PAGE EIGHT _______ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCh 24, 1925 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received b~' the Assistant to th. Prea'dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. ni. SaturdaYh Volume 5 TUIES1)AY, MARCh 21, 192~ Number 130 1 University Senate: The third regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1924- 1925 will be held in Room C, Law Building, on the evening of Tuesday, March 21, at eight o'clock. Order of business: 1. Election of a member of the Board in Control of Athletics. 2. Election of three members of the Board of Directors of the 1\lichigan Union. John W. L~radsliaw, Secretary of the SenMe. ~otIce to all Members of the University: Mail addressed as follows: "care of the University of Michigan" has been delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Hall. It will be held until March 30, and should be called for at once, giving date of this publication, i. e. March 24. This list will not be reprinted. MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO STREET AND NUMBER. Alice Booker Edward P. Madigan Harold Marks Ruth K. Y. Cheng Owendolyn McAllister George A. Douglas F. L. Everett Frederick Eberson Charlotte Fralick William H. Ilarbert Keith Eutchings Pat Kelliher Georges Plasse Crosby Rees William C. Rice, Jr. Hide SEhiyohara Charles W. XVaters Ralph A. Wike lliisiiiess A4lIIhui~triIljon aiid $eII ioi' Literary Stiideiit s : The representatives of the "Del 1 System," who are now interviewing I seniors in the Engineering College, will be in Tappan hall on Wednesday and Thursday ( Wedn , lne'd'tv afternoon esday morning iii htOolli ~01 We~ and Thursday in Room 206) to interview Stu(lents in the School of Business Administration and seniors in the Literary College who are interested in I)ermanent employment after graduation. A short talk outlining the activities of the Bell System and its per- sonnel nee(ls, will he givexi in Tappan 206 this afternoon at 4:30, to all who I may wish to atten(l. Mr. J. IJ. Martin, '22, will he in Tappan 206 on Tuesday to schedule ap- l)ointments br stuolents who may wish to arrange interviews at a definite time. E. E. Daiy. English 3-Puldic Speahilig ~or* Ejigijicers : Regular weekly as~;elul)ly will he held Thursda y. March 26, in Room I 348 of the West Engjneer~ng Building. Chairman. Mr. V. C. Metcalf; Speak- ers: Messrs. H. 1-lanford, I-I. C. 1)ahnke, R. K. Chappel. L. Iluell, J. C. Lever, C. L. Foster, C. 1W. Clemens, II. F. Smith. II. Ij. Liiideiuiulder. Piiilw Sjiealung :if The following students from IiIy classes Will Sl)eal( 011 Wednesday eve- ning: Wilsen, r1~l1oma Oldham, Elliott. Watson. Sherwood, Selmeier, foals, Banks. Cm wford, Lowe, an(l Tolie. Carl (~. Brandi. Senior Engliacers : No orders will 1)e taken for invitations and announcements after Wednesday, March 25. Order now at table 2n(1 floor En~ineering Building International ~ig1,1 : The re are a tew ('osinopolit an Club members or friends ~vlio have as yet I failed to turn in a record of their ticket sales for "International Night ." All ickel s should he turned in at once. Leave at Lane I-hall, oflice,, in care of Rensis Likert. Only by prompt attention to his can a complete repOrt. be prepared for the Club luncheon this coming Saturday. herbert C. beet, Treasurer, .Ini ernst lonmil Night. Atl~insoii irize (entest All students who expect to enter the Atkinson l-'rize Contest are i'e- I quested to meet me on Tuesday at 4 P. M. 205 Mason I-Jail. Lionel (reeker. ('Ioral Union Behearsa~~ : Full rehearsal for men and women Tuesday, 7:00 P. 1W. School of Music. Important. Earl V. Moore, Conductor. M('Illbers OX the l1Ii1e1~4ity ok Mieliigaii Band: There will be a rehearsal of the band tonight at 7:10 at the band head- quarte m's. Robert V. Halsey, I). N. A. S. M. F.: Mr. Calvin II. Rice, Secretary of the National O.rganization, will give I an illustrated talk on South America Tuesday, March 24. 7-8 P. 1W. in the N. S. Auditorium. The meeting is open to the public, but every student and Faculty member of the organization is especially urgcd to attend. 0. IV. Reed, Clisirijian. Physws ('olloquiuin : The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. 1W. in Room No. 1041 New Physics Building, Tuesday, March 24. Professor E. F. Barker will speak on "Anomalous Zeeman Effect." All interested are invited to attend. II. 1~1. Randall. )Iililary Ball: r be of Ehere will a meeting the Military Ball Committee in the Michigan Union, Room 323 at 7:15 P. M. tonight. Nathieniat kid Cl tib Luncheon for the Club will be served in the Michigan Union, on Wednes- day, March 25. at 12 .15. IV. W. Fenton, Sec'y. Annual Freiivli Play g rihlere are still a few ollenings for male parts in the French play. Can- (lidat ( 5 l)l(2aSC meet me in 202 South Wing at 4:00 P. 1W. today. Robert V Fin ney, i)irevtoi'. To illeinhers of ~elta Sigma Itlie : The annual initiation banquet will be held in the Michigan Union Thurs- d~i v, March 26th, at 6 :00 P. 1W. All members of the Delta Sigma Rho on the campus are urged to attend, members from other ('ha pters are especially invited. Reservations should be made as soon as possible-call Alexander-2619. 