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March 24, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-24

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6.:r "

.fW~il ffMiseoliisii Two Mile r it IllFails T
In spite of ,1e fI.ct that the rac es
were not run l( cm (hug to sciioetule,

Prep Tankmen1A Iy 1IMflRAlUNVI fl Net Squad Has
ToMeet Here Vrwi VIW IIU~~L LhIIUU Outdoor Dri
Ti eeedSMASH DELAY MARK OPEN91 AIRiRIL the adven~Zt of sring weUt



. ,. Y . _ _ _. .__ . _ ____

1 t ,,

Au;;tin, TeOX., ark28 nthr A E-CAMiPUS TRIACK(MEET

1,t~ r'M;(?ela stic tiack meet at t he fieldl
house last Saturday, the comning

iiaie o VeToIeam 11Places Sieond I'1w
1B.A.C.fa Slai T tl

wel Ivla?'s at hi tic schedule will in-G
('lode the first annual Interscholastic DNEL 'INS 10
swim aiug meet, whichi will mark the
opeingof the new [Tnion 1)001, and
the a fat~e IJIter; C 1olastic basketball MichIigan's t40) ye rd relay team
tournament. !broke t1w tte irecordi for fthat dis-
Tlie asket ball tourney starts Thurs-' tance n 1a le 5iU~t~i meet held
(lay, w in~ing up Saturday night, To Friay niglt at the .Detroit At hletic
(late (Classes P and~ C have the follow- _

1 0nliielders (ha e Euingos (On Ferry ;the out door1 cement courts andid t Olymipic chitniiomi, j ~'[he annual intramural track and
Field Foar First 'Iiie hras been lpract icing on the", for- the fame runner of the we a i tidmetwl h ed oih
Year 'at as wek .i7 o'clock in Waterman gymnasium.
le-ecub a utoa3heTxsy A large number have entered this
t HURLERS KEP INL~dC3R At present there are thirteen menI lay all ets toa be stage{d 1"Iriday, Marc tounmn ndpriianswl b
KET N OO S on the squad. At the end of last sea- 27, on the 510(1111)1 track zt tournam0ie t and partcmpantrill be
-- son there were :sixteen, but inehlgibil- 1 0) ~ (~h h ieo h et h optto

k c(' 111lIch[ L~ n'b' ~ ~ 1 ' r1C- 1I ~ ~ ~1 i:tIA I MU 1 U IVU CUL Ln 1 h i ' Unii {1'v 1,UY,11 i>(

drum to the failure of WAiscosins twVo
rile relay tearn to arrive, the two
quartets which represented Michigan
° at the Third1 Annual Cleveland Ath-j
letic, club indoor track, met Satur-
day niht at Cleveland won both
events in which they took part.
Inasmuch~l as the Badger two milej
aggregation was the only team enterel
against Michigan, the two mile race
was changed to a medley. The men
who tooks the trip Wre Reine, rey- t
berg, hart, and Cochran, af milers,
lierrustein and Feinsinger, quarterr
ra lers, and I-icks, miler. Th meley
races consisted of two quarters, a halfj
aud a mile: In he first race, I-art
ran the 80, Ierrstein adi Reinke
the quarters, and Cocran the mile.I
In spite of the fact that Reinke andc
Cochran were both running in d is-
lances foreignr to t hem so far as actuali
compeltition this year is concerned,<
the W ?gvernes won the race frontr
Ohio AWesleyan and Oberlin by a yard.
In the second meley, Freylerg ran
the half, and Reinke camne back anl
ran another 440 with only a few min-
tes' rest bet ween the 1two races.
Finsinger in the quarter and flicks
in the mile comleted the team. This
race was even closer, Michighan's out-;
fit winning by a foot from Ohio State'
and Oberlin.f
The teams won the Cleveland Ath-a
](Aic club gold cuppanti the A. G.a
Spaulding relay cp as trophies o1'
1tLe i vict ork s.I
Soothness Of
Big Prep Meeti
"One of the smooU 'lest telck met
I ever saw run off was the 'wa in1
which Ted Canty, vetet an annoruncr
of the "ig ten (describedl the first
annual indoor interscholastic meetv
held last Saturday night in thu Fieldi
house. The oinion of Canty, wh
knows jst about as much abou't trac :
meets as anyone in te count r., as
echoed by air number of prominent of-
ficials present at the carnvl. The_
dispatch with which the events were
run off not only ket the boy at-
letes humrping but also actually coi-
fused the crowd, which*came expeit
ting to see just an ordinary meet.
Credit for the conduct of the meet
goes first of all to Coach Charles
Hoyt, freshman track men tor and
trainer of the Varsity teams who
had been working to make the met o
success for the past three moths.
Kenneth Seick, '2C, inerschola st ic
muanager also deserves a large
amount of the credit. Coaches Wi-r
man, Fisher, Mather and Bot t and
track manager Archibald V. hMerrick,
together with Professors Holbrook
andl Carver, acted as judges and tim-
ers in several events while several
members of the Varsity trac team
took charge of their favorite vent .
The meet which was so successfully
run for the first time Sa urday is to
be an annual event according I (toa a
announcement made by the author-
ties of the Athletic association. Thle
marks made in the various events La~t
week will be recorded peraetly as
records andl will stand as canival
marks until they are bettered.
2 The
Blue Front

