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March 24, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-24

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republicatio of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwse
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
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Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
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of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
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Editor............John e. Garlinghouse
News ditor.............. Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor............Manning IHlouseworth
Night Editors
George XW. lOavis Harold A. Moore
looas 1'. 1hlenryv Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
hentnetl i . Kele Norman R. That
lC i Mac k
Sporl s Editor........William II. Stonenman
unvday Editor...-...Robert S. Mansfield
Wome's Editor............Verena Moran
Telegraph Edit r......William J. Walthour
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0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld
K. K. Klein I. J. Winenman

took charge of the new republic every- the campus as the man who would known composer and the vocal astute-
one prophesied a great futnre for her, deliver the opening speech for the ness of the cast there is much doubt
but unless some -great leader steps to Friendship Fund Campaign, he is also as to what "Blossom Time" would
the front very soon, billions of dollars referred to in the papers as Associat- be.
of foreign capital will be seriously ed General Secretary of the Y. M. C. The production was typically Shut-
imperilled. A. of the United States. I have a great bert( not the musician, but the


Easter Cards
and. Narcissus bulbs


admiration for this institution and the
A Pwork ldone by it since the war in
CAMPUS OPINION Europe in general and in Poland in
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communt- particular, and therefore I would hate
eants will, however, be regarded as to see this worthy institution drawn
confidential twon request.
into atny controversial political ques-
Ations, not to speak of any German-
ADViCE FREELY GIVEN Iolshevik propaganda. I think that
To the Editor: we have had enough of political propa-
In answer to Professor Levi's letter ganda on the campus for the past sevy
in the Campus Opinion of The ])aily eral years, and 1 consi(Ier it my duty
of March 22, I am perfectly willing to to protest against Mr. Eddy's address
go into the matter more specifically, especially if the propaganda is done
just as stated in the completion of my under false pretext or under auspices
letter No. 2, even without being coazed I of an otherwise worthy cause.
into it by spectacular challenges to -F. W. Pawlowski.
"duty and honor."
Neither Professor Levi, nor any-
body else who contributed to thej m u si C
Friendship Fund, need be alarmed
that the money collected on the cam- AND
pus will be used "to help along Ger- D R A M A
man-Bolshevik propaganda' and ID
very much doubt whether such a col-
elusion could be drawn from my let-I TilE ORGAN RECITAL
ters, both No. 1 and No. 2. The money Palmer Christian will offer the fol-
unquestionably will go to some tneedy lowing program tomorrow afternoon
students somewhere in Europe, and at 4:15 o'clock in Hill auditorium:

Messrs. Lee and J. J. of New York)
even to the red draperies in the see-
i ond act; which we personally haveI
seen in three (3) other similar oper-
etta produced by the above named


a needy student is a needy student.
irrespective of race, faitlh, and creed,
and I would be the last one to inter-
fere with anybody's willingness to
shed a tear in anybody's favor irre-
spective of thelmerits of the case.
However, here are a few things which
I learned while in Europe about what
might be called in general 'Ite Inter-
national Student Frientiship Move-
1. There are three big internat ion-I
al organizations devoted to fosteringk
of friendship andr mututal help among
students. They are: 'he C. I. E.
(Confederation of Intct-national des
Etudiants) ; the k S. l4. (European
Students Relief) with which th" Amer-
ican Student Friendship Fund is
affiiliated; and The "'Pax Romaia''
(Roman Catholc organization). I
2. They do not work in harmony:
the first one is accusing the second
one of being pro-German and pro-
Bolshevik, the second one accusing,
the first one of being pro-French, andI
the third one is Catholic.

Meditation .................. Bubeck
Andante Cantabile (Symphony
Gavotte (Mignon)...........aThomas
Choral in A minor .......... Franck
Aftonfrid (Calm dn soir) ......lagg
Eveningsnow at Fuki Iawa"...-
"A Young Girl in the Wind"....
Prelude to "Lohengrin"...... Wagner
Mlarche Pont ificale .......... Lemens
A review, by Robert Henderson.
In New York last season BrockI
Ptmberton produced Pirandello's "Hen-
ry IV" under the title of "The Living
Mask." Arnold Korpf played the title
role, Hobeirt Edmond Jones designed
I the settings, the costumes were of
silver and gold cloth, and the piece
closed with a two-weeks' run.
Last evening the Cleveland Play-
house presented the same mono melo-
drama-in many respects even better
than the New York production-but
the opinion of the audience was as di-