11. L. Alexander, President Aipliat of Michigan. Atleiphi: The meeting this evening (7:30, on the fourth floor of Angell hall) will be devoted to a. discussion of the use of injunctions in labor disputes. The I)lii)hiC is coi'diallv invited. Richard Ford. 1{oiind Up ('lab: There will be a Round Up Club Smoker at the Union Wednesday, March 25th, at 7:30 P. 1W. lAw. B. Rietlie. iEngineering St udeiils: Professor Erik Lindquist, of the University of Stockholm, will give an illustrated lecture on the 1-fy(Iraulic Laboratories of FJurope at 10 A. 1W. Tuesday. March 24, Room 445 XVest Engineering Building. All interested am~e Invited. 11. W. lung. l3lomuingt cii. hliti .,M ilIlili 23.-Infli- ana. university keeps ill touco With I 200,010 alumni and friends through I the medium of 50 official bulletins. ac- coroling to the supervisor of universit.y l)nblications. 'Read the Want Ads WANTED! Discarded Suits, Overcoats, and Shoes1 Highest cash price paid, Telephone 2601 120 Fourth Ave. C. II. BROWN Tano ,Jodai Laurice baird Lockrow 4. Connn.lttee on Reorgiiiiizatio~i of liegistrar's Office: -. As announced through the mails, the members of this Committee are asked to meet in my office Tuesday, March 24th, at 4:00 P. M. Seiiiors hi the College of Literature, Scieiiee aiuiil the Arts : The attentiOn of seniors contemplating gra(luatc study is called to a short pamphlet entitled "An Open Letter to College Seniors," written by the Dean of the Graduate School of the University of Iowa and published by the National Research Council. Five hundred copies of this pamphlet are now ready for distribution and stu(lents are invited to call for them. This pub- hication has been widely distributed for a number of years and has i)een read by students with interest and profit. John II. Effinger. The sixth freshman lecture in Hygiene for men will be given in Water- man gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, March 26 and 27, at :1:00-4:00-- and 5:00 P. M. (x. A. May. The final lecture for 1924-1925 of the combined course given by the Sigma Xi and the Junior Research Societies will be given in the Natural Science auditorium Thursday evening, March 26th, at 8 o'clock. Professor Louis C. Karpinski of the Department of Mathematics will give an illustrated lecture upon "Mapping the Great Lakes." The material for the illustrations will be drawn from the valuable collection in the CIe- ments library and from Dr. Karpinski's own collection. The general public is invited to attend this lecture. A~dred Scott Warth in, President, Signia Xi. Foreign Students: The annual Spring Trip (luring the week of Spring Vacation (April 13, Monday, to April 18, Saturday) through five Michigan cities will again oc- cur this April. Industries and colleges and municipal institutions will be inspected under most favorable auspices. Entertainment will 1)0 provided in American homes. Cities visited are Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Flint. Total expenses will be under $15.00. Detailed informa- tion is available from. Professor J. A. C. Hildner (room 302 University Hall,, in afternoon) or from Canton Wells (room 3224 Angell Hall). A similar tour over a somewhat different itinerary is being arranged for the women through Miss Mary H. Ross, Newborn y Hall, telephone 937W. Carltoii F. Wells, Faculty Manager in charge. Music And Drama (Continued from Pa go Von r) act comedy, openetl last evening for a week's run at the l~luyhouse with the following cast: Belinda.............Eleanor Meston Delia............Elizabeth Harwick l3axter...............Harry Britton Devenish...........Llwood Fayfield Tremayne.............C. V. Brown Betty................I3essie Brown * * * AM ERI('ANA Reprinted from the l)etroit Free Press of Sun(iay. March 22: "Over 600 representative club wom- en of Detroit and vicinity will attend U "KEEP SMILING" I the annual luncheon of the I)etroit I Federation of Women's club Friday, March 27, in the Book-Cadillac hotel Miss Grace Hockox, of the Hockox stu(hios in Chicago, will give a Shake- spearean program in costume. She will appear first as Portia in 'Julius Caesar' . . Read the Want Ads II." Dancing Wednesday Night at Granger 's And every Wednes&la y, Friday nuud Saturday Nights MusIc by Bill Wiitidii~ and Ills Vranger Eight Just as long as we do cleaning and pressing will have a smile on your you your face. Quick Service Good Work 1!itilo Oliphant, Chiairii I Ian. -ml 328 South Main St. Phone 644 CRNCEI 4CADENIV - -. - - .~w ~ .4. 'a .i. .5.5 .j,5. 4. 4 4 STWHrUPPLY GRE r~vice M;gidk~ I * m I BATS BASEBALLS GLOVES Sporting Goods at a Time When You Need Them liii South University A ye. Phone 1 I6O-R 4!him~j QIIUIT PRESENTS ITS 41st ANNUAL PRODUCTION THE LITTLE HOME LAUNDRY A Service that will recall the care taken of your laun- dry at home. 922 CATHERINE ST. ~.....,..EUUUEEEEUEUEEWUEEEEEEUEUmUU~ ~ Book Bargains Ii U U U U '3 are freshent up and made more at- tractive each (lay with new books U U U U BY SUTTON ANE ~\VAFI 'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE NiU.,,UUUUUSUUUUEUUUEUUEUUU m *UUEEU*UL hit ey Theatre 3 p .ne~.n.anwa JI II Read the Want Ads SLEEP ANY WHERE BUT, EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Stt..t Near State and Packard St.. U U U I rs y - U -d April Tenth! We still youl' port catlon. have time to make :rait before spring Va- Arrange for a sitting. U H U U U I '1 p I 8:15 Midnight Sons Quartette, Solos, Specialties U U