==A special new fountain I
service. Triy our malted _
Smilks and sof t drinks. I
- You'll be sure to enjoy
w themn and return for more, =I

ing entries: Class B: Lake Linden, j f" l).
Eaton Rapids, Sturgis, Grand Haven, iTLhe quartet cornpose~h of Samson,
Birmingham, and Petoskey; Class C: Dunakin, Kerr, and tCow swam to a
Bridgmoan, rt'hree Oaks, Harbor, ne st ate m.stof 44 minutes and 1
Sspring:,, tEa t Jordan, Pa rmington, and 1 second.,hbttering the old record which
St. Mary's high of Jackson. had stood ~for four years by eleven'
The swimmuirg meet will be the first: seconds. Inll ractice the quartet have
event of its kind ever held under bueen averaging 9secods(1 to a man,
thet auspices of the Un 1iversity, and but the water wxas a little too warm
will also 1)e the first orgrnizedl event'Saturday night for the Michigan tank-
to be stagedl in the $50,000 Union pool, Isters to be. at their best.
which will be complleted in time for' The Wolverine w.ater polo team(
the affair. This will take place Sat- composed of Mayer. Seidman, Duna-I
urd~y ftenoo. tkin, Samson, CGow, Starrett, andl
Coach Matt; Mann, Varsity swimming' Papenguth placed secondl in the night's
mentor, and Union swimming instruc- 1pay. The Michigan team played its
tor, is in charge of the clashIle ex- first regular game in the history of
pacts a lar ge entry list, made up Of the school in the preliminaries duringII
schools fromn Michigan. Ohio, and II- the al termno. Thy Wolverine squad
linois. It is plrobable that Lane Tech, 'survived t he early rounds of play
of .Chicago, national interscholastic without dtifficulty but 1). A. C. ran.
title holder, will enter its star team !ram pant over Coach Mann's puoloist.
inl the meet here, as the authorities 102
announcedl several weeks ago that Captain Kerr was off form in the
we're s:eriously considering the matter. backstrcoke and only placedr third to
T lhornas* of the lDetroit. Athlet ic club.
on as broke the slate recordi to winl
C09CUH LEUO R QUESS '1xEJn:i .. -.Littro h
fiesina tem l mcedt third in the
NEW CRNELLB OAT DOSE200 vard inmvila hion (?reaststroke race,
Mositi,. D. A. C., second.
-- I Jarnell of tihe 1tic igan freshman
Ithaca, N V.. March 23.-For the team t'cut the stato record in the 1 00
fourth time in the history of rowing; yard a st; to 57 secon(ds. Darnell swaum
at Cornell, the coach has appealed for; a pretty irac, and badth-ha not been
a new boat hiouse and bhad his req ie st St'or(:vd to ina k( a(IOUblla touch onl hid'
grantead. The new building has been 'secondt turn twQuid have bettered his
lsrniseml by the Alumni association ar by at least in m Irlitionlal second.
audi will be built across the inlet: trout Samson of M icliigami placed fourth in
the present sheller which has becomue this event.
inadlequate for housing the 75 mem- 1Arne Borg. Sw~veihish natator, br'oke
bens of the present squad. Drm. C. A. the world's rcod~( in a.A1,tO yardi cxlii-
Leudler, the new coach, has asked forf hi! ion race. 'flme former reco(d)hof
a. plain, fire-proof boathouse contain- 4 :40 which was held by Jolinny Weis;-
ing the necessary equipment and space tsmiull('r of Chicago was ('ut to '1:2)4
for storing the shells. !by the S xedish 'ecord seeker.
Princeton, N. J., March 23.- Four' Tetmelmtfr esnge1nn
hundred and sixty-seven Princetonj class bowling tollm'na maults has been
undergraduates are working their extendled unutil Tuesday night. At
way through college either wholly or that flime, 14 imen will qualify for the
in nart according to a report made singles, and four teams in the clan,
by the Bureau of student employ- tour'nament.'
mont. The semni-finals in the doubles tour
namnent are Mosner-Lapp vs. Heath
Read the W; ant Ads Crleton, and Locke-W' arney vs
' Y j umpus-Doyle.
SM ills Bnjiglt
Teeth Wh ite