Night Editor-TJOS, P. HENRY, JR.
In an adjoining column is a com-
munication from Prof. Felix W. Paw-
lowski, of the Engineering depart-
ment., which contains a number of
statements needing qualifications.
In his paragraph 6, Professor Paw-
lowski finds three reasons why a con-
vention of students, gathered in War-
saw, Poland, last summer do not want
American help: (a) it is against the
sense of dignity and national pride
of the students to beg in foreign
countries; (b) it is the duty of the
respective governments to take care
of their own needy students; and, (c)
inasmuch as most of the so collected
money goes to Germany and to Rus-
sia, "suspicion arises as to some par-
tialism or favoritism to say the least."
With regard to Professor Pawlow-I
ski's reason (a), it need only be said
that Poland managed to swallow her
nationial pride during the last several
years to the extent of receiving for
her own rtudents several hundred
thousand dollars from the Friendship
Fund. Concerning (b), the fact re-
mains that when the Polish students
were in distress, the Polish govern-
ment failed to help them. And with
regard to (c), Professor Pawlowski is
apparently unaware that for every
dollar of money solicited in the United
State by the Friendship Fund and
spent in Germany, three dollars of its
money has been spent in Poland-
which hardly point to a pro-German
In his paragraph 7, Professor Paw-
lowski rays that there are Russan;
refugee students all over Europe who
are in a pitiable condition; but he has
erroneously stated that these students,
receive little help from the Frieno-
ship Fund. As a matter of fact, the1
Frendship Fund organization is con-
ducting work among the Russian
refugees today in every European
state, is doing loan work in a numbert
of South' American republics where{
Russian students have emigrated, andl
has even sent help to a group of them
who fled to an island in the South I
Seas, and who are now destitute.c
The account of a memorial servicef
held in New York Cjty Sunday in hon-;
or of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the "Father" 1
of the 'hinese republic, and attended I
by more than a thousand persons of I
every race. creed and color, calls1

Now, where there is so much dis- vided. "Henry IV" is a very great
sension about such an apparently Sim- Iplay, a closet drama they say, and a
pie question as helping the needy, T, very bad play, The theatre is a place
I personally, would feel likerefraining t pbe melodramatic in, to be under-
from associating with either one for stood, and granmly moved. But when
f the time being; but this is just my the exact relation of the characters is
'rivate oiin only finally revealed in an obscure
?.aTeCopinion. .isentence as the curtain falls, the play.
3. The C. I. IE. is undoubtedly thenomtehwgrtacnepi, s
largest organization representing the not effective.
majority of countries and the major- "Henry IV" is a profound, subtle
ity of the student organizations of the and moving conception, a study in odd,
respective countries. abnormal psychology, and if you could
4. The German student organia- endure its climaxes of horror, say, six
tions do not participate in the annual performances, the meaning would
meetings of the C. 1. E. but call in- soon become evident. Such plays are
ternational student meetings of their psychoanalytical, pathologic - two
large words to cover, blank wonder.
own.LThe story tells of an Italian Mara
5. Last summer the annual meet- quis, who has gone insane after an ac-
ing of the C. I. E. was held in War- cident while riding to or from a car-
saw, Poland, while the German meet- nival. Later he has regained sanity
ing was held in Elmau. Bavaria, under only to continue his game of the mad-
the auspices of the E. S. R. ian. As the play opens his betrayer
6. The prevailing sentiment among arrives with his mistress to affect a
the 600 odd delegates from practically cure of the lunatic. With him is a

i '

brothers. There was the same sad a-
tempt at dancing by a chorus which
must have been chosen for their
voices, although we do not recall their I
singing paictuularly. 'There was the
same comedy relief, if such it may e I
called, rather strenuously supplied by
Teddy Webb, whose hilarity was based
chiefly on a side view of his stomach
and the pronunciation of the word
"suspicious." At times he was funny,
but the times were not too frequent.
Schubert was adequately played and
sung by Hollis Davenny and Patrick
Kelly did well with the part of Baron
Franz Schobert, strange as that my
sound. The three cronies, Vogel, Ku-
pelweiser, and Von Schwind, spend the
evening singing and slapping each
other upon the back. They did both
quite well. Gertrude Lang's Mitzi was
appealing. She decidedly has a voice.
The remainder of the cast was also far
above the average road company
The plot of the piece, which so the
program says, was taken from the life
of Schubert, was a rather wierd mix-
ture of fact and fancy. The authors
started off headed straight for the
tragic end of lost love because a shy
lover was afraid to tell the girl of his
passion. So he asked a friend to sing
it to her for him and she fell for the
friend. But toward the middle of the
third act the box office began to weigh.
upon the conscience of the writers.
So they decided to compromise. The
result was that while Schubert sat
dying of a broken heart in the middle
of the stage, the surrounding ensem-
ble tore off a scintallating finale, full
of the proverbial pep. Somehow it
didn't seem at all right.
The compositions of a famous mn-
sician. made a worthwhile evening out
of what might have been a very dull
one. To quote a noted humorist, for
those who like that sort of thing, it's
the sort of thing they like.
*: * *
The following program to which the
public is invited will be given by stu-
dents of the University School of Mu-
sic tomorrow evening at eight o'clock
in the Recital hall.
March of the Dwarfs ..........Greig
Albertine Lockwood
Prelude on Fugue, No. 3......Bach
Henry Baker
Romance, Op. 2...........Svendsen
Mary Case
Waltz, E minor .............. Chopit
Pearle Reimann
Song, A. D. 1620).... ....MacDowll
Phyllis Brown
Concerto, A minor (second and
third movements........... .Bach i
Pauline Kaiser
Sarabande .................... Bach
Crapshooter's Dance............Lane
Robert Henderson
Accompanimhents by Rena Pavitt.
* *
A review, by Lydia Kahn.
There is a platitude that runs in
this wise: "Why should we take it
upon ourselves to try and reform oth-
ers, when we need redemption our-
selves? When most of us, after all,
are only too human . . ." But it is a
dramatic, effective dogma, and two
plays during the last month hav
bluntly dealt with its truth, even if
with different virtues.
Both took for their theme the ex-
periment of a minister, 'and both
painted ministers as grossly human
creatures. That, however, is as far
as one can carry the comparison.
Wheres "Simon Called Peter" is a
sensual melodrama appealing to the
obvious tastes of the gallery-and the
stalls-"Rain" is a poignant, moving
It presents a problem--now blatant-
ly known through a myriad of criti-
cisms-and treats it from both a
psychological and philosophical point
of view. A party of four missionaries
are stranded on a heathen island in
the South Seas called Pago-Pago.

