ongregational (coiflhifa council. lure in Hygiene for men given in cur ch between Prof. William 11. 1 ithenocsuetwveno een an cltreton ' Waterman gymnasium. Hobbs and Rev. Leyton Richards o itnvnehv ntbe lsdt 4:00-Michael S. Parg t etue War' Peace." parking, as the commissioners felt rglen#;lecuresr ithat this much space was necessary in French on "Antole France," inl 8:00-Prof. L. C. lMarpinski lectures I ;n he business district. Officers have jthe Physics West lecture room. on "Mapping the Grea.t Lakes," in been instructed to arrest violators of . '.:15-.John Lewis (Alli lectures onI the Natural Sc.i ce auditorium. thue new rule. "The Origin of Religion," in Lane l 8:14-University Clee chl) gives con.- -- hall. car t in 11111 auditorium. Pay for your Subscription today. A 5 a r sn It of c oper.i ion on thbe t ;kn ami utofin' iaver ity athletic;:? pant of the en gtain ering studients ad tl h kd:Uinoby thee engineering ni ent or coamiit tee , I,1 a aa ,s Uinlby general assembly of all engineering! They ., 'I eLN HAE NORM'A SHEARER TJOHNIM (TT RRTI THE entire country is STARTING THURSDAY rr*MM - - - A -m_-u a m { I 1 I II MkI V=ZAd= 0MMEMSl 1i