first time this season. The -whole are O'Connell, Tlhomats and W oifen-
den. O'Connell is one of the best
t;eam (lid not prac.tice in the open as . players in the mtiddle West and his
the coach thought the winel too chillyi loss is one that. will1)0b felt by the
for his 1hurlers and infielder's, hut the ;squaid.
outfielders wore out for an houmr. He; At present the squad consists of
gave thm an extensive drill in elas- Captain Crane, Jerome, Vose, Elliot,
ing fly halls, and incidentally, they Greiner, Finklemnan, Slowinski, Olian,
were able to unlash their th-rowing and Krickbaumm. These men p~racticed1
arms fomr the first time this year. O very (lay in order to get into conidi-
The remainder' of the squad had idon early. Next week an elimination
their usual practice, hurlers served! tournament will start in ordIer to die-
up) balls for batting practice, and the termine the calibre of the muen on the
infielders had a fast drill uinder the squad.
direction of Coach Mather. The first match 'of the season will be
If the weather continues as it has with the Michigan Agricultural CO1-'
fom' the last: fewi days, this year will le'ge directly after the spring vacation.
be the first th at the team has been Iit is possible that a practice mnatch
able to get out o1' (loors before the' may be arranged for the team some
spring trip, (time (duriing time spring recess, but
Most of' the Wolverines' rival aspir'- this is as yet indefinite. Following I
ants for the title have been working the return of the squad members after
omt in the sunshine for the past three vacation, there will hbe a cut made
weeks. andl the eight best c'andlidates will
At Urbana, Coach Lmmmu~lgren has I constitute thetelamn.!
)een giving; his chargesa five inning ; If the present wxeath-er remains for


the 1!"24 f1 OIiy pescsin. omut b h a~l_ this yarm will be especially been, due
es Chre adhk to thme fact that memubers of the Var-
(cz'hrle ty ea rc- . s;t~ ity and freshman track squads are
Sehos'soutry v'e eo'; vil I0ii~ Ibair'd.
by L~. Theo. itch I ont, Varsityv atl-
letic director. Local trmact, fan;, a;' The meet is one of individual chain-
lookiing forwardI to a. 220 yam Idexllbi- pi)I(nshiip5. To an athlete scoring four
tion race bet1weeni Scholz <amid "BIudt' po011in the meet:, a track shirt with
Evans, the Illinois Universit y flash., mnuierals will he awarded.
On a one turn track., Evans holds the zlThe events of the meet are as fol-
Iworld record, both for the 220 yards, lows: 50 yard dash, 440 yard run,
Iand for the 200 meters. Coach Clydle, half umile run, umile run, two mile run,
Littlefield of the Texas Longhor'mm;, hib; jumup, broad jump, pole vault,
also, is plan riimi to rin Alton 1>at- !s=hot put, 65 yard high hurdles, and
grtt of Cameron and l .Jrioiue Ihnda 01' the 65 yard low hurdles.
Eagle Lake against lvamus and The interclass two-lap relay will
Scholz.I be held( at thme same time. Each class
Elnti y of Scholz inue the conipeti-E may eniter as many ,teams in the ev-
fion of the ee 192 Olymicicha'mpmion~ms Icut as desired; members of the win-
at the Tlexa.s, relay games. lean Kint- niig tea'tiwill be awarded jerseys
sey of Illinois 'University. Olympic l1and numerals.
champion in the 110 meter high hil
dTIes : and I Iarodh Osborne, o1' the Il-1Iboard of health is trying to diagnose
Uniiios At hietic clb, Olympic l7ecathI- it he disease.
40on and(1high jump (championem. are IOlin
other two. TLondon, March 23.-America's de-
Berlin, Inanmd 1for high gradhe oriental rugs it
Wrin Farch 2.-A aidl enumiiof, graduilally bringing about a Irenal:
an1 unkl.nown (disease has forca(A the) ance in the rrug making indutstry of
ccsimmg of a, un anohr ef schoouls. The China andl India.


caine a day for tile past ron days.;. any period of timne, work omn the clay
According to spIoirts, the Illini have courts may hue star'tedi befor'e spring
-z ('Iainiulonship team. vacation~. However this is not tihe
Mi l((i ,sot_ whl()sk'1)° eh 31ii ~a -usual pract ice andIthue work imay e 1~J ~~I --- - - - -- --


wvould be unable to get, out in the r delaiyed lentil alter tlue holidays.
-upeon for three mnome *weeks has g-otI Every mnan on time squlad at pr1esent
'"he inol h~leu' rivalIs by aling Ithem' is lpposdto repor't.each day for
;outilern trip earlIy. I practice, weather pleimittinug.
Lawrence. Kan., M~ar-chim2;.--T'ntoin-! new species of Insect which they pre
ologists at. Kansas university. are ex- diet will be highly beneficial to thne t
iaerimlenting in the pl odluction of a country.
A ligt tanoxfor
in sm oth eath r. -lilu
cher and alx models
Ther idalrngoe.
h3eR COMsping he.
Jor ifien ,s9nce 1&4
t r


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1~e0ndio In c.


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