They are forced to take their meals
at the only inn in the village kept byI
a white man, originally from America.
and his native wife. A girl, obvious-
ly of the streets, is also stranded with
them, and while they are there the
minister takes it upon himself to re-
form the girl. From a brave, vivid
creature she is changed ito a scared
broken woman. Conversely, as soon
as he has apparently moulded her
into a "reformed character," he shat-
ters all her ideals by proving to be
a cad himself . . . "And I thought the
joke was on me!" is the girl's final'
The production in its 'entirety was!
excellent. The scenic effect, especial-
ly, of the stiffling rainy season on a
tropical island was so realistic than
even the audience felt the oppression.
The acting of Miriam Cordell in the
leading role, Fritz Williams as the
physician, and Rapley Holmes as the







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all over the world assembled in War-
saw was in substance that the sti-
dents' organizations should not ask
financial aid of foreign countries, andj
particularly of the rather over-ex-
ploited territory of America, and the
following reasons were given in sup-
port of this contention: (a) It is
against the sense of dignity and na-
tional pride of the students to beg
in foreign countries for money to help
their needy fellows; (b) It is the duty
of the respective countries or their
governments to take care of their own
needy students or citizens in general
and that the students organizations in
various countries should work in this
direction; (c) Inasmuinch as most of
the so collected money goes to Cer-
many and to Russia, suspicionI arises
as to some paritalismn or favoritism to
say the least.
7. The most, if not the only, needy l
students in Europe at the present time
are the Russian refugee students,
spread all over Europe (and I ]wr-
sonally quite agree with this o pinion)
as they, being in foreign lands and
not having the hacking of their own
country or society, are in m uch worse
position than any other students in
the world. Neverthel ers, as I under-
stand, they share very little of the yI
Student Friendship Fund. About aG
year ago, Professor lomshakoff of
the Engineering School in Prague,
Czechoslovalka. a Russian refugee
himself, was in this country on busu-
ness for the Skoda works in lilsn.
Being also the president of the Fed-
eration of the Russian Refugee Organ-
izations of students and professors, he
tried to collect funds in this country'
for his needy countrymen outside Rus-
sia; he visited also our campus, but
strangely his attenipt was entirely ummi-
I did not intend to interfere with the
Fund Movement on the campus, as I

c. siit ... (thU zLams irUJIL hmere LinU jnot,

grows unsavory, indiscreet in print. At
last the Marquis, poisoned with a
brooding hatred of his guests, kills
the husband; the party flees the castle
and henry, now a hopeless imbecile,
gathers his stupid servants about him
I to continue his awful masquerade.
hRussel Collins as the nerve-wrecked
Henry gave a portrait more unre-
strained than Arnold Korpf but often
more vivid and dramatic. Technically
at. least, the performance was admir-
able: diction, gesture, the constant
shading of the voice, all the points
that are called correct. He is highly
talented actor--the phrases sound so
trite--he is an artist, then, with a
wealth of resources to carry him
fhrou.gh the impossibilities of a Pi-
irandello monologue.
Carl Reid as the Baron Tito gave
as vivid a characterization, a distorted
interpretation, almost a caricature,
but aptly in keeping with the wierd
novelty of the situations. He was a
villain in clown-white expressionistic,
and fully the most convincing actor in
the cast.
Finally the settings, costumes, and
lighting were beautifully, exactly es-
ecited: here is where the real su-
periority to the. New York production
entered. Their strange simplicity was
sonmcthing of a triumph; occasionally
when dyes and muslin combine ac-
curately t he effect is electric.
And in the end, one returns to the
beginning: "henry IV" is a very
great play, a closet drana, and because j
of its constant subtlety a very bad
play, almost Ft very bad play.
* * *
A review, by Valentie Davies. s
A ulnitlue event came to pass at the
Whitney theatre last Sunday night. I
'"lossom Time," an operetta, wasl
presented by a first class company. I
'Those who were present showed the I
proper appreciation for such a phe- 1
Inonmenon, by vigorous applause when1-
ever the action on the stage halted
long enough to permit it. Nor was the{
audience att l1 hiaser It gave the

between act
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